Saturday, October 12, 2013

Two Commands

Two Commands


As children we did not always want to listen to our parents.  No child can ever say that they obeyed every authoritative figure that was placed over them either.  So if this mentality and belief is present within our lives at a young age, then why do we continue to struggle with reasoning out what God has to say about His ways since we know what will happen if we continue in our humanistic ideologies?  God has provided a route so that we may skip all of the suffering that the world has to offer and when one understands this plan there will really be no real choice actually needed.  The question remains if we will ever come to the realization that human actions without God is a certain death sentence and docile at best.

There were many instances in my childhood that I could use as an example for this portion of the article and how I believed that my choice of actions were better suited for me instead of obeying my parents’ orders.  At that time I had no idea of the immediate consequences were going to manifest but I soon found this information out when my parents learned of the truth.  However, once I did understand what the consequences were it was up to me to adhere to their wishes in future situations, and with me being a typical kid I decided to choose to listen to my feelings instead of their rules. This is not an unfamiliar story to any parent and for those who are about to become parents themselves, all I have to say is understand and know what is coming for it will be a “glorious” experience.

The choices that I made while I was very young and along with all of my remaining growing up years continued the path of wanting to do things on my own and doing them in my time and by my rules.  While it took me a couple of decades to outgrow this rebellious state and began to have a family of my own, I eventually saw the same traits and patterns in my children as I had in my life when I was their age.  It dawned on me that I could really be in trouble if they continue this course and try and disobey as I did since some of the things that they were trying to get away with were now being completed at a much earlier age than I was when I tried them.  And with me understanding that the human mind likes to follow the pattern of doing things larger, bigger, or more exciting than previously attempted things could get real interesting for everyone in the household if things were not brought to light and dealt with immediately.  Now, my parents would say that this is a sign of paying for my raising, and I must admit that they are probably going to prove themselves correct.

The pattern of human behavior is summed up in those two previous paragraphs and it is obvious that no human being can escape this pattern.  The art of choice began its legacy in the beginning of man’s history and it has not subsided one iota since its conception.  It was a part of our life that God instilled into us to enable us to adequately function as a human being.  We would have the capacity of robots if we did not have this ability within our intellects to make decisions on a moment’s notice.  This does not mean that every split second decision we make will be the correct one, but this skill can prove to be a life saving quality that we all possess. 
While man was living within the garden of Eden God allowed man to have control over everything that was offered to him.  God had only one command and that was to stay away from one tree that was it.  Put yourself in their place for a moment, knowing yourself as you do would you be able to resist the urge to not touch that tree or to even go near it if asked?  All of us would have some type of difficulty in staying away and not even thinking about that tree and the wishes of God.  Our curiosity would kill us as the story of the cat is told.  It is not difficult for us to sit and wonder about the things that our parents tell us to stay away from for each of us have had some type of friend in our past that fits into this situational category.  But not knowing drives us nuts sometimes and it takes trust and perfect love to adhere to this instruction, but for many of us we have to find out for ourselves and then we are enlightened to why we were warned.  However, not all of us accept this new understanding as being bad and the decision to embrace this new setting can affect our lives for many years to come.

God did have this one law in place and it was administered to mankind in the form of a choice and all parties involved knew of this.  Eve at this point in our history our enemy knew us well enough to understand when it was the perfect time to begin to talk to us with words of doubt.  He also understood that eventually spreading his motives around would cause us to really think about if God was serious about His commands; this method exposes the real challenge of choice.  Then the final step of the act itself occurs and things are changed forever.  God knew of our actions as soon as they happened yet did not destroy us because of His love for our existence.  Yet He could no longer dwell in a place that as not holy so the separation process began and the veil that physically and spiritually separates us from God was installed.

Our enemy believed that our eternal lives would be finished by this act, just as his was.  However God had a different plan which included a restoration process in which man one day could have total access to God once more.  While God was passing judgment to all involved parties it became clear that God already had this figured out which infuriated Satan.  Adam and Eve had no idea that their personal actions in the garden actually began the restoration lineage to which mankind was going to have access to God again.  This personal access must be something so special that it has angered our enemy so much to wish all of human life to be destroyed.  These two people had no idea that their actions began anther supernatural war that would entangle all of humanity until God says “enough.”

This brings us to the second command that has come from a Holy figure that we have ignored and that is the command of Jesus when He told us to go into all parts of the world and to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God.  There is a reason that Jesus spoke this command to us and it is important that we understand why He gave us this command.  Since we have chosen to exercise our freedom of choice it is now our responsibility to spread the good news of restoration to the world.  The choice in the beginning and this choice go hand in hand when you place it into this perspective.  This is not a consequence of our past actions but it is an opportunity to rectify humanity’s death sentence that we brought upon ourselves and Jesus’ command to go into the entire world the means by which this will be accomplished.  However, we as humans have diverted our thought patterns and beliefs back to the selfish contingency that brought us to this place in the first place by placing the command of Jesus on the backburner and not the mission as it is designed to be.  This policy has been made sense to billions of people around the world and it breaks the heart of God at the same time we choose this option. 

Now there is no way possible that if we personally go to each person in the world and share the name of Jesus with them that this action will guarantee our restoration to God.  Jesus did not visit with everyone in the region and even some times when He encountered some of them, His message was not directly spoken to them, but His presence, meaning and reputation did.  It is by the acts of Jesus and our belief in these actions that allow us to pass under His covering which allows us to have access to God.  Our mortal bodies can never be “fixed” to live forever, something will cause our physical presence to break down and return to its original substances.  But it is the spiritual aspect of our lives that God now has direct contact with and it is through the blood of His Son that this process can occur.

It is the actions of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection that define the bridge that has been created to allow this access once again. This is where the choice of the hand in hand part comes back together in that the second command that is represented in this article restores the beginning of time and overrides the first choice of man.  By the entire life of Christ is the only way that this bridge could be formed and firmly established in order to restore this access.  Not many people see this saying of Jesus as being an example of restoration but when you place His ministry as a whole and place the bridge into place it makes perfect sense that His words in this passage is spoken in this capacity.  And if we do not let the people of the world know that there is a way to satisfy their longing of spiritual way out of eternal damnation, then we too should deserve this result due to our treasonous behavior of staying within our own boats.

Stop and think about this for a moment.  We as parents teach our children to do what is right and to be friends with one another, to look beyond our differences and live together in as much harmony as possible.  If we as parents have spoken this to our children wouldn’t you in turn expect our children to do their best in carrying out those requests?  Then why are we Christians refusing to obey God’s command once again by sitting back and allowing the world to die spiritually.  We blew it in the garden by not following through with God’s command which if we had obeyed would have set forth into motion a holy example to the remaining created world that God’s ways are truly in our best interests.

By sharing the gospel of Christ to the world we effectively and symbolically blind the results of the disobedience of the first command by God to us.  It does not save us by any means but it opens our spiritual eyes to what our destination is if we do not heed to God’s laws.  It is a simple plan that was put into place by a perfect sacrifice to provide us with this restoration to our creator.  The perfect sacrifice was just not whimsically established either, this creation begins with holy foundational blood combined with willing yet sinful flesh which ironically produces the only way that humans can access the holy again. 

Think about this concept for a bit, it makes perfect sense that this is the only way our first choice could be overridden.  If any one ingredient is left out of the equation then the entire process has to begin again.  We all know that it God that is Holy and cannot change from His perfect state, so that would mean that it is our ingredients that we bring to the table are faulty and inadequate. So, when both are combined it makes up the perfect combination in order to restore the true meaning of life, which is the basic definition of the birth and life of Christ.  Therefore, no human to human ingredients can ever make up the true way to God nor can any other method be substituted in order to regain access to God.  Then if this statement is the case, then the other side of the spectrum in which a divine and complete being is represented cannot be accepted from the flawed conditions because of its perfect status which means there is only one way true acceptance can be achieved and that is one mixture of holiness and humanity serves as the access to God no matter who says anything differently and this perfectly constructed covered bridge is our only way across the great divide to God.

When all of this information comes into light within our lives it is easy for us to comprehend why Jesus issued this statement as a command and not as a suggestion.  It is for everyone to hear and to grasp, not just for a select few.  If we do not adhere to this command we are actually robbing our fellow man of a given right to override an inherited past and it would be an utter disgrace if anyone is left out because of our selfish ways of understanding.

So, see it is imperative that we follow the one command that Jesus gave us to complete.  His command is not only for our eternal lives but it also serves as an auto correct for our bad choice in the garden as well.  The human flaws must be included in this process for it is through our actions that Jesus’ message is demonstrated throughout the world.  It is through our choice of Him that allows us to change our original choice and to choice eternal life over death and destruction.  Only through Jesus can we have the possibility of true life and by His blood do we have the opportunity to come before God for our eternal life.  Now when you place this concept within the confines of communion and its constituents, it really has the significant and symbolic picture of a covered bridge to which all of our past choices are rendered null and void.


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