Friday, March 1, 2013

Dream Number 1

Dream Number 1


This dream takes place over a few days and progresses with each day that passes.  This is the first dream until I indicate that the dream has ended.  This is another thing about my dreams that fascinates and scares me at the same time…the dream takes place over a few days but in reality the dream itself only lasted a few moments in time plus it takes a long time for me to type :)

The setting of the first dream was in a small and relaxed community.  Not many houses were visible yet many people were walking around casually talking with one another.  The walking paths were well constructed and made of concrete and if you looked at them closely you would assume that they were just normal paths stretching through a nice park.  The grass was neatly trimmed and it has a bright green color to it that proved that it was healthy and full of life.  There were trees all around the area that stood tall and proud and every one of them looked fully grown and healthy as well.  The small animals played on the grass and really did not seem like they had any cares what-so-ever that people were all around them.  The sun was high in the blue sky and the weather was almost perfect and benches lined the walking paths which were being used by a few people.

As I watched the people converse with each other I could sense that there was not really any animosity that was present in the area.  It was like the area had a permanent peach about it and at that moment as the events unfolded everyone seemed happy and content with their surrounding conditions.  I thought that the scene was too real to be true because no matter what type of life these people had nothing was this peaceful on a continual basis.  I found myself sitting on one of the benches while all of this action transpired before me and so the first day of my dream ended.

The next day immediately began with basically the same weather conditions and “animal” activity on the grounds.  However this time I had some of my friends with me that were sitting on the bench beside me.  We were basically chatting about guy things while we were watching the people walk around the grassy and shaded areas.  It was another calm day and from what I could tell no major excitement was happening once again, just the normal serene setting that I had become accustomed to.

I began to look around the area and when I turned my head to the left I noticed a building that looked like a large single story house.  I did not look at it for long but I did catch myself trying to see if there was any activity occurring inside the building through the large window that present on the side that was visible to me.  I could see that there were people inside and they were moving about at what seemed like a normal pace, once again nothing exciting going on in this calm and beautiful place.

As my head turned back around my ears caught the continuing conversation that was ongoing with the others that I was sitting with on the bench.  At the same time I caught the sight of a lady whom I had saw walking along the path the previous day.  I recognized her since she was basically wearing the same clothing and all of her other made up features were the same as well.  Both of us caught each other’s eye and we both acknowledged each other at the same time.  That was it nothing more and she went on her way in which I did not follow her with my eyes since I became involved with the conversation that my friends were talking about.

Their conversation was a first since they were obviously not happy about some type of situation that they were involved with and with the tones of their voices, none of them liked what they were going through.  And I guess that since I was sitting there listening to their conversation I gathered that I was in agreement with their arguments.  As they continued I realized that they were unhappy with the living conditions of the community and that they wanted to leave the area but they had no way of fulfilling that desire. 

As I sat there and listened to them argue back and forth I began to realize that I was not happy in that situation and that I was going to do something about it.  I turned my head to them and said that I was going over to the building on the left and let them know that I was going to leave the area.  It seemed pretty straight forward since there were no gates, fences, guards or any other type of preventative measures that would prohibit me leaving, plus it was kind of ridiculous that I actually had to tell someone that I wanted to leave.  It was like living in a free society in which one had to tell someone every move that they had to make.

As soon as I voiced my intentions my friends became very quiet and sat and looked at me for a few seconds.  Then they tried to convince me that I was not doing the proper thing and that I should sit back down and keep my mouth shut.  This was the first time that I realized that we were really not free to talk about our ideas and wishes to just anyone which meant that others who were passing by could not be considered “friends” either.  But why I thought to myself, this did not make sense to me.  Why was I being limited in my choices and direction though I lived in such a beautiful place?  This ended my “second” day in my dream.

The 3rd day continued with the same setting as the 2nd day including the same set of friends and all of us talking on the bench.  However this day I was much quieter than the previous day but they did not seem to care much as they continued their conversations with each other.  In my mind I was constantly trying to figure out why it was so wrong for me to voice my opinion about the current conditions to the people that I knew were in charge of things in the area.  I also could not understand why they were holed up in that mysterious building and why it was considered taboo to approach them with any complaint.  These thoughts continued in my mind and I find myself drowning out my friends’ conversations and hearing nothing but my inner thoughts about the entire situation.

I looked back over towards the mysterious building to my left and without saying a word I thought that today I will go in there and find out exactly what was going on around me.  After I had made up my mind secretly, I convinced myself to stand up and I took a shallow breath and began to walk towards the building.  I did not say anything to my friends as I left them, nor did they react to my leaving their company.  My eyes were focused on the mysterious building as I continued my walking towards it.  As I was walking I noticed that many people were going in and out of its doors, so it seemed so safe to me at the time.  All of the visible activity also suggested that this place was popular with everyone and at that moment I really did not see what was so mysterious about the place and why no one would talk about what was inside.  The path towards the building was like the other paths and did not seem difficult to follow.

I found my heartbeat becoming faster as I got closer to the front doors of the building.  Why was this place having such an effect on my physical conditions?  It was just a building with a mysterious or mystic feel to it, nothing was even confirmed about its unusual presence and with all of the people going in and out its doors, I began to feel stupid and ridiculous for having these thoughts.  However I did know that I was entering into the place where the so-called powers to be were located and I believed that they were the ones who could grant me the authority to leave this beautiful and secure place. 

I had never encountered these people in my life, since I had no reason to require their advice or services before.  But it was their presence that continued to infiltrate my life with their policies and dictating circumstances that had begun to irk me in many ways.  But how could people that I did not even know control my every movement and overall thought process enough to warrant a fear in me when I am trying to leave?  I guess this is why the building, their place of residence, was such a mystery to me.

An interesting scene began to occur as I got closer to the building.  My legs and feet became increasingly tired like the path that I was on was draining my strength with each step I took.  Even though this was happening I continued my pace towards the building and I did not look down to see what was going on with my legs since I felt that if I did I would stop and return to my place on the bench.  I came around a turn in the path and my eyes became fixed on the front doors of the building.  I saw wave after wave of people coming out of the building each one of them seemingly happy and not having a care in the world, so why was I feeling different that they were?

After what seemed like an eternity of walking I finally reached the front doors of the building.  As I stretched out my arm to grab the door handle the door opened and a person began to walk out of the building at the same time.  I said “hi” to him and he kindly smiled at me but did not say anything to me as he continued to race by me.  He obviously had somewhere to be and had no time for what I was doing, which was ok since that was the policy of personal business in the area.

I walked through the doors and entered into a foyer like room that was very nice.  There was carpet on the floor and it was either new or very well kept up given the volume of traffic that was present.  There were plants that sat on the ground, hung from the ceiling and sat in the windows, and pictures of various scenes of nature and numerous portraits of people that I had no idea who were that lined the walls.  In the corner of the room was a counter that had one person sitting behind it but she was not interested in who came into the building or who left for that matter.  I noticed immediately that she had nothing to do with the interior activities of the building since she did not have any paperwork, phone or computer in front of her she just sat there with her head down and did not move an inch as people passed by her spot.

I noticed another room to my right and I began to walk towards this area.  I noticed that my legs were feeling better but my heartbeat was still racing as I crept closer to the area.  As I approached its entrance I noticed that the room was huge and it resembled a dining area that could hold a large amount of people at one time.  I continued to slowly walk into the room and then I turned my head to the left and noticed an area that resembled a place where I could get food.  It was a cafeteria dining room and I was shocked to realize this.  I stood there for a few moments while I listened to the sounds of bowls, plates and glasses clanging together in the background.  I could not get over this; all the fuss about this place and it was a simple cafeteria?  Something was amiss here I thought.

I began walking into the dining area and looked around and saw something that shocked me enough to stop me in my tracks.  From the moment that I had first noticed this building I had witnessed many people coming in and out from its doors.  AS I walked towards the building I noticed the same thing and when I reached its doors I was almost run over by people leaving its facilities.  But when I walked into the dining area there was not a soul to be found, it was entirely empty yet it was decorated as if there the staff were expecting a constant flow of people. 

I then heard some people laughing to my left.  I turned towards the noises and noticed a group of gentlemen gathered around one small table.  There were five of them sitting there and it was clear that they had a reason for being there and that they were the ones that called the shots of the dining area.  You know how it is when you see people like this and you just have that weird feeling that they are the ones in charge, well this was one of those times for me.

I stood there and watched the gentlemen for a few moments and after a while I noticed one of them look towards me, yet he did not acknowledge me nor did even make true eye contact with me.  This is where my 3rd day of the dream ended.  An odd place to stop for the day but it was my dream and there was not much that I could do about it huh J

Day four began with me back on the bench and enjoying the beautiful setting that was once again on display for my eyes to see.  My friends were next to me and all of us were chatting away about a variety of subjects.  I once again stood up and left my friends and headed over to the building that I had been in the day before.  This time my legs and feet were not so wobbly but my heartbeat was continuing its Daytona 500 pace within my chest.

I approached the front doors of the building and this time I was able to pull open the doors before someone placed the glass into my face.  I noticed the same amount of people mulling about in the foyer and halls as I entered the building.  I did not stop or slow this time since I knew exactly where I was headed and to my surprise the large dining room was still empty as the previous day before.  I immediately turned to my left and saw the same gentlemen sitting in the same spot as yesterday as well.  This time I did not hesitate and I walked over towards their table and I stood at one end.  It took them a few seconds to stop their conversation long enough to look at me with an annoyed expression on their faces.  One of them asked me why I was just standing there and disturbing their presence.  I responded to them saying that I something to say to them.  Without any other words being said they all turned in their chairs towards me as I told them that it was my desire to leave the area.

To my amazement all of them had no expressions on their faces after I said this statement.  They all turned back around to their original positions and continued their conversations with each other.  It was like they did not even hear what I was saying to them and that my request did not even register in their heads.  Visibly upset I stood there for a few more moments before I turned around and walked out of the large room.  What kind of leaders were these people I thought to myself.  They did not even care that I was wishing to leave the area and go somewhere else.

I walked out of the building and went back over to the bench where my buddies were still conversing with each other.  They too did not acknowledge me with the exception of them scooting over a bit as I began to sit back down on the bench.  I was fuming inside because I did not get any response from the “leaders” in the building and then sitting down with my friends and they not mentioning anything to me about my journey made things even more destructive to me inside.

I would not be denied I mumbled to myself and I stood up again and began my journey across the grassy park area towards the same building.  The “trip” was uneventful and I reached the front doors and again I opened them and headed for the same destination.  Nothing had changed in the few minutes since I left and I went into the dining area and walked straight to the table where the gentlemen were seated. 

They all turned around when I showed up this time but instead of giving them a chance to say anything I began my speech in which they all began to laugh at me before I completed my first sentence.  It was clear that they had no desire to listen to what I had to say and after I stopped my words they all in unison turned back around and re-started their conversation with each other.  I turned around and walked out of the dining room and made my way back to my park bench and sat down and did not say a word.

I was bound and determined to get a response from them so I made up my mind to stay in that room long enough until they gave me a response.  So, again I made my journey to the doors of the building and went inside the building and walked right up to the table and stood before the same people.  This time it was obvious that they were beginning to become annoyed with my repeated appearances, for one of them rose to his feet and came close to me while the others remained seated but were looking at me.  None of them were laughing this time but they did not seem angry either, which was confusing in itself.

The one who stood up and addressed me began to tell me of all the benefits that I had here and that it would be upsetting if I decided to leave the area.  He pointed out all of the things that I would miss and all of the plans that they had for all of us in the near future.  He then asked me why I wanted to leave the area and I answered saying that “ I felt like I was not in the right spot and that I did not belong there”  This was evidently not a good answer to him for his demeanor changed after I finished my words.  He made it very clear to me that I was supposed to be here and that I could not leave under any circumstances for I had accepted the conditions of the area as my own and that a great deal of preparedness had been completed for me to be happy.  He then pointed his finger towards the door and said for me to go back and relax to in the place where I belong. 

I looked towards him and a huge smile immediately appeared on his face as my eyes made contact.  He knew that I was not pleased with his answer but he also knew that he was in full control of the situation; which he knew that I knew this to be true as well.  He gave me a soft push towards the door and said that there was no reason for me to return and that everything had been made clear to me.  I was dumb enough to oblige him by continuing my steps towards the edge of the room and then out the door of the building.  Once again I had been rejected in my requests and treated like a slave being commanded to do whatever the master said.

As I sat back down on the bench I thought to myself that I had to do something drastic enough to at least grab their attention so that they would consider my requests on a legitimate plane.  My attitude was now one of anger and I did not care who knew what I was thinking.  I had to do this and I had to complete this assignment alone since it was obvious that none of my friends cared about what I was going through or feeling. 

So I gathered up enough courage to try this one more time but this time I was going to take a different approach, no more mister nice guy I said to myself.  I was going to walk in there let them know exactly how I felt and then walk out of there a free man to leave the area no matter what they said.  So I walked on my same journey again and this time I flung open the doors of the building hoping that my actions would startle a few people as they left the building, which of course they continued right out the door and did not even notice me.

I stormed into the large dining area and turning directly towards the table that the gentlemen were seated.  My first thought was a funny one which was that these guys did not do much all day but sit around, drink coffee and say “no” to people.  Then reality hit me when I again started in with my desire to leave.  Again they did not allow me to finish because all of them stood up and looked toward me and I could tell that I had finally pushed hard enough that their true colors were about ready to show.

The one who talked to me before began to speak in my direction but it was an unusual sensation in that even though he was doing the talking I could have sworn all of them were speaking to me as well, but through one person.  This was when I realized that I was not dealing with regular leaders and that I had been tantalizing with something that I had no idea of its nature.  The one person made it very clear to me that I could not leave and that I alone had no authority to challenge this condition and that if I ever returned to this area alone again that I would regret ever setting foot into the building.  And as soon as they had made their point known it was like the ambiance within the room returned to its normal state for the demeanor of the men returned to their conversations with each other as they turned from my eyes and sat back down at the table.

The one who spoke to me smiled at me and then told me to have a nice day while sitting on the bench that had been provided for me.  I felt really ridiculous about the entire scene but I did have some comfort in the fact that I was the only one in the dining area at the time, so I felt a little bit better about my thrashing.  It was then that I realized that I had no choice but to stay where I was at and that there was nothing that I could do to leave the area even though there were no walls, fences, gates or guards in the area that said otherwise.  The dream ended as I reached my bench and my friends continued to talk about guy stuff.  It was like nothing had ever happened.

I was trapped in a situation that I believed that there was no escape from.  My choices had caught up with me and I was trying my best to leave them, but to no avail.  My master had control of me and I knew that I was alone in this predicament that I had created so I guess I had to deal with it myself.  This is the end of my dream #1


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