has always amazed me of how God works through humans in order to fulfill His
plans for humanity. While that statement may seem a bit ridiculous
in stature it brings out a relevant point that most people in the world forget
about or totally ignore altogether. It is through us that God
reveals His existence and why He has created us in the first place. It
is through our lives that we reflect His life and it is through this lifelong
learning that we should teach other that God is real and that His plans are
true. However, reality dictates that not everyone will accept this
belief and through these already recorded actions God tells us of our own
personal futures.
one of us has a life story that we could write about. Our lives and
pathways are unique in many ways and through this manner, each one of our
stories could be a huge success in the literary world. When you
place an entire family into this setting a pattern would be noticed which would
then be compared and one could find similar patterns between those members as
well. Even though sisters may get on each other’s nerves, if they
take a close look at their lives and patterns they would have to admit that
they shared many similar tastes, patterns and beliefs. Yet there
would be some differences which bolster the concept of our uniqueness.
have stated many times over the centuries that humans are the only beings that
God has o use in order to get His message out to others. This
statement is an absolute truth that we need to keep within our hearts, but do
we actually believe this or do we even consider it to be a truth? I
know the world and all of its standards do not because it is constantly trying
to separate and divide according to its ever changing ways and as long as this
holds true a constant cannot be remembered.
of the most important duties that our enemy has is to get us to think that our
lives are not important, for us to believe that we would not be missed if we
were not around any longer. This degradation of existence can be
presented to us on many levels from the simple to the complex all of which has
the corresponding results of each level attached to them. Why is it
that we become so engrossed with our personal lives that we fail to see what
our worth really is and just how important each one of us are to the world’s
future? This question seems to be very difficult for many people to
answer but as many struggle to provide an answer to this question, it is so
ironic and iconic that we automatically and sometimes purposefully throw away
the one constant of the answer, and that is God.
is impossible for us to understand ourselves unless we believe in God. There
is no way that we can ever begin to believe in our existence if we brush off
our Creator. Think about this for a moment and ask yourself how can
I know my life if I cannot believe in the One who instilled it in the first
place. All of us know that our physical lives were created by our
father and mother but I am talking about the overall picture here and the
beginnings of our existence as humans. If we do not have this
concept within our lives there is no way that we can further our understanding
about life, without a #1 it is impossible to reach #2.
we do not know our Creator it is hard for us to comprehend what goes on in the
world as well. With all of the modern technology at our fingertips
it is easy for us to know and to physically see what is occurring in Egypt when
we are living New York City, not on a recorded tape but as it is
happening. This is amazing bit of technology but it is here and it
is here to stay and we also must take into consideration that even this minor
detail has been mentioned in the Bible; now, how would someone back in ancient
times that only had horses, donkeys and camels as transportation know that one
day the entire world could sit on a bench and watch a war unfold thousands of
miles away.
we tend to forget that everything that is happening in and around our world is
strictly a human thing and that every issue that we are facing is solely our
doing. I am not including in the environmental things here because
we have no control over what the world throws at us but when someone actually
learns how to steer a hurricane or tornado, then I might mention some
things. Anyway, the problems, coups, assassinations, murders,
situations and invasions are all due to humans and their belief that what they
are doing is correct.
it would be fascinating if humans could have dreamt up all of this
disorganization was spontaneous and that life itself is this chaotic by
nature. But I am here to tell you that it is not that way and that
our lives are directed by a predestined order that has been set in motion
millennia before and we are just falling right into the place that has already
been foretold. Yep, your life has already been planned out and even
how and when you lose your eyebrows has already been witnessed. What
I also find fascinating is that when we recognize that our eyebrows are now
gray in color and we spend the next two days sulking about our so called age
problem, that little incident plays into God’s ordained plan for the world.
that action even though it is very small in nature plays a huge part in how you
view the world and more specifically your little corner of the world. Because
when you leave the house in the morning most of us still have the same attitude
when we arrive at our destination as we did when we left our original house
setting. Does the phrase “having a bad hair day” ring a bell? How
many times have we used this petty detail about the start of our day to stay
within the confines of a sulky or bad day? Think about that for a
let us think about the major issues that are ongoing. We have the
fighting in Nigeria, the uprising in Egypt and in Libya. We have the
on again and off again threats of war in the Ukraine, the social unrest in
Belgium, Netherlands, Us and in Central America. And none of us can
ever forget and should NEVER forget the constant attacks on Israel. There
are countless other skirmishes and hate filled situations that I do not have
time to mention in this article but each and every one of them have a purpose
and a point to them that already has been drawn out. It is hard for
our minds to conceive this fact mush less to develop it within our thought
patterns, but we need to know that these circumstances have already been put
into motion and unless we as a world come back to God and to rid ourselves of
our selfish ways, these patterns shall continue and the Bible will be fulfilled
step by step as we sit and roll around in our own mud and muck.
not believe me? Then I challenge you to do something, it is not a
short term thing but one that will take a while to complete. Locate
everything that you can in the Bible about the end times and all of the
prophetic conditions that have a central role in Israel. Read some
of these very carefully and take specific notes. The key here is to
understand that while God recognizes nations it is the heart of that nation
that grabs God’s attention and causes Him to act. It is through the
human action that draws nations into the actions that they deem
instance, take the fact that one day every nation throughout the world will
come against Israel. While each nation may not physically attack
Israel they will in one way shape or form support those that do have that
capability. For centuries the West has been a steadfast ally to
Israel and even after Israel’s official creation the support for their existence
has been undeniable. However, over the past decade of so we have
began to witness some cracks in that support from many countries of the West
and even those who have vowed never to leave Israel have presented red flags of
dishonor towards her.
the entire world will stand against Israel and everything that she believes
in. This is a huge effort by a worldwide community and it is
something that never has been done before. Yes, many nations stood
against Germany during World War II but even with their numerous atrocities
there were still nations that took her side. Look at every skirmish,
war and revolution and you will find that the winning side and the losing dies
both had countries, provinces and kingdoms that stood by tem even after the
fighting had ceased. Place that into context with every nation and
then you will realize a couple of things, first of all that is a lot of people
that are against you and secondly that type of situation has never been
portrayed before and until it does we have no clue of how that situation feels.
is factual to say that turmoil and everything that surrounds that condition
usually takes precedent over the peaceful and tranquil lifestyles that we all
wish to achieve. It is also factual to say that these unsettling
times are more newsworthy. We must include this ideology of humans
as well as a step by step progression towards God’s divine plan for
humanity. We all love to wake up in the morning and casually get out
of bed, take our shower or bath, drink coffee and read the newspaper before
getting dressed and head off to work. But even in this type of
society where the spoils of war have not touched the land before, unrest and
animosity still headline those newspaper columns. This land of luxury provides
just as much specific corruption as the war torn societies around the world and
this too adds up into God’s overall conclusion and foretelling of mankind’s
challenge to you is that you take all of these circumstances and place them
into one group category. Do not place them according to your
personal beliefs or wants for the world but place them into reality, what is
actually going on. Make a list and then compare them to what God
says about Israel. Line them up then wait for more news or another
headline and then add it to the list. If you do not want to pick the
Israel issue, that is fine grab another one from the Bible and do the same
process. Comparing the USA to the Roman Empire is another great
example to use and could explain why the West is not mentioned much at all
during the last days. Whatever example you choose it will show that
the overall human activity has already been written by God’s messengers a long
time ago.
when you are protesting to your boss about the coffee in the cafeteria being
cold after ten minutes in the pot or if you are angrily attacking the maneuvers
of the press about how they are covering a story that has no concern towards
you, remember that your actions will have some influence on someone else and
then your progressive and aggressive tactics could actually lead to a nation to
form a negative opinion about your cultural status. Seem
far-fetched? I do not think so. The political garbage and
entertainment trash and other situational episodes have played a part in the
deep division that has now been permanently etched into our lives. We
believe that we have “defined” our problems to a few groups and ideas, and in
truth all we have done is to widen the gaps of division through this
division. We have not asked for any solutions nor have we heeded
into the direction of finger pointing and declaring that I am right and you are
a racist for not believing exactly in the manner to which I believe.
around the world and you will find that no one is trying to find a reasonable
solution to the instabilities. We currently have another cease fire
between Hamas and Israel, how many is this now? Too many in my
opinion. The day that the leaders struck this latest timed delay of
events the alarm that indicates that rockets are being fired into Israel was
constantly going off. For hours it continually sent barrage after
barrage of rockets into numerous cities and towns in Israel. This is
NOT a sign that peace is wanted or even needed. This is a sign that
I have to hit you as hard as I can before I am told to stop for a while. The
same occurs at so called peaceful demonstrations and protests that pit citizens
against other citizens where dialog, not debating occurs. In the
eyes of God these situations are no different simply because God looks at the
heart of an individual or society and not the cultural or religious aspects of
a human being or society.
is through these steps that we as an entire race are successfully proving the
Bible correct. Once a mind and heart gathers the truth about what is
occurring around the world, it becomes a humbling and scary thought. Not
about a specific issue but for all of mankind, because once a person has recognized
this they understand that the potential for humanity to ruin the world on every
level is possible. Everything that we do is ordained and has a
purpose, whether you use that purpose for deterrence or an accelerant is
strictly up to that person, group or nation. But always remember
that if you try and make it as big as Bill Gates has your steps are already
recorded and your actions will lead someone else towards that next step in a
societal heartbeat. So keep this in mind while you are protesting God or
the Constitution, you are actually fulfilling God's plans and proving that He
was correct all along.