Monday, December 31, 2018

Two States

Two States


The complexity of some issues about life can seem overwhelming at times, confusing to our hearts, and other times horrifying.  But what we forget is that there is always a beginning point to these issues and it is our responsibility to know what the origins of these lines are and what they mean when it is our time to approach them.  There is a defining line that God’s Word tells us about and it has been overlooked by many for it was not then the issue of life and where we stand on its terms would totally be different.  We need to come to grips with the truth concerning this line and what it means when we come into contact with those who have differing opinions concerning life.  God is in the business of granting life and it is not His desire to have any of His Creations lose their life and it is time that we understand that there is a solid line of belief and it means everything to which side of that line is demonstrated.

What options are conceded when a final decision is made to change a life or another person’s world?  How does this election come to the line where the laws that govern them suddenly are enhanced, confounded, disappear, or are changed in an irrevocable manner?  Over the span of our lives, we have crossed many barriers that have had profound effects over the course of our journey only being able to reflect on how our lives used to be before such differences and changes occurred.  One of the more defined manners of this type of change is in the aspect of sex and when a person loses their virginity.  For when this occurs no one can return or step back in time and restore what has been taken, no matter in which manner it was given away.  Dear Lord, how can I compare something as specific as losing one’s virginity to a couple of Scripture verses, you ask?  Well, look at this topic and subject as you may, add whatever other permanent examples you wish as long as you keep the eternal status intact that God has shown us in the verses that we are going to be using here. 

Over the course of my lifetime, I have heard numerous sermons and teachings on the conditions in the Garden of Eden before Genesis 3:6 and after Genesis 3:6, but I have not heard exactly to what extent this boundary serves and what it means in our lives when it comes to how we view situations.  Most of us know that before Genesis 3:7 rolls around, all is well within the state of the Garden even though the humans’ minds had already been compromised with the temptation and inclusion of “wants” in their hearts, the line had not been breached yet.  This condition and standard of living changes in verse 7 when the woman takes the fruit and eats it and then turns and gives the fruit to Adam and he does the same.  From this point onward the lives of humans and all of life itself changes and a previously unknown condition called death enters into our existence.

What we tend to forget is that once Adam and the woman decided to reach over the line of disobedience and cross the divide and the act committed, there was no turning back and no way possible to return to the previous standard of living on our own.  But it was the elected choice of Adam and the woman that brought all of this mess that we live in today into our presence with no way to escape the consequences once they were encountered.  However, what we fail to recognize and accept as an alternative is that we still have the ability to process our free will and to choose which path we decide to take when we encounter life as we know it.  Most understand that we cannot take back what has been dealt to us but we do not have to accept its results for God has provided a way out of this mess if we only follow His Ways and keep His Word in our hearts.

From Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 3:6 gives us a picture of eternal and pure life that God created for us to live and thrive within, it was His house that was built and given to mankind to maintain after the gift was given.  This perfect existence was the standard that He wanted us to exist in and to experience at all times.  It is this condition and holy Created status that represents God and the only thing He can produce, life and perfect conditions.  It is the condition that we all desire for it is all we know yet we come up with pretty bizarre ways of trying to extend or to live life all of which fail when it is led by our own justifications instead of simply maintaining what has been given us as instructed.  It is of a noble cause to try and fix things on our own, but when we look at human history all we see is failure after failure from the simplest items to the grandest stages of human presence.  As we look at these settings, we see that there is one common thread to all of them, humans seek human advice first and leave God out of the equation which can only produce one result, and for some reason, we continue to follow this disastrous position and whine when others point fingers.  It is the verse of Genesis 3:6 that gives us the boundary line of what was crossed and no longer obtainable as we know it.

This brings us to the state of Genesis 3:7 and the condition that most of us are directly and daily familiar with for this flawed standard slaps us in the face each time we cannot sleep correctly, fall and break a bone, go to work and find out we have no job anymore, be involved in a wreck, lose a loved one to death, or any other item the world can think of at that moment.  So, with all of this disappointment looming and lurking around it is normal for us to seek out help in order to find solutions to these disgusting conditions but as it was stated in the previous paragraph, Genesis 3:6 and before conditions cannot be reached through human hands for as we see in this verse Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves -which are very irritable on the skin by the way- and could not adequately fix what actually had occurred in their lives; in fact, they could not even fix a small portion of what had occurred and when they tried messed it up tremendously due to a hasty and scattered attempt.  It is obvious that their “wants” had overridden their needs and they had chosen to do things according to the created things instead of the Creator and low and behold trouble showed up.  So, if this enormous change occurs and it is easily read and simply written enough for a child to understand why is it so difficult for us to comply with the rest of the story and find out just how easy and freeing it is to live by the Ways of God thus returning us to Genesis 3:6 and before?

It is this line between Genesis 3:6 and Genesis 3:7 that defines life and death to the human existence and even though that boundary cannot be changed it still serves as the defining point of how we live our lives.  If we wish to view our existence in terms of life, peace, and purity we shall do our best to live according to the world that God Created for us in Genesis 2 and will not approach Genesis 3:6 at all costs.  If we choose to elect Genesis 3:7 for our lives and live according to its standards then we must understand that there can be no way possible for any type of true and inner peace, true life, and holiness no matter how we try to achieve such status.  We have talked about how the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan cannot mix in any way and it is this passage of Scripture that reinforces the Truth about this statement.  God represents life eternal and Satan represents death eternal and there is no mixing of the two kingdom stances.  As the old adage goes, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out so why do we struggle with this truth so much?  Before Genesis 3:7 came into play, there was no pain, sickness, or death present in our lives for the house that God provided had been secured by the Holy Creator up until that point, but the choice of disobedience programmed our existence with a death ploy that came strictly from our enemy’s lie that we fell for.  To be honest, most of us have heard the phrase “new world order” well, in this case a new world order was established in our lives and it has not varied from that point onward, a true barrier or boundary that separates two states.

The question is now raised about which state does your heart attend?  Does it bear the truth within the guidelines of Genesis 1:1-3:6 or does it follow the world of Genesis 3:7 and onward?  The simple question that all boils down to is this: do you follow the Ways of God or do you follow the ways of mankind, thus proclaiming where your heart lies and who it beats for.  Brilliantly stated and probably with this setting of Adam and Eve in mind, Jesus states in Matthew 6:24 that no man (person) can serve two masters and while many of us have read or heard this New Testament passage mentioned we probably have never placed it into this context before but if Jesus referred to it hundreds of years after the fact it means that the boundary of Genesis 3:6 / Genesis 3:7 was in place during His time on earth and is still in place today.

This boundary is one of belief and lifestyle and it defines exactly where our spiritual hearts are located.  For anyone who says that any type of voluntary murder is adequate and a satisfactory practice cannot be living under the boundary of Genesis 1:1 – 3:6, it is impossible for there was no death present on ANY level during this time of our existence.  This goes for if that person elects to admit to such abortive procedures on ANY level of life produces a house that is not on proper foundations and shall be solely subject to the storms that the new world order supplies and there is no greater pain of having your own definition and identity stolen or taken from your Creative passion, or in other words death.  Sadly, many shall represent this heart condition by defending such liabilities with a continual motion of acceptance and gloating over such indemnities.  Unwittingly, our beliefs and selfish actions procure our enemy’s justice for your life and thus project judgment of the crossing over the boundary of Genesis 3:6/3:7 without provocation.

Abortion will not be just the sole fighting point that those who have crossed the Genesis 3:7 boundary will defend.  Any worldly topic that points to and then defends separation from God and His Ways depicts such a breach and crossing.  I would love to suggest that a person who is looking for true answers could walk into any church building and receive sound and godly advice concerning these matters, but I cannot for the Church has fallen into the lie of the worldly 3:7 boundary and now threatens to completely sever the ties of the Genesis 3:6 side of the boundary.  We no longer teach or even offer a separation lifestyle from the world, but promote an acceptance lifestyle with the world for popularity’s sake but adversely church attendance is declining at a rapid pace even with so much turmoil gathering each day.  Are we too far blind not to see what is transpiring in front of us?  I mean, with all of the supposed technological conveniences around us and all of the comfort measures in place, it would seem like no one would have any reason to kill themselves in such lost conditions.  Yet, the death rate in almost every societal level measured by any cause is at its highest in humanity’s presence.  This means that something is very, very wrong and it needs to be stopped and fixed.

No longer does the Church sing and rejoice over the words of Psalms 30:3-5 where God has delivered us from our enemies and has set our feet on solid foundations through His victorious ways through healing and even from the grave.  It is this passage of Scripture that reminds us of the boundary that is present in our lives today and how it is our elective choices to live under either of the two states.  We cannot stand next to the border and when things become difficult to jump back across to safety, the border does not work in this manner for once you cross that boundary then the ballgame changes and one has to make another choice to stay over the line or to live under God’s Ways again.  God provided a single way for Adman and Eve to be covered by His Covenant even though they still were tossed from the Garden of Eden, it was God’s Way alone.  Even though they had crossed that 3:7 line god was still willing to provide them a way to be covered in His eyes but by the violence of the shed blood.

This is the fight, Church.  Not to see how many people we can attract through worldly ways then teach them the Ways of God that is a camouflaged Church and a direct lie to you and to the ones who you are trying to win for God.  We have fallen for the enticement of the Genesis 3:7 lifestyle and it has cost us dearly and it is time we once again turn back to God and to His Ways and live under the Covenant of Genesis 1:1-3:6 again, but we have to have a changed heart in order to do this for if we do not nothing shall ever change and we shall not only see this nation and the world crumble but our establishment and truth as the Church go under the water as well.  God is calling us to come back over into familiar ground that we were established from and to once again teach the true and eternal gospel of His Son and the blood that He shed for us to have the capability to be bridged under that blood into the eternal and glorious boundary of Genesis 1:1-3:6 state of living.


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