Wednesday, February 13, 2019

False Choices

False Choices


To be honest I have never heard of this phrase used before but as I stop and think about it for a while I must come to the realization that its concept has been in motion for a very long time.  It does not matter how one chooses their direction in life, these decisions shall never be classified as a lie but as one that has been lied to instead.  Lies are amongst us every day and it is our responsibility to take the information at hand and see who is telling the truth or not then make the appropriate path happen.  The world has always lied in order to manifest its presence in our lives whereas God has always told the truth about our lives and that of the world as well.  We have fallen away from the truth and many of us through our trust in humanity and not God.  None-the-less, unless we turn our hearts back to God and seek Him first our ways shall be grossly influenced by this new phrase that will soon become a facet in our everyday language.

As most of you know, I try my best to stay clear of most of the media outlets and all the hype that they stir in order to make ratings and thus support their jobs.  With the new year upon us, we are forced to comply with the fact that our political break is over and there will be plenty of messages, tapings, live events, and the dreaded phone calls that will permeate our daily lives real soon.  And this topic has been one of the first ones to come up and it was set in motion when one of the so-called presidential candidates used this phrase “false choices” during an event that was recently held on television.  Now, it has been known that people have made decisions on every level of information that has been given to them and most of the time that information has been accurate or mostly accurate.  However, in other cases, the information that has been provided is totally false but it tickles the ears enough that it will be believed on the same level as being accurate in the first place.

As we have witnessed over the past few decades, a growing number of hostilities have been present towards those who have made the choice to vote and to stick with one certain political party.  The anger towards such divisional choices can present themselves in almost every method of life with nothing held back when the issues are addressed in any type of manner.  Almost every day we hear from the media about some type of negative sway for those who have differing opinions from theirs or those who call others liars when their side of an issue is told.  Many believe that these differing opinions are funny, ludicrous, or simply just dumb and not worthy of any compensation or thought when presented.  The word choice is a very vague word and while this definition is correct it has been narrowed down to support and defend one side of an argument, and watch out if you do not support the issue at hand from those who believe they are in charge and in control.  Most people see that there is a bias in many markets in our nation when it comes to personal and political adherence but most and I would venture to say that 95% of the people in this nation and around the world fail to recognize this dangerous path that we are walking for if we continue to lean this way it will not be very long until we see censorship on the highest level being directed upon our lives; which is where this phrase comes into play.

When King Henry VIII came to power he had a grand vision concerning his country but as his throne seat was not even warm yet he encountered lust and thus set into motion a bloodlust of worldly power that cost many people their lives, an establishment of a new religion, and stroke of monarchial genius that contradicted every aspect of any personal life could offer.  This contradiction cost the lives of some of his closest friends some of which were part of the clergy of the country.  But their status did not matter for Henry set out to find anything against him that could be imagined and it was not too much longer than what he believed to be the bottom of the pot was reached and all of England stood still wondering if the ax was falling upon their heads for dissensions or presumed dissensions towards the king.  How could anyone believe that this type of behavior and beliefs rule a nation’s heart again?  The reason is that not only have we totally dismissed human history but more importantly we have completely dismissed God and His plan for our lives through His Word.  Our interpretations and secular viewings of the Bible reflected Henry’s decisions and it is right on course to have the same effect on our lives today but with far greater devastation than one can imagine.

The phrase was used a few weeks back from Kamala Harris who has since declared her desire to be president of this nation.  Now, I understand that there will be people who run on a platform who differ from others this is nothing new and will not be new anytime soon either, but the phrase she used during this town hall meeting was one of not acceptance but one of authoritative defiance and it should be noted as such to those listening to what is going on in this land.  When the person in the audience asked the question about a certain topic, she quickly stood up and interrupted him and stating that there are many people have made false choices concerning this matter and that they were completely wrong according to what she believed.  Now, this lady has a reputation that has preceded her in a few manipulative ways and if allowed this phrase that she used shall become a part of not only her repertoire of beliefs but one that she shall incorporate in future settings that you or I may be forced to side with or not concerning some vital and personal arguments.  We are all familiar with the word choice and how popular it is, but when leaders of this nation begin to add adjectives and adverbs to this word it becomes a worldly device that will usher in a new territory of deception that will eventually rule over our lives.

The word “false” utterly means a lie or to be definitively wrong when referring to an issue and if a person of control or leadership has enough authority to use this phrase in an utter and definitive way the witness who is sitting on the questioning seat now has become a witness for the chopping block.  With the magnitude and force that many people cling to the word “choice”, it sets up a reason for others that have differing opinions about things to be held in these settings as obstacles to progress thus placing them into the category of a legal tone of false choice.  God gave us a wonderful gift of choice and this gift can be used on all levels of our lives but if the world controls this gift and the functions that it serves, it becomes a dangerous weapon to those who may disagree with someone’s opinions.  Are we seeing this type of activity occurring today?  Of course, we are!  It pops up on our screens every day and every time someone disagrees with the popular opinion the question is asked about how we can convince others to abandon their choices and come over to the “real” side of the world.  Well, if the civil mannerisms are not “working” to their satisfaction, when what do you pray tell is the next step?

More specifically, this phrase was used in reference to the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution and touches a lot of people upon this action of words.  While this specific topic is a current hot item in the nation, it serves as an ice breaker and in turn launches step into the frontier of antichrist.  What happens when this phrase catches on and dives into the 1st Amendment controversy that appears on a regular basis or any other amendment that people wish to argue?  When a lie is told it means that the opposite is true and if people place this phrase into their vocabulary and it penetrates their hearts only one conclusion can be drawn from its Jezebelic control and that is to turn brother against brother and open a can of demonic worms that shall rip this nation into pieces.  It is obvious in what direction this nation is seeking, for it wants nothing to do with God or His eternal morals.  Oh, we have stepped in it now Church and it is time we put our hearts back into the Word of God before things come crashing down on us and we stand and cry like babies when it does.

A good portion of Matthew Chapter 10 deals with this issue of how God and His Ways will be ignored by the world and its leaders and when people who truly love God will be persecuted and condemned on a regular basis.  It is for this reason that people use this phrase that takes more steps to this total and complete concept of this chapter and places it into our laps.  Jesus did not say these things for us to play around with or to carry them lightly on our shoulders but to learn them and to keep them in our hearts so that God may quicken our spirits when the world tries to take another step of control.  Yet, we have ignored this Word of warning from Jesus and have promoted the demise of many lives because of our own ignorance and blackened hearts.  We now have people in leadership positions that believe that others make false choices and should be held accountable for such choices and this setting is now a reality because many people who consider themselves to be Christians cannot believe the teachings of Christ!  It saddens me that the Church continues her quest to drown out the truth about what is coming to our world and replacing it with an imaginative falsity about how God wants peace with the world.  If God wanted peace with the world first off, He would have never sent His Son to die for our sins and then He would have never had this passage written as a warning of such “pacification” with the world.

For those of you who are in denial about what God is telling us today let me share another specific word that should shed light on this Truth from God.  The word false is the key word here for it brings into line another possible link to the end times.  We all have made bad choices in our past and some of us are continuing that trend of bad mistakes.  But when the word “bad” is compared to the word “false” there is a huge difference in the meaning of such words and the difference between these two descriptive words could mean your life or the end of it.  A bad choice is one that we regret but have the opportunity to move forward and do our best not to make the same choice again but not “false choices”, those are in a separate category and should be dealt with in a more substantial way because in the eyes of those who you have spoken or shown these false choices to deem you guilty and thus responsible for any further action against you by those who are in charge.  When false replaces bad, it is never a good thing for it changes the entire complexion of the situation and if we do not stop this phrase now, it shall soon be all over our screens and then in our ears being spoken directly towards us.  Talk about your replacement theologies, this is one of the true one's people.

Here is a hint that we need to take into consideration each time we wake up in the mornings, the world shall never accept anything from God or any one of His Ways.  There shall be no exception to this eternal Law and no matter how much Satan and his cronies will try to mimic these laws or tell you that God does not mind, know without a doubt that it is a lie!  The lady who made this statement during this event also believes that it is okay for women to sleep around with others in order to advance a position or career, this is what she did in order to fulfill her dreams and to be in the position that she is today.  What if this issue was the one that you had to answer to during your witness time?  What would occur when you rebuffed her demands that you had an affair when clearly you did not?  Read the story of Sir Thomas More about such accusations from King Henry and his outcome then come back and read this article again with his testimony in your mind and see what is very possible to occur.

Church, we alone have the authority from God to stop such worldly nonsense and regain the world for God.  But there will be no way that this reclamation shall occur if we do not turn our hearts back to God and dive into His Word so that we may see what is trying to advance before our very eyes.  We are in the process of upgrading or downgrading either which you wish to say, our condition from a bad choice to a false choice in the eyes of our leaders and it is vital that we understand this passage so that we know what Satan is trying to accomplish.  It is not our mission to add to the confusing and gripping words and phrases that will usher in another way of life that this nation was founded upon, but it is our mission to change the hearts and to teach them to return to their Creator before it is too late.  Reconsider our examination process but this time, allow God to examine our hearts so that He may reveal our blackened hearts in His own manner through His love and not through worldly measures as we have accepted in the past.  Returning to God is the only way possible that we will draw closer to the cross that Jesus died on and thus center ourselves upon Him and not the false choices of the world.


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