Sunday, February 24, 2019

You Are Needed

You Are Needed


All of us feel like we need to be needed and clearly, that is a correct belief and statement.  Humanity is tough enough on itself in the category of living but many of us fail to see this truth because we are jammed up behind the crowd not able to solve any issues or even hear what is being said to the people in the front of the so-called line.  Most days it seems impossible to make any headway when it comes to life and every try we make seems to end at a roadblock or at a dead end.  It does not matter if this state arrives on the personal level or on a national level God is and always has been right next to us waiting for us to ask for His help.  Until we turn back to God and seek His Ways our lives shall only sink deeper and deeper into worrisome details which will seem to be endless.  God did not create us to live in such a defeated and spiritually impoverished manner, but one of joy and victory eternally.  Repent, and turn from our wicked ways and God shall grant us the knowledge of the reason of need that He gave to us so long ago.

The stations of worldly equality can be brutally painful simply because the means by which we try and obtain such status fail.  The world shall seek to solve this issue by promoting an equal status whenever possible and superficially it seems like the plan is a certainty to work.  But as time rolls along it become obvious that the path that has been offered is not working and when one takes a closer look around the problem has turned into problems and we are now dragging more baggage with us than when we began seeking a solution.  When we are at this point in our lives it becomes easily recognized that even though we feel like we can contribute a great deal to the world and our societies the world and those around us just do not care about our voice yet expect us to pick up their ideas and follow along as if everything is okay.  This is not a need at all this is a prototype and manufactured assembly plant line that produces a controlled mechanism of patterns and information supporting one agenda.  If allowed to continue, eventually everyone will be “needed” to use such tools for one common goal and that goal will have no bearing upon your life at all but serve only to the worldly machine that “needs” to operate continually and systemically.

This example demonstrates a side of the world that many fail to recognize that it uses people in order to continue its flow without interruption.  This is a complete usage and not a need of your life and it is sad to watch countless people fall for this distorted view concerning their lives.  When one turns to the world for answers the defining measures of such seeking always will end up in pain, agony, and more questions with not a single in-depth answer to be found.  It is this pattern that the world offers and while it is frustrating on all levels when we are involved in such affairs, we must also kick ourselves for not figuring out that the world can only give results as is the kingdom that it follows.  Self-worth is a huge issue for all of us and it is this section of our lives that Satan loves to lie to us about because he understands that if he can convince us that we are not needed and do not amount to anything, then he can manipulate us enough that we will forget and then lose the purpose of our existence thus enhancing the chances of him further convincing ourselves that we are complete failures and do not “need” to be on this earth any longer.  Congratulations, for when we arrive at this conclusion we have fully succumbed to the lies of the world and its leader which serves as the pinnacle of accomplishment for his kingdom and also represents the saddest day of God’s existence because He is about to lose one of His children for eternity.  Each one of us has a unique purpose and a holy presence that God has placed into our lives and if we do not figure these truths out our lives shall end fruitless and void of any righteousness and we were not created to be wandering sheep but sheep that lives under the Good Shepherd.

It has become a common theme to compare someone to sheep when they do not fit into their line of thinking or goal seeking and ironically in a world that promotes equality with others it would seem like this projection would be a good thing instead of an insult.  But what can one expect from a source that is limited and flawed?  It is not always a bad thing to be nominated as a sheep for even a single sheep has a purpose and a reason to be needed.  For the last few years, God has repeatedly shared with us the importance of our lives and how much he loves us and that is why He should serve as our Shepherd because it is through His Holy Wisdom and guidance that provides us with the direction that we need to be in, His definition also gives us an understanding of when we are away from His Ways as well.  If we are in such a state we cannot effectively fulfill our purpose, therefore, we are subject and open to the enemy which will attack us by saying we are now unimportant and not needed, a tendency that goes synonymously with our disobedience and one we easily ignore or forget.

Have you ever watched a shepherd try and corral their flock?  I have watched a couple of tournaments from Ireland about this process and while I am no expert in such a feat it is fascinating to me just how much control a shepherd has over their flock with a simple whistle.  As my attention continues on the flock, I eventually notice that one or two sheep stray from the group and go off on their own; now, as stated a minute ago I am not expert on this job so I do not know if this is scripted or if it really is a normal anomaly but in any case it is fascinating to watch the shepherd bring back the separated sheep and continue on their patterned journey. 

It is obvious that the shepherd knows what their flock is doing because you do not see any panic in their voices nor do you hear any anxiety in their whistling, all is calm and seemingly in control.  We also must take into consideration that sheep are not the most intelligent of species hence the jokes and slang concerning those who do not go with the flow of some but we also must contend that some shepherds are not the best at what they do either or just do not care truly either.  It is easy for us to compare others in this manner but in admittance with this as our first scope we forget that sheep do have a direct purpose for their wool provides many needs of others and hilariously sad, it is the same people who make fun of others by comparing them to sheep that wear their products on their skin.

While the process of entertaining the fact that human behavior resembles sheep activity we cannot deny that in many ways this comparison is true.  When we become distracted by anything that we deem “important” our eyes quickly lose sight of the direction we are walking and then proceed to go in another direction without any certainty.  It is obvious that as soon as this scene begins we become confused and disoriented then place ourselves on another course trying to correct our paths before we make things too difficult; however, even though this process may be a short time in development we usually find out that it is already too late and that we are completely lost and alone.  When we arrive in this state we become totally useless because we are not within our purposeful meaning and therefore cannot operate as we were designed and created to be.  This also entails our susceptibility of being influenced by a stranger or different shepherd and as the old children’s tale goes we become subject to the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The perfect shepherd shall always be alert and on the lookout for trouble and will even sense a problem before it arises.  Sheep are the most important items of a flock for it is their value that determines how much worth the shepherd stands to gain.  It is this focus of the shepherd that keeps the flock in order because if they are allowed to stray the value of that sheep is influenced because we all know that the one who steals or deceives does not care about the price that was paid for such an item.  This single example represents the entire reason that we need to tune our ears specifically to the Good Shepherd and not the ones that try and influence their other standards onto our lives.  Yet, we as sheep have gone astray for this reason and it is costing us dearly as each day unfolds for we have listened to these shepherds for long enough that we believe them and are currently and steadily changing our ways according to their whistles and not the one we originally heard.

There are numerous opportunities to follow the world for their suggestions come with each one who wants to grab our attention.  This should be expected from the world for it is their job to see if they can pull you from your path, do not be fooled they understand the path that you are on and they know what your values are just by the direction that you are heading.  These other shepherds also realize that you are not lined up with their opportunities and just like a salesperson believe that you should have what they offer.  When you say “no” to their offers notice how they react and after you say “no” to them more than once their attitudes usually change and become a bit more sarcastic or even hateful towards your answers.  It is wise to walk away and to leave the situation alone and once again tune our ears to our Good Shepherd.  But this is where our truth has departed and instead of listening to the Truth we have become enticed by the other offers and are now unknowingly yet voluntarily engaging in both physical and spiritual bankruptcy options due to our lack of true knowledge concerning our surroundings.

In fact, we are not only standing and engaging in such conversations with these false shepherds but believing so much in their deceptive techniques that we are setting up our own tables next to them, taking some of their inventory and selling it ourselves.  What purpose do we have at this point, and what is it to say that when the next opportunity arrives that we will not follow that juncture and include or even begin to sell that product or option as well?  The world’s progressive agenda shall not stop at just one opportunity it has to increase its hold on your life for if it does not then there is always a possibility that you will come in contact with someone who can show you the truth.  You know, what the Church is supposed to be doing. 

How many times have we asked ourselves why things occur in our lives and have basically no answers as to why?  This question is written on all of our lives on a constant and continual basis but even a good portion of people who consider themselves Christians are bound by this type of question, and should not be.  The passage for this article is a familiar one that most know and it comes from Psalms 23:1-2 where it states that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.  It is these two simple phrases that give us the answer to combat these tables that we incur over our time on this earth.  God has never wanted your life to become complicated or distracted in any way for this passage makes it clear that He provides all the things that we need and that we do not need anything else.  The tables of the world or in this case the other whistles of others represent the distractive tactics of our enemy in order to gain our attention away from this passage.  Most people believe that this Psalm is one of comfort and tranquility and while that is a truth it also is a Psalm of war for it allows us to understand that if we stray from this Good Shepherd our lives shall not be as this Psalm states.

Now, we all know that we are not God or can we ever be anything like His holy presence and status but it is our responsibility to do our best to live in His Likeness and under His Covenant.  In order for us to do this, it is our responsibility to stay away from the other whistles and continue our path that God has placed us on for when we are moving in His direction we are forming our purpose and then executing it to the world instead of inviting the world into our lives.  If we turn our eyes away from our path we will stumble plain and simple and when we stumble the world will be one of the first “hands” in front of us to help us up.  We should have no problem recognizing this “hand” and refuse its fake glimmer for the “hand” (whistle) that we have been familiar with for most of our lives.  It is the gentle whistle that sings to our ears and brings comfort to our situation.

When we have listened to this whistle and have learned to love its sound it becomes an easy place to help others when they have stumbled.  When a sheep has fallen (gone astray) how many of us see the issue and do our best to help that person in need?  Do we try or do we see the issue and mind our own business and stay away ourselves?  Oh, this is going to hurt, folks.  When the world offers its help to those who have stumbled or fallen and then they accept it, it fortifies its claim on that person’s life which means that it now has the legal right to that person (sheep), because we cannot forget that once we voluntarily accept a “gift” from the world we have opened a door to the world for its passage into our lives.  The problem here is that the Church has allowed so many worldly issues to become personal laws inside our lives.  It is through this lack of understanding about what is going on around us that has the world in full control of not only countless people but the Church as well.  It is bad enough that those who do not understand the truth about God and what Jesus did on the cross for us that they are led astray with their hands and feet bound but the Church is daily offering up her hands and feet for bondage as well for the exact same reason as those who have never heard about God do.

The purpose that God has for your life is a perfect and eternal one.  If we are wandering off and doing things on our own there can be no way possible for us to fulfill this destiny that we were created to do.  Yes, we can be other things and pursue other goals in life but when it all is said and done we will not be happy.  Our lives were made so that we could extend the Kingdom of God to all creatures, this was the command God gave to Adam in the Garden and it is the same command that Jesus gave to His followers concerning the Church.  When we believe that we are no longer needed the next logical step that we take is to go off on our own and live accordingly.  A dangerous and fatal error that so many people who have been in church all their lives make, not to mention all of those people who have no clue about the love and wonders of God.  We are not made to be alone, for God says this in Genesis as well but to be joined in unity together under His Covenant of protection and just as life was, in the beginning, the whistle of God to our eras is the only way that we have a chance to survive and to fulfill God’s command concerning our creation.

The Church is needed so that we can effectively be a light to the world and to witness to the ones that seek help, true help.  There is a reason Jesus turned over the tables in the Temple, for it was the Church that was responsible for this terrible allowance and when the truth be told we need the tables (distractions and other whistles) to be overturned as well.  How have we not understood that we, the Church, have a blindfold around our eyes so tightly that we can no longer have our bearing enough to walk in a straight line and that we are about ready to take a stumble so hard that we will be lying on our face in a short time?  This is NOT what Jesus had in mind for His witness statement and I do not care how much you believe differently.  God is begging us, literally begging us to allow Him to search our hearts so that He can take away the blackness and then cover our hearts with His eternal Truth.  It is this message that we are supposed to be sending and demonstrating to the world, not bound and blindfolded for the world is already in this state, so it is obvious who we follow.

Who are you following Church?  This question goes out to every person who considers themselves to be Christians.  It is a serious question that needs to be addressed now and not tomorrow.  We have lost the capability to hear the True Shepherd’s whistle and voice through all of the distractions and bling that the world has to offer.  The world cares nothing about your worth or that God needs you, all it is concerned with is grabbing you and keeping you from your purpose which is directly related to your value.  See, each sheep is needed just as much as the other in order to keep the flock intact and when the flock is intact it can go easily go in the direction that the shepherd wants and when we put it into the Kingdom mode it is this aspect that pushes God’s Kingdom forward and Satan’s kingdom backward.  Let us allow God to evaluate our hearts again so that He can fine tune our lives according to His Ways and to allow Him to correctly direct our lives in the manner in which He Created us.  Repent, Church for we need God more than ever and so does the people who are lost and astray but until we realize that we are astray first this mission of ours cannot be fulfilled properly.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Draw Me Closer

Draw Me Nearer


How drawn are you to the cross where Jesus died for our sins?  I mean, do you long to know everything you can about that dark yet necessary day that freed all of us if we choose to live under God’s final Covenant sacrifice?  It is this sacrifice that we have our redemption through and I cannot for the life of me figure out why we are not shouting this from the rooftops.  It is because we have turned our hearts toward the world and through this action have lost our desire to kneel at the cross that Jesus died on and deemed our daily lives to be more important instead.  No wonder our societies are collapsing at breakneck speed.  The only way we have a chance of survival and restoration is to have our hearts return back to God and until we do expect everything to continue to harden, blacken, and embrace the death march that only the world can offer.

The other day I had another one of the old hymns drop into my heart and recite its message over and over again, just like the others that ring through my heart on a daily basis.  This song I remember singing so many times when I was younger for it was a wonderful song with an eternal message that once again I did not fully understand even though my lips resounded those words many times over.  The song is “I Am Thine, O Lord” and is a call to understanding just how important it is for us to understand what it means to be drawn to the cross where Jesus died.  While not all of the words will be used in this article a few phrases will be so that we can know what it means to be drawn closer to the cross.  The song was written back in 1875 by a lady named Fanny Crosby and was based upon Hebrews 10:22, the music to those lyrics were penned by William Howard Doane.  It is a song that has touched my heart over the years and now that God is showing us more about this song’s words it should become clear about how we should be separating ourselves from the world and how when we do draw close to the cross we have no option but to drop the world and cling to God on all levels.

A while back God showed us that when we sing songs to Him we must understand, know and believe in what we are singing for if we do not then we are lying directly to Him because what we are saying we do not hold to be true.  I know that not many of us are considered to be musicologists and studying music is not a common practice by most.  But when we like specific music we should know what that song or songs refer to and why they were written.  One of my friend’s sons likes to listen to popular music, which teenage kid didn’t.  But when his father challenged him to look up the lyrics of the songs he liked he could not believe what he was actually saying and proclaiming when his ears heard these songs.  It took a while for him to fully comprehend what was going on but when God showed him what his spirit was projecting when he allowed those words into his heart, he allowed God to begin the process of weeding out what was not from Him that he had allowed to live inside his heart.  It is this type of misguidance that so many people fall into when it comes to various issues that the world deems “popular and right” that truly end up changing our lives to world-like conditions and drawing us away from our Creator and toward Him.

Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord
                        To the cross where Thou hast died
                        Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord
                        To Thy precious, bleeding side

Would it be common knowledge to admit that the world and all of its standards are based upon a selfish and maligned standard?  So, how is it that Christians are drawn to such abnormalities and call them banners of representations all the while proclaiming that the Bible is their standard of living?  The deceptive powers of our enemy almost seem endless but that is because we allow these obstructions to become reality in our minds which then infiltrate to our hearts and when this occurs our beliefs are altered to what is in front of us and the true faith that God has given us becomes less than a mustard seed.  This song also demonstrates that there are two kingdoms in our lives and that when we draw near to one, we leave the other and such insightful lines cannot be meshed together.  Every child of God should understand and live by the fact that the cross and everything it stands for is utterly and 100% repulsive to the world, there are NO exceptions to this eternal law.  The cross is the ultimate symbol of Grace being demonstrated by God over a long period of time that our enemy has deceived us with.  Satan has done his best to focus our eyes and hearts on the lie that the cross is not that important and that we do not need to lift our hearts or look upon its presence on a daily basis.

The world will present its selfish attire with every step you take and it will not stop until you make the choice to either accept its ways of not to live by its standards.  It is impossible for one to hold onto the cross of Calvary but turn your heart back to the ways of the world.  I am not saying that your eyes cannot see the world but we cannot hold onto the world and the cross at the same time.  When our eyes and hearts are on the world we will automatically let go of the cross and run to the thing that we desire the most.  This is a normal human reaction and one that none of us can deny no matter what type of situation or setting we may prove.  The difference in this setting from all others is that the cross represents the eternal markings of your life and if we turn away from its presence our hearts shall continue its blackening state and will eventually turn our other layers of our lives black as well.  Our hearts will be drawn to the world and want to be closer to its presence and not God’s, this law goes both ways and if believed as such will cost us dearly in the end.

It is another common fact that people follow what they believe is true but what that “something” maybe can be a variety of issues which are influenced by many choices.  It is this concept that most follow when defining truth and seeking after this most precious commodity.  Smoke and mirrors play a significant example in the choices that face us each other and it is easy to get caught up in such lies and illusions and completely miss what is the truth about all of our questions.  How many people do you know that would live life for one purpose and that is to die for you?  Honestly, besides family members and a few very close friends, that thought would not have any measure at all and that is a truth that not many could deny.  With this example put into practice, it is easy to understand that people become passionate about the issues they deem important but when the world becomes first in our lives nothing but separation from life can be noticed thus accepted as the truth as a witness as well.  Why would the entire Bible (God’s definition) contain examples that call us to be separated from the world, yet have at the same time examples of why we need to be separated from the world?  This means that the two entities that are vying for your life represent opposites and that only one can contain the longing of your heart.

The Bible serves as a measure of God in such a manner that provides an undisputed champion of eternal life that the world has no answer for.  Take a controlled study of the world and it will become clear that it has no forward direction but only one that grows sideways in that no real truthful answers are given.  See, logic tells us that we really and completely cannot move forward unless we have a definitive answer for the issue or issues at hand.  We are stuck and cannot proceed until the problem has been solved but the world tells us to move forward by skirting the real deep roots of an issue which means that we just bypass it and try to gain steam by leaving it to fester.  This is not progress, this is an active destructive mechanism that brings along further baggage to future problems instead of clean and pure hearts.  God never intended for us to move around any issue, or have any issues for that fact, but to deal with it as He does through truth and holiness.

God’s Truth began when He created the world and then in such a holy and defined manner Created us.  Only truth can pull a person closer to their destination and when you talk about the life of a person that means finding the answers to all of the issues that the world provides.  If our hearts are truly wanting answers to what and why things go wrong or are presented in the manner in which they do, God and His definition is the ONLY Way possible that these answers can be made aware in our lives.  When we allow God to invade our lives with the Truth, we shall automatically be drawn to the ideas and truths about our lives because of His returned presence in our lives.  Our spirits that He placed in our lives, in the beginning, shall once again thrive with life and provide the dressing and upkeep that we were originally designed to complete.  It shall also beckon us to live under His Covenant of protection which means drawing us more to the cross so we can learn about His purpose for our lives.  Also, when the importance of the cross becomes apparent in our hearts, it shall send out a message to our enemy that we understand what is going on and that we are coming to eternally help those who are struggling with the lies it has injected into them. 

When we figure this truth about the cross out, not only will our lives be changed but we shall not be satisfied until we share the Gospel with others as well.  There are times that I am tired and do not feel like writing but when this feeling comes over me I automatically remember exactly what I am supposed to be doing with what God gives me and I pick up the pencil or get on the computer and begin to complete what God has commissioned me to do.  The problem today is that the ones who have been commissioned to seek the Truth and then tell it to others has turned on the physical television or took to their hands a phone instead.  There can be no doubt that there are countless reasons for us not to tell the Truth to others for that is the purpose of the kingdom of Satan.  When the Puritans came across the Atlantic Ocean and arrived on these shores their motives were pure and clean, but after a while they allow Satan to manipulate their ideas and procedures enough that they began to commit horrible atrocities on their own kind.  Today, the Church is not doing anything different for we are now incorporating the sin of our forefathers and that of Adam and Eve to rule our existence thus invalidating our mission that Jesus so vividly gave.  Once again, I refer back to the same question God asks of us today as He did back in biblical times, did you represent Me today?

Church, our actions do not demonstrate any measure what-so-ever of the words of this beautiful song, nor do they reflect the command that Jesus gave us to do in His name.  Our hearts have been blackened as the world’s heart and if we look at each side by side there would be no way to tell them apart.  Church, we have drawn ourselves closer to the world and not the cross for our ambitions and satisfactions now are sought on worldly standards and not on God’s.  We are lost just as the world is and until we figure out that we need God and not the world our problems and issues that we will face shall become more and larger in number and with all of the other baggage that we are carrying, we have no leg to stand on and fight.  Repent, Church for we are the only messenger that a dying people have but if we are shooting them as well then we have failed and there is no help left for those who seek it.  My prayer to God is that He draws me nearer to His Son’s cross so that my life may be an eternal witness for His Covenant and Salvation.  This should be the prayer from your heart as well Church, let us now come back to God before time runs out.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

False Choices

False Choices


To be honest I have never heard of this phrase used before but as I stop and think about it for a while I must come to the realization that its concept has been in motion for a very long time.  It does not matter how one chooses their direction in life, these decisions shall never be classified as a lie but as one that has been lied to instead.  Lies are amongst us every day and it is our responsibility to take the information at hand and see who is telling the truth or not then make the appropriate path happen.  The world has always lied in order to manifest its presence in our lives whereas God has always told the truth about our lives and that of the world as well.  We have fallen away from the truth and many of us through our trust in humanity and not God.  None-the-less, unless we turn our hearts back to God and seek Him first our ways shall be grossly influenced by this new phrase that will soon become a facet in our everyday language.

As most of you know, I try my best to stay clear of most of the media outlets and all the hype that they stir in order to make ratings and thus support their jobs.  With the new year upon us, we are forced to comply with the fact that our political break is over and there will be plenty of messages, tapings, live events, and the dreaded phone calls that will permeate our daily lives real soon.  And this topic has been one of the first ones to come up and it was set in motion when one of the so-called presidential candidates used this phrase “false choices” during an event that was recently held on television.  Now, it has been known that people have made decisions on every level of information that has been given to them and most of the time that information has been accurate or mostly accurate.  However, in other cases, the information that has been provided is totally false but it tickles the ears enough that it will be believed on the same level as being accurate in the first place.

As we have witnessed over the past few decades, a growing number of hostilities have been present towards those who have made the choice to vote and to stick with one certain political party.  The anger towards such divisional choices can present themselves in almost every method of life with nothing held back when the issues are addressed in any type of manner.  Almost every day we hear from the media about some type of negative sway for those who have differing opinions from theirs or those who call others liars when their side of an issue is told.  Many believe that these differing opinions are funny, ludicrous, or simply just dumb and not worthy of any compensation or thought when presented.  The word choice is a very vague word and while this definition is correct it has been narrowed down to support and defend one side of an argument, and watch out if you do not support the issue at hand from those who believe they are in charge and in control.  Most people see that there is a bias in many markets in our nation when it comes to personal and political adherence but most and I would venture to say that 95% of the people in this nation and around the world fail to recognize this dangerous path that we are walking for if we continue to lean this way it will not be very long until we see censorship on the highest level being directed upon our lives; which is where this phrase comes into play.

When King Henry VIII came to power he had a grand vision concerning his country but as his throne seat was not even warm yet he encountered lust and thus set into motion a bloodlust of worldly power that cost many people their lives, an establishment of a new religion, and stroke of monarchial genius that contradicted every aspect of any personal life could offer.  This contradiction cost the lives of some of his closest friends some of which were part of the clergy of the country.  But their status did not matter for Henry set out to find anything against him that could be imagined and it was not too much longer than what he believed to be the bottom of the pot was reached and all of England stood still wondering if the ax was falling upon their heads for dissensions or presumed dissensions towards the king.  How could anyone believe that this type of behavior and beliefs rule a nation’s heart again?  The reason is that not only have we totally dismissed human history but more importantly we have completely dismissed God and His plan for our lives through His Word.  Our interpretations and secular viewings of the Bible reflected Henry’s decisions and it is right on course to have the same effect on our lives today but with far greater devastation than one can imagine.

The phrase was used a few weeks back from Kamala Harris who has since declared her desire to be president of this nation.  Now, I understand that there will be people who run on a platform who differ from others this is nothing new and will not be new anytime soon either, but the phrase she used during this town hall meeting was one of not acceptance but one of authoritative defiance and it should be noted as such to those listening to what is going on in this land.  When the person in the audience asked the question about a certain topic, she quickly stood up and interrupted him and stating that there are many people have made false choices concerning this matter and that they were completely wrong according to what she believed.  Now, this lady has a reputation that has preceded her in a few manipulative ways and if allowed this phrase that she used shall become a part of not only her repertoire of beliefs but one that she shall incorporate in future settings that you or I may be forced to side with or not concerning some vital and personal arguments.  We are all familiar with the word choice and how popular it is, but when leaders of this nation begin to add adjectives and adverbs to this word it becomes a worldly device that will usher in a new territory of deception that will eventually rule over our lives.

The word “false” utterly means a lie or to be definitively wrong when referring to an issue and if a person of control or leadership has enough authority to use this phrase in an utter and definitive way the witness who is sitting on the questioning seat now has become a witness for the chopping block.  With the magnitude and force that many people cling to the word “choice”, it sets up a reason for others that have differing opinions about things to be held in these settings as obstacles to progress thus placing them into the category of a legal tone of false choice.  God gave us a wonderful gift of choice and this gift can be used on all levels of our lives but if the world controls this gift and the functions that it serves, it becomes a dangerous weapon to those who may disagree with someone’s opinions.  Are we seeing this type of activity occurring today?  Of course, we are!  It pops up on our screens every day and every time someone disagrees with the popular opinion the question is asked about how we can convince others to abandon their choices and come over to the “real” side of the world.  Well, if the civil mannerisms are not “working” to their satisfaction, when what do you pray tell is the next step?

More specifically, this phrase was used in reference to the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution and touches a lot of people upon this action of words.  While this specific topic is a current hot item in the nation, it serves as an ice breaker and in turn launches step into the frontier of antichrist.  What happens when this phrase catches on and dives into the 1st Amendment controversy that appears on a regular basis or any other amendment that people wish to argue?  When a lie is told it means that the opposite is true and if people place this phrase into their vocabulary and it penetrates their hearts only one conclusion can be drawn from its Jezebelic control and that is to turn brother against brother and open a can of demonic worms that shall rip this nation into pieces.  It is obvious in what direction this nation is seeking, for it wants nothing to do with God or His eternal morals.  Oh, we have stepped in it now Church and it is time we put our hearts back into the Word of God before things come crashing down on us and we stand and cry like babies when it does.

A good portion of Matthew Chapter 10 deals with this issue of how God and His Ways will be ignored by the world and its leaders and when people who truly love God will be persecuted and condemned on a regular basis.  It is for this reason that people use this phrase that takes more steps to this total and complete concept of this chapter and places it into our laps.  Jesus did not say these things for us to play around with or to carry them lightly on our shoulders but to learn them and to keep them in our hearts so that God may quicken our spirits when the world tries to take another step of control.  Yet, we have ignored this Word of warning from Jesus and have promoted the demise of many lives because of our own ignorance and blackened hearts.  We now have people in leadership positions that believe that others make false choices and should be held accountable for such choices and this setting is now a reality because many people who consider themselves to be Christians cannot believe the teachings of Christ!  It saddens me that the Church continues her quest to drown out the truth about what is coming to our world and replacing it with an imaginative falsity about how God wants peace with the world.  If God wanted peace with the world first off, He would have never sent His Son to die for our sins and then He would have never had this passage written as a warning of such “pacification” with the world.

For those of you who are in denial about what God is telling us today let me share another specific word that should shed light on this Truth from God.  The word false is the key word here for it brings into line another possible link to the end times.  We all have made bad choices in our past and some of us are continuing that trend of bad mistakes.  But when the word “bad” is compared to the word “false” there is a huge difference in the meaning of such words and the difference between these two descriptive words could mean your life or the end of it.  A bad choice is one that we regret but have the opportunity to move forward and do our best not to make the same choice again but not “false choices”, those are in a separate category and should be dealt with in a more substantial way because in the eyes of those who you have spoken or shown these false choices to deem you guilty and thus responsible for any further action against you by those who are in charge.  When false replaces bad, it is never a good thing for it changes the entire complexion of the situation and if we do not stop this phrase now, it shall soon be all over our screens and then in our ears being spoken directly towards us.  Talk about your replacement theologies, this is one of the true one's people.

Here is a hint that we need to take into consideration each time we wake up in the mornings, the world shall never accept anything from God or any one of His Ways.  There shall be no exception to this eternal Law and no matter how much Satan and his cronies will try to mimic these laws or tell you that God does not mind, know without a doubt that it is a lie!  The lady who made this statement during this event also believes that it is okay for women to sleep around with others in order to advance a position or career, this is what she did in order to fulfill her dreams and to be in the position that she is today.  What if this issue was the one that you had to answer to during your witness time?  What would occur when you rebuffed her demands that you had an affair when clearly you did not?  Read the story of Sir Thomas More about such accusations from King Henry and his outcome then come back and read this article again with his testimony in your mind and see what is very possible to occur.

Church, we alone have the authority from God to stop such worldly nonsense and regain the world for God.  But there will be no way that this reclamation shall occur if we do not turn our hearts back to God and dive into His Word so that we may see what is trying to advance before our very eyes.  We are in the process of upgrading or downgrading either which you wish to say, our condition from a bad choice to a false choice in the eyes of our leaders and it is vital that we understand this passage so that we know what Satan is trying to accomplish.  It is not our mission to add to the confusing and gripping words and phrases that will usher in another way of life that this nation was founded upon, but it is our mission to change the hearts and to teach them to return to their Creator before it is too late.  Reconsider our examination process but this time, allow God to examine our hearts so that He may reveal our blackened hearts in His own manner through His love and not through worldly measures as we have accepted in the past.  Returning to God is the only way possible that we will draw closer to the cross that Jesus died on and thus center ourselves upon Him and not the false choices of the world.


Sunday, February 10, 2019

For The Bible Tells Me So

For the Bible Tells Me So


Sometimes the simplest phrases or sentences can bring such deep meaning to a person’s life.  We would all like to have such fond lessons learned when we are young but when the truth is told many falls into this category the hard way at an older age.  God never intended for us to live such hectic and brutal lives but because of the choices, humans made a long time ago we have inherited a vast array of insults that complicate our everyday life.  One of the most important responsibilities of the Church is to be a strong witness to children and to encourage them in every way to live for Jesus and be examples to them that our actions bring them to the understanding that they need a Savior and that the world will only cause pain and grief.  We have fallen down on this task of ours and are not following the simple rules of God’s Ways but if we turn back to Him and allow Him to restore this burden for the lost we shall see not only our lives turn around but this nation and the true beacon she harbors as well.

Anyone who attended a Children’s Church services when they were young probably remembers singing the song “Jesus Loves Me”.  It was a song that we sang on a routine basis and really did not need any help with the words for they were simple, short, and straight to the point.  I know I have so many fond memories of the different churches that my parents pastored and while we might not have stayed in every town and city for an extended period of time my time in the children and youth departments were exceptional, to say the least.  The song “Jesus Loves Me” was sung in each of the churches that I was involved in and the words to that song still pop up in my heart on a regular basis for they represent the foundation of the definition of God and the sole reason Jesus came to this earth.  “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so” is the single most important phrase anyone can hear and then take to heart for the rest of their lives.  It is through this single lyric line that describes the exact reason why we were created, why we live, and what our future was designed to understand.  So, why is it that our selfish reasons distort this Truth and eternal message?  And doesn’t the churches today resonate this message not only to the children of their community but to everyone else who has not heard these beautiful words?  This lyric line is the Gospel in which Jesus commanded us to teach the dying world, so why are we not fulfilling this message according to His command?

It does not matter if a person is a toddler or 210 years old, everyone in all age categories needs to understand that Jesus loves them and that His sacrifice of His life serves the covering for all who seeks salvation from this world and the death sentence that it brings.  Even before we are formed in the womb of our mother, God knows us and has already put into motion the plan He has for your life.  The job of our enemy is to detract from this plan of yours by organizing every opportunity that you may deem important to God and to have someone in your path destroy it.  Currently, there is a vast array of means that Satan can use to enhance the chances of you never reaching the plan that God has for you and unless we teach those who do not know God the Truth about their lives, your individual life has the potential of being squashed sometimes before you are born.  Just as any baby inside the womb is born, they must grow first and become viable to the world and the same occurs when the baby is born we are not six feet tall and fully mature but only small and defenseless and needing help from nurturing from their parents until the time comes that they are fully grown and can step out on their own.  So why is it so impossible for us to believe that it is not the same way when it comes to God and our spiritual lives?  The manner in which we are spiritually developed means a great deal of how we view God and how much we accept Him and His Word into our lives.

How much more true words are there to a child when they hear I love you coming from someone’s lips?  The song mentioned above tells a story that every child needs to hear not only from a parent but more importantly about God and the eternal love and protection that His love provides.  This song may be deemed as a child’s song but it can also be used to incorporate the truth about God in an adult’s life or a young person’s life as well.  God is for everyone and no one excluded but we can only know and feel this love from God if we have been taught the truth about how God loves and what His love means to our lives.  Over the years we have been witness to some incredibly horrible things when it comes to children everything from child trafficking to abortion and anything a human mind can think of that falls in between these two extremes.  And yet we throw away the only source that continually mentions how precious children’s lives are to the eternal source of love only to accept the perverted and diabolical ways of the world.

God and His Word makes no secret about how He feels about children and it is through this known fact that Satan uses this truth in order to destroy the purity of children early enough so their lives can become further ingrained in the world and serve its death purposes instead of the life purposes of God.  About 4-5 years ago one of the top governmental agents stated to one of this governments committees that there was no real scientific proof that children exposed to pedophilic conditions suffered any permanent or short term damage or side effects of such involvement.  Recently another symposium in Europe demanded that we accept pedophiles as a normal part of society and accept their beliefs as a source of sexual identity and that it is a normal practice and a matter of design that cannot be controlled.  This process and position is now being promoted from top positions in our societies so why should it be of no surprise that our school teachers teach sex education classes to 7-9-year-olds?  This is nothing but publicly accepted child abuse and child sexual content being unleashed on our children, for it is reasonable for a child to think of anyone else but one of their own age?

For a considerable amount of time past, no one would have ever dreamt that this activity against a child would be so presented to this age group and considered to be normal content.  However, God did understand this truth about how progressive minds and hearts of the human would act for as much as there is excellent content about God’s love for children in His Word there is just the same amount of truth that concerns children on the worldly side of humans as well.  While it is not a part of our passage for this article, we must contend that parents offered up their children to Moloch for a burning sacrifice of their lives in the Old Testament a practice that is not well advertised today but still continues in various conditions and ways.  Abortion being the predominant manner of child sacrifice today and this form of killing is a production line that is well publicized, and through this type of gross practices, provides the single reason God places children as the most simple and pure creatures and the most precious and influential beings of humanity so of course, they shall be a target by our enemy for their destruction.

We have the perfect example of children coming to Jesus in one of the gospels and it is found in Matthew 19:13-14.  We have the picture of children trying to come to see Jesus but the disciples holding them back and telling them that Jesus is too busy to see them or to have them around at that moment.  This passage gives us a clue as to how many pastors view children today as well and how they are not really being led to Jesus in the manner that they desire, but placed in the back row of the building or segregated into a room by themselves and thus being fed garbage instead of the Word of God.  I remember when I was a young boy, I would accompany one of my parents on some Saturdays going around the town and inviting kids to church.  All details were provided for the kids to be picked up before church and then returned home after church was over.  I understand that times have changed but are we still forwarding our lives and the gospel of Christ to those who are still willing to listen and to accept eternal help?  Are we forging our lives to those houses and hearts that need God?  Are the children’s pastors of today still performing something similar to what has been done in the past?  Or are we playing the part of the disciples and holding back the children from Jesus so they can be influenced and taught by the world?

The youth pastors in our community used to enjoy basically free access to every school in the district but because some outside people objected to such activities they no longer can go to the schools and be with the kids who want to know God.  In such manners, kids are now directed to listen to those educators who have worldly views about everything and completely leave out the truth about their lives and how God loves them.  So how can we not figure out what to expect in our future, or why crime and assaults are becoming a daily routine news story that is no longer considered worthy of time in motion.  I find it hilariously sad that as each day passes we see some type of sexual assault paraded across our eyes yet we cannot properly teach the girls to be ladies and in the same manner teach the boys to be respectful gentlemen.  This teaching shall only come from the Bible for the world is a wolf when it comes to this topic and if we continue to allow the wolves to raise our children our society will automatically be forced to live like a zoo.

Thank you, Church for doing your job when it comes to our children and how they should be taught.  Oh, wait…..  Never mind, for you have fallen down on the job and have unrecognizably formed a barrier around the Truth of the gospel of Christ and through your actions have held back the children from Jesus and His eternal message.  You have purposefully aggravated the heart of the child into believing that they are not as important as adults for how does one train up a child if the child does not feel welcome enough in the ONLY place God is allowed to be at this moment?  It does not matter if a church denomination has the best music in town or the best minister in the district, if the child does not have an effective ministry for them it means nothing to the Kingdom of God!  Yes, restoration is a wonderful gift from God but why not start this process at a young age before the world has such a grasp on a life that it is almost impossible to reach that heart? 

I find it hard to believe that the disciples did not understand that Jesus has just as much of a burden for children as He did for adults.  When Jesus spoke around the area there must have been children in attendance because His words always spoke about forgiveness to all and for those who believe in Him and His Father.  The disciples also knew the Scriptures and how God did not like the hearts of those who voluntarily harmed children so they should have known that Jesus would gladly accept children when they came to Him.  It is through this reason that it is disgusting that the Church has treated children in such a way that those in charge of their spiritual guidance now face criminal acts against those precious lives.  Do not think you are out of this scope Protestants for you as well have committed such as heinous of crimes because you have ignored the importance of their lives by holding them away from the truth and have allowed the world to dictate what you say and where you can say it.  You demonstrate the exact same loss as the disciples displayed when you allow the world to invade and then influence them today.  We are no better than the people of Israel when they voluntarily sacrificed their children to Moloch, for we are in essence performing the same ritual.

The definition of God and His Word is life and to have life abundantly and we are nowhere close in achieving this truth to those who are dying each day.  God commands us to tell others about His life and to share with them that they have a true and eternal reason for living.  The attacks on our children today are incredibly disgusting and as long as there are those in the world who are allowed to freely participate in this type of activity it shall continue and flourish exceedingly.  This type of behavior can only represent one kingdom and it is not the Kingdom that God refers as His definition.  So, why is this occurring and allowed to roam freely without interruption?  What is most frustrating and intriguing is that when someone answers this question correctly, there is more “shock and awe” displayed from those listening to the answer than what they would express when talking about these examples.  When one asks how would God ever allow this type of activity to occur, right then it demonstrates the lack of knowledge about God and His enemy that proves Hosea 4:6 to be accurate.

Church, we need God again in our lives and we need Him now!  We no longer can afford to stay hidden on our pews and in our church buildings because if we do not only will we see the people who are in need of God die in their sins but we shall die in our sins as well for we are not doing what Jesus commanded us to do.  We need to pray that we allow God to turn our blackened hearts around and allow Him to revive and to restore our hearts for His Kingdom for a heart that is not witnessing to the world is a heart that has been overcome with the disease of death and it shall soon infiltrate our healthy layers around us.  Turn from our ways, Church and allow God back into our lives before our nation and our world experience the hand of God like history has never witnessed before.  It is strictly up to you (us) Church.  Sitting back and allowing the world to dominate our children is not in the Bible and it is definitely not what the Bible tells me so.


Friday, February 8, 2019

People Destroyed

People Destroyed


The title of this article when examined should place fear in some because of the significance of its meaning.  The word destroyed is not a pleasant word and related to an ugliness that can appear in numerous ways with all ways pointing towards the end of life, with a somber note about the end result griming with disparate results.  Anyone who understands God knows that this is not a pattern or result that He wishes for His people yet for the same amount of ways mentioned a sentence ago it would seem that He cannot override.  We have just as many examples in our past that should direct us away from such causes but human nature listens to the world more quickly than its Protector so I guess we shall continue to witness such destruction.  Unless we turn back and turn our blackened hearts back to God before He has to start involuntarily peeling layers of our society away so He can reach that heart of ours.

A short while ago God gave us a wonderful letter that dealt with old counsels and how important it is to know the correct counsel to seek when times of trouble arrive or even when trouble seems far away.  Today, each time we turn on the news or watch political advertisements it seems like someone else has an opinion from another.  Used to be that this was an acceptable position to have and that those involved could sit down and have a rational conversation about such disagreements.  Not today, any opposite opinion is declared a target and thus shot at with weapons of mass destruction until that opposite opinion is silenced.  Back in the day, it would almost be physically impossible for any type of immediate controversy to be displayed for the technology of quick information did not exist thus forcing people to take the time to read about issues and then make informed and consented decisions about whatever was in discussion.

There is no question that technology has become a natural part of our lives today as did the clay pot or canister was back in the days of the Bible. While technological knowledge has done modern societies a favor, for the most part, not all developments can be construed as so precious.  Do not get it incorrect, technology has advanced in some areas that simply are amazing and serve the public well but we must consider that some of these items have become a detriment and a habitual nuisance to others around the users.  Working in the medical profession has allowed me to watch the progression of technology improve the accuracy and testing of lab work, and with the development of the CT, MRI and PET scanning techniques one cannot complain at all.  However, as stated above when these items become a distraction or a dependent category of our lives we lose the capability of reasoning and thinking independently for ourselves thus relying on such developments instead of the knowledge we have acquired over the years.  It is this dependence and crown like objects that cause our demise and separation from God thus blinding us of what is really occurring around us.  This type of living is not the truth, but a worldly lie and one of the reasons the loss of God in our lives occurs.

It is this technological availability that is one of the beginning points of our modern day dumbing down of our minds and hearts and then created a wealth of useless facts that has complimented the false security of technology as a security blanket instead of a tool to enhance our methods of survival.  Technological breakthroughs, in theory, represent the exact answer we needed in order to overcome almost any type of destruction that could come our way yet it has proven to be the instrument that has caused our demise faster than believed.  If someone takes away a young person’s computer or cell phone their lives are immediately in disarray and if one watches them close enough for a short period of time their entire livelihood and attitude drastically change.  They believe and then subsequently act like they cannot function without this crutch hanging from their hearts and the longer they are without it the more agitated and frustrated they become.  Ask any parent who has a younger generation kid that they have raised and they will concur with this evaluation.  It is a frightening moment to think about what would occur if God supernaturally devastates this nation and we all find ourselves living without the so-called comforts of the modern age again.  Oh, and by the way, it is not an “if” God is going to do this it is a matter of when God is going to do remind us of who is exactly in control. 

While I cannot specifically say just what percentage of increase there has been in traffic accidents involving kids and using their cell phones while driving but I do know that when my eyes glance over the city police blotter there is not a week that goes by without a call mentioned this type of accident.  Of course, details are sketchy on these occasions but what information is given is easily understood what transpired as one of the reasons for the incident.  If technology can cause such grief and havoc on a local level and create a small infraction which in turn results in short chaos just think what kind of results will be present when availability of certain items, basic items for existence are not readily are not around.  What occurs when accidents happen that involve those who are more interested in things around them than what is in front of them and the cost of such an accident now proves escalated as in death?   People know and have been taught not to do such activities when operating a vehicle, yet almost every day we can easily find where such an accident occurs.  Many in this country have no clue how to survive when something huge occurs and just think about how people will act when their dependencies are not available either.  If God is not a respecter of persons as His Word states, then He shall not be a respecter of items either.

With all of this specific technology at our hands and feet, why is it that our knowledge level seems to be decreasing faster than what our developmental aspects of the world can manufacture?  It is simple, the resources that we pour our hearts into nowadays has nothing to do with God and yet has everything to do with the world around us.  All of these gadgets serve as distractions to what we have been originally taught to do, to think, and how to act.  We first see this in the Garden of Eden when God warns Adam about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil all the while maintaining the job that God gave him to complete.  The job was the knowledgeable issue of Adam, not the eating of the tree yet our enemy twisted the truth enough and for long enough that the distraction occurred and humanity was changed forever through the accident of choices made.  If Adam and Eve would have maintained their focus on the job at hand it would have been easy for them to ignore and to cast out Lucifer and things would have been so much more different for all of us today.

Hosea 4:6 is the passage of Scripture that God wants to share with us in this article and it is one that is ripe for the understanding for this society and many others like it are demonstrating its words to perfection today.  Many think that the Book of Hosea is mainly about marriage and how Hosea followed the command of God concerning his marriage to his wife, this is a correct assumption and one that has countless examples of such truth, but even though we are not going to directly relate to marriage the subject of obedience to the Old Counsel does show up and how our lack of knowledge concerning His Ways affects our lives dramatically.  When people substitute artificial and worldly training from the true way of living only destruction can occur because when this becomes a personal fact God is taken out of the equation and as we study His Word we see what happens when humans elect this course instead of God’s.  Knowledge comes in the presence of knowing how to recognize a problem and be willing to fix the problem without provocative conditions.  See, we have the technology to fix many things in our lives but unless we use these advantages to solve our real problems those instruments are not being used correctly and further issues and problematic developments shall present themselves in their own time and they will only be larger in number and in appearance.

This type of pattern arises and then continues to be held over our lives when humans do not follow God’s Ways and consequently become so controlled by the world and its properties that any belief in advancing forward to clear such issues becomes the proverbial dark tunnel.  It is at this time that all major productive functions of existence cease and only a method of sideways advancement occurs.  We have over the past few years been taught that God only operates in one direction and that is forward, we have also learned that God cannot be intertwined with the world so if God is taken out of the equation then any progress whatsoever is a sideways motion from the world and therefore cannot be attributed from God.  It is a common theme, as mentioned above that this type of resort will be manifested when people do not know true knowledge and the One who provides this life-giving knowledge either, but let us for a moment take into consideration those who do know about such Author and process of this vital knowledge yet does not prove true to the Word that needs to be shared.

God has given each one of us the ability to solve issues that arise but when we lean on worldly possessions as a source of solving these issues no gain shall occur.  Only further in debt will be our status because the world cannot give complete directions for anyone’s future for the leader of the world cannot foresee what is our future, he can only see his ending coming up.  This eternal death sentence of his is exactly what he wishes for us and through this standard of his, he represents the only option which many people choose because in their eyes there is no other vital choice to be taken.  Why do you believe this setting occurs, do you suppose?  It is evident that the pattern followed is one of pure and utter devastation but to many, it is the only pattern they see to follow and when one believes that they have only a single pattern to follow it is of no great surprise when they chose the ways of the world.  But as many of us know there is another pattern we can follow, one that provides truth and healing to the broken and provides them with an eternal plan of salvation, yet we are remaining silent on this issue and thus allowing countless die without them knowing what the real Truth is all about.

In our Scripture reference, we find that Hosea was told by God to marry a prostitute plain and simple.  All knew Hosea to be an honorable and godly man and those around him could not understand why he would do such a move, but when Hosea heard the voice of God he acted upon what God shared with him and married exactly who God told him to marry.  If Hosea did not understand the Word of God and what the meaning of God’s Words was he could have easily misunderstood or even ignored what God told him to do.  God used Hosea to show Israel how their lives were appearing in the eyes of God and how that they still had the opportunity to change their hearts even though their daily lives seemed normal to them.  There is something that needs to be known right up front about the situation that Hosea found himself living within and that is what God told Hosea to do does NOT in ANY way give us the authority to run to the world and accept their ways in order to convert the world in such a manner that Hosea was told to do.  Hosea is not a scapegoat nor is his life and obedience a manner to which we should follow.  I bet that many people have had this idea placed into their heads and believed that it was real, and when their involvement in the world arrived found themselves in the muck and could not get out.  How many times has God tried to show us how not to do something through other people’s examples, and how many times have we ignored them?

Can you imagine what blasphemy this “choice” of Hosea’s looked like to the people around him?  What did his buddies think about what he did especially when Gomer decided to run off and play her idolatrous games as she was groomed to do?  One can only imagine what people said about her and about Hosea both directly and indirectly but what is most interesting is that all of them saw the physical aspects of those events but hardly any saw the spiritual aspects of what God was trying to get across to each heart in that area.  Israel in this setting represents the prime example of a nation (people) who do not understand what it meant to live under Covenant and what that Covenant stood for as the relationship between them and God.  They still separated the physical from the spiritual and did not understand that through their Creation by God that both aspects function as one entity.  It is “normal” to see the physical when one lives in such a state without God, but those who understand the aspects of the spiritual aspire to live for God and to know His wisdom when it comes to their existence and presence.

Gomer had no intentions of being “tamed” or “controlled” by her husband.  Her heart was continually looking for ways to get out and to satisfy her longings, the ones she really wanted to have in her life.  She ignored the role of a wife and of a mother even though she played the part when she had to.  Her existence was totally in vain and the worldly vanity and popularity that had gripped her still called and when it did she allowed its presence to override her real calling as a woman of God.  But Hosea, knowing all of her actions and deeds with others loved her still simply because she was his wife.  He was faithful to her and defended her when the time came all the while people around him were shaking their heads not understanding why Hosea did what he did.  Gomer represents what God sees when He hears a person of religion speak, they have no intention of changing or deepening their commitment to God only the satisfaction that they receive when walking around in their worldly “Jesus clothes” attire.  While Gomer served as the example for Israel to see, Israel did not see what God was warning them about and eventually paid a heavy price for this denial.

The question that God poses to us today is this: how would you have reacted when or if you came into contact with Hosea or Gomer?  How would you respond when you had time to think about what was going on?  Would you gossip?  Would you laugh, cry, or even participate in such flings?  We have to remember that we are not talking about a gentile nation here or another nation that did not know God but referring to the nation of Israel, the same nation that God chose and Created Himself.  These wonderful people because of their Creation status should have recognized what God was trying to show them, that it was their hearts that were blackened and that they needed to be repaired by God and not the ways of the world.  This setting also shows just how incompetent we become when we allow religion to invade our lives and overtake the relationship that God seeks and desires from us.  How many of us would rather consider ourselves to be Catholic, Baptists, Assembly of God, or any other denomination BEFORE we consider ourselves children of God who wish to know God and everything about Him?  Wanting to get to know a person is a sign that they wish to have a relationship with someone else.  When the intimate details of another person are kept from another, no relationship can be examined, and the same goes with religion for religion only scratches the surface or the superficial of what is being pursued because everyone knows that when something becomes a ritual to the eyes the heart is no longer involved.

We have arrived at the meat of this article and to the point that God wants us to understand today.  Many of us continue to walk around with the faces of the Israelites in this passage, we have been schooled in the Word of God but still do not know the knowledge or the wisdom that God has for us in His Word.  We look at the issues of the world and blame others for what is going on yet fail to understand that it is our own actions as the Church or I should say non-actions of the Church that has brought us to this place in society.  As children of God we should always be aware of what is going on around us and when things go wrong and the reasoning’s for what transpired is made known, we should never automatically accuse anyone else first, but look to our own hearts to see if any of what has become known resides within our own lives.

This passage also clearly states the reasons why people do not understand God and why bad things occur in their lives.  Sadly, the lack of understanding true knowledge also allows for people to accept wrong as being right and desire to punish those who see the opposite.  God has no intentions for us to go out into the world unprepared for this passage and the entire Book of Hosea explains why we should not; however, it does explain the condition of Israel’s heart and God is showing us today that our hearts have become the exact same way and that we have accepted sin as our norm instead as our enemy.  For some people, it is difficult for them to understand exactly how this passage is relevant to our lives today but for others, they see quite clearly just as this perfect illustration of what our hearts are living.  With all of the happenings in our world today one would believe that people would be flocking to God in droves but in truth, they are running from God and continuing to pursue their own truth through worldly measures.  There is no question that the Church is included in this running away from God scenario because almost each day we hear about another pastor or group of leaders being accused of improprieties, people turning to selfish plans in order to resolve their issues, and just not seeking God for answers to what is going on around them and in their lives.  It is a classic sign especially when you read this passage and the remaining portions of Hosea.

God has no intentions of His people to suffer in the ways of the world and that is the single reason why He gave us the ability to think and to reason, then to choose our personal and eventual national elections.  Today, we see this pattern of worldly acceptance guiding people right over the cliff of life and to top it off when this time arrives in our communities we are not allowed to even address the eternal aspect of their lives to ward off any further non-purposeful destinies of others.  In many cases, friends or family members hold the services of these lost lives and God is totally left out of the services.  Folks, these types of instances and situations shall increase if we do not turn our hearts back to God and seek His wisdom again before it is us who becomes the next victim.

God could have chosen any example to use for this article but He chose this one because it demonstrates just how important it is that we maintain a close and direct relationship with Him in order for us to make our lives sufficient under His Grace.  It does not matter if your intimate, personal, national, or eternal life is being attacked God has no desire whatsoever to see it destroyed on any level but our existence shall always be in question if we fail to recognize and then seek the advice of the Almighty God.  It does not matter who you are you have the ability to see the truth if you only allow yourself to be a witness to the One who created you.  This can only be possible if you have the willingness to choose to listen to God and to live under His Ways.  It has been said that God works in mysterious ways and if we believe this to be true then we must consider every word that Hosea wrote and take his words into consideration and then apply them to our own lives.

Church, we are not exempt from this sinful life and we need to figure out our heart’s status real quickly because our time is running out to do God’s work and to fulfill Jesus’ command to us.  Look at the world and how it operates and we should have no problems understanding what is going on and how we have reached this point.  We have fallen down on the job because we have impersonalized our relationship with God and have personalized it with the world and it is in this order of our electing that shall cause us to be destroyed.  The word “I” or even the notion of “self” cannot be present in anything we do for when it lies in this state we are limited in all things and there cannot be any limitations in the Kingdom of God.  Let us return to the Word of God for our knowledge and instruction for it is the perfect source for our lives and for the lives of those who do not know it.  God gave us His definition so that we can straighten out our lives through Him and not believe that we can cover ourselves as Adam and Eve did after sin entered into our existence.  Do we consider our knowledge the kind that comes from God or the one that we induce ourselves into believing that it comes from God?  When we have these ideologies coming forth from our lips do we check them with the Word of God first with the complete understanding that God’s word is the eternal Truth and not our self-interpretation?  The passage that we have just concluded demonstrates a land of people who have lost their desire to be in relationship with God thus have no intentions of correcting their lives to line up with the standards that God Created them to live within.  

Today, we see the exact same process transpiring right in front of us for you have Church leaders siding with the world when it comes to abortions and how the choice of a woman is more important than the definition of God.  This election of the Church is a clear deterrent from God’s Word and cannot be deemed as any other response.  This issue is not the only one that plagues the Church for there are many other “hot” topics that the world deems necessary that the Church has embraced or is in the process of embracing.  All of these examples are ones that prove that we are in the same boat as the people of Israel in this passage of Hosea and it is time we wake up and change our elections before our choices reap the hand of God.  What shall it take for us to stop and to take a hard look at our hearts?  I know it took me having to ride in a helicopter for God to show me the status of not only my heart but the heart of this nation as well.  ALL are included in this description and every one of us needs to turn to the Bible and seek the commands of God and to repent so that we may live in restoration and have the authority over the world as Jesus gave us.  Are we going to be Hosea, Hosea’s wife or the people of Israel?


Sunday, February 3, 2019

An Elevated Human, Demeaned God

An Elevated Human, Demeaned God


Have you ever asked yourself why it is so important for humans to raise their personal stakes and tear down someone else’s while they complete this gross injustice?  In a day and age where screams of equality rage back and forth it would seem like we would want to take the easiest path towards this concept, yet as each moment passes it seems like we sink deeper and deeper into our holes of self-gratification.  While we continue to dig, we find ourselves still taking God out of our rescue plans of survival and as our shovels increase in speed so goes God from our hearts at an even faster pace.  We cannot afford to keep God out of our peaceful equation for as we do we will continue to fail to understand that the more we shove Him away the quicker our shovels work digging our hole and when the water arrives the only thing we can do then is to watch it fill up and drown our eternity from our existence.  There is hope, however, and as of this moment Church, we can turn around and begin to work again for God, for a demeaned God and an elevated human is just not in the correct order.

With so many issues developing each day is hard to keep up with everything that is transpiring in our immediate communities much less our world.  It seems like things have become more agitated as each story is read or listened to with only additions to the frustration levels that all of us carry on our backs when nothing is completely settled.  Sadly, even though we try and hide these emotional yokes they are plainly visible to those who actually watch people and listen to what they have to say but even then, not much gets accomplished because they use these baggage claims as a weapon against those who try and help.  Each one of us has a gift or enthusiasm for a certain portion of our world and understand those areas better than others but when we find those who do not follow such anthems as we do it is not necessary to rip them apart for not understanding what is going on either.  Christians have been famous for doing this when it comes to the Bible and through our actions towards those who do not know what the Word of God says, we should teach them not to yell at them for being naïve to the Bible, for if we treat them like the world treats its prisoners then they shall quickly turn away and never set foot in a church building or receive the testimony of eternal Covenant.

Once again, I opened my mouth on social media and was immediately interred into a pit of people that misunderstood my words, question actually, and this time it was not even about a biblical setting or question either.  There have been a lot of people using the social media outlets and other communicative devices to speak about what is on their mind and from what I can gather through my brief search one of those subjects deals on “Q”.  Now, what I said in this line of words of mine was that I did not really know who or what “Q” was so I just put down “Q?” as a way of trying to find out what it meant.  Boy, did I get an earful?  What was most interesting to me was that the words of these people originated from those who share many of the same beliefs and values that I do, including some of them being Christians.  Well, you know I am glad that God has given them the desire to find out all of these different ideas about what is going on in the world and when I have time, if I have the time, I shall listen to their words, watch their videos, and read their articles but that is not the burden that God has placed in my heart.  My heart’s desire is that people (the Church) understand that there is a HUGE change coming to our land and if we do not turn our hearts back to God and tell people the Truth we are going to witness this incomprehensible change and thus live in a new world of hurt.  Repentance and restoration is what God shows my heart and it is these aspects of God’s definition that I study and therefore, what I am dedicated to do and teach for the time being; and God continues to show me areas of His definition concerning these elements almost every day which means that my job of learning and teaching is far from being complete.  In no way am I demeaning or suppressing any other person’s burden from God for all information that the world is contributing to our eternal deaths and deceptions form great multitudes of lies but we cannot and God continually reminds me that it is the eternal heart position of his children that He cares most about and thus it is mine as well.

Most of you know that I love music and have had an ear for music ever since I can remember, and for some reason, I have been craving to hear some of the old hymns that I grew up singing.  A few days ago, I was scrolling through some of my classical music playlists and all of a sudden the hymn “How Great Thou Art” popped up as one of my options to listen.  The source of the song was one of the longer prayer and reading videos that appear occasionally on my playlists and even though this hymn did not have any words on the screen I did not need them for my heart began singing out those remembered words from my younger days.  It meant so much to my heart to hear the notes of this song and how quickly my mouth quietly began to sing that hymn once again.  It was while I was singing that God dropped this article topic into my heart and at the same time reminding me about the words to this hymn and how they have faded from the hearts of His children because we have started a process of rewriting the order of mankind, placing ourselves in complete control of our lives to ourselves, and electing our thinking and ways over the Ways of God instead of raising up God and allowing His advice and Word rule over us.

                                    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
                                    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

This is the portion of the old hymn that God drew me to that morning, while I enjoyed the entire song God focused my heart on these two lines and showed me what His heart hears from His people.  Through these few words, a human cannot honor a more beautiful act of submission and acknowledgment to God about our standing and His.  I had never looked at this song in any other way than being an uplifting message to God, and while this is a true belief and statement to God we must look at things from another view, a sad view and one that we now display every day and that is the uplifting of our own selves and in turn demeaning the presence, authority and Omni of God.  The word Omni as many of you know means all or everything and when included with roots it becomes a specific title such as omnipresent and is representative of God being everywhere.  Over time, we as a nation have worked our way into a position of authority that came only from God but as this time advanced we forgot who gave us this standard and strove to advance our own agenda through the power status given.  Therefore, when mankind selfishly works their own ways into a God-given gift and then seeks glory in such human status only disaster can result and blindly we are witnessing this disastrous position of sinking sand growing within our hearts but without personal contention because we are so egocentric that we cannot see past our own greed.  It is this gloated status that God sees as the issue for this article and He wants us to change our hearts before He has to change them for us.

One would expect to hear no words or acclamations about God uttering from a worldly view or source but when God has been ingrained into this nation ever since it was founded it hurts the entire entity of God and those who understand that this nation was forged on His Word and our supplication for freedom.  The Pilgrims did not just come across the Atlantic to snub their noses in the face of an English king, but because they had a general knowledge of what the Church had done to millions of people before them due to differences in worship methods, procedures, and beliefs.  All the way back to the Early Church we can see that these differences between people split hearts wide open then created a divided and conquered Church body and when we look at her today we cannot help but see the same fractured body trying to survive in the same manner.  Now, through our indecisiveness as a Church, the world and its leader have jumped on this ineffectiveness of ours and have seized an upper hand in modifying our minds and shaping our hearts in order to gain further and deeper control of every aspect of those who call themselves Christians.  It is in this atmosphere that breaks my heart knowing that these beautiful words in this hymn which represent our humility before God are no longer being sung or lived by on a continual and daily basis.  Also, it is for these and other noncompliant reasons that we are seeing how our presence as Christians and our nation being a representative as a Christian nation are being ripped to shreds.

It is a normal step process when people try their best to take God out of their lives in that they automatically elevate themselves into a higher position.  With this next example I will be engaging on a single political party here but be aware that this example is not just limited or restricted to just this single party for every citizen has been infected with the self-elevation program and due to this blinding coursed action of ours fail to recognize exactly what we have done with God and our view of Him.  A while back most of us are familiar with a national political party during their national convention voted to remove any mention of God from their platform.  This decree was subsequently overturned by the presidential nominee and thus squelched when an additional vote took place, even though it was clear that the revote was skewed for it was obvious that many more voices were for the removal of God than those who wanted His name to stay in the platform.

Recently, another attempt to remove God from a recognized political procedure was attempted with not much mentioning by public agencies.  This act of demeaning God and replacing Him with self-elevation status’ took place in the House of Representatives when a committee decided it was time to remove “so help me God” from the oath that was being taken to witnesses going before governmental committees and other governmental bodies.  This passage of change would have meant that only human authority and beliefs would govern a person or group in charge questioning said person about anything.  It also meant that the person or group in charge questioning of said person would deem if they were telling the truth or not and thus confine their (the questioners) beliefs into their judgment.  While this type of practice currently occurs to a certain extent the phrase in which the party wants to remove still hangs over their authoritative heads and through the presence of this phrase being present may be the single reason that guilt still is a bit too much for some to handle while dictating such arguments.  In other words, if a group in charge bars people from _______ according to what they believe is true without this phrase being in practice, that they are considered the highest authority of judgment and not God, endeavoring their conscious to be clean when “sentencing” is presented.

Thankfully, this vote was stopped short of its goal and the phrase “so help me God” shall for this moment remain intact when a person giving testimony, and that the governing body shall also have to adhere to THE higher authority when asking questions to those in front of them.  Due to the blessings of God on our nation and the ignorance about who wants to limit and then take away these gifts of grace, we have believed that every status we have achieved has been at the hands of ourselves.  The direct accomplishment of human elevation is the basic foundation for the call of destruction and devastation; you realize this fact, correct?   It means that whoever is in control represents the authority of what is right and what is wrong, truth versus untruth.  This humanly flawed standard is dangerous to guide ourselves by but even so, we are witnessing this activity already being advocated and daringly displayed.  When our standard of morality is defined by a flawed or defeated concept division can be the only “truth” that can be represented, and from the look of the character of division in this land today we are far deeper in our hole than most people recognize.  Sadly, this concept shall only grow and with other congruent steps promoted on similar ground in the future shall provide a one-sided affair that will lead to a one-party system that controls all aspects of everyone’s life.  With this result, the Church should have been jumping with joy and praising God for the realization that this government still needs You in our lives, but no, no celebrations were heard from the Church and she has been silent on this setting.

There cannot be any hesitation when it comes to the Church’s involvement in this setting and when one looks at where the Church fits into this selfish mess it becomes quite clear that she is authorizing worldly patterns to overtake her existence.  She has forgotten why she was created and established to do and through her own status of worldly self-elevation has come to adopt the philosophy of Lucifer when he tried this approach to be equal with God.  Lucifer did his best to elevate his Creation to a higher status than what he was and through this property debunked his entire purpose and was thrown down out of Heaven and thus lost his glorious status given to him by God at the same time.  If God’s people or any other Created being or human entity tries to manipulate God and His Holy Order in such a manner, it means that the Church has other directions in mind and thus not fulfilling her commission and command of Jesus Christ.  So what does this mean?  It means that the Church has elevated herself in the same fashion as the ungodly world has, and created a new belief that she can represent two kingdoms at the same time.  This belief is exactly what got Lucifer eternally thrown out of the Holy presence of God and it shall do the same to the Church if she does not turn and repent from her wicked ways.

Anytime humans elevate themselves on their own terms problems are guaranteed to soon follow.  It is not our place to elevate ourselves to any level for we are the created and God is the Creator, not the opposite.  It does not matter if the world and its allies believe then publicly testifies and declare that we are higher than what we deem to be, we are still on a plane so low compared to God that we can be no greater than a worm.  If we allow our imaginations to run with this elevated concept of humanity and the demeaning of God, the ensuing fall that will follow shall be indescribably tremendous for even in our hyped up status God routinely prophecies about His people to repent and to allow Him to elevate our lives according to His Standard and not the world.  Yes, there have been plenty of prophetic words given concerning these status checks that we have given ourselves and none of them have demonstrated good outcomes.  In fact, one, in particular, would issue in the end times and last days for it has stated that the current shores of this nation shall be no longer and that the nation is ripped into three sections, all of which are biblically accurate not only in the sin category but also geographically God accurate.  In conclusion, I understand that there are no specific Scripture verses used in this article and there shouldn’t be any need for any because of the status of where the Church finds herself in.  She has no argument concerning her position and since she believes that she is morally superior to God it is obvious that she needs to reference the ENTIRE Word of God again in order to de-elevate herself before God says “enough”.

God, I pray for the spirit of your Church that she may open her heart back up to You and Your presence.  May she reacquaint herself with Your beauty for her and help her to understand that Your Ways are the only ways possible for eternal survival.  May Your words of wisdom guide her at all times and may she come alive again with Your Spirit harbored inside, bring us back to repentance and restore our salvation underneath Your Covenant.  Help her to realize that You love us like no other can or could and for us to understand how Your Love works in all Ways.  Father God, the Church needs Your heart beating inside us again and I ask that You bring us to the point of unsettledness until we give up the world and turn back to You.  Make Your Word and Your Ways our prayer and may You be represented no matter where we go, what we do, or when we speak for this is the true act of Your Love for Your children.  Father God, I ask that You burn this topic into our hearts like none other and open our hearts to the realization that You elevate us and not the world.  Once again separate us from the world and bring us into eternal communion with You.  I ask this in Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ, and I thank Him for what He did for us on the cross, Amen.