Sunday, December 9, 2018

Falling Into Place

Falling Into Place


As we rise each day we learn that another piece of the supernatural puzzle has fallen into place and another step towards the full answer is realized.  With all of the troubles and tensions mounting it seems impossible to have a normal and relaxed society again especially when every avenue taken seems to reach an inevitable dead end.  Human opinion after secular opinion floods our eyes and ears with views that seem will work but when implemented fall and crumble within minutes of such presentation.  How blind we have become to our own shortcomings that as each one is thrown into the mix they fall onto their personal sword proving ineffective to our needs once again.  Our heads pin round and round trying to find the true answer ignoring the reality that as long as we continue to provide such futile and humanistic answers the pieces of our destruction will continue to fall into their place.  The only answer we need is God and we will immediately see such answer’s effectiveness if we just turn our hearts back to Him and live under His protection again.

It does not matter what the event may be, this world will do its best to spin its cycle enough so that some type of turmoil is visibly recognized by the public and takes away from the tried accomplishments of said events.  It should readily concern us that so many people have differing opinions enough and are passionate about them that they routinely cause havoc in violently protesting those who do not agree with their position.  Many of these types of protests and protestors have no motivation in demonstrating peacefully or even having constructed dialog with those who see differently, in their minds those days are over and the only way to see things get done or at least noticed is to cause some type of disturbance.  That all may be well and good for those that agree with this policy but they should also recognize that violence breeds violence and this breeding policy does not stop with just one side of an issue many sides and opinions will weigh in as well thus creating a fight that could rally ugliness from other countries if left to fester long enough.

Why has it become so important that “my opinion is correct and your differing opinion is wrong which means that you need to be silenced”?  It is evident that through this type of mentality we are purposefully placing ourselves in danger from within our own borders both personal and national and as long as we continue to do so the world that we have desperately wanted to become like is closing in around us in order to take a piece of the pie when we fall to our knees.  See, other nations understand that if we fall the entire world shall reap the consequences of this event so in order to minimize the massive losses they are turning to our land as necessity items for their own survival.  This is the perfect example of what occurs when a society implodes and looters rise to the occasion and present themselves as soon as the shaking stops.  This type of scenario is our own fault and we have decided to sit back and give these people a chance to “express” themselves all over our own personal property.  What type of heart condition are we really in, people?  How bad has our lives become that we would rather see our own personal property destroyed so that we can collect our insurance policies and walk away richer than before?  What we do not understand or refuse to understand is that through these actions of ours we are proving the Bible correct and in this article God wants us to know just how our actions are placing the pieces of the end times together and that everything is falling into place as we sit and watch our world fall apart.

Incredibly enough, the individual rhetoric along with the business and political rhetoric systems are proving to be entities that no one can escape and if you do not fall into line with these entities then you are sought after and hunted until your tongue is silenced or you change your tone and begin to freely converse with these organizations and beliefs.  Every piece of industrial might and every nation and region are being slowly yet methodically drawn into this unstable yet popular state of condition and unless something finds a way to halt this pattern building our world will be unrecognizable within a few decades barring any disastrous procedures occurring before the time period has been completed.  The Church has fallen right into step with such entities and has gladly reversed her course of existence through such collaborations with the world, if you would have asked me twenty odd years ago if the Church would ever become politically correct I would have said no, but as of today I realize that assumption of mine was just like that, an assumption that has been proven wrong.  However, I also have studied the Word of God more during that period of time and I have also learned that all of these events in this paragraph actually prove the Bible correct and has to be done in order for everything to work as God has authorized so long ago.

Our passage of reference today is John 16:33 and it states as follows: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”  When God conquers anything it means that it has been defeated and everything that whatever He has conquered is defeated as well and this IS good news.  When God moves He does so in a unique manner and if we are not careful we speed up or infer such destruction faster than what would normally be; in other words, God has to conquer something that has reached a point where His attention is needed.  Humans have always believed that what they choose to do can override or is better than what God can do, provide or has said to do, we see this type of belief today and it has been there ever since the Book of Genesis. 

While some people might take this verse as a condescending verse and one that shows the power of God hanging over humans since they mess things up so frequently, it is not a verse as such but one that reassures us that God is in control of things even when we try and correct our mistakes on our own.  We fell from our perfect places a long time ago and until we meet God face to face again in His Glory, we will never have that opportunity again to live in such peace and tranquility that is why the title of this article is significant because when we fall we have the choice to allow God to brings us back up to His standards by accepting His Standards in our lives again or we have the opportunity to continually be kicked by our enemy while we are on the ground.  The verb to fall is very specific and it is an action verb in which someone or something is falling from a position into another position.  It is common knowledge that whatever falls does not do so upward that it is always down and usually hurts when the endpoint is reached.  John 16:33 says that Christ has conquered this fall and that we can be picked up and restored through Him so that our lives can continue according to how God intended for them to be.  But what we are really witnessing is that we are ignoring this truth about God and His Son and going along on our fallen positions and trying our best to react as one usually does when one has fallen, be angry.  Many public speakers, a good portion of entertainers, some ministers and countless general civilian participants are adding their opinions to this fray concerning the world stage and further dividing the societies which deepen the instability of these societies as well.

It is becoming increasingly common to hear someone stating an opinion that strikes a volatile chord to someone else and even when apologizing for their sense of duty and respect is not adhered to and their actions are criticized and remembered for a very long time; to only a certain group of people I might add, others get away with such atrocities and are actually praised for such actions.  It is easy to have the belief that Rome is burning down and panic fills the street but what is the leadership of this nation, on all sides, doing and how are they responding to the situation?  Sadly, while historians bicker about whether or not Nero actually played his harp while Rome burned I can guarantee you that action is exactly how we are combating our situations today.  This action or ours or lack of action I should say provides us with the perfect example of how the world is falling into its place, Jesus said many times during His ministry that this state of affairs would occur in our lives.  If one adds in all of the protests, resistance movements, demonstrations for all causes and other violent presentations, they cannot help but notice this escalation of tensions and building instability, the world that they have chosen has run its dead-end course and many now realize they have nowhere else to run resulting in heightened excitable turmoil that now spills out into the street.

John tells us that even though every day the world becomes crazier by the hour and further turmoil arises, Jesus still provides us with the answers to calm our storms and cease the existence of such degrading living conditions.  It is amazing to me that people do not see this truth and run to Christ willingly and as fast as they can but even with the truth in front of us we ignore it and toss Christ and God out of our lives like spring cleaning.  The attitude of the Church has been outrageous over the past centuries and how the leaders of the Church have reacted towards the people is appalling, no wonder so many want nothing to do with church or anything that she stands for or against.  But with those who still want the world to understand Christ and know that God loves them and wants to protect them, it is our responsibility to turn hearts around and allow Christ to show them the truth about why things occur and why the world is in constant chaos.

There is a small caveat that needs to be shared with here and it has to deal with the condition of the world.  The logical question that comes to mind concerning this verse is why does Christ find it necessary to declare that He overcame the world?  We must never forget that God cannot change in any way and through this portion of His definition it is His duty to do His best to correct what can be changed for His Kingdom.  So, if God has to overcome something it means that the condition of whatever He overcame (conquered) was not going to change so He had to win what was in His Way to advance His Kingdom.  If we read history, we shall find that chaos has always dominated the lives of humanity, it does not matter which era of history one wishes to explore chaos and devastation ruled and it continues to rule today which is exactly the reason why Christ made this statement because through this victory He has given us the authority to do the exact same thing.  What does this bit of information do to your heart?  Does it do nothing and keep your beat steady and unchanged or does it stir within you a desire to tell someone that things are coming to a peak whether we know it or not?

As I have watched the events of this world unfold and as we watch things come to pass in our screens, I have told many people that our actions are actually proving the Bible correct.  I receive many different looks from those around me when I say those words but they are of value and absolute truth.  John 16:33 says to us that the world is in complete chaos on good days and that we should expect nothing less from such a devastating condition but more importantly, this verse also tells us that Christ has conquered the world which places things into a different perspective if we follow Him instead of the world.  Christ is the overcomer and the salvation of our lives and if we only accept this Truth within our lives our entire existence would change and we too can walk around as conquerors and not depressed and defeated lost just as many others are.  The world is doing exactly what it can do, fall into place because of the nature that it exists through its ruler.  Sadly, the Church that Christ began when He gave us the command to go into all the world has fallen down and has proven to wise eyes and hearts that she is part of what is falling into place as well.  With this added confusion to the entity that was created to show the dark world the light, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that the world is really and truly falling apart, but it Truth it is only falling into place.


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