Thursday, December 13, 2018

Revival Warning

Revival Warning


All of us wish and want revival to come to not only our churches and nation but on an individual level as well.  Do we really understand the concepts of revival and how, when, and where it comes into our lives, and what action it plays or do we just wish to see the glory of the results and hope that it lasts for more than a short period of time?  There is nothing wrong with wanting revival in our lives for the entire concept of reviving something means that something has come back to life and has the ability to show off the difference that a revived entity has.  It is this truth about revivals that we do not know about for the process of returning something so destructed or left for dead does not correspond with what the ruler of the world wants, so the fight is on and we need to know what to expect in order for a true revival to occur.  It is God’s ultimate desire to give us a revival but it is just as a high priority of our enemy to limit or to keep revival from being introduced, established than lived within our hearts.  We want a revival and we need one but in order for us to obtain its full content, we must know how to accept it and then defend it or it will be gone and our lives in further corruptive states than ever.

I have heard for most of my life of revivals that have broken out in certain denominations and while this news is fantastic to hear about my disappointment also is just as high as when the news arrives that the revival settings have gone and have dried up, with the churches returned to their original state of worship and services.  Please do not get me wrong or misunderstand at all about this revival status for God wants to give us revival and a renewed sense of purpose and drive to win the world for Christ.  True revival should not be present at a certain level at one moment and then begin a decline at another moment.  A revival is just that it revives something back into a previous condition of life or strength for if it does not continue its momentum on a steady pace afterward it is not a true revival, for it will need to be recharged for some unknown reason.  It seems ominous to suggest that a revival should have any type of warning along with it, for any reason and it is easy to claim that what is about to be stated is false and not true.  However, this Word from God comes at a time where many people have claimed that revivals are here and yet not much has been said about such spiritual events which makes one wonder exactly what is really going on.

A true revival should not have to repeat itself but only add to another portion of our lives that is in need of restoration.  A revival should act as a compliment to what God has already done in our lives previously and not lead one into another direction.  If a revival does not catch hold then it is not God’s fault for He has delivered His message to His people in the manner to which they needed to prepare their hearts for change and restoration.  When God gives life it is our choice to either nurture it or to allow it to wither away and not take into consideration of what it means to have such an entity, the same is correct when it comes to revival for if revival does not instill life and renewal within our lives then it has become our choice not to secure its meaning in our hearts thus allowing its lessons not to be learned and then discarded over time.  What occurs during this period of time that we do not heed what revival is meant for us to understand?  Everything that God speaks deals with life and how we can have it abundantly according to His Word and Ways.  If we fail to understand what God is saying to us then we will automatically not be able to receive its meaning and further decay of our hearts will continue.  This time period will vary of course, but does it really matter how long this piece of our history is missed, for the origin of God’s message is missed and it is that point of reference that is the vital issue, not just the amount of processional time.  It is this action of God is the reason that revival services are exciting and refreshing when people show up before service begins and spends time in the altars seeking God and to hear His word to their hearts.  It is why the praise and worship portions of the services are dynamic and electrical in nature for it is this time that God is about to give direction to His people of how to defend themselves against attacks and to proclaim the Word of God to those who are lost at the same time.  This is the reason God brings revivals to His people and it is the reason why our hearts should be attentive 100% so that we may understand what He wishes for us to hear.

To pose a question concerning revivals is a problematic issue, but one that needs to be asked and thought about for it tells us if we really understood the revival’s message and which part of our lives it was supposed to be attached to.  As stated above, a revival is such that it restores our lives back to life which means that some area of our hearts has been weakened enough to grab the attention of God.  So, in response, He brings to the hearts of those listening to Him a message that should make others’ hearts uncomfortable enough that they either change their ways of totally give up on the cause that God is showing them.  If God has placed us in revival and has delivered a specific item of revival into the hearts of the people, God should not have to repeat that message again because we should have the willingness to personally allow God to examine our own hearts so that His revival words can be installed and then instilled within our lives.  God does not wish to have any “do-over” because that type of establishment goes contrary to His Kingdom agenda and pattern.  So, what is the reason for revivals if they do not last and are not fully received by God’s people?  Exactly, and it is this point that God wants us to understand about revivals and the reason why the title of this article is in such a way stated.

As you can tell this message is directed solely at the Church and one that she needs to take heed to before things become ugly and we have no idea of why things turned downward so drastically.  This is a serious topic with an eternal position for many of those who call themselves Christians but are not walking under the Covenant of Jesus for the events that are on our horizon have been ordained by God and shall occur.  ALL entities and organizations within this nation shall be affected with no one left out of the issues that will result.  This episode in our national history can be avoided but from the directive that God has given to many others and confirmed in my heart it does not look like any averting shall be noticed, this supernatural event will be physical but from God and God alone.  How can it be missed, as in the origins of such a catastrophe?  How can we stand here and ask such a question when we have not pieced together the revival settings that occurred in this land?  How can we be prepared for such a display from God if we do not understand or refuse to understand the peaceful and glorious words He gives through revivals?  God brings to us Ezekiel 37:1-10 and this passage represents a well-known passage but one that needs to be put into our hearts again for it is a telling prophecy and condition of not only the world but of the Church as well. 

I posed this question about why revivals do not repeat topics and her explanation was brilliant in that it placed all of the blame on things not changing and remaining changed on our lives and how we accept and then learn from the revival message that God has for His people.  While it is awesome that people show up early to pray and seek God while a revival is ongoing, that process must be continued not only at the alters inside the church building but inside the alters of our hearts as well.  If this eagerness and yearning do not reside within our hearts the purpose and meaning of the revival are lost or never took hold in the first place.  One cannot get more desolate than a valley of dry bones for if we ever encounter such a sight our minds would be blown for we would have no idea of how the visualized area came to be.  However, it should not come as a surprise to us because we have been taught that when God is not the center of our lives that this dried up dead condition will soon follow.  We may not directly understand why those bones are lying on scorched earth but evidently, the people to whom they belonged did not follow God in the manner in which He showed them.  When revivals come it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone who attends the meetings understands what God is saying to us, and most importantly it is our greater responsibility to tell others who do not know God what the message of the revival is about.

In verse 3 of this passage, God asks Ezekiel a question concerning the bones that were all around him, in that if these bones could live again after their present condition in death.  Ezekiel did not hesitate at all in his answer and stated that of course they could live again coming from the Lord God nothing is impossible.  In order for these bones to live again a supernatural Word would have to be given to them so they could live again, this means that a word of revival through prophecy would be the way that God would proceed with this restoration process.  The bones would come alive in the manner to which God was in control of through His Words and guidance alone and if the bones did not fully understand what God told them to do then their life would once again be snuffed out as they were when Ezekiel saw them.  Prophecies tell of us the condition of our bones as it was for if the bone is dead then there is no life within the heart and God uses revivals in order to tell us of our condition and at the same time prepares us to fight efficiently for the upcoming battles with the knowledge of how to complete the battle with authority.  But if we do not grasp the truth about the revival message, then we shall soon find ourselves lying back down on the valley floor.

This passage gives us one of the more perfect examples of how our lives change if we listen, follow, and obey God’s Word in our lives.  God cannot give any information to us that will not represent life, for He is Life itself and can do nothing but authorize life.  A revival is just that principle alone, the fight for life and the tool for us to have when the battle for life.  Remember it was the action that God told the prophet to do in order for the bones to come back to life, this means that it as the Word of God that gave the authority for the bones to live again; in other words, if we fully soak in the Word of God in our lives we cannot help but exercise life to the dying or dead portions of the world.  However, the only way that we can do what God and Jesus have given us and commanded us to do is if we fulfill the revival words that both have given to our hearts.  Again, while revivals are exciting times and they give us an energetic boost, it is our responsibility to continue the digging in the Word of God for continued words of wisdom so that we fully understand what He wants us to know and for us to know how to defend for the upcoming battle.  If anyone believes that after a revival has been started that our enemy will not begin his attacks against us, your heart is a dry bone.

This passage also serves as a great example of what occurs in our lives when revival messages are not received when they are given.  For when God gives us a message or topic in a revival sermon and we do not heed to it and learn as from it as we should then, and as God’s Word is always and forever alive it means that its content can and will be used against us by our enemy for our destruction.  Life builds upon itself and grows according to how we cultivate it, the same goes for the Word of God and if it is not sown properly it means that the reaping shall also not be proper which entails death right around the corner.  In this day and age we cannot afford to proclaim entities that serve the world for they cannot represent anything but destruction and death and if the Church does not have an alternative Truth against this death march then it is evident that we have missed the prophetic and revival messages that God has spoken to us in the recent and distant past.  Not all shall see this valley of dry bones for they have shielded their eyes with the world and its lust of death, but as the prophet Ezekiel witnessed some do see the terrible condition of our spiritual lives and wish to speak life unto these bones through the revival messages that God has for our restoration.

A bone that has dried up and died is no longer worthy of life for it has been displaced from its body for some reason.  If that bone that has the ability within itself to regenerate its living processes does, in fact, be allowed to live again there can only be one source of this restoration and that is from the Creator of that specific bone.  Our Creator and origin do not reside within the human body but from our eternal Father who began our lives so long ago, and it is through His Word alone that has the authority to give us the power of life once again.  It is the job of our enemy to mask this potential and the revival message that God is saying to us today.  Satan has done a fairly decent job in covering the bases of the Truth in order to furnish us with a deceitful lie in that anything that God has to say or offer does not apply to us and is of a non-concern for our future.  We have forgotten that every word from God is directed at our existence and for our survival both physically and spiritually

Sadly, many within the church body have fallen for this charade and have given into the lie that peace between God and the world is a valiant cause.  Through this belief in this lie along with an established amount of time we have laid down and allowed Satan to dismantle our lives to dry up for his cause and it is time we once again figure out that our bones are dry and lying individually on the floor and performing absolutely nothing to what they were created to do.  It is time we change this setting and allow God’s Word to sweep over our bones and allow our hearts to once again beat in order that our bones will function again.  God calls us to revival and when this time comes – which is now – we need to take copious notes with our heart and study the words that God has for us for if we do not then we fall subject to Matthew 12:43-45 once again.  What a beautiful opportunity we now have to understand the method that God uses to initiate and then grow through revival within our lives.


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