Saturday, January 8, 2022

Winter Of Death

Winter Of Death


This phrase has crossed our screens over the past few weeks with the intention of persuading you to comply with what certain people believe is to be true.  This phrase and ideology focus on one aspect of death and it has nothing to do with the most important aspect of death, eternity.  What are we to believe when such phrases become popular philosophy in the average person, and what can we expect to hear from others when it comes to either rejecting or accepting such a prediction?  God never intended for humans to be afraid and He surely did not intend for other humans to introduce fear into our lives.  We must be careful in adhering to such frivolous words and who speaks them, for when people produce such words they are not reciting the Word of God but the words of the world and it is our job to understand such devices and correct them by the Word of God as soon as possible for if we do not a wildfire will be around the corner and knee-jerk reactions may not be too favorable both physically and eternally.

A few weeks ago, the leader of this nation and the free world made a remarkable statement concerning what might occur if people did not follow the advice of the government and the so-called powers to be about vaccines.  Once again we have had to endure words of frustration and fear about a program that has been forced upon us because some folks believe differently than others, this is coercion at its weakest and total control over your life at best.  When the speculation of death is presented as a tool of trying to persuade people to do what you want them to do, it is totally unacceptable on all levels of human existence, especially since so many men and women have given their lives over the past two centuries so that we can choose what to do, how to say things, where to go and when to pray.  It is a disgrace to have to comprehend that this type of tactic is being held over our heads.

But this is not the worst of the issues that we have to think about, for we have a supposedly Christian leader in the highest position in this nation declaring that many people shall die this winter and not mentioning ONE time about life after people die.  It is a given that people die and that there is a greater percentage of people with the possibility of passing away during the winter season.  This statement of "winter of death" is nothing more than an evil scare tactic of the truth for we all know that we can pass from this life from a car accident, heart attack, cancer, being hit by a vehicle, or just simply die in our sleep from a freak stroke.  I know that this statement was made to the "common" people of this nation but we cannot forget that Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, and all other types of leaders fall into this death category as well.  I am not here to rant about the statement of the President, but I am here to speak to you about what is important on God's heart and not the President's and that is your eternal positioning after you take that last breath when God returns it unto Him.

Mr. Biden is correct in the fact that people shall die over the winter, however, he has no idea how many will succumb to such activity, nor does he have a crystal ball in the prediction of how long this time period of death will linger.  Furthermore, it is disturbing to know that he refuses to even talk about his commitment to Christ unless it is asked of him about one single issue other than that and his faith is mute, quiet, and dead.  This brings us to the Scripture verse for this article and it is as follows, it is a well-known verse too:

Hebrews 9:27

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."

A long while back, my father preached a message entitled "Come Before Winter", and the title and sermon have stuck in my mind ever since.  I do not remember every word of that sermon but I do know that it had to do with messages and visits from others being completed before winter set in.  Now, while travel is a tad harsh in winter thee days it was brutal during New Testament times and many people who ventured out during this season never returned home because of the conditions of the day and the lack of sophistication of travel methods.  People did not know how long they would live back in those days and that process is still true today.  We would like to believe that we will live to be an old ripe age but it is not guaranteed at all, what is guaranteed is that one day our physical lives shall end here on earth.  However, our life itself is not over, in fact, it is just beginning for each of us has a spiritual life as well that shall never die.

It is this portion of death that God wants us to be acutely aware of, for the world shall never tell you or teach you about this setting.  God has stated a few times recently in these messages that the ruler of this world is spiritually dead and that he cannot see things on the spiritual level.  This is a true statement from God and it needs to be understood as much as our minds and hearts can grasp, spiritually.  When a person is kept from the truth about their spiritual life it is easy for them to become spooked about issues that have the potential of causing death.  Even if death is not on the "table", any type of condition that has the potential of this type of permanent disruption wreaks havoc in our lives, the work of Satan has been initiated and instilled inside you and as long as his kingdom is present in your life the more it shall grow and eventually be a permanent fixture.

With all of the current hype of the viral settings of these past two years, it is sad to watch people become so tormented with lies and misinformation that it simply paralyzes them completely.  This setting has washed away every last bit of common sense from our thinking and it has been replaced with fear and control.  Over my lifetime, I have watched people become addicted to many substances and then go through the extreme pain of that addiction eventually consuming them completely.  It does not just stop on a substance level, there are those who live with other types of dependencies such as sports, money, information, status, to name a few all of which became controlling idols in their lives.  These levels of consumption are being witnessed by countless people today from the individual level all the way up to the government level which through this process can proclaim a "winter of death" curse over you and this land.

Mr. Biden is not wrong that people are going to die in this season, this is a given but it is demonic to place a viral curse over people and threaten blame on a certain few who do not wish to see things as you do.  Plus, there is an eternal issue here that Mr. Biden refuses to address and that is the spiritual aspect of life, it is totally left out of his grandeur, for your personal religion sickens God for you cry religion and nothing more, and this position itself is one that erases God from our lives and denies the truth about how to end such disease and sickness.  It is obvious you have no connection or relationship with God, so stop pretending that you do for you must always contend that your "winter of death" may appear shortly as well.  This is why there shall be no forgiveness from God to you and to many of your colleagues for He never knew you.

Your professions of this "winter of death" shall cover this land like never before and it shall bring a downfall so severe that our government and nation shall not be recognized; if only we would have repented and turned back to God for answers.  Our brilliance would be second to none but instead as one senator has recently stated, we are run by a bunch of idiots.  We have become this way ever since we systematically took God out of our lives, both publicly and privately.  This process was our choice and now the worldly replacement is demanding its pound of flesh and we have no choice but to offer it.  For all who wish, there still is a true hope of life even after our physical life is over and done with, this Way is called Jesus and He erases the so-called curse of the "winter of death".  What kind of hope is being presented to us, how can true hope be administered if the direction that we are offered ends in death?

What is frightening is that the real winter of death has already begun and, to be honest, it has been in full swing for quite some time now.  When you look at all of the attacks that this nation has endured over the past few decades it is amazing how much blood we have lost.  Furthermore, the replacement blood that we have used has not done its job and all it does is move around in our lives aimlessly without the needed supplies present in order to meet its responsibilities.  This is why we are in such a chaotic situation, for we have blinded ourselves so much from the correct Way to fix these issues and have lost the capability to lead in the manner in which we were established.  As stated above, Mr. Biden is correct in many ways about this phrase, but he is totally incorrect when it comes to how we will end these issues.

Church, where are we at?  It is pathetic that we have bought into such bullying tactics from many sources.  Yes, of course, measures should be taken so that issues could be dealt with correctly.  But why?  God wants us to see that if our stance for Him and His Ways were truly in our hearts we would have been provided with answers about how to end such things even before they started.  Yet, here we sit, even after two years of the world telling us what to do, what to say, and when to say it, this is NOT the authority God has given to us and we are in a heap of eternal trouble if we do not change this heart attitude now.  How dare we sit back and allow the kingdom of this world to rule over God, how dare we sit around and comply with this physical "winter of death" statement?  We are even worse than the world for we know the Truth and what is going to occur; no wonder God is going to shake His Church violently.  We need to boldly confront this lie of just physical "winter of death" and tackle the real issue of spiritual "winter of death" for its placement is far greater and deeper than just six feet under the ground.

We should be out on the streets proclaiming that man only dies once and that our spiritual hearts are ready for eternity.  We need to be speaking life into those who want a steady and true path of direction.  It is our responsibility to show the world who actually is in control and most importantly, tell the lost that Jesus died for their sins and that they have an eternal option when it comes to drawing their last breath and that when they do draw this last breath that it will not be their eternal last.  Times are just about to change Church and we need to be prepared to help people in both the physical and spiritual realms.  This is why it is so vital that we understand that the physical is not the most important aspect of our existence, it is the spiritual aspect.  Let us change now, Church for the time for playing games is over.  The existence of this land is about to change and it is true that many shall lose their lives but we can assure as many as we can that Jesus is their hope for their eternity.  Let's get to work!


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