Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Heart Condition Part IX

Heart Condition Part IX


I am on part nine (IX) of this story and I have not even arrived to the meat of the story as of yet.  My mother asked me the other night about the details of this message and she found it fascinating of the specificity of things about something that happened almost ten years ago.  I told her that it was like I was reliving the event somehow and that it is actually scary to me in many ways but even though I have had these notes written down for a while, for some reason God told me to begin writing the story now.  He knows why and to whom this story is for and I am not going to argue with Him.  I have found out that God really does not care about time and that He will wake a person up at any point and time of the night or drop a message in a person’s head with the same time restraints during the day.  I also know that when He does pick the time give me things to write about, the subject is always clear and to the point and it is my head until I write it down which I cannot delay too much for I am human and might not remember it, which the enemy enjoys to enhance that effort.

I followed my usual routine while trying to fall asleep, by tossing and turning for a good twenty or thirty seconds and then my eyes shut and I was out for the count.  I slept wonderfully that evening and as soon as I woke up the next morning I could tell that I had rested well.  I quickly took a general survey of my health and realized that I had no pain in my body.  I then took a deep breath and had no pain in my chest of any magnitude while I was holding the air inside my lungs.  I let out the air in a long and steady release all the while still trying to find a kink somewhere in my pain free chest.  The sound of me breathing deeply woke Bonnie up in which she immediately turned over and took a long hard glance at me and then asked the inevitable first “how are you feeling” question of the day.

After I had let out of the air in my lungs I laid still for a few moments just making sure of the pain level before I answered her question.  I did not move my torso but I swiftly swung my head towards her direction and said that I had no pain and that I was feeling good, and that I had no pain and I had a full night’s sleep.  I received in return the “I am not convinced” look from Bonnie but she did not say anything for we were then interrupted by a young girl wanting to know when we were going to leave for church.  We said that it would be our usual time and for her to go get something to wear which was immediately followed with a statement that was almost incoherent as she turned and ran out of the room; all we could translate was that she needed help.

Bonnie got out of the bed and Bear was waiting at the foot of the bed wanting to have the opportunity to complete his morning business routine.  As Bonnie began to get out of the bed Bear took off towards the bedroom door and hallway, he meant business when it was time to do his business.  Bonnie told Rachel that she would be in there in a few minutes and continued towards the living room and with the sounds of Bear paw tracks one could tell that Bear had already reached the back door.  I continued to lay in the bed wondering what the day would bring but I did not move much cause I wanted to savor this no pain feeling for a long as I could; I was still hoping that it was a muscular issue.  The back door opened and the screen door made its usual metal on concrete sound as it drug open.  It made the same sound as Bonnie closed it and then the back door closed right afterwards.  Bonnie stopped in the hallway and folded the staircase that I had left down from the night before and then went to Tatem’s bedroom by way of the kitchen.

I heard Bonnie and Tatem talking but really could not recognize any words but I knew that Bonnie was talking to her and letting her know what time it was and if she wanted the bathroom first that she needed to get a move on.  I on the other hand had still not moved but soon realized that if I did not move or get out of bed that when Bonnie came back into the room she would see me in the same position and begin the inquisition session once again.  The time had come for reality to hit the ground so I pushed the covers aside and swung my feet out of the bed and my body shot up just as Bonnie veered around the corner.  As my feet touched the carpet I immediately took another deep breath and realized that I still had no pain in my chest and that I felt wonderful.  I jumped off the side of the bed and stood up and stretched for what seemed a minute.  When I completed the stretch Bonnie asked if I was ok and I could say yes without lying still.

I turned to her and asked if she was still interested in going up in the mountains after church and she said that it all depended upon how I was feeling, and at that point I was figuring that I would not have any problems that would hinder us from completing this venture.  Bonnie did not want to inform the girls of the possible mountain trip since to have their hopes dashed when the plans might have to be changed into a hospital trip, and that was basically how she put it. J  I got the point and tried to ignore the grinding of her teeth as she spoke those words and made my way towards the bathroom to take my shower.

Nothing really happened other than the normal weaving in and out of the bathroom taking turns in between each girl parading into the throne room to make sure that their appearance was tip top shape.  I had learned very quickly in the marriage of my place in line when it came to the bathroom and that there would be advancement up that chain so I dared not to buck the system.  Plus, being the only male in the house I didn’t have a prayer anyway when it came to the bathroom.  After all of the girls had completed their bathroom duties it was my turn to have my two minutes at the sink before the last wave of face and hair checks began.  Everyone looked splendid as usual and all of us began to filter towards the back door. 

Bear was let in and then the girls gave him a hug as they scampered out the door and went over by the gate.  Tatem and Bonnie were having a general conversation as the older portion of he family went out the door.  I hit the automatic unlock button on the van and the girls tried to open the sliding door.  Bonnie did not want the girls to get their dresses dirty so she let them know, in her own tone, for them to be careful.  I locked the back door and shut behind me and then in the same motion grabbed the screen door and closed it while I was turning around.  Tatem had reached the van and was beginning to assist the little girls into the van trying not to get them dirty, she did a wonderful job.

I opened the passenger van door and allowed Bonnie to get into the seat.  Looking down to make sure her skirt was not going to get closed into the door I closed the van door as she was in the process of getting on her seat belt.  I walked around the front of the van and took a quick glimpse at the Grand Mesa, the majority of the colors of the trees were gone but I thought that it would be a great idea for us to go up and see what was remaining.  I opened up the door and got into the drivers chair.  I looked at Bonnie and she asked how I was feeling and I said that I was fine.  For the first time in a couple of days Bonnie said that I looked better when she looked at me, so I took that as another positive sign and then I placed the key into the ignition.

As the van engine started Tatem was still trying to get the girls settled in their seats so Bonnie and I took the opportunity to make the final decision about the mountain trip.  I reiterated that I was fine and that it would be fun for all of us to make the trip and how good it would be to get out of the house for a while since we had spent so much time in the garden for the past few months.  Bonnie agreed but I could still sense the hesitancy in her voice as she agreed that it would be a good idea as well.  She turned and then made the general question to the girls if they would like to go to the mountains after church?  Rebekkah immediately asked where would we eat lunch and Rachel placed a huge grin on her face while nodding her head and of course Tatem had no problems with it either.  The mood of the van electrified with the excitement from the girls and final planning went on while the van had its few moments of warming up before heading to church.

I am not going to dwell on the church issues right at this moment.  At this time mom and dad had retired and dad, dad had his double knee surgery and stroke immediately afterwards and my interrupted sleep patterns by God had begun.  I had no clue during this time that God was about to change my life in many ways, and in ways that I would never dreamt about.  I am not going to go into the details of our struggles with our church because it really does not have its place in this part of the story; in other parts of the story it will be relevant but not at this juncture.  I will say that Bonnie continued to have her doubts about my pain level during church but I could honestly say once again that I was pain free.

So, at this time I am going to skip over the part concerning the church service and say that it was a good service and everyone was ok and ready to get towards the mountains as soon as possible.  We had to make a quick stop at the grocery store to get a few things for the trip, you know, snacky stuff. J  Up until this point I had no pain and I was feeling like my old self again, my energy level had returned and I had no problems breathing at all.  I had thought that my troubles had left me for good.

The stop at the grocery store took only a few minutes.  It is amazing how cooperative kids are in a grocery store when they want to go someplace else they actually want to go to.  There are many stories I could tell of the adventures at the grocery store with my two little ones, both good stories and bad stories.  All of the items were picked up without a fuss and off to the checkout counter we went.  It did not take too long before we were all back in the van and pulling out of the parking lot headed towards the house.  Bonnie began to tell the girls what they had to wear which dulled the excitement for a moment but the girls did not think about the fact that it would be colder up there at 10,000 feet.  All of the clothes wearing categories had been made before we reached the house.  When we pulled into the side yard Bonnie asked me to stay in the van for a second and I knew that I was going to have to answer some questions.  I quickly turned to Tatem and begged her to stay in the van but Bonnie put an end to that idea before I could finish the plea.  I gave the house keys to Tatem and she got out of the van, turned and shut the sliding door and walked towards the house.

Before Bonnie could get the first question out I said yes I was fine and that I had no reservations about going up to the mountains.  I also said that I would immediately tell her if I had any pain and that if when we arrived up top and I felt unusual in any way that I would inform her of this as well.  She did not say much as she turned and opened the door on her side and stepped down to the ground.  I did the same and we both headed to the house after the van doors had been closed.


Part X to follow….

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