Monday, March 25, 2013

Spiritual Abortions

Spiritual Abortions


This topic is going to probably hit some nerves but it is something that needs to be addressed and it needs to be placed into these words for us to understand just how important the restoration of the Church, so I really have no opening paragraph that describes the subject.  Just allow God to penetrate your heart as you read these words and ask God to allow you to understand the comparisons with the Church and why God has chosen to use this subject as an example of the importance of this process in our lives.  Please remember that these words are coming from God and I am just the delivery boy who is willing to place this all out on the table for everyone to think about.

Please understand that I have no animosity towards the church in any way with me writing these words.  Please understand that I love the Church dearly and want nothing more to see her flourish as she should and was commissioned.  But we have done our share of hurting and crippling people for way too long and God wants us to understand that He is in the restoration business and not in the destruction business.  I am struggling to write this article since I know not everyone will understand it nor will they comprehend the significance of the examples that will be portrayed and most importantly some may not even conceive the burden that God desires for us to have for the lost. 

As most of you know, I am an avid history enthusiast.  I spend most of my spare time searching for, reading about and writing down historical events that I find interesting.  I have not always been this fascinated with History and to be honest like almost every other student in the world I hated the subject for most of my educational years.  But a few years back I began to expand my knowledge in a few areas of history that I kind of found interesting, but really could not narrow one specific area down to dig deeper into.  I had no idea that God was actually turning me in a certain way that would open my mind and my heart up to Him in a way that I could actually use history in some manner.

I continued my search for a popular history subject that would appease my newly found desires that would not run out of information to study.  But as I continued my searching God was pointing me, or trying to point me in the direction towards Church History.  I would passively look at some of the books, articles, and notes that dealt with this particular subject and would take an interest in them but I did not really take it seriously.  But God was persistent in His pointing and continued to poke me with the idea of Church History.  So, I continued my quest in another direction like a good human would but God did not give up His pursuit.  I continued my argument against Church History and actually told God that it would be boring if I studied this line of history.  All of this was due to the fact that I was misinformed about everything that occurred within the church and since then I have come to the realization that I will never run out of information to read and write about the church.  I have also figured out that God is going to use me in this area to speak to those people who have become disillusioned where it comes to the church, a daunting but fascinating task.  Two things I must say to you for you to consider.  The first being that anyone who has not had a true passion about history has made that boring comment and I totally understand where you are coming from about history, and the second thing is never, never, never tell God something is boring, especially something that He wants you to pursue.

As I slowly gave in to God and the desires He had for me I began to notice a pattern about the Church and how it dictated herself in the world.  So I began to buy more books and read more articles on overall church function.  I did not limit my research to any time frame or period but just allowed God to direct me as I dug into the framework of the church.  I then read some passages in the Bible and found out some things that I had never thought about before.  In both accounts, the subject is the same, the people.  In both accounts, things transpire that we today either ignore or place blame in other directions which do not serve justice to what God wants to say to the people that He so lovingly created.

The Bible writes about hundreds of examples of human activity that we interpret as judgments of God and blame Him for the consequences that have occurred.  But in reality, it is the actions of the people that have caused those things to happen to their lives.  Yes, God allowed them to occur that is not of any question but it was not His fault because it was our choice to go our own way and to do our own thing.  And I am convinced that if God had never written the Bible until these times, He would have provided many more instances of a similar nature to write about for future inhabitants of the world.

On the Church History side of the issues, we have the exact same scenario that has been played out for over two thousand years now.  These examples include men and in some cases women in leadership positions taking out their beliefs of religion and pouring it out on those who do not believe exactly as they do.  There are thousands of examples of this and even today it has not ceased to ease on many levels.  There is a huge difference in recognizing sin and punishing sin.  It is not our responsibility to punish sin in the name of God but it our responsibility to try and do our best to help others to recognize their sin and to guide them through their walk with God, no matter what happens.  There is absolutely no way that God can proceed with His restoration process in those people who we have virtually crucified because of the lies that the world has told them.

Let me ask you a question.  How could you accept someone’s teaching of change if you have been constantly informed that you are worthless, wrong, stupid, shunned and then kicked out of that same atmosphere by the same someone who is trying to tell you about another way of life?  There is no way that any person or group of people are even going to listen to you.  And, if I were those people you bet I would do my best to discredit that someone as much as I could because of the hateful and hurtful words that they gave to me.  Why should I agree with anyone who demeans my life in a way that condemns my mistakes and errors instead of saying it is ok and that there is a way to correct them.  This is the area and the example that I wish to write about in this article.  The church has done a fabulous job in putting to an end of many a spiritual life with this type of attitude towards those who are “not of the same belief” as us.

In the past two thousand years or so the church has not been discriminatory about who it punishes for not agreeing with the current beliefs.  You look at the early centuries and the church itself was persecuted in a horrible manner and one would automatically think that since the church was treated in this way that it would be the last entity to treat others in this style, yet we have embraced this conduct and have taken it to extraordinary lengths just as the ones who persecuted the church, all the way up to the justification of the death of a human.  And as time progressed we the church, have adapted this suffering policy to those who do not believe in a certain way and turned it into a means of sacrifice for the purity of the Church.  Why?  Jesus came to give life to the people so why does the church take that life away?

So now the enemy of God has a beautiful weapon to use against the church and the ironic thing is that it comes “in the name of God.”  Talk about an opportunistic situation that will work to the advantage of the one person who masterminds the destruction of the human being simply because of the potential he / she has.  And I am going to take some things a step further and say that the church herself has delighted in granting this option to our enemy and that this fact of the killing of people in the name of God actually is the foundation of a very controversial subject that grips the entire world today.

It has been generally accepted by the majority of mankind that we human beings are spiritual in nature.  There is something about us that we know that differentiates us from other things on our planet and it has nothing to do with how we look or talk.  We have not and will not fully understand this level of supernatural capacity within ourselves but most of us can agree that we are spiritual creatures and that we need to have our spirits worship something to satisfy that longing within our inner compartments.  By all of us understanding that we have this spirit within us means that we know that it must be fed in order to survive.  This spirit is the defining essence within us that allows us to be in communication with our creator. 

Another aspect of our spirit is that if we do not feed it with the correct food, it will begin to search for other sources of substance that will sustain its being.  This is where our enemy takes over and begins to tempt us with other types of spiritual food in order to infiltrate our lives on a spiritual level.  See, our enemy is a spiritual being so of course he is going to attack his “likeness” first.  This is a dangerous process in which can come in many forms, even in a physical form.

Satan loves to use a person’s past against them.  And our pasts are things that we have done, correct?  So they are physical in nature, right?  Ok, so if the church portrays this type of manner towards others then why wouldn’t our enemy use the same tactics in allowing more people to become separated from the truth?  Therefore, our enemy has the authority to use the church in such a manner to fulfill his goals in our destruction, not only for the present time frame but for the future as well.  Parents, have you ever told your kids not to do something or to do something because you have done things in the past that you have regretted?  Same concepts are in play here but instead of just one or two people involved, it is billions throughout time.  It has been a perfect setup and the church has fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

Let me take a short jaunt from the subject at hand for a moment to set the stage of what God is saying here.  Stay with me, it is going to become interesting. J  I was born in 1967 in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Most of you know that I was adopted when I was a baby.  The process in which my adoption was completed is nothing short of a miracle and there is no question that it was ordained by God.  I first want to say that I love my birth mother dearly for if it was not for her willingness to have me I would not be here writing today and the message that God wants His Church to hear might not be presented.  Secondly, I want everyone to know just how special my parents are to me and how much I love them and to let everyone know that they did an excellent job in raising me.  So, a portion of this article is about adoption and how it represents a part of the restoration process when I could have easily been thrown out or away.  This was the easy part, now comes another truth.

As we all know a major event took place in 1973 when abortions became legal in this country.  That court decision changed the course of history for the entire world.  This landmark decision has created a deep division within the different nations of the world and even within the church itself.  Do you find that it is a coincidence that this law is effect and how it relates to the church?  Everyone makes choices in their lives and some of those choices are made in haste and some are thought out but in whatever decision a consequence is made that will affect a future of someone.  So true is the decision of the church to kill innocent people because they do not have the same beliefs as they feel are correct.  All men have failed and will continue to fail until the ultimate failure comes upon us.  But who is for mankind to say when that time has come for another based upon his beliefs?  And with this decision of death based on beliefs we have given justification for others not to associate with what God actually desires life.

While it is not my intention to talk about abortions in this article concerning whether the procedure is right or wrong but it is my intention to talk about abortions and how the Church actually provided the groundwork for a process called spiritual abortion.  WHAT????  How dare I say that?  I cannot make a statement like that without an explanation so here it is.  Spiritual abortion is a logical step and there are many factors that support this statement. 

I will repeat my statement at the beginning of this article in that I am totally in love with the Church and everything that She has been commissioned to do, and wish no further division amongst her, but in all honesty, we have failed miserably in the task that Jesus commanded us to do.  We have placed personal ideas and concepts ahead of Biblical principles in order to establish our own authority and power in the world.  Look through Church History and study the issues that have precipitated this action.  The Spanish Inquisition is one example of this and how the decision of one church created havoc in tens of thousands of lives and produced a rippling effect throughout the world that is still felt today.  During this time, many beliefs and even cultures were threatened with annihilation simply because one did not believe in a certain manner or even agree with everything that was fed to them by the leaders of that organization.  Humans in other parts of world history did the exact same thing in the name of purity that had nothing to do with religion or God, so this is another example of both sides being demonstrated by the same concepts.

We need to address the restoration of these women who have endured abortions, for they are hurting and are in need of truthful and loving help that only God can give to them.  The same goes for the people that have been hurt by the church and it is time that we need to reach out to these people in order to restore what God wants for their lives.  God desires a personal relationship with each and every person in the world but because of our past actions and the legacy that we have laid, it is more important now than ever to end this spiritual abortion legal claim over our hearts.

The abortion process is a procedure that is voluntarily completed and a decision has to be made for it to be completed, in other words, it is a choice.  So was the choice of the church to destroy the lives of people who loved God so much that they wanted to believe in their own ways as Jesus freely gave them.  Instead, we as the Church instilled a growth pattern of death aimed at those who were practicing their individual desires through Christ that technically did not line up with the doctrine of the times.  You want an example of why the spirituality of the church is dead, we created it and now we are reaping it.

This is not about feeling sorry for the church or to gain sympathy for the church, the opposite is in fact, true, this is a call to battle against the enemy who we have allowed to create this culture of death within our lives.  Death is not our defining nature but it is the life that God gave us through His spirit within us that defines our being.  We must take back the authority of life and allow God to take away the spiritual authority of death that lingers over the Church.  We as humans may have allowed our enemy to penetrate our thinking and rationale for many years but we need to let God take back over and restore what we have lost.

As in the procedure of an abortion, the Church cannot take back the product that it has done to those millions of people throughout history and it is not necessary for the Church to dwell on our past.  However, it is vital that we remember our past and all that it represents and to never allow those events to infiltrate our ways again.  We cannot do this alone but must rely on God to restore our ways back to His ways so that we may come alive and give birth to the Church that Jesus established upon His birth, life, death, and resurrection.  I find it very convincing that Jesus should call His Church His Bride, for it is the woman who gives birth to the world and so it should be within the spiritual realm as well.  I guess there is no other need for an explanation as to why the Church is in decline all over the world huh.

This is not a call for further separation between man and the church it is a call for us as the Church to stop our human disciplines and hear the groans of the hurting people once again.  There are billions of these people out in the world and each one of them has a reason to know God.  This process is not about religion but about the one thing that each person in the world desires and that is to have a real relationship.

Anyone want a solid foundation to call abortion murder, there it is.  Anyone want a solid foundation as to why abortion is a popular choice in the world today, there it is.  Anyone want a beginning point of the concept of abortion, there it is.  It all boils down to the Church and the concept that a human in a position to make such final decisions based on beliefs.  Wonder why we as individuals are called temples, this article is an example.  The human is not the only entity that its past is being used against them, but as in the individual the church can change its future too.  There is hope but we must give up everything that the world has infiltrated and the only way to do this is to accept our sins and allow God to restore the purity once again.

See the importance of the restoration of the Church now?  See why God is calling for us to come back to Him and to re-establish a relationship with Him.  This is a good reason of why we need to hear what God is saying to us because there are millions of people who are watching what the Church is doing and they are voluntarily separating themselves further and deeper away from the Church and they have every reasonable argument for this action.  They may not understand why they have this authority but our enemy has given them the rocks to throw and they are picking out the biggest ones that he has provided.  It is not our place to spiritually abort the people who have had a troubled past and we definitely do not have the authority to spiritually torture these people until they conform to our ways.  Because as history has shown, these people will voluntarily die instead of “conforming” to the ways of the authoritative church, both physically and spiritually.

The enemy does not like to give back the ground that he believes that he has a right to and this is now evident that the church is part of his territory.  The fight is on and the battles are just now being planned and initiated.  It is time to study God’s Word and prepare ourselves for the inevitable.  However, we cannot do this task unless we are restored and purified through God alone.  It is time to allow God to restore our life producing capabilities once again.  The bride needs to be awakened and to become alive through the process in which She was created for which is to bring life into the world and to restore our dominion over the earth.  It is time that we get our affairs in order and separate ourselves from the world once again.  Help those who need it and win back those people who we have forsaken and trust God that He allows our hearts to be filled with a light that shines as an eternal beacon for those who are looking. 


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