Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Atheists Again

Atheists Again


How many of you know an atheist or know what the definition of atheist actually is?  Do you also know that being an atheist can cause severe repercussions against you and your family?  It has occurred in the past and is on the rise again today.  God has always maintained for His children to be separate from the world and to live a life that is completely contrary to the ways of the world and His position has not changed at all over the course of our history.  While the world cannot claim such stability, it instead demands compliance to the tune of the day and it is guaranteed that those who love Christ and follow His Word will fall out of this compliance category sometime during human control of the world.  These patterns have been witnessed many times and are once again coming back into motion during our lifetime, God's command is still to stand tall and bold for Him and His Ways and to become atheists again.

1 John 3:13

"Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you."

With all of the media coverage of every event and categorical news setting today, it is easy for some or even many to become the center of attention to the controversy.  It is a given that not every person in the world is going to completely agree with your opinion on issues; in fact, we could be considered lucky if people agreed with us completely on just a handful of issues, but not likely.  And, when such a disagreement comes about there will almost always be heated discussions and ill vibrations stemming from those who do not agree.  Recently, it seems like the majority of the world would rather film the participants of said ill discussions instead of trying to calm the setting down before punches or other types of physicalities occur.  It is not commonly talked about, but procedures such as these promote steps toward the antichrist and a world that revolves around him and his ideas, but it takes time and great effort to establish enough conditioning to enable such measures.  As we shall see shortly, these stepped measures did not start with our generations but have been in place for millennia.

Consequently, our thrill for the moment interview sessions declares our thirst for popularity instead of a humanity-seeking heart.  Whether or not we recognize the fact that when we conduct such interview and filming sessions as being hate speech and hate supporting, they promote and fuel activities that command hated respect and responses.  Furthermore, these activities of ours also point such hatred against not only others but toward ourselves with a deadly accuracy that cannot be understood until its pointed edge makes contact.  So, while we film these types of altercations and scream, hoop, and holler because our spot will hit the media world first, just remember that one day those arrows of self-absorbance shall literally do that, absorb into your body wanted or not.  It does not matter how much-pointed material shall be generated but it will matter when it strikes your life for when we apply this type of activity to our lives we should expect such return activity as a betrothal to us and nothing less.

Look at all of the attempts that the media and our government have produced in order to control your thoughts and your vote.  Mandating and political persuading people to comply with a thought or condition is grossly wrong and western societies have promoted destroying such actions for a very long time, so what has changed?  To those who comply with such statements and beliefs, you are hailed as a hero and one that should be recognized for your submitting and cooperation, placed into a separate fold with countless perks and rewards and the authority to belittle and blame others for everything that is wrong with each specific society.  Those who go against such decrees and documents are isolated from the societal presence, labeled as haters of stability and freedom, and thus do not deserve to be a part of any society on any level, even though data relating to such equities do not support such claims.  This results in deeper divisions and longer isolation times; eventually, if held long enough the public will forget you and not even give you another thought.  So, why keep you alive this long if you are not going to comply with what the current times say, becomes the cry of many.

It is a common belief that our modern societies would never stoop low enough to implement such limitations onto their citizens.  However, when you look at history and what the then so-called modern societies did to subdue people it makes total sense that the governments practiced such behavior.  The justifications of their actions fell across the same lines over and over, with a few minor changes in wording and usage of weaponry, according to the times.  Rome is a perfect example of such atheistic declarations against its own citizens.  This modern-day culture allowed for so many gods to be worshipped that it eventually sanctioned its own deities, ones that were representative of the government and way of life for every Roman citizen and group.  As time passed the number of gods worshiped by people became mandatory and required homage to the statues of them placed around the city streets.  

It is through this type of belief that total submission to these gods became compulsory and that if anyone was observed not paying homage to these statues when encountered that they would immediately be subject to the laws of the land.  The laws that were in place came straight from the State and could be enforced at a drop of the hat; yet, they could be easily followed and forgiven if only the person or people involved would pay homage and worship the god-like statue.  Seems easy to correct and to the majority of the Romans, it was no big deal to do such a task, even if they did not believe in that specific god.  "Lip service" was popular and could be seen as the duty of the citizens in order to keep their oath as Roman citizens.

It is this action by the Roman government that created them to enact laws for those who did not bow and worship the gods of the government.  Since it was a State mandatory to do such a thing, the ones who did not comply became enemies of the State and were branded atheists.  This carried a high price if they did not recant and turn to bow to the government.  Most people did such a turn but the Jews and Christians did not and fought against these laws.  Eventually, the Roman government placed them in prison and then executed them by feeding them to the lions or making them physically fight for their life against other human beings, either way, the government and the compliant people of Rome sought these adventures through their own entertainment arenas.

Each society throughout human history has found a way to rid itself of people that they deem unclean, unhuman, or unworthy of existing.  These societies have also found ways to justify such behavior and became very effective in conducting thorough and elaborate trials in which to conclude their answer for these people.  once a process of any like has begun, it is almost impossible to stop and when we study such societies it is not hard to see the steps that were taken before the atrocities began and then became a rolling conglomerate of willing participating organizations and individuals.  This type of activity is the pinnacle of dead god worship and is guaranteed to occur if allowed to flourish on a national or worldwide level.  It is not a matter of if this type of thinking will appear, it is just a matter of time for we cannot forget that when the world is in charge of lives it will seek out those who do not subscribe to its ways and do its best to destroy them.

Every time I sit and read or hear about the brave Christians of the Early Church and what they had to endure, I feel totally ashamed for their faithfulness to God and to the witness of Jesus Christ cannot be compared.  I have not had to defend my faith too much over my five decades of life; there have been a few times, however, but nothing like being forced to fight another person to live or to have to be lion food in waiting.  All of this gruesomeness because some stood up for their belief in God alone and boldly proclaimed Him to be the Highest and Only God alive.  They willingly took the label of atheist, traitor, and enemy of the State for a calling from God to be to others; a pure example of being a witness and what the world shall do to you if you do not follow it.

The question of the day is are you willing to become an enemy of the State, a traitor, or an atheist for God against the ruling governments?  It is a simple answer, a yes or no kind.  Are you willing to become ridiculed, made fun of, or even prosecuted for your faith in Christ?  Are you willing to become a martyr for the cause of Jesus Christ?  This question really should not even have to be asked for it is the job and mission of the Church (you) to spread the gospel of Jesus to the dying world.  See, even if a government or nation is 100% thriving in the world it is still spiritually dying and it does not matter where or who that nation is or represents.  This nation falls into this category and yet we sit back and believe our eternity is secured, how wrong and sinful we are!

I do not know when or how the antichrist shall come into power, but I know that his presence has been prophesied and it shall come to pass.  I also am saddened that people who have been in church all of their lives fail to recognize that this process is already occurring and that if we do not get our spiritual eyes and ears open that it will be too late to stop this person from taking over both the physical and spiritual lives of the world.  Satan has done a superb job in fooling people that the mark of the beast shall be just a tattoo or mark on the forehead or hand but what we have refused to understand is that Satan is a spirit and he moves through the flesh so that means his advances and takeovers are both, not just one side of our existence.  Remember, to be an atheist you do not have to carry a card or have some type of physical marking to be as such, only what lies within your heart and what or whom you swear allegiance to matters.  Also, this belief measure (faith) is exactly what it takes to be a Christian.

Church, we have epically failed in understanding and believing in this fact and we have to repent of our sins and turn back to the Word of God in order for us to slow down this process of eternal damnation.  We have ignored the steps that this nation and others similar to her have taken toward ushering in the antichrist.  We have instead embraced the belief that we can be friends with the world and to incorporate their lives with ours and win them over, but look at what has occurred, the world has won us over and we now are so intertwined with the world that we follow their every command and whim.  We are lost Church, and one day very soon we shall regret this choice-making process of ours.  The Glory of God shall make its appearance and when it does we shall be a part of its shaking.  Turn your heart around and repent NOW!  We have no choice but to wear the term atheist again and stand firm in that choice and be the light to the world instead of its friend.


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