Saturday, December 29, 2018




If certain physical laws were not in permanent place the life we know would be totally opposite and would be considerably shorter and more troublesome at the same time.  God has established the perfect state of living when it comes to such laws but He did not stop at just the physicality of our lives He established the same laws for our eternal life as well.  Through this completeness on both sides of our existence, God has given us a full spectrum of confidence that He shall never leave us no matter if things look the bleakest.  God’s desire is for us to not only live in these laws that He created for us but to understand them and know why He gave them to us in the first place.  Currently, we are ignoring such gravitational pulls from God’s spiritual connection a grave error on our parts for it is this spiritual law’s existence that we only know and if we continue to ignore God then our decline is inevitable with holy devastation to follow.

Most of us who walk this earth’s floor do not even think about what keeps us from taking a step and immediately flying up in the air never to return to the floor again.  While it would be fun to have weightlessness and to bounce around off the ground for a while, it would soon become cumbersome enough that our frustrations would override our enthusiasm for such an event.  But as you and I walk about this earth, ride in buses or cars, and even get into an airplane and travel to another part of the country or even continent we witness a physical law that if not in place would present such a floating and frustrating condition.  Gravity is a presence that we cannot feel, we cannot see or even hear but it is one that serves as a constant measure that keeps our feet on the ground and our planet from spinning off in the universe uncontrollably.  The law of gravity is only one of the specific laws that are in place that keeps you and me alive and in working order, a wonderful concept and truth that we take advantage of each day as we wake up and one that we should thank God for just as often that we did not have our roofs come crashing down on us as we sleep.

What many people, including myself, do not understand is that if this single law of gravity is not exact and precise as it is then everything that we know as life would be thrown into chaotic destruction that would tear our existence apart piece by piece.  Now, I am no physics expert but it is easy to come to the conclusion that if such a miscalculation or variable would occur at any point in time, past or present would have cataclysmic consequences, yet we have not witnessed any complete gravitational pulls in such a manner, a testament to the constant, continual, and complete existence of a physical state.  This is just a single piece of evidence that mankind has to identify with God for He alone lives and breathes in the exact same condition.  When I took Physics in high school, my teacher taught us that this physical force is not active in just one direction but it fights variable activities around it in order to keep it steady and constant and up until then (now as well) no opposing force has defeated it for superiority.  It is this concept and truth, even though our eyes do not see its content that rules our lives and shall never cease to produce a constant living environment.  The way that I adapt and think about this invisible force comes from the fact that I was adopted as a baby and even though I never met my biological family until I was in my 40s, some of the traits that I displayed growing up now have answers to them even though I could not see them physically manifest from my other siblings; invisible and not aware of hem but they were still there a condition that many of us will someday understand about God and everything He has in place to keep us in His fold.

We have a connection here between the physical law of gravity and the law of spiritual gravity that God keeps intact every day.  Through this spiritual law, God gives complete connection to His beloved Creations an eternal direction that only He can provide.  It is a law that is constant, pure, and holy the exact condition that our origins demanded when He formed us from the ground.  This law is not a new one nor is it created and established on some opportune day or even at a whim, it has been in place ever since we existed and it shall continue until God changes our eternal lives at some point in our future.  We have a wonderful view of this law and just how specific it is to our individual existence in the Book of James and it is James 4:7-8 that will serve as the passage for this article.  This passage is another commonly thought about and used in sermons and teachings but I cannot think of anyone using it as a spiritual gravitational connection between God and mankind before, there may have been but I cannot think of any right now.

James 4:7-8 states as follows: “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye doubleminded.”  Now, where in the world would we find the law of spiritual gravity in this passage?  It is a logical question that some might ask, but the answer is clearly stated here and is given as the avenue between God and mankind.  The first portion of verse 7 states that we are to submit ourselves to God which takes a process and a method in order to complete.  Some type of spiritual attraction needs to be in place so that our separated spirits can connect with God.  Why would we feel the need to do such activity and by what avenue would we be able to accomplish such a feat?  There can be no doubt that God is perfect and holy in every way known to mankind and more that we cannot fathom so there must be some type of connection that is present in order for this connection to occur and work for the good of our existence.  Every parent’s nightmare is to know that their child is missing or in some physical danger that could lead to their death.  When this situation occurs the parents throw caution to the wind and open every means possible in order to find their child before the unthinkable happens, it is this type of gravitational pull that God already has in place with His children that gives us this eternal connection and the means by which to submit to God, resist the devil, to draw nigh to God and to receive the connection God has for us.

This connection is already in place, and God has placed this gift within each one of our hearts for if God was not our Creator then how could He or why would He draw nigh to us, especially since we have wronged Him for all our existence?  It is this constant pull and tugs from God that lies in place in our hearts that serves as the factor that is comparable to our physical law of gravity.  God does not waver in His call towards the human heart and He shall never back down until our hearts answer this pull.  God’s pull is a constant and steady invisible force that does not slow or fade but remains true at all times.  If we did not have a physical law to compare this spiritual law of God’s it would be a tad more difficult for us to grasp the Truth about God and His love for us.  The key to this connection is our participation first, not God’s.  God already has things in place and in order, it is us who chose to lose this automatic connection long ago and it goes by law that we need to make the first step (election) in order for us to receive such gift again.  That is why these two verses generate the truth and eternal connections when we do things that are required first.  In each step that these two verses give, the human must take action first then the result shall follow.  If we draw nigh to God He shall do the same, if we resist the devil he has to flee from us, we must clean our hands and purify our hearts, all of these are human actions.

This spiritual law of eternal gravity not only keeps us in contact with God through His holy presence it also gives proof that God Himself is alive and will never disappear or waiver in His Ways.  As mentioned above, if the physical law of gravity would waiver in any way our lives would totally be out of luck because life as we know it would be over.  If God had the same type of wavering detail concerning this spiritual law He would not be the all-knowing and everlasting Creator that supplies all needs to life itself.  God would be nothing more than a god like other idols that mankind build in order to fulfill their selfish goals of purpose.  The last portion of this passage gives reference to who actually lives by the status of the double mind and double standard and this reference comes from a single word “ye”.  This portion clearly states that it is the human who waivers in their status and belief and that it is our responsibility to correct the situation by taking steps towards God.  It is through this statement that deems God as the resource for stability and complete connection through His holy and un-adjustable gravitational pull of our hearts.

Church, as leaders to the world and the only witnesses that God has to those who are lost, the question that remains is that of are we doing what Jesus commanded us to do by teaching the correct way and belief concerning this eternal truth about God and His gravitational pull?  Recently, one of the more popular Christian music artists was asked if homosexuality was a sin and the person answered that she did not know if it was or not.  This person was born and raised in church and even as an adult does not know whether or not homosexuality is a sin or not?  God’s Word does not waiver on this issue either and is stated precisely how God views this choice of humans.  I could list several other issues that have recently popped up within the church community that vary from what the Word of God teaches, so again, God asks us this question: are we teaching the truth about the eternal and spiritual gravitational pull that He has for our lives?  Sadly and honestly, I must proclaim that we are not providing the truth about such eternal gifts that God has put into place, on both planes one that we believe and then the other that we proclaim to others. 

2 Timothy 2:13 tells us that even though we might not believe in God, He still believes in us and that He is still present and intact.  Are we following the truth behind Psalms 73:28 and acknowledging that it is a good thing to draw nigh to God through the constant spiritual force of God’s gravity towards us?  And are we approaching God with a pure and true heart acknowledging that we are complete sinners and that we need His constant pull in our lives so that we may understand our need for this pull in our hearts?  There is so much more to God than just a few simple articles of information.  It is not fair for us to turn our hearts away from Him and His Ways to try and blend Him with the world for it only hurts us in the end.  So why are we doing our best to teach this death portrayal to the world?  Why are we not teaching them what the Word of God says and how to approach God?  We need to stop and re-evaluate our beliefs and repent for what we have done and what we have not done and until we do this necessary deed, we shall miss out on the secure gravitational law that we need in our lives to ensure our eternal placement.  It begins with us and it ends with us and we do not need to go down with our enemy because of any selfish hindrance that harbors within us.  God is perfect and provides a perfect covering for our eternal life, and it is this truth admittance that retrieves God’s eternal gravity law and places it into the path of the hearts who accept its presence.


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