Monday, January 17, 2022

Your Delilah

Your Delilah


How many of us tend to hold onto things or people when we know they are not good for our survival?  It is a common thread in our lives to hear of such painful decisions and when we place love into this mix the entire process becomes deeper than we know, real fast.  It should be known that God does not wish for any harm to come to us on any level but for some reason, we continue to voluntarily invite it around.  God does not like bad influences to be introduced to us but He allows them to happen, hoping we remember His Words to us concerning relationships.  It is the job of our enemy to destroy us and to do as much as possible to make our lives insignificant enough to reach this devastating place.  This type of living state is not just confined to the individual level, it is regional and even national but if we turn to God and live under His Covenant, we shall not have to worry about anything bad eternally coming our way.

There have been many times in my life that I have invited people into my personal world that I should have stayed away from, but I thought that I knew who was best for my life and did not need to listen to any small still voice or the voices of my parents.  Many times as I look back on my life and ponder some of the bad times, I cannot believe I fell for such stupid rules and instances that did great harm instead of good.  What makes these memories so painful is that I knew that when I allowed such things into my life that they would only bring sorrow and grief, I knew this, and yet I still did it.  How dumb is this?  If I would have only stopped and listened I could have saved my heart and life from so much guilt and shame.

At the same time, I did not realize that I was actually playing out a very famous story in the Bible, the one of Samson and Delilah.  In fact, everyone who allows addictions, friends, other people, things of the world to influence them deep enough where it becomes a lifestyle and mental lie lives out such a story.  This feeling of worldly security dives deep enough that it overrides the truth about what is really playing out simply because we have allowed it to blind us enough that we can only fixate our sight, our blurred sight, on this object.  But we need to understand that these temptations and then invited parts of the world into our lives have a goal, a purpose that shall not serve our lives well at all, for the world and its inventions are not ever good.  It does not matter what the issue may become, when it does it places you, your existence, and your destiny into question.

All of us like to have routines that we get into, they make us comfortable about our life and many of us live in fear if that pattern is changed or broken in any way.  So, we do our best to run our lives according to the patterns we set and it is through this mistake of ours that Satan grabs a foothold and begins his work in destroying our lives.  We become so infatuated with keeping these patterns of ours that we fail to see the magnitude of their presence in our lives, we become dependent upon them and believe we cannot live without their presence all the time.  We fail to recognize that what we have allowed into our lives is a Delilah, a deadly presence that has been charged with a single motive and goal.

Judges 16:4-5

"And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.  And the lords of the Philistines came up to her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him; and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver."

The story for this article is well known and has been taught from many different angles and points, all of which are true and should be taken to heart for all of us are subject to such a Delilah.  There is n argument that Samson was a popular figure throughout all the land and that his supernatural power was not comparable to anything else before.  I know I have imagined of such strength from God and after a few minutes of dreaming my dreams are shattered due to the elevated responsibility of such a gift from God and how I probably would find a way to lose it through a Delilah.  What this story illustrates and paints for us is a woman and how that woman infiltrated God's chosen in order to destroy him and the gift that God gave to him as an example to others

It does not take long for us to read that Samson did not take the presence and the words of Delilah seriously because he told lies to conceal what God had given him. Not just once but many times Delilah turned Samson over to the authorities only to be fooled.  Even though God gave him a secret Samson had strict orders not to reveal it to anyone, a plane greater and higher than any other relationship on earth should touch.  It is this type of relationship that God gave Samson that He desires to have with you and me, one that is far greater and higher than any other physical relationship can offer.

The ways of the world and those who thrive in it have only one goal for your life, to destroy it and to make you weak then place you up for all to see in your defeated state, ultimately ending your life in an unfashionable manner.  The point God wants us to understand here is that Delilah is real and she is ready and willing to sell your life for any price that is offered.  What we tend to forget is that your Delilah does not have to appear in the form of a woman, your Delilah can be anyone or anything that draws your attention from what God has given you o do and the abilities to complete such gifts.  This plan is a common one and is talked about on a daily basis amongst friends, peers, and even church members, but for some reason, we treat this threat with kid gloves and honestly believe that we have not been tricked and deceived in this manner.

Remember, the world can only prepare a plan that it can see or operate through.  The only thing that the world can operate through is pain, chaos, agony, torment, and eventually death.  There is absolutely no life in the world and by whatever means the world grabs hold of you its Delilah has now become your Delilah.  Samson opened these doors of destruction by teasing and lying to Delilah and his entertainment became the doorway for his destruction.  Sex, lust, and love may not always be the precursor to gaining your Delilah but on some level, these shall play a part somehow in the process, there are countless ways that access can be granted.  

In some cases, we know that our Delilah is not good for us yet we continue to entertain her (its) presence in our lives only increasing the chances of us getting hooked on her (its) enticement.  Unfortunately, by the time we figure out that we have been tricked into giving up what God has specifically given to us, it is too late and we are already in the death trap of Delilah.  However, in most instances of this, we have no clue about what the dangers lie before us and we fall head over heels for what is presented.  Samson had no qualms about telling Delilah the key to his strength, and when the opportunity arose he did it freely and without hesitation.  The plot for his life had been planned, carried out, and executed with one final play to be done Delilah's payment.  She took such monies and walked away forever.

Your Delilah has an agenda and it is based squarely upon the payment that she (it) has been promised.  Your Delilah has no concern or cares for you for she (it) has been planted there by the world.  This is the major problem we have in the Church and it has seduced Her for all she is worth and has drained Her from every line of eternal strength possible.  We have been tricked by Delilah into giving up the eternal lifeline that God gave us in order for Him to communicate with us.  We no longer pray and commune with God, talk to Jesus or listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit.  We have been entertained by Delilah and we have thoroughly enjoyed her (its) presence around us and have warmly allowed her spirit to enter into our confines without hesitation.

We fail to even recognize her presence in our lives anymore, she is a part of us and has engrained herself so much that we do not mind calling her our Delilah, your Delilah, and their Delilah.  We no longer see the Kingdom of God as paramount in our lives nor do we even consider Him being a part of our lives any longer.  We also fail to understand that your Delilah is of the world and because of her presence in your life you no longer wish to have a relationship with God, the world shall do.  The comforts and familiarity of your Delilah take over enough that you do not recognize the destructive steps that the world is taking and more dangerously that you are now taking with her (it).  Repent, Church and turn your hearts back to God before total destruction comes your way; it is on the way but will you understand the Glory to which it is here?


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