Sunday, October 27, 2013

Separation Gap

The Separation Gap


The human race has a production line of division that becomes widened with each generation.  Each new generation of individuals has their own ideas about how they wish to live, work and worship and each view can have individual drastic effect upon each one as well.  Many of us do not realize that while we are supposedly progressing with humanity we are creating a separation between our forefathers and ourselves.  It is this separation gap that many times causes division within families that prove to never heal.  It is even more important that we understand that there is a huge dark gap that separates us from God and until we understand the bridge that crosses that gap, our lives are doomed for destruction.

Many years ago my father was going to become an engineer.  He has the perfect mathematical mind that no doubt would have brought him a tremendous career in some specific type of engineering.  Being an engineer was basically all dad ever wanted to be while he was growing up, and that was evident from the classes that he took in high school and then during the beginning semesters of college.  He was well on his way to becoming an engineer when God called him to become a minister.  Dad was familiar with the ministry since his father had been a minister for many years, but up until God called him to preach dad really had no desire for this line of work.

God gave dad a vision one night in the form of a dream.  I cannot describe the intricate details of the dream but I am going to try and do my best to give some of the story in order to lay the foundation for this article.  The dream has stuck with dad all of these years and he even talks about it to this day.  It is a moment in his life that changed him forever and he has never been the same since.  Quite a change from being an engineer to a minister, but God does work in mysterious ways for the good of man.

In dad’s dream he was standing on a hillside.  He noticed that there were many people running by him and reaching the top of the hill and then disappearing.  Dad also noticed that a huge cross was placed at the top of the hill but the people were ignoring it and just disappearing as soon as they passed the cross.  As dad began to walk up the hill he noticed that as soon that the people reached the top that they actually disappeared which as soon as he reached the top he looked beyond the cross and realized that after the cross was a large cliff that led downward.  He continued to watch many people reach this point of the hill and just simply continue their running right over the edge. He then asked God why are these people just running off the cliff, why do they just stop, don’t they know what is happening?  That is when God spoke to him and told him that telling people about Him was going to be dad’s job.

This dream broke dad’s heart and at the same time it set a fire within his spirit to let as many people know about God and about the blood of Jesus that he possibly could.  I know that dad struggled with moving us around a lot but I have no regrets whatsoever about the decisions that mom and he made during his ministry years.  All dad wanted to do was to tell the world about God and that there was a way of escape from sure spiritual and eternal death.  I have many fond memories from my traveling days with my parents and I have been richly blessed through their ministry. 

I know that technically I am not a preacher but God has chosen me to write things that are along the same lines as my father’s dream.  I did not understand or comprehend this concept until this morning, 25 October 2013, as I was walking across the now famous hospital parking lot that I grace each day.  My writings have been based upon numerous topics and to be honest God has really blown my mind with some of the topics that He wishes me to write for you.  I do not question these topics I just do what I am asked but know that I have been given many topics and have been shown numerous things to write about so I have a feeling that I am not going to retire from writing any time soon.  God is in control and I just transcribe what He has said to me.

If you have read any of my past articles you will know that there some out there that deal with the life of Christ and what His life represents to us.  I have started a series called the Covered Bridge and it is this concept that God has shown me some details about Christ’s life that has blown me into pieces.  I am not going to deal with these specifics in this article but I do wish to address the gap that man voluntarily created and to try and place it into perspective with another demonstration and how Christ is the only way for us to cross this gap to God.

As I was walking across the parking lot this morning I was beginning the trek up the ambulance slope to its emergency loading area.  Now it has been summer time here and up until a few weeks ago there had been no cold weather present in this area.  However, the gravel that the maintenance crew had used last winter to keep the ambulances from sliding down the ambulance ramp had still been present.  I had passed this scene many times and had looked at all of the gravel and the patterns that it made many times over the summer, but had not made any connection.  Seems kind of weird eh, why would anyone be looking at gravel for patterns. J

On my second trip across the ambulance ramp I took notice once again of the gravel that I was about to step on.  I noticed a unique pattern of part of the gravel and I immediately remembered that I had noticed this pattern for some time but really had never “noticed” it before.  What is amazing is that I had noticed this pattern before the summer actually began.  Now, you might not think that I was paying attention too much about the path that I took but what one should know is that from June till October I was not working in my normal position, I was working in the main lab and did not make this walk every day. 

I have included a picture of the pattern that I saw this morning at the beginning of the article and you can refer to it as you read along if need be.  Anyway, as I passed by the gravel I thought to myself that the pattern formed was weird and how there was a gap that formed curved lines in the middle of the pattern.  On one side of the pattern were placed many gravel bits and they seemed to line up and crowd up to each other until they reached an imaginary line and ten stopped.  On the other side of the gap was the same appearance of gravel basically in the same formation.

The gap in between the two sides of gravel collections was convoluted and twisted in form and ran the length of the pattern or shape of the formation.  What I found interesting about the gap was that it was clear there and if you look at the picture above you will notice that all along the gap there is not one bit of gravel within the gap.  It is a complete separation from the two sides and there is nothing that links the two sides as well.  It is a complete and total separation and unless I, someone else or some other vehicle comes along to close this gap it shall remain in this condition.

I refer you back to my father’s dream and when he was looking over the side of the cliff and watching people just run over the edge and not stop.  If you picture this scene you will notice that if dad turned and looked back behind him at the people running or walking up the hill that they would be scattered abroad and not really grouped tightly together until the edge of the cliff approached.  This represents people coming from many directions and coming together as their time ends.  Look at my picture and you will see the same thing on the one side of the gravel.

Dad mentioned that he saw these people running over the cliff and just falling without any way possible of stopping them after they had ran off the cliff.  In other words he could no longer see them after they had made the decision to complete their journey, or in laymen’s terms they physically died.  This represents the gap that man decided to create for ourselves when we chose to ignore God’s law in the Garden of Eden and do things on our won.  And as far as we can see down and across there is absolutely nothing that life represents in that gap.

The cross stood tall and strong at the top of the hillside where dad and God conversed and where the many people ran by as they fell off the cliff.  I have no idea what dad and God actually said to each other but I do know that God did reaffirm in dad’s dream that the cross was the only way that people could be stopped from running over the edge of the cliff with the result of certain death.  I do not know if dad thought about the cross and what occurred on that cross as a bridge across that gap but I do know that as time has passed in my life dad has referred to the cross as a type of bridge; plus the Bible gives us a detailed example of this with the ripping of the veil as Jesus died.

Returning back to the gravel, on the other side of the gap is another “gathering” of gravel and then as you continue to view the pattern towards the right you will notice that the gravel once again spreads out like it is being thinned or dispersed as you look further to the right. I find this very interesting that once the gap has been overcome there is life on the other side of the gap.  There is life on the previously mentioned side of the gap as well, but nothing inside the gap.  That gap was created by man and thus it cannot be bridged by man no matter how hard one tries.  You also notice that the cross stands on the first side of the gap and not on the other which means that God has provided a true way of crossing that gap and even though the cross is tall and can be seen from a distance it has been strategically placed as a last resort if one chooses to get to that point in their lives.

Whatever takes place while people are in the gap, no one alive knows.  I do know that I have done some pretty stupid things in my life and even though I am a human and deserve nothing from God or the rewards that He has in store for me, I do not ever want to compromise my position in Christ the day that my life finds that gap and I cross over to the presence of God.  I have no clue how eternity works or living in a spirit flesh life but I do know that there is a way that I can live eternally with God and not ever have to worry about an enemy ever again, and it is through the cross and what occurred on that cross that gives me this assurance.

The other side of the gap represents the lives that are in heaven and are with God.  It would be logical for a number of lives to be at the edge of the other side of this gap after they have been transformed into eternal beings.  It also demonstrates that actual life is present in heaven because the gravel is dispersing which means that they no longer care to stay at the edge of the gap and they will continue their journey in life as it was meant for us to do.  So, to answer a few questions about a certain issue concerning heaven, it does not look like we will be floating around with wings with a harp and doing nothing but playing music for each other, we will be alive and able to do things. Sadly however, that means that those who do not choose eternal life with God will also be alive but somewhere in that gap that we created, totally separated from God; remember there is always two sides to every story.

It is the bridge that God has shown me to write about and if one reads all of my past articles they will understand this pattern that God has given to me.  There is no way that I am trying to upstage my father’s dream for it is a gift from God to him and it is a mission that was born within my father many years ago.  But during a conversation that my parents and I had a few months ago, I believe now that mom and dad can see where my ministry is headed.  It is not an upstage of my father but an extension of his ministry that God began in his spirit a long time ago.  It may never be from behind a pulpit but the words that God has shown me and the message that He has given me to share with as many people as possible, is the exact same as what He showed my father. 

I have no doubt that my father heard the voice of God in that dream for the same message has been given to a dirt bag of a human being which would be me.  I still have trouble contemplating what God sees in me that would deem me worthy of telling His message to others, but for whatever reason God has chosen me to carry on His words of hope, love and life to a world that is desperate need of Him.  There is no doubt that God has defined His ministry in me through the written word and it is those words that He has given me to give to a world that is literally falling off a cliff, is the continuation of the ministry that God gave to you both.  I love you mom and dad with all of my heart and I thank you every day for your influence in my life, you did a job well done!!


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