Monday, October 21, 2013

Essential Prisoners

Essential Prisoners


Warfare has always been with the human race.  As far back as we can read war has touched so many lives within that period of time and even today that trend continues.  All aspects of war are horrendous no matter which side claims to be right or even wins the war.  Taking prisoners is a vital part of warfare and the amount of prisoners and the conditions in which they serve their captors plays an important part in the overall plan of an enemy.  Our lives are such prisoners and we need to understand just how important this concept and knowledge is to the freedom that we can obtain.

Wars always are fought with campaigns in which vast amounts of land are used by at least two opposing sides and square off against each other to see who wins the fighting for that day.  These battles can sometimes be a total victory within a few short hours or they can drag out for days or weeks at a time.  In the ancient times the number of men fighting each campaign or battle was significantly fewer than the modern battles that are fought.  This is not surprising since the methods of troop transport were much simpler and manual than today, plus the amount of available men within a certain society was less as well.  Yet, societies and nations continued their efforts to conquer each other and as a result many men, women and children were killed for these efforts.

In many occasions prisoners would be taken after the completion of a campaign or battle.  It was not uncommon for Rome to triumphantly parade their prisoners to the masses when they returned from battle.  Many souvenirs were brought back from these battles and varied greatly in number and specificity.  The captured generals and rulers were often put to death as a sign of final humiliation so that the newly captive prisoners fully understood that they were no longer considered a portion of their home identity.  As time progressed the treatment of prisoners of war improved but in other types of captivity the exchange between freedom and prisoner lifestyle stayed the same or even regressed exponentially.

Whatever the war we choose to study or society that promotes captivity we can always find common themes within the stories of why prisoners were taken.  During war the process of taking soldiers into prison camps serves as a demoralization of the fighting troops that are still able to fight.  It does not take too long for information to travel through the ranks of fighting men and women and one can include societies in this type of information transfer if needed.  The idea that soldiers or groups of people have been taken into captivity gets the person or people who have not been taken thinking about the possibilities of themselves losing their freedom, and what would become of their families if they were not around any longer.  This type of thought pattern spreads like wildfire and most of the time will cause some type of thought of capitulation from the soldier or society.  We have witnessed this scene over and over throughout history and as long as humans are alive and have the freedom of choice, this scenario will not change much.

A good example of this is when the German Army surrendered approximately 280,000 men after the Battle of the Rhineland was over. Over a ¼ million men gave up their fighting abilities and entered into prisoner of war status.  Now, stop and think for a moment as to what this type of news would do to another German soldier or fighting unit when they heard about this event.  Would you be willing to change your status in order to hope that your captors would be lenient on you for the actions of your past or current standing?  Do you grasp the concept of what prisoners and their publication to the enemy could render towards the war effort?  Place yourself into the spiritual confluences of this scene when it comes to our eternal creation and the true meaning of our existence upon this earth.

It is difficult for any of us to comprehend that we would ever voluntarily surrender our lives to another group that might have the idea of ending our existence without allowing us to continue to fight for our freedom.  But in order for us to fight back and to maintain our freedom, we must understand who the enemy is and what their job is that encourages their forces to fight against us.  Many of us know that certain human cultures have enemies and these cultures understand that it is impossible to let down their defenses and believe that their enemy will not attack.  However, when they do not have the ability to see who their enemy is and what the tactics are that will be used against them, they are sitting ducks and it will not be too long until their way of life is destroyed.

Is it a far-fetched idea that since human cultures can attack each other on a routine basis that we have an enemy that can do the same on an individual level?  We have read about wars and understand that there are two sides to a war.  We also have either witnessed or been involved in an accident where there are two sides to a story.  So why is it hard for us to understand and to keep in focus that if every aspect of our lives has two sides that there are two sides that are vying for our eternal being?  We have become so engrossed with trying to convince the world that our way of living is best for everyone that we have lost the drive to strengthen our spirits from the truth, the real eternal truth and not what the world has to offer as a temporary fix.

There is a battle ongoing for our lives and we need to understand that we are all born into the world of sin because of the choices that have been made before our time.  There is nothing that we humans can do about this, it is set in motion and it cannot be changed by our hands or any method we try to complete.  We are captives or slaves to this world and it is a natural stance that we have allowed to overtake our lives simply by not realizing that there is a way of escape.  As a soldier it was taught to us that there may be a chance that we might be taken captive.  This thought had to be placed into our minds because in truth it could be a reality during a wartime situation.  However, we were also taught to find any means possible to escape from our captors and to keep our minds sharp in order to see any weakness in our captive camp so that we can escape and take as many of our fellow prisoners with us as possible.  This was not an option according to our commanders and it was considered as a general order for everyone in combat operations to complete this task if taken captive.  In fact, if we did become prisoners of war and did not try to escape and it was proven that we did not try and escape, we could potentially face a courts marshal and be found guilty of treason; this is how serious the subject of captivity had been drilled into our minds.

So here we are, watching the world infiltrate our lives on every level.  Why do we allow this situation to occur and not try to escape from its grasps?  It is because we have lost our edge against the world and have begun to embrace its concepts as part of our own.  Another quick example before I move along.  During the Korean War there was news about some US soldiers that crossed the lines and defected to North Korea.  It was hard to imagine why someone would do this but it was the truth and it did occur.  North Korea loved to display these soldiers as people who decided to follow “their truth” and to see for themselves the “good life”.  Many years after their defection, western journalists were allowed to interview some of these soldiers and to hear their side of the story.  When the journalists asked if they understood what effects their actions had on their fellow soldiers, they knew what the ones that they left behind probably thought but they did not care about the morale of their fellow soldiers, just that they had left and started a new life.

No matter which situation you look at, the world has successfully captured our lives and we are continuously allowing the world to dictate our lives as a captor.  We serve the world as a prisoner and have voluntarily accepted this status as our own.  We have given up our will to fight against the world and have allowed our enemy’s home field advantage to be in play which has forced us to succumb to its laws.  It is ridiculous that we do not see what we are allowing to occur, not only on a personal level but also on a societal level as well.

We are using our voluntary choices to strengthen the world’s hold upon us instead of trying to shake it off of us.  And if the truth be known this should be a treasonable offense according to the military commanders that we have served.  To put into perspective, how would our founding fathers look upon our ways today and more specifically how does our Founding Father look at our actions of today?  Another aspect of our condition we must consider is that as long as we continue to live in the worldly state we are automatically subject to its laws and ways and everything that it demands from our lives we must comply with on every level of life.  This includes all aspects of our life including torture sessions from the world’s leader whose job it is to make sure we do not fulfill our destiny in life and what better way to complete this task than to have us as voluntary slaves to his cause.  We must give our enemy credit because he ahs done a fabulous job in creating an atmosphere that is to our liking, so much so that we routinely give up the truth in order to pursue worldly principles.

We have heavily relied upon our ability to choose in order to maintain the status quo in our lives and while this is not really a bad option to take, it can lead us down a horrid path if we continue to make bad choices.  Contrary to popular belief and demand we do not need to redefine or have the word “bad” defined for us once again.  This particular word has already been defined many times and when one reads its definition it clearly states in no uncertain terms what the word symbolizes, it actually falls into the same ridiculous category of defining the word “is” as one leader once demanded.

Mankind needs to wake up and realize that the world is not our friend and its ways and means will only bring us pain, agony, destruction and death.  For the world can only offer what its leader has to offer and it is imperative that we understand this chain of command.  Our eternal lives are at stake and we need to adhere to what is true and pure rather than flimsy and wavering at best.  Look at the options that the world has to offer with an honest heart and spirit and see what the results of those offerings have to give, then look at the other choice and see what God has to offer in return.  Being a prisoner or slave to the world and its issues actually advances its own selfish cause which in turn advances the leader of the world’s kingdom.  We have already established who the leader of the world is so that can mean only one thing and that is if we are committed to the world’s views then we are voluntarily surrendering to the enemy of life and thus advancing his own kingdom whose goal is to destroy our lives.  Kind of makes his job a bit easier now doesn’t it.

God is our liberator and the only One who can guarantee our freedom and eternal life.  Only He can provide an escape from the death grip of our captor and his ways of lies.  Our life is rough enough and if we continue to believe in the things of the world, then there is no real possibility of escape from the problems of the world that face us on a daily basis.  God has a plan for each and every one of our lives and we cannot complete this plan of life as long as we continue to live in captivity to our enemy.  We become ineffective in our responsibilities and duties in life while we serve our captor.  We become his slaves and are allowed to be traded amongst ourselves and across the worldly borders as long as we contend that the world is the only answer for our lives.  It is becoming clearer of the importance that we shed the ways of the world and not to embrace them, for it will only bring us into further captivity.  There is definitely no room for the Church in this world and if any church is dabbling in worldly archives, then it is doomed from its own foundations.

God stands with His arms wide open and offers us hope and freedom through Him.  He has provided a simple way based upon the gift of choice and all it takes is to choose His ways over the world and the separation from the world automatically begins to take place.  It will not be an overnight process but the notices of change within us when we allow God to come into our life will be visible to everyone that encounters our lives.  Restoration is a wonderful process and it soothes our spirits and heals us of the ways of the world that have beaten down our lives for a long time.  There is still time to allow God this access to our lives and to open our spiritual eyes to His love for us. God loves us and He is for us and not against us.  He wishes to bless our land and to heal it once again but as long as we embrace the world and its ways the gulf between man and God will continue its dark and ugly course and destruction will soon follow.  As the song writer has said, it is time that we speak life into the darkness instead of shooting out the light bulb.


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