Sunday, February 3, 2019

An Elevated Human, Demeaned God

An Elevated Human, Demeaned God


Have you ever asked yourself why it is so important for humans to raise their personal stakes and tear down someone else’s while they complete this gross injustice?  In a day and age where screams of equality rage back and forth it would seem like we would want to take the easiest path towards this concept, yet as each moment passes it seems like we sink deeper and deeper into our holes of self-gratification.  While we continue to dig, we find ourselves still taking God out of our rescue plans of survival and as our shovels increase in speed so goes God from our hearts at an even faster pace.  We cannot afford to keep God out of our peaceful equation for as we do we will continue to fail to understand that the more we shove Him away the quicker our shovels work digging our hole and when the water arrives the only thing we can do then is to watch it fill up and drown our eternity from our existence.  There is hope, however, and as of this moment Church, we can turn around and begin to work again for God, for a demeaned God and an elevated human is just not in the correct order.

With so many issues developing each day is hard to keep up with everything that is transpiring in our immediate communities much less our world.  It seems like things have become more agitated as each story is read or listened to with only additions to the frustration levels that all of us carry on our backs when nothing is completely settled.  Sadly, even though we try and hide these emotional yokes they are plainly visible to those who actually watch people and listen to what they have to say but even then, not much gets accomplished because they use these baggage claims as a weapon against those who try and help.  Each one of us has a gift or enthusiasm for a certain portion of our world and understand those areas better than others but when we find those who do not follow such anthems as we do it is not necessary to rip them apart for not understanding what is going on either.  Christians have been famous for doing this when it comes to the Bible and through our actions towards those who do not know what the Word of God says, we should teach them not to yell at them for being naïve to the Bible, for if we treat them like the world treats its prisoners then they shall quickly turn away and never set foot in a church building or receive the testimony of eternal Covenant.

Once again, I opened my mouth on social media and was immediately interred into a pit of people that misunderstood my words, question actually, and this time it was not even about a biblical setting or question either.  There have been a lot of people using the social media outlets and other communicative devices to speak about what is on their mind and from what I can gather through my brief search one of those subjects deals on “Q”.  Now, what I said in this line of words of mine was that I did not really know who or what “Q” was so I just put down “Q?” as a way of trying to find out what it meant.  Boy, did I get an earful?  What was most interesting to me was that the words of these people originated from those who share many of the same beliefs and values that I do, including some of them being Christians.  Well, you know I am glad that God has given them the desire to find out all of these different ideas about what is going on in the world and when I have time, if I have the time, I shall listen to their words, watch their videos, and read their articles but that is not the burden that God has placed in my heart.  My heart’s desire is that people (the Church) understand that there is a HUGE change coming to our land and if we do not turn our hearts back to God and tell people the Truth we are going to witness this incomprehensible change and thus live in a new world of hurt.  Repentance and restoration is what God shows my heart and it is these aspects of God’s definition that I study and therefore, what I am dedicated to do and teach for the time being; and God continues to show me areas of His definition concerning these elements almost every day which means that my job of learning and teaching is far from being complete.  In no way am I demeaning or suppressing any other person’s burden from God for all information that the world is contributing to our eternal deaths and deceptions form great multitudes of lies but we cannot and God continually reminds me that it is the eternal heart position of his children that He cares most about and thus it is mine as well.

Most of you know that I love music and have had an ear for music ever since I can remember, and for some reason, I have been craving to hear some of the old hymns that I grew up singing.  A few days ago, I was scrolling through some of my classical music playlists and all of a sudden the hymn “How Great Thou Art” popped up as one of my options to listen.  The source of the song was one of the longer prayer and reading videos that appear occasionally on my playlists and even though this hymn did not have any words on the screen I did not need them for my heart began singing out those remembered words from my younger days.  It meant so much to my heart to hear the notes of this song and how quickly my mouth quietly began to sing that hymn once again.  It was while I was singing that God dropped this article topic into my heart and at the same time reminding me about the words to this hymn and how they have faded from the hearts of His children because we have started a process of rewriting the order of mankind, placing ourselves in complete control of our lives to ourselves, and electing our thinking and ways over the Ways of God instead of raising up God and allowing His advice and Word rule over us.

                                    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
                                    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

This is the portion of the old hymn that God drew me to that morning, while I enjoyed the entire song God focused my heart on these two lines and showed me what His heart hears from His people.  Through these few words, a human cannot honor a more beautiful act of submission and acknowledgment to God about our standing and His.  I had never looked at this song in any other way than being an uplifting message to God, and while this is a true belief and statement to God we must look at things from another view, a sad view and one that we now display every day and that is the uplifting of our own selves and in turn demeaning the presence, authority and Omni of God.  The word Omni as many of you know means all or everything and when included with roots it becomes a specific title such as omnipresent and is representative of God being everywhere.  Over time, we as a nation have worked our way into a position of authority that came only from God but as this time advanced we forgot who gave us this standard and strove to advance our own agenda through the power status given.  Therefore, when mankind selfishly works their own ways into a God-given gift and then seeks glory in such human status only disaster can result and blindly we are witnessing this disastrous position of sinking sand growing within our hearts but without personal contention because we are so egocentric that we cannot see past our own greed.  It is this gloated status that God sees as the issue for this article and He wants us to change our hearts before He has to change them for us.

One would expect to hear no words or acclamations about God uttering from a worldly view or source but when God has been ingrained into this nation ever since it was founded it hurts the entire entity of God and those who understand that this nation was forged on His Word and our supplication for freedom.  The Pilgrims did not just come across the Atlantic to snub their noses in the face of an English king, but because they had a general knowledge of what the Church had done to millions of people before them due to differences in worship methods, procedures, and beliefs.  All the way back to the Early Church we can see that these differences between people split hearts wide open then created a divided and conquered Church body and when we look at her today we cannot help but see the same fractured body trying to survive in the same manner.  Now, through our indecisiveness as a Church, the world and its leader have jumped on this ineffectiveness of ours and have seized an upper hand in modifying our minds and shaping our hearts in order to gain further and deeper control of every aspect of those who call themselves Christians.  It is in this atmosphere that breaks my heart knowing that these beautiful words in this hymn which represent our humility before God are no longer being sung or lived by on a continual and daily basis.  Also, it is for these and other noncompliant reasons that we are seeing how our presence as Christians and our nation being a representative as a Christian nation are being ripped to shreds.

It is a normal step process when people try their best to take God out of their lives in that they automatically elevate themselves into a higher position.  With this next example I will be engaging on a single political party here but be aware that this example is not just limited or restricted to just this single party for every citizen has been infected with the self-elevation program and due to this blinding coursed action of ours fail to recognize exactly what we have done with God and our view of Him.  A while back most of us are familiar with a national political party during their national convention voted to remove any mention of God from their platform.  This decree was subsequently overturned by the presidential nominee and thus squelched when an additional vote took place, even though it was clear that the revote was skewed for it was obvious that many more voices were for the removal of God than those who wanted His name to stay in the platform.

Recently, another attempt to remove God from a recognized political procedure was attempted with not much mentioning by public agencies.  This act of demeaning God and replacing Him with self-elevation status’ took place in the House of Representatives when a committee decided it was time to remove “so help me God” from the oath that was being taken to witnesses going before governmental committees and other governmental bodies.  This passage of change would have meant that only human authority and beliefs would govern a person or group in charge questioning said person about anything.  It also meant that the person or group in charge questioning of said person would deem if they were telling the truth or not and thus confine their (the questioners) beliefs into their judgment.  While this type of practice currently occurs to a certain extent the phrase in which the party wants to remove still hangs over their authoritative heads and through the presence of this phrase being present may be the single reason that guilt still is a bit too much for some to handle while dictating such arguments.  In other words, if a group in charge bars people from _______ according to what they believe is true without this phrase being in practice, that they are considered the highest authority of judgment and not God, endeavoring their conscious to be clean when “sentencing” is presented.

Thankfully, this vote was stopped short of its goal and the phrase “so help me God” shall for this moment remain intact when a person giving testimony, and that the governing body shall also have to adhere to THE higher authority when asking questions to those in front of them.  Due to the blessings of God on our nation and the ignorance about who wants to limit and then take away these gifts of grace, we have believed that every status we have achieved has been at the hands of ourselves.  The direct accomplishment of human elevation is the basic foundation for the call of destruction and devastation; you realize this fact, correct?   It means that whoever is in control represents the authority of what is right and what is wrong, truth versus untruth.  This humanly flawed standard is dangerous to guide ourselves by but even so, we are witnessing this activity already being advocated and daringly displayed.  When our standard of morality is defined by a flawed or defeated concept division can be the only “truth” that can be represented, and from the look of the character of division in this land today we are far deeper in our hole than most people recognize.  Sadly, this concept shall only grow and with other congruent steps promoted on similar ground in the future shall provide a one-sided affair that will lead to a one-party system that controls all aspects of everyone’s life.  With this result, the Church should have been jumping with joy and praising God for the realization that this government still needs You in our lives, but no, no celebrations were heard from the Church and she has been silent on this setting.

There cannot be any hesitation when it comes to the Church’s involvement in this setting and when one looks at where the Church fits into this selfish mess it becomes quite clear that she is authorizing worldly patterns to overtake her existence.  She has forgotten why she was created and established to do and through her own status of worldly self-elevation has come to adopt the philosophy of Lucifer when he tried this approach to be equal with God.  Lucifer did his best to elevate his Creation to a higher status than what he was and through this property debunked his entire purpose and was thrown down out of Heaven and thus lost his glorious status given to him by God at the same time.  If God’s people or any other Created being or human entity tries to manipulate God and His Holy Order in such a manner, it means that the Church has other directions in mind and thus not fulfilling her commission and command of Jesus Christ.  So what does this mean?  It means that the Church has elevated herself in the same fashion as the ungodly world has, and created a new belief that she can represent two kingdoms at the same time.  This belief is exactly what got Lucifer eternally thrown out of the Holy presence of God and it shall do the same to the Church if she does not turn and repent from her wicked ways.

Anytime humans elevate themselves on their own terms problems are guaranteed to soon follow.  It is not our place to elevate ourselves to any level for we are the created and God is the Creator, not the opposite.  It does not matter if the world and its allies believe then publicly testifies and declare that we are higher than what we deem to be, we are still on a plane so low compared to God that we can be no greater than a worm.  If we allow our imaginations to run with this elevated concept of humanity and the demeaning of God, the ensuing fall that will follow shall be indescribably tremendous for even in our hyped up status God routinely prophecies about His people to repent and to allow Him to elevate our lives according to His Standard and not the world.  Yes, there have been plenty of prophetic words given concerning these status checks that we have given ourselves and none of them have demonstrated good outcomes.  In fact, one, in particular, would issue in the end times and last days for it has stated that the current shores of this nation shall be no longer and that the nation is ripped into three sections, all of which are biblically accurate not only in the sin category but also geographically God accurate.  In conclusion, I understand that there are no specific Scripture verses used in this article and there shouldn’t be any need for any because of the status of where the Church finds herself in.  She has no argument concerning her position and since she believes that she is morally superior to God it is obvious that she needs to reference the ENTIRE Word of God again in order to de-elevate herself before God says “enough”.

God, I pray for the spirit of your Church that she may open her heart back up to You and Your presence.  May she reacquaint herself with Your beauty for her and help her to understand that Your Ways are the only ways possible for eternal survival.  May Your words of wisdom guide her at all times and may she come alive again with Your Spirit harbored inside, bring us back to repentance and restore our salvation underneath Your Covenant.  Help her to realize that You love us like no other can or could and for us to understand how Your Love works in all Ways.  Father God, the Church needs Your heart beating inside us again and I ask that You bring us to the point of unsettledness until we give up the world and turn back to You.  Make Your Word and Your Ways our prayer and may You be represented no matter where we go, what we do, or when we speak for this is the true act of Your Love for Your children.  Father God, I ask that You burn this topic into our hearts like none other and open our hearts to the realization that You elevate us and not the world.  Once again separate us from the world and bring us into eternal communion with You.  I ask this in Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ, and I thank Him for what He did for us on the cross, Amen.


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