Friday, August 1, 2014

Being Chosen

Being Chosen


This word that we commonly use has a special meaning yet I know that many of us randomly throw this word around and not recognize its true identity.  Being chosen for a responsibility is one of the more humbling experiences a human can experience and the task given to tem should never be taken lightly.  God set into motion this concept through His creation of our lives and through this choosing He gives us the authority to complete the specific mission.  It does not matter what level this choosing might be, always know that it has a perfect solution for God’s Kingdom.  Being chosen is not a picking from a group of people, great consideration has been placed upon this decision simply because God the Father created you just for this purpose; you are special for a specific reason.

Remember when we were kids and a bunch of us would get together and play games that required teams?  This setting really comes to life in elementary school and it brings to mind a certain time in my life where this situation played out, and to be honest when I look back at it I understand that through my actions and selfish desires hurt some of my friends as well.  I do not know how many of you know about the old game called nation ball.  It is a glorified and modified name for dodge ball.  There are two teams and they line up on opposite ends of the large squares and then the opposing team throws a ball at the line.  If a person gets hit with the ball they are out, if they do not then they stay in the game until they are the lone remaining person; those were the simple rules of the game.

Why we called it nation ball and who made up the game I have no idea, it may just be a California thing because as soon as we moved from there I never heard about the game anywhere else.  The teachers would have the task of choosing two people to be the captains and then those captains would choose their team.  Of course the object of the game was to win so when it came time to pick the team our minds focused squarely on the people that would be the most agile and hard targets to hit…..NOT!!  Being of our age and not understanding the true concepts of the game beyond “not getting hit with the ball” we had no understanding about the concept of choosing a team instead of picking one.  It also explains why that our teachers would be laughing at us sometimes as well.

Looking back at those days and remembering some of the nation ball games that I participated in, I remember that most of the teams that I played for basically had the same kids on them.  It did not matter who the captains were when it came time to pick the teams many of us would be on the same team almost every time.  We had no concept other than who could physically play the game, nor did we care about who actually played to win the game either, we simply picked our friends and those who could be agile enough not to get hit.  Funny thing was that the ball that we used for this game was a large soft rubber one and when you threw it and it hit someone it would always ricochet around and hit two or more people at one time so some of the “agile” players would get knocked out early and have to leave the game. This is an example of the difference between picking a person and choosing a person and it is huge difference that is important for us to understand when it comes to what God has planned for our lives and what the world deems as picking a person to participate.  And it is through this concept that we as Christians lose the true concept of these words and the meaning behind them.

Being picked one will always know the reason why a person is does not always understand the reasons why one is chosen.  A good example of this is how God chose David as the leader of God’s personally created nation of Israel.  We read about this story in the book of I Samuel where God tells Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and there the true king of Israel will be chosen from his sons.  Now, in my house I have no sons but I have four beautiful daughters, which makes things a little bit tense at times.  Within these four lovely souls come a wide array of personalities and to be honest they represent the entire range that a personality can be defined, with two of them defining the opposite ends and the other two defining the in between margins. I know that when I was growing up my brother had to really think about why mom and dad decided to have another kid, it happens to every older sibling and I know it occurs in my household as well.

Approximately forty seven years ago a certain boy entered into this world.  This boy had no idea of what his mother went through in order to bring him into the world and it was not until he was an adult that he fully understood this entire setting.  But even as I was being formed in my biological mother’s womb God was preparing my mother for the future both hers and mine.  It was through an act of love for my life that she allowed me to live with my only parents that I have ever known.  At that point in my life none of us knew that there was to be anything “special” about me until it was realized that I was chosen for these set of parents and that my coming to them was strictly a miracle in itself.

If one is honest, we must admit that it is impossible for us to understand this type of knowledge about our lives.  How can someone be chosen for a task when they are fresh out of their mother’s womb?  Our finite minds cannot comprehend this action nor can we entirely function in its sovereignty.  What humans can do is try their best to walk within the guidelines that God has chosen for us and to do our humbly best each and every day.  The inner human heart shall never be understood by the world and even when we study it, it shall pass by us without knowing its full capacity, yet God knows each and every detail about our heart even before we were created and that is what it means to be chosen by God.

Rebekkah is my youngest and I am the youngest in my portion of the Bishop family as well and it is no secret that the older siblings plot heinous things upon the youngest sibling just because they feel that they are missing out on something because of their presence, this is nothing new.  However, I must also admit that we youngest of the family can be a little weird and unusual when it comes to our thoughts and ideas and while there is nothing wrong with this our older siblings might think otherwise at times, which can be a partial explanation as to why Jesse did not include David among the lineup when Samuel came to locate God’s chosen King.

The sons of Jesse were mighty and strong and evidently had the physical features that could define a strong king but God spoke to Samuel to overlook these physical qualities and to search the heart of the young men in order to know which one God desired for this mission.  One by one Jesse’s sons stood before Samuel and one by one God remained silent.  Samuel knew that there were not many sons that remained yet God held His heart quiet and even after a second pass, God remained silent.  After every son that was present was passed over by God, Samuel asked Jesse if this was all of his sons, which Samuel already knew that it was not because God had already shown him that one of the sons was to be king.  Jesse said that the youngest was out tending sheep and was not present, and Samuel told Jesse to go and get him.

When David appeared God said to Samuel that this was the one who was to be King of Israel and the one that God had chosen.  God could have picked anyone of Jesse’s sons to rule over Israel simply on their appearances, stature and physical qualities alone but it was the heart that God was looking at and not just the physical abilities.  This is the prime example of why God choose people and does not pick them.  God had things already planned out for David and in order for Him to fulfill His promise to Israel He had to complete His choosing through the human process.  Normally the firstborn of a family would be considered the leader or heir of such a responsibility, but God overlooks this human obligation and seeks out the heart who is most qualified for the plans that He needs completed, and in this case it was the youngest not the eldest.

What is the difference when it comes to picking a player for your team and allowing the world to dictate what you have to offer?  Not much to be honest because both concepts differ little.  When you are picked for a team for the most part it is based upon your talents and not what is in your heart.  How many multi-million dollar contract offers are given to short players coming out of high school or college; not very many and there is a reason for it.  There is nothing wrong with a smaller person playing a sport but when you place them up against taller and stronger players they cannot compete at that level.  However, if you think about it the best coaches of any sport come from those who played the game, understood it yet knew they basically had no chance of making it as a player on the higher level.  And this comes down to the main question of which setting is more important, the player or the coach?

The world cannot choose you for it cannot conceive your inner abilities, only what you present to the table.  The world is very limited in its scope of your life and we should always remember this fact.  We seem so busy running around trying to please the world and its beliefs that we even forget who we are and what our inner being stands for; this is exactly what the world wishes for you to do give up your inner being for its own selfish existence.  What will the world provide for you in return, have you ever asked yourself that question before?  It is an important one yet the true answer is short and to the point; nothing.

Your heart is the determining factor that separates you from the world.  Along with the spirit that is within you these two vital institutions give us the existence of uniqueness.  There is no way that the world can even begin to understand you, for it did not create you nor does it know your heart. When an object, person, company refuses to understand your personal desires and livelihood there is no way that they can honestly say that they have “chosen” you.  Also the world has no idea about your true and present life which means all that they can know about is your past, which should bring into your mind another being that has only that capability; it is not by coincidence that the two run course together either.

Being picked for a team according to worldly and physical standards will make an individual proud of themselves for it will reassure them that they are at the top of their game or expectancy.  In many ways this is a good thing but if these ideas become embedded within our hearts pride will take over and demands will begin to flow from within.  The opposite is true for those who are chosen.  People that are chosen will be scared to death because according to the definition of being chosen those people have passed a test and have been noticed for specific qualities that reside from within.  People who are chosen are never comfortable with what the projects that they are completing, for they understand that there is a purpose for their presence and the things that they complete affect many people on many levels.

Our enemy does however understand our potential and through this understanding he will do his best to make God’s plan for our lives is delayed as long as possible.  The further he can separate us from God the better his chances of establishing his ways as our priority.  When God chose Moses to lead the nation of Israel out of bondage Moses questioned God’s decision on a continual basis yet God did not waiver once bit in His choice.  God chose me to write and for the majority of my life I despised writing and wanted nothing to do with this art.  Of course we will have questions of why God chose us for the things that He has blessed us with and that is ok, but as I continue to pen these articles my questions are answered when I look back over God’s words and understand that someone, somewhere needed to hear them.

The words I share with you scare me to death at times, but I cannot argue with them for they are not mine but God’s.  We are the only tools that He has to reach His people and if I can help in that mission, I am going to do my best at all times.  God says for us to repent and to change our ways and He will be faithful and just to restore our land.  Don’t believe our land is sick?  Take a look around at your land and what do you see?  It is your land that God has chosen to heal and to provide the necessary living conditions to produce everlasting life for others around you.  God chose me to convey this message to you and now it is up to you to make up your heart’s beat to God’s calling.  God chose you for a special work; heed His words and understand that He loves you eternally.  The world cannot know your heart, only your past and this means that it can in no way understand you enough to choose you for anything eternal, only God can do this.


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