Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Employees Only

Employees Only


All of us have run across one of these signs in some store, restaurant, factory, or hospital at some point in our life.  And even though those signs are placed in strategic places in order to keep the general population out of restricted areas, it can be frustrating to those who are trying to find a way out of that particular facility.  Employees only also was a concept that the Church had for centuries and given the living conditions of earlier days this rule was extensively enforced which the Church was in total error with this belief and should have employed millions to spread the gospel instead of dictating it through a few people.  In some instances this concept is still being followed today not just by the leaders of the Church but by its members as well.

When I have noticed these types of signs before a couple of things have automatically popped into my head.  First that there is something dangerous behind those doors and if I would step behind them I might have the opportunity to get injured in some way.  Knowing my luck this would be what the warning was and would lose a finger or hand because of my disobedience.  The second thing that pops into my head is that the employees are doing something sneaky or illegal and do not want the general public to find out about it and then report it to the appropriate officials.

A third thought that I sometimes have about the usage of this sign is that the corporation has something to hide from its public.  This thought is probably the most sensitive and the most dangerous of my thoughts but in this case one has to understand that this pattern is possible and could be detrimental to everyone’s life if it is true.  I would like to believe that this thought of mine could be swept under the rug or at least kept to myself but as recent issues have come about, it most likely cannot be placed to the side.

Are these thoughts of mine irrational or can one conceive that they are legitimate?  The philosophy that I bear on this issue is that when you are dealing with a human mind anything is possible, and with all of the crazy practices that humans are displaying today, chances are at least one of my thoughts might be accurate.  I wish that I could say that this type of belief is nonsense and that I need to get my head back to reality but as we all know one can never totally rule out any unusual details about anything.

There are legitimate reasons as to why Employees Only signs are necessary and they are justified to the hilt.  In some factories and manufacturing plants there are enormous machinery that could crush a person if they do not know where to stand.  One small error in this setting and the person would lose their life and then the company would have major problems on its hands.  Food contamination is another reason to have these signs up in cafeterias and hospital kitchens.  Even though you consider yourself to be a clean person we do harbor many bacterial conditions that could present a danger to others if presented into the food supply.  Whatever the reason these signs do protect us and should be placed in appropriate places; with one thing in mind, to obey them.

Unfortunately throughout most of the history of the Church we can see this usage of the Employees only sign.  It is a tad confusing since the mission of the Church is to go out into all the world and preach the gospel and if one wishes to dive into this meaning further they would conclude that it is just plain hypocritical.  Yet the Church lived by this rule, flourished through it and even demanded it for selfish control over the people for centuries.  They even killed millions of people because of this concept and one can only question just how many lost their lives in vain due to Church persecution instead being told by the Church about God’s plan of salvation for their lives.

It is well known that during ancient time and all that way up to present day that many of any culture or society cannot read or write.  This lacking of a basic necessity can play an important factor in the livelihood of an individual or family and if exploited enter them into a slave like condition.  During the ancient times there was no written language until the hieroglyphs came into light then after some time a formal and more specific written language became the standard.  And as we all know as time advanced so did the amount of languages and today there are literally thousands of them that are still widely or sparsely used around the globe.

For centuries the majority of the people within a community could not read or write and this was a tactic used both on a personal and political level.  The idea that only educated people had the right to read and write dominated for quite some time and even after these patterns began to change women and children were still left out in the cold so to speak.  This practice became a label and for many around the world this label stuck to them for the remainder of their lives and some families continued to wear this letter for generations to come. Everything from buying food to finding a job was taken advantage of if one did not know how to read and write, for if you could not perform these duties then whose to say exactly what the daily price of bread would be for that specific day.

It sounds like an unjust world if you ask for my opinion, and it is the truth because everyone should be able to have that ability when presented to them.  This way of lifestyle promoted so many wrongs within civilization and kept so many minds and hearts at bay due to the simple fact that they could not be on level playing fields as those “privileged” others.  While this philosophy was rampant in the secular world one would believe that since the Church was prominent throughout that age that she would offer an alternative to this poverty likening cause from the world.  However, the Church actually embraced this policy and forcefully placed it as one of their duties to remind their parishioners that they did not have any authority or say when it came to Church business.

This concept of totalitarianism dominated the Church for centuries and eventually was accepted by all positions within the Church.  The people were kept as subject of the Church instead of vessels that should be given the benefits that God had provided for them.  What an excellent opportunity for the Church if they would have taught these people how to read and write and not hand selected certain individuals.  The aristocracy was prominent within the Church as well and this was the major reason as to why the “commoners” were not allowed to be taught.  This method also squelched any real opportunity of people of having a true relationship with God and forced them to see the truth about religion which went totally contrary to what Jesus taught.

This is how the Medieval Church and its immediate generations projected the Employees only sign.  It was a huge success in a power grabbing society and it made sure that its powerful controllers remained unchallenged while they were in office.  This policy sowed the seeds of discontent and hatred towards the Church and gave the ideas of the people that the Church was just as corrupt and evil as the political societies that they lived amongst.  What the Church leaders did not recognize was that this belief of superiority would cause the condemning of the Church, on a personal level, centuries down the road and render the Church ineffective due to its unforgiving ways that it portrayed during the same time span. 

The Church today still presents this sign today but on a different level, one that is far more dangerous than we understand or wish to study. While literacy is still a worldwide problem the majority of those who live in Western societies and who have modern technological advances are usually literate at some level.  But the problem that is present now is that the Church officials have handed out these Employee Signs to the people themselves and we now carry this sign with us as we walk and talk with our friends.  It is a sign of progression that has taken decades to develop and to spread but it is working its “magic” like a charm.

We have adopted this sign as our trademark and have basically stopped witnessing to those who are in need of God.  Witnessing is not an easy thing to do especially when you have to fight both the world and the Church’s double standards.  The love of God is a huge issue right now and while that concept is true it is not the only thing that needs to be taught now-a-days.  God’s salvation and His judgment need to be taught just as much and if we cannot or refuse to accept the differences between right and wrong, God’s love will not matter to anyone anyway, for they care not to see the truth while living with this choice.

For those of you who only wish to address the God’s Love theory of salvation and acceptance you are the prime targets that our enemy has chosen to use this Employees Only sign.  If anyone is wise and is trying to seek out God and they hear this message only, they should run away as fast as they can because if the world is trying to promote this philosophy then why would the Church be doing the exact same thing and presenting this concept in the exact same manner?  An Employees Sign only can mean that the Church has something to hide since it is not preaching anything else but this subject.  If my mind can think about an area such as this concerning a business, then another person could have the exact same thought as I do when the Church is involved.

With this in mind let us look into what the Catholic Church is facing right at the moment and add this dot into the picture.  The question of why would God send His only son to the world to die just because of “love” alone?  Yes He did do this out of love for His children but there is more to it than that, there has to be!  And any logical person who comes into contact with a church going believer and is given just the “love” message, they will automatically reject it since it would not seem truthful in their eyes.

While in many cases it is a great idea for a company to have an Employees Only sign in certain places but in the church environment is should never have been put into place and it does not belong within any church leader’s philosophy nor should it be in any of the churchgoer’s either.  This concept is wrong and we should hide nothing from dying people.  Yes, God does love each and every one of us, including those who hate Him, those that hate Him and even those who have never heard His name before.  God hides nothing nor should we when it comes to sharing the gospel to others. 

God desires a relationship with each one of us and as long as we continue to wear the Employees Only sign around our spiritual necks, the world will continue to die in their sins and have no chance of redemption.  This sign is a tremendous asset that our enemy has given to us and we have adorned it with brazen attitudes.  It is time that we take off this sign and return to preaching the truth about God, our lives and our futures.  This is the authority that God designed for His people not the kind of domineering and acceptance that has been commanded from centuries past until present day.  It is time for us to repent and to allow God back into our lives so that we may know and understand what is transpiring around us.  God is not evil, He is not mean or ugly.  He is not selfish in any way because if He was He would have not allowed us to have any choices in our lives.  He would have simply forced Himself upon us, just as some within the Church have perfected.

God loves you!! And God loves His Church!!  He wishes only peace, love and joy for every life that is on this earth.  His ways are not hard but simple and easy, and to restore them back in our lives is the best thing that we could ever do for ourselves.  God’s relationship is wonderful and peaceful and it is His desire that you experience it in this manner.  God is a complete God not just one-sided and it is our responsibility to promote this God and not the god of the world.  The "employees" of the Church should know all the information about God and since God has no problem with sharing His details we should not either.


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