Thursday, August 7, 2014

An Empty Shell

An Empty Shell


Ever wonder why the Church is facing so many problems in today’s world?  There is a simple answer to this question and if one accepts this answer it will rip their spirits apart in pain and agony.  The problem of this answer is that many of the people involved within Church walls do not wish to even address the question, and this evidence in itself is begin noticed by the world yet ignored by the Church.  It is time that we turn our hearts back to God and to understand the path that the Church is currently on and the change that is needed in order to resurrect our mission within our hearts.  We have perfect examples that our physical eyes can see when it pertains to this subject, yet we ignore the truth about our existence and our mission and press to please the world.  Repent, Church or our hope in Christ will vanish just as our nations shall.

I have mentioned before that our town had a church fire some years back.  It occurred late one night in one of our old churches, in which the building was a historical landmark at the time.  I remember standing there on the street corner along with about two hundred other people watching the firefighters do their job, and then listening to my father silently pray for God’s Church and then testify that that was the first time that he had witnessed a fire within that denomination’s walls in a long time.  He was not referring to the building nor was he referring to any portion around the denomination, but he was quoting one of his sermons about the fire of God tempering our lives so that we may stand strong when our enemy attacks our lives and how that holy fire has been lost within our lives.

As the days and weeks past after the fire, many people continued their observation of the building.  I remember that when I drove past that church during the day that there would be someone standing around just gazing up at the burnt walls, talking to someone else, taking pictures or some even crying.  I figure that many of those people had some type of history in that church building but I do know that there were those that just came by to watch and wonder at the old building lying waste and empty and without a true destination.  At that time the Church still had some punch left within her walls and she had not really accepted many of the ways of the world, yet to my ignorance that opinion was a superficial one from the Church for within her God was beginning to stir up the embers to burn away the filth and vile worship that He smelled.

Look at how the people of the world look at the Church of today.  They stand outside of its walls and stare with empty eyes and wonder how could something so small have such a great affect upon someone’s life?  They open the doors of the church buildings now and sit in the pews with their worldly ideas and beliefs and mock what God says about human life and sin.  They are not ridiculed at all for their sins, which they never should be but at the same time they are not told the truth about those sins either and just allowed to feel free to object when a challenge comes their way.  What type of power does the church have as those people stand outside and look up at the walls of the Church and recognize nothing inside those walls.  They are left just as empty and the contents from within those walls so why would they even wish to be a part of the Church’s truth, especially when the Church herself cannot even figure out the truth any longer?

Recently I was scrolling through one of my social network pages and I came across some pictures of some old church buildings that had been built in ancient and medieval times in Ireland.  They were beautiful pictures of some of the landscape of Ireland and within this landscape were old stone churches that had no insides to them at all and some of the buildings did not even have a complete wall at all.  While these stone buildings cannot be expected to withstand centuries of wear and tear and continue its complete standing but they were great to look at.  It was obvious that these buildings had not been used for quite some time and also no one had any intentions of reviving them to their original status.  Every so often I would run across more pictures of similar buildings and would just be amazed at their beauty and their emptiness.  Then one day God decided to show me something about those old buildings and when He revealed it to me it literally broke my heart and I fell to the ground and cried for a while.  I usually do not promote any social network in my articles but if you get the opportunity to visit the FB page of “Pictures of Ireland” you can see for yourself the gorgeous pictures of the old church buildings that I am referring here.

What God showed me was that He built His Church for a reason and gave mankind the authority, through His Son, to proclaim His message of repentance, redemption, restoration and His completeness for all of humanity. We have overtaken His Church with our own individual and humanistic motivations and have turned His Church and His authority into a bunch of crumbling old stone buildings with no inner life residing within its walls.  God placed it within my heart to look at those buildings in another light and ever since that day, when I see one of those beautiful pictures of another crumbling church I cannot help but think about the true condition of His Church today.  Not just the buildings that house its members but the Church herself and how those empty and desolate buildings represent us as well.  It breaks my heart to see our current conditions being in this manner, but as I survey what the Church is proclaiming I completely understand why God showed me this status.

A person could say that these old buildings are from a time long past and that their emptiness means nothing to today’s world.  And while that seems like a logical way of looking at things let me direct your attention to the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado and more specifically to a church building that was built in 1872 by four brothers and was named Payne Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church and it represented the first black church in Colorado Springs and it served as the cornerstone for the black community of that town.  It is now scheduled to become a brewery and will be known as one of the largest breweries in Colorado.  What happened to the life that flowed from that place of worship and why does another type of flowing occupy it?  Which kingdom wins in this situation and why doesn’t it alarm us?

The metropolis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has been in the news lately concerning its questionable financial and moral ethics within the confines of its Archdiocese.  Many stories have been accredited to this organization and while many good deeds have been provided for the inner city they have been totally overshadowed by the immoral acts of priests and the laity within the infrastructure.  One cannot ignore the obscenity that has transgressed the walls of those buildings nor can one accept the policy of acceptance and hiding these acts for decades.  Now some of these beautiful buildings are being lay empty because of the declining numbers of followers and worshipers that wish to attend the provided services.   I personally am not Catholic but I do not see this as a Catholic problem, I see it as a Church problem whose spiritual eyes have been turned away from God’s truth.  Instead of the public and secular media having the free for all to annihilate this Archdiocese for only the bad things, why haven’t we originally focused upon the good towards people which would have kept us from this type of publicity in the first place?  Once again the question of which kingdom wins in this situation and begs to be answered and understood.

Just last week I read that a Diocese in New England is closing some of its church buildings for good.  Some of the people are distraught because they have attending worship services in these buildings for decades and now have to change churches because of the declining numbers of people.  Along with the reduced number of people comes reduced finances and once a proud Diocese can hardly afford to keep all of its doors open much longer.  Some of these buildings are now up for sale and will be sold to the person or group that wishes to do whatever they please with the building.  It is hard for me to believe that God takes this situation lightly and will no doubt remind us of our actions in the near future.  Is it true that our declining attendance in church is due to the fact that we are increasingly becoming a nation that does not believe in God?  With the population of this country still increasing it looks like there is no other explanation that can be legitimately offered for this reason.  Really?  The richest country ever to grace the planet does not care enough to find it necessary to fulfill enough of its mission to keep its physical doors open?  Which kingdom is winning?

The question that remains is this: do we recognize that the pictures of the abandoned old stone walls of these churches resemble our lives as the current church today?  This is one of the more sickening questions that we even have to address about ourselves?  It is the world that we are supposed to recognize being in this condition, not the Church.  The next question that follows is this: will the Church ever understand that we are in this condition or have we gone too far down the worldly road to recognize this truth?  These are tough questions but they are ones that need to be asked and addressed for if we do not then there is no reason why we should keep any church door open for the mission of the heart is dead. 

What is the difference of how these buildings came to be?  Nothing!  All stand empty and void of the mission that they were commissioned to complete.  Compare this with our lives for it is our rear ends that occupy these seats and pews.  If we throw away all of the denominational garbage and focus on the true meaning of the Church then we can grasp this concept of why God chose these pictures to get His point across to His people.  These decrepit old buildings is a direct reflection of what truly lies within our walls, not only in the church buildings themselves but also within our hearts, and together these two settings paint a valid portrait of what the Church is like when it is gazed upon by an on looking world.  This tears me up inside to think that the Church is in this shape.  And knowing that this is how God is beginning to see this progressive conditioning as becoming our norm goes beyond words.  How can we continue to crank out priests and ministers who have no desire to keep the Word of God hidden within their hearts so that they can provide the full truth with a clear conscious?  What is the difference from abusing ministers versus us allowing our hearts to accept the world’s standards within our churches?  Nothing!!  All of these questions and the true answers reflect a sick and dying Church that needs to repent and to allow God to restore herself back to life again.

I have written about the completeness of God in some of my past articles but it is a topic that I must bring up again because it is very important that we understand how God’s completeness works.  Yes the country that we live in has never been bigger and richer, nor has each individual country had more opportunities to provide for their inhabitants.  Yes, poverty and illness still riddle the world and there are still governments that do not allow their citizens to enjoy the freedoms that others reside in, but the potential is there and we still do not take the true measures to secure those benefits for people.  God understands this and while we have been generous with our wealth to those who agree with our philosophy we have held back those spiritual blessings and physical gifts based solely upon our selfish creeds.

God began His investments in humans so that everyone could experience His blessings.  Even those who did not believe in Him He sent His messengers to be a witness to their societies and while some believed some did not and God allowed it to occur.  God also understood that those who He called His own would reject Him and this too He allowed due to free will and choice.  But in every instance God at one point had to reel in the human and to once again show the human who was in control.  It was up to the human to understand this action from God and to understand that the ways of the human are not the ways of God and that in order to live a proper life we need to keep the ways of God.

The Bible also mentions an entire desolate land mass of dry bones which basically reiterates the old stone buildings in the pictures that I saw.  Those buildings at one time represented life and so did those bones that were just lying around in the ground.  Don’t you think that it is time to restore life back into these church walls and into the walls of our hearts?  There is nothing wrong with accepting sinners into the church, that is what we are supposed to do but if we allow them to sit there and not be told the truth, our walls have been knocked down a little bit more and our mission stalled even further.  It is time for us to clean the Church and to restore the holy cleanliness one again so that we can apply the Word of God to each person who seeks it and to stand up strong against the attacks that our enemy brings.  God is faithful and just to hear our prayers and He is also just to restore us from our faults.


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