Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dream Number 2

Dream Number 2


The 2nd dream that I had basically dealt with the same scene as my 1st dream however a few other details emerged in this dream which gave a little bit more explanation to what was occurring in the spiritual realm of things.  The time of day was slightly different but this dream did not consist of many “days” only the one specific short period of time, which was in the morning.  The setting of the dream was slightly different and the fact that one friend emerged in my dream who said nothing throughout the dream but listened to every word that I talked to him about. 

A loud slam of a door woke me from my slumber.  I continued to lie in my bed with my eyes open waiting for some type of movement to pass by as to indicate who did the slamming of the door.  I continued my wait for a few minutes but no one ever walked by which was unusual since my room was close to the door.  The room that I occupied was close to the door that led to the outside, outside to where I had no idea since evidently I had not been anywhere but inside this building since my arrival, which I also have to state that I have no idea how long that I have been inside this building either.

The entire building had a certain type of echo that was present in the upper air flow almost like you could hear voices if you really stopped and took a good listen to the area.  My room was comfy but at the same time I got the sensation that I was not made to stay in the room for a long period of time.  This was not explained to me in the dream but somehow I understood that as soon as I got up from my sleep I was to exit the room and walk the corridors of the building; like it was my job or something that I was obligated to do.

One common feature of the building that I did notice was that the entire interior of the building was painted in a blue / gray color.  The walls, ceilings, and floors of the building were all the same color no color variance of any kind was visible.  The only part of the building that was any different was the ceiling of the building itself which was about 50 feet high and was made of glass.  From what I could tell the ceiling glass provided the only natural light inside the building.  The glass ceiling was visible from my room which brought me some type of comfort that the outside world still existed.

As stated above it was expected that as soon as I woke up I was to leave my resting place and stroll up and down the corridors, I have no idea where this belief came from but it was like it was an unwritten rule.  As soon as I got out of bed I went to the edge of my room.  Another unusual feature about my room was that it had no door for privacy, to keep me in the room or to keep other people from coming in the room whenever they wished.  However, I gathered that while there were many people occupying this building not many of them had any notion of entering my room.  The room just ended and blended into the main hallway that was accessible to everyone.

As I approached the edge of my room a friendly face appeared from nowhere and stood by the large opening to the room.  I recognized him immediately and greeted him with a typical cordial greeting.   I could tell that he was in a good mood like always and that he was ready for our walk that we were expected to take.  I looked in both directions before stepping out into the hallway, turned into the direction that he was already facing and we began our walk.  The long hallway reminded me of a mall in which the majority of the shops inside were gone and re-occupied by people’s living domains, without doors of course.

From the time I stepped out of the room I began to talk about how much the entire building needed to be changed or painted, or for someone to come into the place and make the facilities more exciting and life-like.  My wants and rants continued as we strolled down the hallway yet my friend never said one word while I continued my complaining session.  As we passed open room after open room my rants continued about the living conditions of the building that we were in, yet my friend who was walking right next to me said absolutely nothing as I continued to run my mouth.

I could not find anything nice to say concerning the living conditions and I made that point very clear as we continued our walk.  My friend just continued to watch me and listen to my words.  Even though he did not say a word at that time I could honestly tell that he was interested in what I was saying and that he actually understood and wanted to help me in my situation.  His facial expressions were ones of pain and agony as he stood by me and listened to my condemning words.  His body language really changed when I changed the subject from the living conditions to my personal life which occurred about half way down the long hallway.

I asked him why I continued to live in this center of an abyss and why did I actually like the atmosphere that it provided?  He looked at me and just smiled but at the same time had a very concerned look upon his face.  No words came from his mouth as I began talking about the way of life I was living in and accepting as my life itself.  After I finished this string of words he began to continue to walk down the hallway.  We passed more rooms on both sides of the hallway but even though I knew that many people lived in this building not much activity ever took place, it was like a bunch of the proverbial zombies lived here, just no life visible or possible.

Even though I was not feeling too comfortable with my living conditions I got the feeling that my friend was comfortable being right next to me.  I did find it really interesting that every time that I left my room he was always ready to walk beside me but his silence towards my ranting eluded my thinking and his concerns for my life seemed endless at the same time for not one time did he ever complain that I was talking too much or that I had a negative attitude.  HE just smiled and continued the journey with me, no matter how long of a walk it was.

As my friend and I reached the end of the hallway I looked up at the ceiling and stared out at the sky for a minute.  My gaze was interrupted by sounds of people coming from the room at the corner of the building.  There was a light protruding from the room unlike the multitude of rooms that we had just passed.  I walked over towards the room and peeked into the room and saw the occupants of the room sitting around a table in the center of the room playing cards.  They really did not seem too interested that I was looking at them because they did not stop their activities and continued on playing their game.

I sarcastically shouted towards them that I was leaving the building and that there was nothing that they could do about it.  That got their attention a bit but as the seconds churned they realized that I was still standing there and that my words were a bluff and that I had no intentions or the courage to walk out.  However, they did have a change of attitude when my friend decided to pop his head into the room and stood next to me.  Their change of attitude was noticeable but not violent in any way.  They stood up and focused their attention on my friend and then quickly shifted their eyes on me and repeated the sequence over and over.  It kind of felt like a stand off from the old west was taking place, but in the end the people knew that my words were a bluff and as soon as I turned around to leave their presence they began to play their game once again.

I then told my friend that it was time to leave and that they did not believe me anyway and that it was no use in staying any longer.  I looked at my friend who was now staring at me with a very intense and sad look upon his face, yet he said not a word.  As I began to walk out of the room he joined me, like always right next to my side.  But instead of turning right and heading for the outside I made a hard left and started my walk back towards my room.

I continued my rants towards my living conditions, like nothing had even happened back a few minutes ago.  My friend continued his silence but I could tell that he was hurt in some way but I had no idea of why?  I knew that he could not be angry because he was stuck in this place as I was and if he did not verbalize his feelings of displeasure about me walking out of the room a bit ago, then I had no idea of why he would be in this mood.  I found myself the one who was actually yelling at him for not telling me what to do or giving me advice that would influence my decision to stay in this dark and dreary place.  It frustrated me even more when I stopped walking and took his arm and swung him around to look at me.

I asked him why he was acting in this manner and I mocked him by keeping my lips shut while I mimicked talking.  I believed that I was getting my point across to him but as expected he said nothing in return but offered me a soft smile in my direction as he began to walk again.  I could not figure him out he was acting like a non human and it really confused me in almost every emotional way.  After my display of stupidity towards him I did not say much to him on the walk back to my room.  To be honest I had no idea of what to say anymore so I said nothing at all, and I surely did not apologize to him for my tirade a few yards back.

I guess I would live with my frustrations with my living conditions that I had chosen and my trapped feeling of being confined inside these gloomy walls.  The luster of being in a safe place with others who share the same desires had worn off and even though that feeling had been lost I was forced to stay in the conditions that I had hand-picked for myself.  As my friend and I reached my room I turned to him and thanked him for the walk and the conversation.  I stepped into the merging areas of my room and the hallway and he began to walk towards the door.

I peeked out of the room and watched him as he reached the door.  He stopped and turned around and looked at me and gave me one of his trademark smiles as he opened the door stepped through it and let the door shut behind him.  I did not think about anything else as I walked over to my bed and sat on the side of it.  I then found myself twisting around and lying back on the bed that I had slept in for many previous nights. 


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