Sunday, February 24, 2019

You Are Needed

You Are Needed


All of us feel like we need to be needed and clearly, that is a correct belief and statement.  Humanity is tough enough on itself in the category of living but many of us fail to see this truth because we are jammed up behind the crowd not able to solve any issues or even hear what is being said to the people in the front of the so-called line.  Most days it seems impossible to make any headway when it comes to life and every try we make seems to end at a roadblock or at a dead end.  It does not matter if this state arrives on the personal level or on a national level God is and always has been right next to us waiting for us to ask for His help.  Until we turn back to God and seek His Ways our lives shall only sink deeper and deeper into worrisome details which will seem to be endless.  God did not create us to live in such a defeated and spiritually impoverished manner, but one of joy and victory eternally.  Repent, and turn from our wicked ways and God shall grant us the knowledge of the reason of need that He gave to us so long ago.

The stations of worldly equality can be brutally painful simply because the means by which we try and obtain such status fail.  The world shall seek to solve this issue by promoting an equal status whenever possible and superficially it seems like the plan is a certainty to work.  But as time rolls along it become obvious that the path that has been offered is not working and when one takes a closer look around the problem has turned into problems and we are now dragging more baggage with us than when we began seeking a solution.  When we are at this point in our lives it becomes easily recognized that even though we feel like we can contribute a great deal to the world and our societies the world and those around us just do not care about our voice yet expect us to pick up their ideas and follow along as if everything is okay.  This is not a need at all this is a prototype and manufactured assembly plant line that produces a controlled mechanism of patterns and information supporting one agenda.  If allowed to continue, eventually everyone will be “needed” to use such tools for one common goal and that goal will have no bearing upon your life at all but serve only to the worldly machine that “needs” to operate continually and systemically.

This example demonstrates a side of the world that many fail to recognize that it uses people in order to continue its flow without interruption.  This is a complete usage and not a need of your life and it is sad to watch countless people fall for this distorted view concerning their lives.  When one turns to the world for answers the defining measures of such seeking always will end up in pain, agony, and more questions with not a single in-depth answer to be found.  It is this pattern that the world offers and while it is frustrating on all levels when we are involved in such affairs, we must also kick ourselves for not figuring out that the world can only give results as is the kingdom that it follows.  Self-worth is a huge issue for all of us and it is this section of our lives that Satan loves to lie to us about because he understands that if he can convince us that we are not needed and do not amount to anything, then he can manipulate us enough that we will forget and then lose the purpose of our existence thus enhancing the chances of him further convincing ourselves that we are complete failures and do not “need” to be on this earth any longer.  Congratulations, for when we arrive at this conclusion we have fully succumbed to the lies of the world and its leader which serves as the pinnacle of accomplishment for his kingdom and also represents the saddest day of God’s existence because He is about to lose one of His children for eternity.  Each one of us has a unique purpose and a holy presence that God has placed into our lives and if we do not figure these truths out our lives shall end fruitless and void of any righteousness and we were not created to be wandering sheep but sheep that lives under the Good Shepherd.

It has become a common theme to compare someone to sheep when they do not fit into their line of thinking or goal seeking and ironically in a world that promotes equality with others it would seem like this projection would be a good thing instead of an insult.  But what can one expect from a source that is limited and flawed?  It is not always a bad thing to be nominated as a sheep for even a single sheep has a purpose and a reason to be needed.  For the last few years, God has repeatedly shared with us the importance of our lives and how much he loves us and that is why He should serve as our Shepherd because it is through His Holy Wisdom and guidance that provides us with the direction that we need to be in, His definition also gives us an understanding of when we are away from His Ways as well.  If we are in such a state we cannot effectively fulfill our purpose, therefore, we are subject and open to the enemy which will attack us by saying we are now unimportant and not needed, a tendency that goes synonymously with our disobedience and one we easily ignore or forget.

Have you ever watched a shepherd try and corral their flock?  I have watched a couple of tournaments from Ireland about this process and while I am no expert in such a feat it is fascinating to me just how much control a shepherd has over their flock with a simple whistle.  As my attention continues on the flock, I eventually notice that one or two sheep stray from the group and go off on their own; now, as stated a minute ago I am not expert on this job so I do not know if this is scripted or if it really is a normal anomaly but in any case it is fascinating to watch the shepherd bring back the separated sheep and continue on their patterned journey. 

It is obvious that the shepherd knows what their flock is doing because you do not see any panic in their voices nor do you hear any anxiety in their whistling, all is calm and seemingly in control.  We also must take into consideration that sheep are not the most intelligent of species hence the jokes and slang concerning those who do not go with the flow of some but we also must contend that some shepherds are not the best at what they do either or just do not care truly either.  It is easy for us to compare others in this manner but in admittance with this as our first scope we forget that sheep do have a direct purpose for their wool provides many needs of others and hilariously sad, it is the same people who make fun of others by comparing them to sheep that wear their products on their skin.

While the process of entertaining the fact that human behavior resembles sheep activity we cannot deny that in many ways this comparison is true.  When we become distracted by anything that we deem “important” our eyes quickly lose sight of the direction we are walking and then proceed to go in another direction without any certainty.  It is obvious that as soon as this scene begins we become confused and disoriented then place ourselves on another course trying to correct our paths before we make things too difficult; however, even though this process may be a short time in development we usually find out that it is already too late and that we are completely lost and alone.  When we arrive in this state we become totally useless because we are not within our purposeful meaning and therefore cannot operate as we were designed and created to be.  This also entails our susceptibility of being influenced by a stranger or different shepherd and as the old children’s tale goes we become subject to the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The perfect shepherd shall always be alert and on the lookout for trouble and will even sense a problem before it arises.  Sheep are the most important items of a flock for it is their value that determines how much worth the shepherd stands to gain.  It is this focus of the shepherd that keeps the flock in order because if they are allowed to stray the value of that sheep is influenced because we all know that the one who steals or deceives does not care about the price that was paid for such an item.  This single example represents the entire reason that we need to tune our ears specifically to the Good Shepherd and not the ones that try and influence their other standards onto our lives.  Yet, we as sheep have gone astray for this reason and it is costing us dearly as each day unfolds for we have listened to these shepherds for long enough that we believe them and are currently and steadily changing our ways according to their whistles and not the one we originally heard.

There are numerous opportunities to follow the world for their suggestions come with each one who wants to grab our attention.  This should be expected from the world for it is their job to see if they can pull you from your path, do not be fooled they understand the path that you are on and they know what your values are just by the direction that you are heading.  These other shepherds also realize that you are not lined up with their opportunities and just like a salesperson believe that you should have what they offer.  When you say “no” to their offers notice how they react and after you say “no” to them more than once their attitudes usually change and become a bit more sarcastic or even hateful towards your answers.  It is wise to walk away and to leave the situation alone and once again tune our ears to our Good Shepherd.  But this is where our truth has departed and instead of listening to the Truth we have become enticed by the other offers and are now unknowingly yet voluntarily engaging in both physical and spiritual bankruptcy options due to our lack of true knowledge concerning our surroundings.

In fact, we are not only standing and engaging in such conversations with these false shepherds but believing so much in their deceptive techniques that we are setting up our own tables next to them, taking some of their inventory and selling it ourselves.  What purpose do we have at this point, and what is it to say that when the next opportunity arrives that we will not follow that juncture and include or even begin to sell that product or option as well?  The world’s progressive agenda shall not stop at just one opportunity it has to increase its hold on your life for if it does not then there is always a possibility that you will come in contact with someone who can show you the truth.  You know, what the Church is supposed to be doing. 

How many times have we asked ourselves why things occur in our lives and have basically no answers as to why?  This question is written on all of our lives on a constant and continual basis but even a good portion of people who consider themselves Christians are bound by this type of question, and should not be.  The passage for this article is a familiar one that most know and it comes from Psalms 23:1-2 where it states that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.  It is these two simple phrases that give us the answer to combat these tables that we incur over our time on this earth.  God has never wanted your life to become complicated or distracted in any way for this passage makes it clear that He provides all the things that we need and that we do not need anything else.  The tables of the world or in this case the other whistles of others represent the distractive tactics of our enemy in order to gain our attention away from this passage.  Most people believe that this Psalm is one of comfort and tranquility and while that is a truth it also is a Psalm of war for it allows us to understand that if we stray from this Good Shepherd our lives shall not be as this Psalm states.

Now, we all know that we are not God or can we ever be anything like His holy presence and status but it is our responsibility to do our best to live in His Likeness and under His Covenant.  In order for us to do this, it is our responsibility to stay away from the other whistles and continue our path that God has placed us on for when we are moving in His direction we are forming our purpose and then executing it to the world instead of inviting the world into our lives.  If we turn our eyes away from our path we will stumble plain and simple and when we stumble the world will be one of the first “hands” in front of us to help us up.  We should have no problem recognizing this “hand” and refuse its fake glimmer for the “hand” (whistle) that we have been familiar with for most of our lives.  It is the gentle whistle that sings to our ears and brings comfort to our situation.

When we have listened to this whistle and have learned to love its sound it becomes an easy place to help others when they have stumbled.  When a sheep has fallen (gone astray) how many of us see the issue and do our best to help that person in need?  Do we try or do we see the issue and mind our own business and stay away ourselves?  Oh, this is going to hurt, folks.  When the world offers its help to those who have stumbled or fallen and then they accept it, it fortifies its claim on that person’s life which means that it now has the legal right to that person (sheep), because we cannot forget that once we voluntarily accept a “gift” from the world we have opened a door to the world for its passage into our lives.  The problem here is that the Church has allowed so many worldly issues to become personal laws inside our lives.  It is through this lack of understanding about what is going on around us that has the world in full control of not only countless people but the Church as well.  It is bad enough that those who do not understand the truth about God and what Jesus did on the cross for us that they are led astray with their hands and feet bound but the Church is daily offering up her hands and feet for bondage as well for the exact same reason as those who have never heard about God do.

The purpose that God has for your life is a perfect and eternal one.  If we are wandering off and doing things on our own there can be no way possible for us to fulfill this destiny that we were created to do.  Yes, we can be other things and pursue other goals in life but when it all is said and done we will not be happy.  Our lives were made so that we could extend the Kingdom of God to all creatures, this was the command God gave to Adam in the Garden and it is the same command that Jesus gave to His followers concerning the Church.  When we believe that we are no longer needed the next logical step that we take is to go off on our own and live accordingly.  A dangerous and fatal error that so many people who have been in church all their lives make, not to mention all of those people who have no clue about the love and wonders of God.  We are not made to be alone, for God says this in Genesis as well but to be joined in unity together under His Covenant of protection and just as life was, in the beginning, the whistle of God to our eras is the only way that we have a chance to survive and to fulfill God’s command concerning our creation.

The Church is needed so that we can effectively be a light to the world and to witness to the ones that seek help, true help.  There is a reason Jesus turned over the tables in the Temple, for it was the Church that was responsible for this terrible allowance and when the truth be told we need the tables (distractions and other whistles) to be overturned as well.  How have we not understood that we, the Church, have a blindfold around our eyes so tightly that we can no longer have our bearing enough to walk in a straight line and that we are about ready to take a stumble so hard that we will be lying on our face in a short time?  This is NOT what Jesus had in mind for His witness statement and I do not care how much you believe differently.  God is begging us, literally begging us to allow Him to search our hearts so that He can take away the blackness and then cover our hearts with His eternal Truth.  It is this message that we are supposed to be sending and demonstrating to the world, not bound and blindfolded for the world is already in this state, so it is obvious who we follow.

Who are you following Church?  This question goes out to every person who considers themselves to be Christians.  It is a serious question that needs to be addressed now and not tomorrow.  We have lost the capability to hear the True Shepherd’s whistle and voice through all of the distractions and bling that the world has to offer.  The world cares nothing about your worth or that God needs you, all it is concerned with is grabbing you and keeping you from your purpose which is directly related to your value.  See, each sheep is needed just as much as the other in order to keep the flock intact and when the flock is intact it can go easily go in the direction that the shepherd wants and when we put it into the Kingdom mode it is this aspect that pushes God’s Kingdom forward and Satan’s kingdom backward.  Let us allow God to evaluate our hearts again so that He can fine tune our lives according to His Ways and to allow Him to correctly direct our lives in the manner in which He Created us.  Repent, Church for we need God more than ever and so does the people who are lost and astray but until we realize that we are astray first this mission of ours cannot be fulfilled properly.


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