Monday, August 11, 2014

To Ban or Not to Ban

To Ban or Not to Ban


Are we tired of the word “ban” yet?  In my book it is right up there with the word “protest” for both words do not accomplish much except for further division and more hurt.  And do we really understand the true meaning behind this word and the purposes behind it, and what does God say about its usage?  These questions should raise our awareness a tad more along with our responsibility to work harder not to have to put these types of words into play.  But so far we have yet to figure out this part of life’s equation and press onward in a splitting manner.

I can hear it now, it is about time that he addresses a current topic and supports the cause to rid our society of this type of filth.  While this subject is a heated area within our country and society today many of us are totally missing the root or core problem here and to be honest this topic and all of its issues is a direct reflection of the Church’s inability to complete the mission that she was given.  Uh oh, he is not going to be on the side that we thought he should be on.  If you have not read my article called “Is God Pro Choice?” please do so before you continue with this one.  One must have an understanding about some things concerning God so that we can understand the entire “ban” issues that are before us.  And once we understand this basic knowledge it should be very clear that we have fallen down on the job in our mission.

From the beginning of God’s Word there has been a presence of humanity and while not every detail has been precisely written down God has given us the ability to reason things out as to what occurred; reading between the lines so to speak.  Man had a choice to obey God’s one command, and we did not.  Throughout human history people have had the opportunity to follow and obey our own laws and those that are morally sound, but we still do not.  I can safely say that as long as humans are walking around on this earth our patterns of rebellion and law breaking tendencies will continue, this is a safe conclusion.  It does not matter if you chose to use the Bible as this source of context or not, humans will disobey at some point in their life.

One of the more hot topics of today is of course the personal freedoms that some believe are in jeopardy.  It does not matter which side of the coin you wish to support you will have followers and haters.  Protesting and wanting a ban on something is not a new concept and it is easy to find such references in both biblical and secular texts and I will give both types of examples in this article.  I will also give the reason why the Church has failed in her mission as well and how she has become weak because of her ignorance to the knowledge of God and His Kingdom.  And through this topic I can even justify that the Church does not even believe in God’s authority over His own creation because of our actions.

Banning the gay community is one of the more specific “bans” that is gracing our society today and it is not the answer.  Our society is not allowing this issue to drop and through the divided sides the circumstances and arguments are becoming more detrimental each day.  We scream democracy for everyone and don’t threaten my rights but don’t you find it odd when the one side cannot or refuses to acknowledge the other side’s opinion?  I am not taking sides here in this article but my intent is for us to see that both sides are placing all of the true cards out on the table and then allowing the societal commoners choose accordingly.

Is the acceptance of the gay community and this type of lifestyle run parallel with God’s Laws?  The answer is “no”.  But according to the world’s standards this type of lifestyle is acceptable and is now being heavily promoted.  Both laws are in play here and both sides can learn from each other but we have forgotten the civility of this subject and have thrown “our rights” as the front running statement and have lost the defining edge of the truth.  Then the question becomes of how can we understand the truth especially if we are refusing to place all of the facts onto the table and then allowing those people to choose which side to participate and agree with.

The biblical example I am going to use is one that many people know about and that is Sodom and Gomorrah.  I am not going into many details here but when we read this passage and see what it says we must acknowledge the fact that a gay society existed and flourished as the norm.  At no time does this passage mention or even suggest that those people did not have a choice in which type of lifestyle they lived but according to the words within this passage the people of these cities were allowed to live in this manner, up to a certain point.  It was not man who destroyed the cities but it was God for the hearts of those people became complacent enough with His ways that God had to do something about the conditions that they believed in.

How do we know that it was their choice to live in this manner?  That answer actually occurs before the destruction of the cities began at a meeting and dinner with Abraham.  It is through this setting that it becomes clear that the people of those two cities had a choice for it was Abraham who argued about the number of righteous people within those walls and if he did not know that at one time there were people that lived there who knew God and lived by His ways then Abraham could not have asked God to spare the cities.  This also confirms that God does not “ban” anything He allows us to choose our path and even gives us time to think about our choices and change them back to His ways.

This issue today is still highly debated and from what it seems the battle lines have been drawn quite heavily, and from the way that we folks have addressed this issue, they are rightly so drawn in this manner.  We have the church groups all over the country and in other countries as well crying out that they wish to ban the homosexuals and their lifestyle being forced upon their lives.  While this could be deemed as a noble idea in some organizations, it does not spread the true meaning of our mission.  I have illustrated one biblical example already but will use Jesus as a second.  Jesus hung out with these people and while He did so told them about God and His plan for their lives away from their sin.  God continued to give them the facts and then allowed them to make their own choice.  Jesus did not ban anything and if you want to know the truth, the only thing Jesus came close to banning was some of the activities that went on inside the temple.

Banning anything is a cop-out and serves no purpose but division.  I also will inform you that it is a lazy approach to finding a solution as well.  In times past the Church has used her status and power to direct the decisions of many people and this practice has not stopped even in recent times.  Watching these church groups protesting and demonstrating across the land pains me at the least and infuriates me at the most.  I can almost see Jesus over turning their signs with His pure reactions all the while telling them that their tactics are wrong and that they are serving as a detriment to His Kingdom instead.  How can you win someone over to your cause if you protest them in anger?

The reason that banning is a cop-out scenario is that it takes no one on one effort at all to make a sign and scream at someone else but it does in order to talk with others and to establish a relationship trust between each party.  It is a choice to protest and it is a choice to talk with, both are applicable when dealing with humans, but only one of those choices actually has the opportunity to bear good fruit.  Banning people, groups or organizations is done by spot laws and ideas not ones that are thought through carefully and if someone takes the time to think through something then they will have a better understanding about the other side before a divisional tactic is made.

If the Bride of Christ wishes for others to come to know Him as their Savior, then it is our duty (mission) to go to the people and to be a witness, not a ban, to them.  This is the part of the bride issue that the Church has also lied to herself about, in that the bride’s hands should not be dirty and that a spotless bride means not to play in the dirt.  Well, we have to remember that each one of us is made up of dirt and in order to witness to people effectively we must have to interact with the people that do not share the views of God, which means we have to get our hands dirty.  Please, think about this for a while and grasp its meaning.  If we do not work correctly, then we cannot believe in its meaning or in the results that our work produces.

Since there have been many protests and other issues concerning the gay population of the world I chose this example to use within my article.  However, that is not the only issue that I could have chosen that has the same connotations attached to a cause.  Taxes, regional conflicts, abortion, religion, immigration could be other examples that I could use as examples.  To my Christian friends who read my blogs you must understand that these issues shall never leave our societies and if continued misunderstanding about their causes and results remain, on opposite parties of the issues, nothing but deepening division shall remain.  I am not saying to dry out our mouths and hearts concerning the fields of these issues, but if we are really going to make a difference in people’s lives we must change our tactics and begin to truly help these people instead of trying to ban them and the horrific procedures that they are voluntarily choosing to participate in.

It is our responsibility to know the details of what actually occurs to the spirit and body when these issues overtake our minds and hearts.  The root of the problem is our enemy and it is through his tactics of lying that makes these issues what they are today.  If one looks back into history, they will see that the gay issues are not new to our society nor are any one of the examples that I gave above.  Humans are predictable in their actions and how they respond and one can trace this human protesting and banning to some of the first laws ever recorded.  If we try and ban a certain choice that humans have made popular or into law then we have failed in our responsibility as Christians to teach what is wrong and at the same time hate what is influencing them all wrapped up in the love of God projected by our knowledge of God.

There is no evidence within God’s Constitution that suggests that we ban anyone or anything from our lives or from listening to the truth.  God’s Constitution does however make it very clear that humans have a choice in what they bring into their lives and how they deal with that substance afterwards.  It is also very clear that God has the final say in everything according to His perfect ways and not through our amendments that we try to establish within His Constitution.  It is our responsibility to allow sinners within our church walls and it is also our responsibility to teach them that sin is sin and that sin cannot function within God’s Laws.  God has never forced Himself upon anyone and in like manner we as humans should never force God upon others either.  However, we should set an example towards others and then be a light unto the world set into motion through truth.

It is also known through God’s Constitution that our enemy will tell a half truth in order to make his point concerning God.  If one does not properly understand God’s Constitution and what it is saying to our lives, then it becomes impossible for us to explain His message to others and it becomes just as annoying and irritating to those who struggle with the presented truth.  Jesus stood His ground when it came to the religious leaders of His day and yet He had time to show compassion, with truth, to those who did not have anything to do with the Kingdom.  Our enemy wants us to accept sinners into our church walls and then let them sit there, God wants us to bring in the same people and then tell them that God loves them and that sin is sin.

I am not here to condemn any person for their beliefs but I shall stand up for God and do my best to show and to teach others that God is real, He does exist, we do have an enemy and that our choices make the entire difference as to what our eternal lives shall live.  Christians, stand your ground but never condemn or ban anyone from the Kingdom.  Always be open with them and tell the truth always.  In order for you to do this correctly and in love, you must understand God’s Constitution.  Give the people who actually want to know God a fighting chance, not to fight amongst everyone.  Yes, there will be those who just want to argue to pacify their own territory, let them but always show love to them and tell the truth always.  It is time that the people within the church walls know who God is and what He stands for in our lives.

God never banned anyone He always gave them plenty of time to see the truth before He had to act accordingly.  This previous statement is a truth and it cannot change.  It has happened in the past and it will happen again in the future.  God is a complete God and His ways are everlasting.  I apologize for the behavior of the Church and everyone representing God that comes to harm or to divide people.  Many people may not like what I am saying and that is ok.  These words are from God and all He desires is for each one that does not know Him to give Him a chance; this includes those who have sat in the pews within a church wall and know absolutely nothing about God as well.  Stop the banning and the hateful protests against people and organizations and try to talk with them and tell them why you believe in that certain way.  They might not listen or respond in a negative way, but you never know your tone might just set into motion a willing heart.  It is time for us to be tough on our enemy and to shed light upon his lies, not towards those who have fallen into his traps.


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