Sunday, February 10, 2019

For The Bible Tells Me So

For the Bible Tells Me So


Sometimes the simplest phrases or sentences can bring such deep meaning to a person’s life.  We would all like to have such fond lessons learned when we are young but when the truth is told many falls into this category the hard way at an older age.  God never intended for us to live such hectic and brutal lives but because of the choices, humans made a long time ago we have inherited a vast array of insults that complicate our everyday life.  One of the most important responsibilities of the Church is to be a strong witness to children and to encourage them in every way to live for Jesus and be examples to them that our actions bring them to the understanding that they need a Savior and that the world will only cause pain and grief.  We have fallen down on this task of ours and are not following the simple rules of God’s Ways but if we turn back to Him and allow Him to restore this burden for the lost we shall see not only our lives turn around but this nation and the true beacon she harbors as well.

Anyone who attended a Children’s Church services when they were young probably remembers singing the song “Jesus Loves Me”.  It was a song that we sang on a routine basis and really did not need any help with the words for they were simple, short, and straight to the point.  I know I have so many fond memories of the different churches that my parents pastored and while we might not have stayed in every town and city for an extended period of time my time in the children and youth departments were exceptional, to say the least.  The song “Jesus Loves Me” was sung in each of the churches that I was involved in and the words to that song still pop up in my heart on a regular basis for they represent the foundation of the definition of God and the sole reason Jesus came to this earth.  “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so” is the single most important phrase anyone can hear and then take to heart for the rest of their lives.  It is through this single lyric line that describes the exact reason why we were created, why we live, and what our future was designed to understand.  So, why is it that our selfish reasons distort this Truth and eternal message?  And doesn’t the churches today resonate this message not only to the children of their community but to everyone else who has not heard these beautiful words?  This lyric line is the Gospel in which Jesus commanded us to teach the dying world, so why are we not fulfilling this message according to His command?

It does not matter if a person is a toddler or 210 years old, everyone in all age categories needs to understand that Jesus loves them and that His sacrifice of His life serves the covering for all who seeks salvation from this world and the death sentence that it brings.  Even before we are formed in the womb of our mother, God knows us and has already put into motion the plan He has for your life.  The job of our enemy is to detract from this plan of yours by organizing every opportunity that you may deem important to God and to have someone in your path destroy it.  Currently, there is a vast array of means that Satan can use to enhance the chances of you never reaching the plan that God has for you and unless we teach those who do not know God the Truth about their lives, your individual life has the potential of being squashed sometimes before you are born.  Just as any baby inside the womb is born, they must grow first and become viable to the world and the same occurs when the baby is born we are not six feet tall and fully mature but only small and defenseless and needing help from nurturing from their parents until the time comes that they are fully grown and can step out on their own.  So why is it so impossible for us to believe that it is not the same way when it comes to God and our spiritual lives?  The manner in which we are spiritually developed means a great deal of how we view God and how much we accept Him and His Word into our lives.

How much more true words are there to a child when they hear I love you coming from someone’s lips?  The song mentioned above tells a story that every child needs to hear not only from a parent but more importantly about God and the eternal love and protection that His love provides.  This song may be deemed as a child’s song but it can also be used to incorporate the truth about God in an adult’s life or a young person’s life as well.  God is for everyone and no one excluded but we can only know and feel this love from God if we have been taught the truth about how God loves and what His love means to our lives.  Over the years we have been witness to some incredibly horrible things when it comes to children everything from child trafficking to abortion and anything a human mind can think of that falls in between these two extremes.  And yet we throw away the only source that continually mentions how precious children’s lives are to the eternal source of love only to accept the perverted and diabolical ways of the world.

God and His Word makes no secret about how He feels about children and it is through this known fact that Satan uses this truth in order to destroy the purity of children early enough so their lives can become further ingrained in the world and serve its death purposes instead of the life purposes of God.  About 4-5 years ago one of the top governmental agents stated to one of this governments committees that there was no real scientific proof that children exposed to pedophilic conditions suffered any permanent or short term damage or side effects of such involvement.  Recently another symposium in Europe demanded that we accept pedophiles as a normal part of society and accept their beliefs as a source of sexual identity and that it is a normal practice and a matter of design that cannot be controlled.  This process and position is now being promoted from top positions in our societies so why should it be of no surprise that our school teachers teach sex education classes to 7-9-year-olds?  This is nothing but publicly accepted child abuse and child sexual content being unleashed on our children, for it is reasonable for a child to think of anyone else but one of their own age?

For a considerable amount of time past, no one would have ever dreamt that this activity against a child would be so presented to this age group and considered to be normal content.  However, God did understand this truth about how progressive minds and hearts of the human would act for as much as there is excellent content about God’s love for children in His Word there is just the same amount of truth that concerns children on the worldly side of humans as well.  While it is not a part of our passage for this article, we must contend that parents offered up their children to Moloch for a burning sacrifice of their lives in the Old Testament a practice that is not well advertised today but still continues in various conditions and ways.  Abortion being the predominant manner of child sacrifice today and this form of killing is a production line that is well publicized, and through this type of gross practices, provides the single reason God places children as the most simple and pure creatures and the most precious and influential beings of humanity so of course, they shall be a target by our enemy for their destruction.

We have the perfect example of children coming to Jesus in one of the gospels and it is found in Matthew 19:13-14.  We have the picture of children trying to come to see Jesus but the disciples holding them back and telling them that Jesus is too busy to see them or to have them around at that moment.  This passage gives us a clue as to how many pastors view children today as well and how they are not really being led to Jesus in the manner that they desire, but placed in the back row of the building or segregated into a room by themselves and thus being fed garbage instead of the Word of God.  I remember when I was a young boy, I would accompany one of my parents on some Saturdays going around the town and inviting kids to church.  All details were provided for the kids to be picked up before church and then returned home after church was over.  I understand that times have changed but are we still forwarding our lives and the gospel of Christ to those who are still willing to listen and to accept eternal help?  Are we forging our lives to those houses and hearts that need God?  Are the children’s pastors of today still performing something similar to what has been done in the past?  Or are we playing the part of the disciples and holding back the children from Jesus so they can be influenced and taught by the world?

The youth pastors in our community used to enjoy basically free access to every school in the district but because some outside people objected to such activities they no longer can go to the schools and be with the kids who want to know God.  In such manners, kids are now directed to listen to those educators who have worldly views about everything and completely leave out the truth about their lives and how God loves them.  So how can we not figure out what to expect in our future, or why crime and assaults are becoming a daily routine news story that is no longer considered worthy of time in motion.  I find it hilariously sad that as each day passes we see some type of sexual assault paraded across our eyes yet we cannot properly teach the girls to be ladies and in the same manner teach the boys to be respectful gentlemen.  This teaching shall only come from the Bible for the world is a wolf when it comes to this topic and if we continue to allow the wolves to raise our children our society will automatically be forced to live like a zoo.

Thank you, Church for doing your job when it comes to our children and how they should be taught.  Oh, wait…..  Never mind, for you have fallen down on the job and have unrecognizably formed a barrier around the Truth of the gospel of Christ and through your actions have held back the children from Jesus and His eternal message.  You have purposefully aggravated the heart of the child into believing that they are not as important as adults for how does one train up a child if the child does not feel welcome enough in the ONLY place God is allowed to be at this moment?  It does not matter if a church denomination has the best music in town or the best minister in the district, if the child does not have an effective ministry for them it means nothing to the Kingdom of God!  Yes, restoration is a wonderful gift from God but why not start this process at a young age before the world has such a grasp on a life that it is almost impossible to reach that heart? 

I find it hard to believe that the disciples did not understand that Jesus has just as much of a burden for children as He did for adults.  When Jesus spoke around the area there must have been children in attendance because His words always spoke about forgiveness to all and for those who believe in Him and His Father.  The disciples also knew the Scriptures and how God did not like the hearts of those who voluntarily harmed children so they should have known that Jesus would gladly accept children when they came to Him.  It is through this reason that it is disgusting that the Church has treated children in such a way that those in charge of their spiritual guidance now face criminal acts against those precious lives.  Do not think you are out of this scope Protestants for you as well have committed such as heinous of crimes because you have ignored the importance of their lives by holding them away from the truth and have allowed the world to dictate what you say and where you can say it.  You demonstrate the exact same loss as the disciples displayed when you allow the world to invade and then influence them today.  We are no better than the people of Israel when they voluntarily sacrificed their children to Moloch, for we are in essence performing the same ritual.

The definition of God and His Word is life and to have life abundantly and we are nowhere close in achieving this truth to those who are dying each day.  God commands us to tell others about His life and to share with them that they have a true and eternal reason for living.  The attacks on our children today are incredibly disgusting and as long as there are those in the world who are allowed to freely participate in this type of activity it shall continue and flourish exceedingly.  This type of behavior can only represent one kingdom and it is not the Kingdom that God refers as His definition.  So, why is this occurring and allowed to roam freely without interruption?  What is most frustrating and intriguing is that when someone answers this question correctly, there is more “shock and awe” displayed from those listening to the answer than what they would express when talking about these examples.  When one asks how would God ever allow this type of activity to occur, right then it demonstrates the lack of knowledge about God and His enemy that proves Hosea 4:6 to be accurate.

Church, we need God again in our lives and we need Him now!  We no longer can afford to stay hidden on our pews and in our church buildings because if we do not only will we see the people who are in need of God die in their sins but we shall die in our sins as well for we are not doing what Jesus commanded us to do.  We need to pray that we allow God to turn our blackened hearts around and allow Him to revive and to restore our hearts for His Kingdom for a heart that is not witnessing to the world is a heart that has been overcome with the disease of death and it shall soon infiltrate our healthy layers around us.  Turn from our ways, Church and allow God back into our lives before our nation and our world experience the hand of God like history has never witnessed before.  It is strictly up to you (us) Church.  Sitting back and allowing the world to dominate our children is not in the Bible and it is definitely not what the Bible tells me so.


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