Have Known
I was a youngster I heard this phrase many times immediately after it was found
out that I had did something wrong. This phrase is a telling one
since it places all of the blame upon the individual or group of people that
are involved in something amiss. Yet we tend to argue our points to
the reasons why we did such ugly things instead of accepting that we should
have known the rules and took our punishment. In the same manner we have a
tendency to do the exact same thing with God, and challenge His authority over
us when we make mistakes. However, with God He is not the one that
is quick to judge or to punish, that only comes when we have reached a certain
level. However, there will come a time when we do have to answer for our
mistakes and sins and while our accuser will laugh our Creator will state, you
should have known.
person that is alive has a set of parents. Even though some of these
parents we might not ever meet, both male and female must be present at some
point for your creation to occur. Thus the bloodline is established
and your life begins. I was very lucky to have a great set of
parents that was always there for me and even up to this day are still there
for me and my family, even at a moment’s notice. I have heard horror
stories about parents and how the person’s family was a total disaster and
every other type of story in between. While I cannot say that every
household is always fair for everyone, I know that mine was and when I did get
into trouble….well, I deserved it.
and dad made sure that I followed the rules of the house and while I found that
some of those rules I did not like they were in place for a certain
reason. Mom and dad never hid anything from me especially when it
came to right and wrong, both of them were right on the money when it came to
this area. They never once hid the rules of the house from my
friends either so if they wanted to be around the family they too had to abide
by them. I basically had no excuses as to break any unknown rules
because for each one of them that I did break I fully understood that I could
be in big trouble if my actions were found out. I could not use the
excuse that I did not know that the rule of ______ was in place; I always knew
what the rules were.
As I
grew older and began to understand a little bit more about the world I started
to understand how some of the outside laws worked. Listening to some of my
friends tell their stories about how they spent the afternoon in court with
their parents or sitting in a judge’s chambers and waiting for some private
verdict to come down really got me to think about what I did and did not want to
push or to experience. While I really had no complete idea of how
the judicial system worked, I eventually picked up on some things about the
specifics of certain laws. Most of which dealt with driving and the
concepts of being behind the wheel.
it did not seem fair to us teenagers that we could not drive in any form or
fashion that we wished, it did not take us long to understand how the laws
worked and why they were put into place. Some of the stories that my
friends were telling made my memory jog back to when I took drivers education
and how my instructor specifically covered the areas that my friends were
complaining about and how they did not know about those laws. If I
was aware of them and at that time I had been driving for some time that they
should have remembered what their instructors said as well.
some of my other friends began to argue along with those that were complaining
and they themselves questioned the laws the ones who were actually in trouble
made a huge statement of why they still had to pay the fine and to accept
points on their license. They mentioned the fact that after they
presented their case to the judge his ruling still came down against them
solely based upon the fact that the laws were in place and that by being issued
a drivers license that they should have been aware of the laws governing that
the time I did not recognize that the rules of my parent’s house and the laws
governing everyone else around me had basically the same principles involved. The
phrase “should have known” really takes into consideration the responsibility
of a person after they have become part of any community or organization. It
was not until decades later that this phrase clicked into my head that both set
of laws were deemed important for my life and that there were reasons why these
laws were in place. After a while of trying to figure the laws of
our land out, it dawned on me the real reason why that phrase was put in place
within the context of the laws. It was a simple phrase and its
meaning was totally justified for if it the phrase was not there then anyone
who broke the law once, could have legitimate reasons to use the concept of “I
did not know” as their sole reasoning and according to the law could be exempt
from that law the first time around.
a novel idea of placing that phrase into the laws of the land and it is a
statement which changes the entire code of ethics on both sides of the
issue. The phrase puts into play the usage of our minds and that
since our minds are a part of each of us we have the opportunity to obey or to
break laws. And when a law is broken and we are deemed a citizen of
the land, then every misfortunate act made by such person is subject to that
specific law. This phrase as it is written means that every person
has the responsibility to read and to understand the laws of the land and to
make the choice whether or not to obey them or not. The human mind
is a fascinating organ that one can place into overdrive when trying to get out
of trouble and this phrase stops that process from occurring as much as
of the human mind and its ability to change or to try and change its situation,
human laws do indeed change over time. There is not really any
formal reason as to why a person could not sheer sheep after 5 pm on Wednesdays
any longer, nor is there any reason that people cannot whistle inside their
offices on Saturday either. It is kind of funny when you look back
at some of the laws that were on the books in the 1800s and early 1900s; and
some are still in the books today in fact. We can see this pattern
occurring in our world today with many issues being challenged on all levels of
the judicial system. Whether we like these laws or not the pattern
of human change is constant and the laws of the land will eventually be a
direct reflection of how said humans think and believe. Change is
one of the prerogatives that humans like to exploit amongst ourselves and when
this change occurs we cannot help but to flaunt the new state.
human brain is one of the more complicated organs that we have residing within
our bodies. It is very complex and as of this moment we only know
about 20% of its abilities and its capabilities, which means we have a long way
to go in studying this dynamic organ of ours. The brain is developed when
we are young and it continues to accept knowledge as long as we allow it to
come into contact with outside information. It is our choice whether
or not to use this organ at its capacity and while we all have a brain it is
evident that sometimes we do not use it very wisely. But in order
for us to read, walk, talk and eat we must use the energy and electrical
pathways that our brain provides. This means that everyone has the
knowledge to understand or to ignore what has been provided for them and in
this case we are talking about laws.
area that we tend to argue about is the area in which God has established laws
for His people and how we react to them when we have read their meaning. Many
of us love to argue our interpretation of God’s laws for we can do this in such
a manner that it can support our ways of believing. We also
categorize this method by acknowledging that since it is a human thing to
change that we can automatically change God’s laws to compensate just as the
human laws dictate. The question remains if this swapping and
changing of God’s Laws is possible and why would we even consider them
vulnerable to change in the first place. The answer to that question
of changing God’s Laws is an absolutely NO! God cannot change and
since God cannot change His laws cannot change either and it is important that
we remember this in ALL circumstances.
currently have some prominent people along with many “unknown” people within
the church walls that seem to believe that they have found a way to justify
their habits and beliefs that go contrary to God’s Word. This is a
very dangerous practice but one that has been predicted to come to pass, so in
other words, God already has known about these people and how they have
intended to try and change His laws to suit their actions. I know
that I have done many things in my life that I am not proud of and at the same
time I understand that when I stand before God I will have to account for all
of these things. I also know that I have violated His Covenant many
times as well and I deserve nothing better than to be destroyed in such a
manner that my molecules within my body should be wiped away from living
record, but for some reason His love and grace has covered me as long as I
accept Him into my life and do my best to keep His ways, laws and covenant
within my heart and mind.
I do
not even want to dare to try and test God on His ways and laws with my limited
and finite mind. To be short and brutally honest, if someone tries
this and actually believes it I really feel sorry for you because you have no
chance of winning; for if you in front of God’s throne defending yourself and
trying to escape the consequences, it is already too late my friend. See,
when God instructed the people to write His laws God could not change, when God
showed the prophets of what was occurring within the nations, God could not
change His ways and when it is our turn to stand in front of Him and give
account, God still cannot change His ways or laws.
is through His Word that brings into play the same phrase that our human laws
have and that is “should have known”. Since at that time it will be
between you and God the word “you” is a given and really does not need to
become a factor. So that leaves the phrase should have known and God
will say something to the effect that He provided us with every possible form
of information in order that we would understand Him as much as our minds could
fathom. His word even says this directly which proves that humans do
have the capability to read and understand the laws of God and then have the
choice to abide by them or to ignore them and go on about their own business
without God.
Eve was tricked in the Garden she was allowed to have a “do over” and the
consequences were set and the results final. She believed the enemy
and he won victory over the human race for that moment for he too understood
that God could not change His ways after disobedience had been achieved. Our
enemy is good at convincing us that we know better for our individual lives
than God does. To some extent he wins this argument for many of us and it
is evident that he wins this argument with many people who attend church.
God and seeing how far He will budge is a process that I do not
recommend. Not many people have done this and actually survived the
process. But in every case no matter how hard the human has tried to
change things, God has always completed His mission without wavering. This
process has been tested and proven probably billions of times over by the human
race and I can guarantee that each time God has been correct and just. So
why do we believe that we are any better than the previous billions of
people? We are not! No matter what the scientists have to say nor
what technology has made our society into, we are still humans just like Adam
and Eve and until God decides to complete His mission with us, that shall never
advice to those who wish to try and challenge God and His ways is to
don’t. The world may coach you along and say that it is your right
to do so but that is exactly what the ruler of this world (which is our enemy)
wants us to do. We must remember that he challenged God at one time
and was damned to an eternal separation, which in the end all he has to offer
those who try and complete this impossible task.
the other side of things I do suggest that you try and change your views
towards God’s laws in a truthful manner. Try and understand these
ways and laws in a manner coming from a parent and not a dictator. God’s
ways are meant to protect us from so much of the garbage that the world has to
offer us and if we learn to embrace these ways we will find that they provide
true freedom from this world. We need to study God’s Word and do our best
to understand why God put those laws in place due to the history of what
transgressed from the Garden onwards. God loves each and every one
of us and it is His responsibility to provide us a way that is best for our
lives. What makes God even more spectacular is that He does not force us
to choose Him and His ways, He allows us to make that choice for ourselves and
when we look at things in this manner it places so much more emphasis upon our
choices and how we go about to make them as well.
God’s word with an open heart and allow Him to show you why He has chosen to
make our road different from others. Embrace His ways and when you
do if will be a freedom not a chain or bondage. God is calling us to
repent of our ways and to see Him for who He really is and not how the
condemned world sees Him. It is the job of our enemy to lie, cheat
and steal from us while it is God’s job to provide health, strength and eternal
life to us, just as a Creator should. Restoration is a beautiful
process and God desires to begin with you. For if you do, in which
ever direction, the phrase “should have known” may or may not pertain to you.
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