serves as the sole organ that keeps us alive and going. It is
important that we have the other vital organs but without blood none of our
other organs could survive. The importance of blood also depends
upon the source of our blood and how it is created on a continual basis. Yet,
with all of these life giving mechanisms at work, our blood is still
contaminated enough to one day shut down and eventually die. But
there is one source of blood that we have access to that will provides us with
eternal life and forgiveness where it concerns the contamination process of the
blood that flows through our bodies.
is a fascinating organ which is complex in some functions and simple in
function in others. The very thought of how blood and its constant
volume flowing within our bodies at a continual yet safe speed is almost
incomprehensible. I have been in the laboratory for almost thirty
years now and the concept of blood and its functions still baffle me from time
to time. We humans have learned so much about our lives through the
study of blood and we have come to understand of just how important blood means
to our survival. However, we still take the content an function of
blood for granted and use our surrounding supply of blood to gain time when in
need and forget about the true blood that is necessary for us to have eternal
life away from this world.
I am
going to look at a few concepts about blood in this article in which I will do
my best to clarify the importance of blood and how the generation of blood,
blood volume and destruction of blood all pertain to how the eternal blood of
Jesus relates and corresponds with our knowledge of blood. So, hang
tight and I will do my best to keep it as simple as possible….on the human
blood side that is. If we understand a few concepts about the human
blood we will have a better grasp on the importance of Jesus’ blood within our
lives as well.
life cycle of the blood cell in our body begins in a small cavity within our
bones and is termed the marrow of the bone. This cavity is
accessible to humans and the most abundant area of liquid marrow is
appropriately housed within the hips of the human, which also serve as the area
in which human females give birth; I believe that another article will arise
from this point as well. The liquid portion of the marrow is the
portion of cells that create every cell that is floating around in your veins
and arteries and the creation of each cell is uniquely defined as the cells
grow and slightly mature before they are forced through the openings and placed
into the bloodstream.
the blood cell has been created it is put into the bloodstream where its growth
process is not complete, in other words it is still learning about its
environment as it begins its specific function of its “life”. As the
blood cell floats around picking up molecules and then distributing them to
other areas in the body, its growth process continues and eventually the cell
feels that it can accomplish any task that it can absorb through its
walls. At this point in a cells life it has reached its maturity
status and can act upon any function that the body needs. The cell
is full of life and can serve as a transport device or carrier service for
almost any substance needed.
cells that are created in the marrow are destined to travel throughout the
entire body and deliver their supplies within their walls to other parts that
need what they have to give. They are not stingy with their supplies
nor do they go by a place in need and ignore it and travel to a friend’s house
and deposit their stores to them instead. They travel into dark
places to deliver their nutrients to the innermost crevice of an organ, even to
those organs that the organ that they are supplying might be the center of
their own destruction in due time.
mature cell is vibrant and energetic and displays its full power and authority
as it flows through the vessels at breakneck speed. It makes
hundreds of trips throughout the body in one single day and does not complain
about what it does. But as time moves forward the cell, even though
it completes it’s efficiently and completely begins to slow down a bit. AS
this period begins the cell notices younger ells that have joined him on his
path and it thinks back for a bit to remember that not too long ago he had that
much energy.
the aged blood cell encounters a dreaded cavity. The blood cell
never really has liked coming into this dark cavity in the first place but it
always did so with efficiency and determination to deliver what was needed for
that moment. When the blood cell enters this cavity this time it
knows that something is not right because the cavity closes and traps the blood
cell, along with millions more in the same age category as it is and the blood
cell is flooded with a fluid and breathes its last respiration cycle. The
entire life cycle has just been completed and then as soon as it began it
ends. Some unique material within the cells and / body starts a
process in which the cell and body are contaminated enough to end the cycle of
life at a certain point. Human can only guess when this point in
time is, but we continue to complete our jobs as much as possible until that
blood cell proves itself as a sufficient supplier of nutrients to the body for
a specific time only. Yet, for scientists studying the life cycle of
the human being, they still cannot figure out how the body works
entirely. Scientists still do not know the complete origins of the
human body nor can they figure out how such an intricate machine whose
structure was made for immortality at one point in time ceases to function and
just stops. There are those out there, who believe that God created
the human body, and I am included in that group but even we have to admit that
we have no clue of how the body works entirely. Nor have we figured
out what the “sin effect” has on our cells besides death. What makes
the cells age or just stop working? Why do cancer cells
appear? These and millions of other unanswered questions concerning
our bodies are ones that our finite minds may never understand yet we plug on
to try and find a reason.
might have made huge strides in transplant therapy and in blood transfusion
therapy but eventually the body says, I have had enough and it is time for me
to quit. At this point the blood within the body still lives and
completes their cycles until all of their energy is used and then every portion
within the body ceases to exist as a living being. The human toll is
brought out and reality has taken over and the blood begins to cry for a renewal
and this is where God steps in and takes control of the situation.
if there was an endless supply of blood throughout the world to indefinitely
fuel the human body how could anyone afford to have such a constant
infusion? Nothing would be yours for if your cells could not sustain
the demand, then eventually every cell in your body would not be yours. There
needs to be a covering blood production that can provide a life that never
ceases, one that would guarantee eternal existence without any interruption or
conditional seasons to follow. What a joy that would be if this was
possible. I have some good news for you.
is a blood supply that can provide this type of eternal life without any pain
and suffering. It has no end and it is offered to whoever wants
it. There are no conditions to accept it just give up yourself and
live as the provider of this blood did. There is no way we could
ever replicate it ourselves because our bodies would automatically reject
it. See, the blood that I am talking about is part human and part
pure. No matter how pure a human race may believe they are their
blood still contains impurities that will eventually cause it to die. But
the one who has supplied the eternal blood comes from both the Holy and the
human which if one stops and thinks about it can be the only answer to our
death sentence.
have been many suggestions that variations exist that could offer us redemption
and salvation but when it boils down to all the true facts, there is only one
way that has been deemed necessary for eternal life to be created and then
instilled within our lives. There is no greater gift that can be
given when there is hope at the time your physical life comes to an end. It
is this mixture of pure and human blood that covers us if we choose its power
over our lives. This blood fills our veins and covers our bodies
with a spiritual protection that allows us to have access to God and to know
what eternal life really does provide.
blood replaces our old blood and breathes life into our spirits so that we may
have hope and peace no matter what comes our way. This blood
separates us from the world and drives out the impurities that cause our lives
to suffer and to writhe in pain. This blood supplies with every
ounce of needed nourishment to our spirits and our bodies so that we may ooze
with joy and happiness to a dying world. This blood heals our hurts
and our emotional disappointments that has beat down upon us for decades and
this blood can heal our land if we only just accept it and take it as our own.
is important for us to do our best to understand every detail of Christ’s blood
and what it means for our eternal lives. It is not enough for us to
just know about the blood that Jesus shed for us, for our enemy knows that
general detail. It is what Jesus’ blood represents, how it covers
and the many other things that it does in and for our lives that we need to
grasp and to hold onto with all our might. If we just know about and
not learn about the blood of Christ and everything that it symbolizes to us,
then we cheapen its meaning and eventually will lose its effects from our
lives. Blood is a life giving source not a mere liquid that serves
as only volume control and we must never forget this concept of life. There
is a reason that the American Red Cross’ motto and creed states for us to give
blood for it gives life to others. The Church should heed this
secular message and place it into our spirits and give the eternal source of
life to those around us.
is fascinating of just how important blood is to the body and what the body
does when the blood volume is depleted. We need to understand just
how important the blood is to our spiritual life as well. It is not
a coincidence that God chose the shedding of blood as the symbolic sacrament
when the ancients were walking the earth. Nor was it coincidence
that blood would be represented as the life giving atonement process for a
person’s entire life. God purposefully intended that His only Son be
the one that shed His blood of everyone on earth that they might know God in an
intimate way just as Adam and Eve once did. So there is no other way
for a Holy and pure God to close this gap between man and Himself unless it was
done through blood and in order for this restoration to be complete, God had to
mix His own blood with man and leave us a symbol of redemption that passes all
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