Monday, August 31, 2015

In My Father's Eyes

In My Father’s Eyes


Do we actually look at ourselves and ask the question concerning how we appear before our fathers?  Style and circumstance dictate our children’s wear now-a-days and with this truth usually comes a certain attitude as well.  It seems like we have lost the willingness to please our fathers, if we have them around.  This concept is another one that follows the vertical / horizontal relationship factors and through this measurement it is quite clear that we have no concept of our appearance to our Heavenly Father as well along with our earthly fathers.  Also, it is noticeable that since society does not recognize any formal relationship status now, the severance from our Creator shall increase as well; we have only a few short hours left before God has to remind us of this truth, true change is still calling.

Anyone remember the early to mid-80s?  I certainly do since it was the time of my youth and I was healthy and vibrant on many levels.  The energy I had stored up and was able to use on a daily basis was fantastic and I could not imagine any other state. Contemporary Christian music was coming of age and there were many different styles of songs that were being written and produced on a monthly calendar.  The time for prosperity and being a Christian was at its peak during this time and even though not everyone agreed with God and the stance that Christians were taking, respect was due process and life went on as is.

One of the more popular Christian songs of the early 80s was entitled “My Father’s Eyes” and it was sung by Amy Grant.  This song was a huge hit throughout the Christian domain and it even was a great song to sing in special music portions of church services.  The song had a wonderful message and if one stopped and thought about the song and took its words to heart, it could help understand the relationship between a father and his child.  The lyric chorus states it the best with:   

“She’s got her Father’s eyes, her Father’s eyes
Eyes that find the good in things
When good is not around
Eyes that find the source of help
When help just can’t be found
Eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain
Knowin’ what you’re going through, and feeling it the same
Just like my Father’s eyes”

These words describe the very true nature of our Heavenly Father and Creator, but ironically yet truthfully we have lost sight of this truth about God.  In short, we have lost all reality about God, period and our world is suffering greatly because of this choice.  The world has long promoted free love and sex without consequences with options to take care of business if things go wrong.  Free love has ignorantly diminished relationships and has established worn out human beings before they leave their high school years.  Focus has been turned towards pleasure instead of responsibility and for those who do not accept this fact, should be placed on a deserted island and thrown back into the Dark Ages.

We have created a failing system which promotes brokenness and our expectations and attitudes reflect these mannerisms.  No longer is having a good stable family accepted and to be honest we could not fully coordinate with such institutions in this society.  Recently, an adult website was hacked and all of the names of the people who had paid for access to this site were exposed.  While it was not shocking to me, I did find it interesting that only 3 zip codes within the 50 USA states did not have a registered user.  Within these three zip codes only a total of approximately 400 people were present, while that does not include specifics about who had registered, it does send a proclamation out since the websites motto is “Life is short, have an affair”.

If this type of respect for family and moral order is in this state it should clear up any misguiding about how this country feels about other types of sexual references people may have towards this subject.  I would not expect anything less from humans either, since one of the first things that God did after He created us was to enable the sexual concept within mankind; our enemy has been on a mission to pervert this Holy Order ever since and through our choices has succeeded quite nicely.

I wish I could write and proclaim that every father throughout history has followed the fantastic and true moral pattern that such a leader of the family should portray, but I would be lying if I only said these types of things.  There are many examples of where the fathers are not in the picture or do not wish to participate in any portion in their families’ lives.  This lack of authority and respect for the family and its structure has been redefined through the ways and means of the world and not from God and its toll is evident and running rampant in our lives today.  Promotions of such beliefs are on the faces and hearts of most people in western societies, do not believe this, then go to another country and observe and it will become immediately clear.

I too have to place myself into the failing category as a father even though I was trying to do the correct thing at the time.  As many of you know, divorce rocked my world in the early 90s and it took me a while to recover from that devastation.  During my first marriage, my then wife and I created a beautiful daughter together.  While we were hundreds of miles apart we were even further apart in relationship distance and there was a reason for this dereliction of duty.  It was a stupid concept on my part but one that played its part in our lives and for a long time took a huge toll in our entire family.  From the situation that I had been in I had made up my mind that if I ever found another lady to be a part of my life that I would do my best to keep order in the family, no matter what.

I did this to the best of my ability and while I was completing this task actually trying to burn a bridge that needed to be built up instead; all the while forgetting a huge basic principle about family at the same time.  Many of you know that my oldest daughter is not my biological daughter, she was part of Bonnie’s life before I came into the picture.  I did my best to keep everyone’s relationship stable while Tatem was growing up and facing all of the fallacies of having a stepfather. 

For the most part we got along fine but with all of the bad attention her friends were giving her eventually separated her from her mother for a short time.  Plus, I had no idea that I was trying to play the friend to Tatem as well and only complicating the situation when things became testy.  This situation became the priority and thus my relationship with my other girls faltered at the same time; it was this part of the equation that I was failing to see and take care of that almost cost me again.  As I look back on this part of my history I can honestly say that keeping the entire family in tact is the best option for all humanity and if God becomes the center of all activities it will definitely show in all circumstances.

Every parent wants to be a friend to their children while they are growing up, and we sometimes live through this want by treating our children’s friends accordingly.  We need to keep in mind that it is the parent’s responsibility to keep the child in order, both at home and in public and while we cannot control what other parents and children do or say, it will become obvious that there is a difference when presented.  Through this type of action the family is broken apart on the foundational level since the parent does not have the slightest awareness of how their child will act, which reflects the type of relationship or in this case lack of relationship they have with their family.  Look at what they are doing, many of them are not even paying attention to their immediate surroundings, their child senses this and runs with the opportunity; the epitome of the relationship status of our world today.

How can anyone have this type of relationship, with anyone and on any level and expect society to survive?  It is obvious that the created ones wish to have no intimate relationship with the ones that created them and it is VERY obvious that the ones who create here on earth wish to have no intimate relationship with those who are created by them; many do not even get out of the womb if truth be known and this way serves as the foundation of all human / human relationships and provides an excellent base of determination in our father’s eyes.

These types of bad relationship status’ can be witnessed almost everywhere we present ourselves.  It has become common thread to see such activities as we encounter the public.  I hear many people talking about this type of activity but I do not hear about or see any major changes in those that are being talked about.  This means that our selfish desires are more important than the intimate relationships we have with our family and it is a true reflective of how we look at our fathers.  This is where the horizontal / vertical ties come into play and it is not hard to figure this pattern out.

When we look at our directional flow on relationship grounds we can easily see that our vertical relationship with our Creator is in the same category as our horizontal creator, broken and essentially non-existent.  We be-bop through our daily lives trying to make ends meet and wonder why things are continually heading south, both in the world and in our private lives.  We scream and yell about service conditions, living lifestyles, who matters and for improved wealth but at the same time cannot figure out how to repair he intimate relationships with our fathers.  We would rather complain about the air we breathe instead of figuring out the real foundational onslaught of truth behind our struggles.  There is absolutely no way that we shall ever figure things out in our personal lives until we first figure things out about God and His position in our existence.

Until we restore our foundational status back to God, which means us having our entire structural placement completely unwoven from its encasement if necessary, we shall never regain the harmony between our families.  And do not even think that society will ever come around to please your whims either, society has its own agenda and it does not include you.  Only God cares for you and can provide the perfect setting or peace and harmony within our lives, even if our portion of the world is being washed away.  It has been asked if we can truly know who God is and what He represents to our lives while living in this state of affairs and the answer is quite clear.  The answer is “NO” simply because when we are wrapped up in our own lives we have no option but to see things accordingly; therefore, God can only be an interpretation and not the truth.

Through our selfish reasoning and worldly beliefs our eternal enemy has us in the exact position that he wishes us to be in and it is evident that he does not have to work very hard to keep us in this state.  As long as we have interpretations where God is concerned, our status is set and shall not render any eternal fruit for others.  At the same time we have the notion that our lives are “right” in God’s eyes and that our progression through life favors this truth, but when it comes to exactness, we are only living a lie and falling further away from our Father’s eyes each passing second of the day.  If known, we do not even have the concept of where God lives and therefore have no idea where to look when it comes to finding His eternal eyes.

I urge you to find the previously mentioned song and listen to it, if nothing else Google the lyrics and study them carefully.  The words to he song really put our positions in God into perspective and if allowed those words will become a beacon in our lives so that we may restore the relationship with God once again.  The only way that we can find God’s eyes is to know where He is located.  Our connection and ties to God have been totally severed by our own accord and we are just about ready to find out what it means to be separated from God in this manner.  The initiatives of a family begin with the father and in our eternal family, this truth continues to shine as the true example.

There are times that father’s have to set the records strait trough tough times, God is not exempt from this truth either.  Our actions as children are evident against His creative status and it is time that He reels us in.  If we look throughout history we will find that there were many empires that seemed to have it all together, but when one takes a harder study at these lifestyles they will find ones similar to the ones we live in today.  Then, if we look into our Father’s eyes we shall see we are not obeying His laws by any means which can only bring pain into His heart.  As any good, responsible and loving parent would do, a time of discipline should follow, and in God’s eyes our lives flat stink.

Repent and allow God to shine forth from our lives again.  This nation was created for such a task and we have faltered in this responsibility miserably for way too long.  Our lives in our Father’s Eyes can only present one picture to Him, sin and it is through this sin that He must act accordingly.  Repent, nation!  Repent, Church! And allow God to restore our lives back into the right Holy Order in His eyes.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Holy Order

Holy Order


No matter how humans try their best to be consistently on time we fail at this endeavor each day.  We can strive to achieve this goal and sometimes we may succeed but with our limited abilities and our slavery to time, I do not foresee this totally being accomplished.  God, on the other hand, is quite the opposite when it comes to being on time, for He is the one who has established time as we know it and since He defines it, He never falls from it.  Therefore, God encompasses time because He created it and through this “human” time, His Holy Order is manifested quite accurately.

There are many people in the world today that question this holy order that God has established.  God always has been an advocate for those who wish to ask Him questions, our only problem is that we usually ask those questions on a biased foundation and readily reject the answers that He gives through selfish interpretations.  It is this holy order that I am referring to when it comes to what God states in His Word.  One must never forget and to always remember that God shall never provide humans with an answer that goes contrary to what is written in the Bible.

It is through God’s holy order that defines His existence and in turn defines the existence of His arch enemy, and ours.  It was Lucifer who chose to interpret God’s authority and to challenge His Creative status.  It was Lucifer who was given ample time to prove to God that he could create and be like God, for which he failed miserably.  It was Lucifer who was created and not God.  It is Lucifer who puts the ideas and concepts of interpretations God’s Word into our thinking and then portraying them to satisfy our selfish rants.  It is Lucifer who seeks to weaken the lives of believers in order to gain total access into their lives.  A 50% spoken Word is a failure and will be deemed as true blasphemy in the heart and eyes of God.

God gave us a mind and a heart to seek the truth, well the truth cannot be sought or found in a whimsical and selfish manner, only lies.  God expects us to study His Word and not know all the answers.  God also expects us to ask Him questions about His Word with a pure and accepting heart so that we may further understand why He allowed, allows and does not allow certain conditions in our lives.  It is our responsibility to write these truths down and etch them into our hearts so that we may not offend God’s Ways.  It is true that we shall never know the full extent of God and His laws, but it is our duty to do our best to understand and to follow His Holy Order.

It is Lucifer who deviated from God’s lineage and laws, not God.  This is an important concept that we all need to get a hold of because it is the lifeline of our eternal salvation.  If for any reason we believe that God stoops to our level on any code or law of His then we have been blinded by our enemy’s lies, which means that we as individuals or as nations would rather believe lies than the truth.  God has established laws that can be complicated to understand if not studied in spirit and in truth.  When these two applications are placed first in our studies (not readings) we will first realize just how awful our overall lives are and that there is a holy order established that enables us to restore our lives back into correct standing with God.

God created man in the Garden of Eden.  God saw that man was lonely and that this status for man would not be good so God created woman from man.  This was the first demonstration of God’s Holy Order after the creation of the world; and, it has a huge significance still in our lives today.  First of all it determines who the reproductive bloodline comes from and then it establishes the relationship and order between man and woman.  God cannot change this order!  It is a Holy Order in which He established long before you and I were created, yet even as we see it in the Old Testament scriptures, mankind tries to change this Holy Order every chance we get.

It is mankind that has a limited and finite mind and heart, not God.  So what makes us think that God will lower Himself and His established laws in order to supplement our sinful lusts?  This is a logical question to those who seek God first and place Him first in all categories of their lives, but to those who seek inclusion to the world cannot comprehend this Holy Order and shall find it absurd in nature.  It is sad that even many people who call themselves Christians believe in this Divine bending down to our death filled level of existence.  In truth, all that this belief establishes is a continued brand of atheism, for if you do not believe that the Word of God is sovereign, holy and absolute you are an atheist.

God’s Holy Order is not believed to be as such and we must contend that this belief has been around for millennia as well.  Look at all of the examples in the Bible that prove this fact and include the Church in these figures as well for she is the great offender in this matter.  We have lowered God’s Holy Order to the level of a holy order and most of us do not even recognize this change.  We have downgraded this Holy Order so much that we cannot even see that our actions are about to bring upon us a certain destruction that has never been recorded in history before.  And what is worse about this truth is that first of all no one will ever believe that God shall allow any major destruction of this country to occur, Israel thought that as well; and secondly our heads are so full of our selfish lusts that when this country and society faces this godly destruction we will not even recognize it as such.

It is God that has not changed only we have.  It is God that cannot change and we have demonstrated, proudly I might add that we can change according to our whims.  It is God who wrote His Ways for us to use as a guide in this life, through the only tool that He has to use which is humans.  God could have not given us a choice and been like a slaveholder and commanded our lives in such a manner as that, yet He loves us so much that He has provided a way for us to be restored into His presence and we have tossed Him aside like an old toy.  Toy, that is a perfect description of how we view God in our lives, when we want Him we look for Him and when we are done with Him we throw Him aside and look for something or someone else.

A prime example that we have changed God’s Holy Order into a holy order is that we have missed or ignored all of God’s warnings.  God is a Father first and then a friend second.  THAT is His Holy Order, and if He would change that Order for any reason He would declassify Himself as the Almighty and all Authoritative Creator of everything!  It is through His established Holy Order that He must send out warnings through His messengers before He allows devastation to occur.  Job reaffirmed this when his calamity was ongoing when he proclaimed that God would never destroy him for any secret sin.  The same Holy Order that Job understood is in play today and God still follows this Order today.

God cannot and shall not EVER change, period!  We have to stop believing this lie now or our country will be no longer.  We have but just a few days more before our judgment begins and once that process starts God must act as a complete God, not a partial one.  God has blessed this nation and the world through this nation for centuries and we in turn have slapped Him in the face with our sinful ways.  Fine, that is our choice, but let it be known that God still loves this nation and He must correct her according to His ways and standards.  The sin of our lives He can no longer tolerate and His complete authority must be administered to sin.  He built this nation and He shall tear it down because it was established for His usage and we have played the thief of its land.  This nation was created as a safe haven for those who wanted to worship God and to feel at peace in His presence, but we have turned it into a child hating and murdering society that provides selfish services instead of holy options.

One cannot state that God has not sent out His warnings to you, this nation or to any other nations before.  First of all He has given us His Word and that alone should be enough warning and guidance that He should never have to send out another word accordingly again.  Second, God gives us warnings through the sky, earth and land.  Thirdly, God provides people with pure hearts to inform people that what they are living is a lie and that they are not in the will of their Creator.  God has established this Holy Order and until He deems it necessary for humanity to end His Holy Order shall be kept in tact.

God still loves His people, no matter how far they turn from Him.  The Church should be the one entity that informs those who do not know God about this truth.  The Church has her own set and selfish agendas which teach 50% of the Gospel and that is a failing grade in God’s eyes.  The Church must teach the entire truth about God, starting by telling them that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and that everything within its content is true and relevant for our lives today.  That there is only one Savior and that if anything else is portrayed that it is a lie; all of these need to be said in each church around the world.

Judgment, like never witnessed before, one that our minds can hardly imagine is coming and it is a very short time away.  This country along with the world is not prepared for such a catastrophe yet it shall invade us quickly, methodically and thoroughly.  Even after these events occur it must be known that God is still in the restoration business.  For those of us who are alive after God’s judgment is completed it will be our job to teach the Word of God and His Holy Order once again.  While it seems like the world will continue to reject His truths, there will be many who do accept Him as their Savior, which is the hope that God has for each life ever created.  The time seems ripe for God’s Holy Order to put into place mankind’s holy order and thus shall it be done.  Repent and turn your life over to God and He shall begin the restoration process in your life immediately and when He does you will begin to understand His Holy Order, personally.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Paul's Tsunami

Paul’s Tsunami


A total change from the foundation upwards is what our lives need in order for us to fulfill the command of God to be completely separate from the world.  There are many terrible examples in the world today of where this type of change has not occurred, with only a few examples that demonstrate the opposite.  Sometimes these total changes are necessary and while they may be required they do inflict an enormous amount of destruction in order to complete.  We do have a great example of this in the Bible and if we look at our lives with a large enough scope we will find that everyone else can have this changing opportunity as well.

Since humans do not like to learn from their own histories, history loves to repeat itself in various ways.  What many people do not feel is important is that God is the author of history, the present and future which entitles Him to be at the origins of everything, including human history.  Not only do humans love to ignore history we also like to ignore God’s history book as well; you know, the one book that has all the answers we humans need to survive.

There is an interesting story in the New Testament where Saul is converted into a Christian and God changing his name to Paul. There are many striking features about this story and one of them that stand out brightly is of the complete change that Saul endured while God was gripping his heart.  It is a moving story and one that should be taken and studied by every Christian because it is through this process that God gets a hold of people.  It is this type of change that God has to perform in our lives to separate us from what the world deems as normal or “ok”.  And it is this life changing experience that God has to sometimes destroy us all the way down to our foundation so that He may restore us in the correct manner.

I have written about the two massive tsunamis that have occurred in our recent past.  The 2004 tsunami that devastated many countries throughout the Asian and African continents destroyed many homes, land and lives.  It was dubbed the Christmas tsunami since it occurred the day after Christmas of that year.  It was responsible for killing over 230,000 people with many never to be found after being swept out to sea when the water receded back to its original place.  Shorelines throughout Indonesia were completely changed with many of the properties and buildings that lined the coast being either destroyed or foundationally insecure after the water damage had dissipated.  Recently, God shared with us that no one felt that shaking underneath the ocean waters but even though it was a clear sunny day, the destruction still occurred.

Another horrific tsunami occurred in 2011 and this time it struck the island of Japan.  This event was just as destructive as the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia and it did just as much damage or maybe even more, this time without the gross multitudes of lives lost as in Indonesia.  Today, Japan still has structures that are struggling to stay active and online with some of these structures proving to be complicated to restore.  Some of these structures and lives may never be fully restored, simply because of the damage that has been done.  Yet, this act, as with the Indonesian tsunami, could not have been prevented.  It was an act that one has to contend with while living on this earth.  It is ok to be amazed at such force at this type of event, it is also ok to pray for those who endure such a tragedy, but none of us can ever rule out that we may one day face such a severe condition, directly or indirectly.

We must remember that some of nature’s disasters can be predicted or forecasted, allowing time for us to prepare or leave the area before they strike.  All was fine those two horrific days that changed those two countries’ perspectives on life.  In Indonesia, tourists were soaking up the sun and loving the fact they were having a Christmas without the cold and winter like conditions of their native lands.  The Friday that the tsunami struck Japan many were looking forward to a quiet weekend with their normal activities being fulfilled.  All nations involved in these disasters were not suspect in any ill alarms until that exact moment that the reality of the earth’s activity reached their shores. 

One can gaze at the pictures of these disasters and claim its devastating effects on the nations but what one must also see is that even though some of the properties are still intact, they too have to be restored since any type of water damage affects all structures right down to the foundations of those buildings, so even though some buildings remained intact they too must be torn down and began anew from the foundation upwards.

There is something similar about these tragedies and how a person changes, or at least how they should change.  It has been proven over and over that if humans are in charge of changing or in changes, things get messed up pretty quick.  Humans tend to leave certain areas in their lives that are comfort zones and areas that they do not wish to give up which in turn defeats the purpose of change.  If one is honest with themselves, if they change they must change the entire life in order for the change to work.  If they do not do this complete change, it will not be too long until the same routines and habits return in force, but this time these habits will present themselves with more “friends”.

A while back I was able to see for myself how the power of water works through a simple experiment I conducted and while it was on a very small scale compared to a large tsunami the same type of effects were in play.  For a number of years, my family and I lived out in the country.  Our watering system was supplied by an irrigation ditch and we would be able to water our garden and lawn whenever we needed.  It was not a large ditch as the large acres of farmland needed, but it was an average sized ditch that gave us the necessary water.  The ditch ran right behind our house and was easily accessible. 

To block off the water so that we could irrigate our garden and lawn we would simply put up two wooden boards that had been cut to size so that they would fit on the head and would back up the water and divert it to our pipes for our use.  It was not hard to operate and the water would flow into the pipes fast enough to make sure that the remaining water in the ditch would not over flow the edges of the ditch, a simple yet ingenious system. 

For whatever reason, one day I decided to play around and conduct a simple experiment with the water gate.  The yard really did not need watering but there was water in the ditch so I placed the boards into their spaces and allowed the running water fill up the gate.  It did not take long for the water to reach its intended level and so it began to filter through the pipes and run into the yard.  As I stood there watching the water level rise, I had already placed my hand into the water and was ready to pull the boards from their spaces.  Now, I had performed this act countless times before but until this specific time I had not even watched what the water response was when I pulled the boards away from their spaces, nor did I leave my hand in the water long enough to feel the pressure that the water was putting on the boards as it continued to flow down the ditch and back up.

When I pulled the top board from its spot I immediately felt the force of the water on my arm and hand and it was all I could manage to raise the board out of the water and keep it in my hand as well.  I also looked at the level of the water that was now receding unabated into the larger ditch below the gate.  I was amazed at how much energy this small amount of water created after it began to move from its stored place.  It was then that I stopped and stood there for a moment and contemplated just how much energy and force water can give way.  Every once-in-a-while I just like to run water on my hand and feel the force against it, just from the sink faucet that force can be felt.  It is this type of pressure, in a great magnitude that leads to objects or structures to be damaged and with the content of water on these structures or objects, requires a restoration process that may even include a new foundation.

A fabulous example of this type of true change comes from the story of Saul and how God got a hold of his life and changed him in every way possible.  Saul was a man who had great standing within the Jewish community and he was greatly feared among numerous groups of the area simply because of the power he held within this community.  But in order for us to understand how Saul’s conversion proceeded and to the extent that God had to change his life, a good example is needed to demonstrate this effect and God has given me the example of a tsunami.

As stated above a tsunami is a powerful force and body of water that has an origin and a destination.  The origin of this tsunami wave comes from a distance away and like any other event that has an origin it can be close by or far off.  Depending upon how high the waves are a tsunami can reach a few yards inland or it can stretch into large portions of land but if God is performing a life changing experience in a person’s life I can guarantee that His overflowing of change is going to be complete.  This example is one that should be understood not only on an individual level but a national level as well; ponder this for a moment.

Saul had no problems in life.  He was thrilled to have the clout, power and recognition he had through the job that he had.  It gave him great pleasure to serve the Jewish community in this manner of locating and then persecuting Christians who represented a huge threat to the Jewish leaders of that time.  Saul had no qualms about executing or handing people over to the higher authorities to be executed, for he saw it as his duty to rid the community of such blasphemous lives.  Saul had then been given an order to go and to find and bring back more people that had been accused of being Christians and in order to get there he had to travel the road to Damascus.

It was here that God reached Saul and changed his live forever.  Saul made it known that he had no problems carrying out his orders which meant that his heart had reached a point to even if he heard the pleading and the begging words from those who he caught it meant nothing to him.  It was here that God performed a miracle in Saul, so powerful that it knocked him off his horse and was so complete that it blinded him for a time.  It was then that God revealed Himself to Saul in a unique way and performed a tsunami that changed both Saul’s internal life and external life at the same time.

God performed this changing in the form of a spiritual tsunami so powerful that as it knocked Saul off his horse it also blinded him until his conversation and conversion were complete.  God had a plan for Saul and it did not include him killing anyone, either in the name of God or through any other name.  God’s plan for Saul’s life was to present the gospel of Jesus to a dying world being played out by people like him on a second by second basis.  God had to completely change Saul’s heart and mind. He had to be restored in a supernatural way so that his message to people would be one of eternal life and not assured death. Saul was the perfect person to complete this task for he understood both sides of the aisle and through God’s restoration knew what was truly at stake.

There was no way that Saul could have effectively told people about God unless he experienced God’s method of changing him.  A subtle hint or slight hint of manipulation would not cut it.  God knew just what could occur if Saul was allowed to continue his missions for the Jewish community and the Roman State, so God had to act like God and completely rearrange Saul’s life.  God changed Saul’s name to Paul giving him a fresh start with a new recognizable name to God.  His eyesight was supernaturally restored after the spiritual tsunami waters receded from Paul’s inner being.  The force behind God’s tsunami was mind boggling to Paul, it had to be.  This is evident through the mannerisms in which Paul wrote to and taught the churches of the day.

One matter of importance that Paul knew about and taught was the importance of God through destruction and how vital it is to have Him on one’s side when it comes.  Paul pointed out this fact in many of the letters he wrote to the churches, addressing all of the divisional issues that each was facing and the consequences of those offenses if they did not allow God to totally change their ways.  The churches knew about Saul and they knew what God did in his life to convert Saul into Paul; this had to weigh upon their hearts to some extent.  Paul allowed God to restore him and to rebuild him in the manner that God saw fit.  Yes, there must have been things that Paul struggled with through this process, for one has to keep in mind that he was responsible for numerous deaths.  But it was the tsunami that God performed in Paul’s life that gave him the authority to fulfill what God wanted for his life.

What does this have to do with us today?  I have been writing for approximately three years now with the message of restoration.  As I have stated many times before, up until I began writing these articles I could not stand to write, I found no pleasure or reason why to write, but God changed me on that issue and now I write continually.  Anytime a person allows God to infiltrate their life He will do it, completely.  Ask anyone who has truly experienced God and they will tell you that it is a life changing experience that totally changes the insides of your life.  The patterns of the past must be taken out completely, not partially.  The ways of the world need to be washed away completely, no exceptions or spots can remain.  In all cases the structures that the world has built in your life need to be torn down, completely, and only God can do this with His unique way.

There is no way that Saul could not have encountered people crying for mercy when he was completing his mission for the Roman Empire and Jewish community.  There was no way that he did not have questions posed to him about his job, about God and about Christ before he turned those people over to the authorities.  Those questions, people and situations had to ring through his head because it is proven that even serial murderers have thoughts of this nature.  These were Saul’s warnings before God had to personally grab him.  And while Saul ignored these warnings and continued performing his job immaculately, God still had given him time before He took over.

It is difficult to accurately pinpoint a specific date of when our nation turned enough away from God that He decided to give us warnings large enough that we should have figured some things out.  But these warnings came and went and we did nothing but rebuild ourselves stronger and higher without God being the center; in other words our rebuilding was just that and not a restoration.  We have taken many steps in our society to ensure that our physical wants are fulfilled and we have passed laws enabling these choices to be made readily available on demand, all without God being considered and it is through this setting that God must now bring upon us a tsunami that will once and for all set the record straight about who actually is in control and who our lives belong to.

I do not know if this tsunami will be an actual tsunami that hits our lands or not, but I do know that the conditions and the placement of what some prophecies have stated line us up for such a devastating event.  To be honest, I believe that something to this nature shall occur for one of the first writings that God gave me was entitled “The Human Shaking Syndrome” and it described a setting in which every heart in this country would be shaken to its core.  And for this type of setting to occur, something large and almost indescribable has to have unfolded.

For instance, in 2001 three things occurred when the twin towers were attacked.  People were involved, land was involved and finances were involved.  In 2008 when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac collapsed three things were involved, land, people and finances.  Both of those years were Shemitah years and both events occurred on the very day that the Shemitah year ended. 2015 is another Shemitah year and it is about to end on 13 September. 

I have no idea of what may occur but I do know that God is a complete God and that He keeps His word no matter what humanity tries to interpret differently.  With all of the sinful patterns that we have made law in this country and the warnings that we have deliberately ignored along with the timing of the Jewish calendar, it would not surprise me if God provides us with a earth shaking tsunami to destroy our worldly structures so that He may once again restore our lives for His purpose.  I do not know exactly what will occur, or if anything will occur but I will be very surprised if nothing does come about of this time. 

The financial markets are already setting records in the wrong direction, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming.  The only question that remains is this: will we have learned as to why this event has occurred or will we continue to follow our own selfish ways?  Paul’s spiritual tsunami serves as the perfect setting for what God needs to do in our lives in order for us to return to His ways.  This process may be just an internal one or it may be both an internal and physical setting.  I guess we shall soon witness which is true.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Only Acceleration, No Changes

Only Acceleration, No Changes


A few election cycles ago we were treated to one of the most amusing campaign slogans that this country has witnessed in a long time.  The presence of one of the candidates overwhelmed this country and he was ushered into office without any major challenges.  It was the slogans used that propelled this person into office along with the will of God.  Over time, this slogan has proven to be a lie for the changes needed in this country have no occurred, only accelerated.  A true change comes like an overwhelming wave and is completely opposite of what is already present in our lives.  We have recognized what is in our hearts and have accelerated this process, not changed it.  Until we allow God to change our lives we shall only sink further into our mire, then God shall have to tend His authoritative conditioning into play so that true restoration can begin.

This year marks many circumstantial evidences that may be missed if one is focused primarily upon themselves or have not included themselves in the Word of God.  It has become clear that the previous sentence is in full stroke in our world today and it has no options but to continue this progressive status.  We do not have to look very hard for this status to be noticeable in our society and while some question its presence the signs have been around long enough that when the opportunity to accelerate these ideas and concepts, they jumped into motion without any hesitancy.

In 2007 it was a fervent political year for all sides of the political game.  Each platform was doing their best to promote their candidate and to secure further and more accurate voting projections in order to grasp and to maintain the upper hand.  Every aspect of political maneuvering was on the table and it was quite obvious that nothing was going to stand in the final candidate’s ways to obtain this political prize.  This campaign also set into motion with the usage of slogans, and while slogans and other types of phrases have been used before during past campaigns, the information age has generated so much more potential than ever thought of before.  From the outset of the campaigns, it was apparent that slogans were the idea to sue and oh, how so effective they were.

The slogan “hope and change” rang like a loud dinner bell after a long and trying day of work.  It was a phrase that caught the media’s attention and quickly spread into every cell phone message center, television add, newspaper advertisement, and even bumper stickers.  It was the beginning of a multi- million dollar campaign project that would gain popularity almost overnight and stay in focus up until this very day.  But how many of us understand that this popular phrase that was used is actually a lie? For nothing has changed at all and when one looks at the entire picture the truth comes out that we have only accelerated what was in our hearts, not change.

The past presidency did cause some major heartburn within the country and these issues continued to fester for eight full years. However, it was not this presidency that initiated the issues that we currently are witnessing; they stemmed from others before and were promoted, indirectly, by the Clinton presidency.  It was here that the younger generations were more adept to vote for someone popular and shared ideas that they wished to explore or already harbored within.  Take a look behind us and look closely to those generational voters and find them today and you will notice that their beliefs and attitudes have not faded but grown immensely and in intensity.  It is this generation of voters that have progressed far enough to now have instilled into their newer generational voters that certain practices away from God are safe and friendly to our society. 

In a recent interview, President Clinton stated that he understood what the voters wanted as the laws of the land and that he knew that those ideas and concepts were far beyond the limitations of governmental boundaries.  He also knew that the beliefs of these voters, especially the younger ones, that it would only be a matter of time until someone else came along that would grant these voters their wishes.  This statement by President Clinton proves that the ideas and concepts of the popular issues of today were already present and not the subject of a change.  When asked, President Clinton knew of these boundaries yet for the most part did not cross them for it was not time, so with every suggestion of crossing these boundaries they were met with an immediate backing down for a later public date.

In 2007, the concept that God is really not in control of this land was at a point where no one really took things seriously on this level.  We had experienced a nasty attack in 2001 and had now rebuilt our fortunes bigger and stronger than before, our way. We demonstrated our might to the world as our response, our way.  We paid our token respects to God for a while after the attack, our way.  Then came 2008 and another crash of our financial system and once again we were bailed out by our government, a true stepping stone against God’s ways because similarly to 2001 we did it our way and left God out of the picture.

The 2012 election cycle rapidly approached and further directives were on the verge of being manifested to the public.  The incumbent administration was basically in the command seat for the entire political process and had no slowing down provisions in their sights.  One huge projection of this acceleration actually came at the Democratic National Convention in a special voting session that was fully televised.  Some of the procedural articles had been taken care of and were not really mentioned too much, but one item on the agenda was a huge deal.

It had been decided by some of the delegates to remove all mention of God and Israel from the Democratic platform and since it was a formidable idea and had a large support base it was decided to have a delegation vote.  I did not watch too much of either national political conventions but I did watch this portion of the DNC and found it very intriguing.  The podium speaker read the amendment to remove God from the Democratic platform and then announced for a general vote by simple majority ruling.  As soon as the words were out of this gentleman’s mouth a huge noise of a congruent “no” echoed from every corner of the building.  The man was stunned that this was actually occurring.

It was very clear that the majority of the delegates had actually said “no” and that they wished for the name of God to be stricken from the Democratic platform.  The man was so shocked that he immediately called for a second vote on the amendment, feeling confident that the “no” voters, since being nationally identified, would change their minds.  The second vote occurred with a louder “no” echoing throughout the building.  The delegates had responded in the same order and it was clear that the Democrats had spoken their positions.  After a few minutes and a meeting on the stage, the speaker announced that President Obama had overridden the delegates’ voices and declared that God and Israel was to stay within the overall Democratic platform.  Even with this announcement, anyone watching understood what was eventually going to come from the public voices.

One of the major issues that we are facing today is that of gay marriage.  We all know that it was a huge subject this summer with the anticipation of the Supreme Court ruling.  This issue has also exposed a huge rift that continues to grow each day, not only here in this country but all over the world as well.  This issue is one of the ideas that has been festering in our minds and hearts for quite some time and when the word “sex” is brought up many cannot help but to include all realms of sex into this general category.  We all know that sex has been around since the dawn of the creation of mankind and since it is mentioned in the Bible, gay lifestyles have been around almost as long.  Once again it must be mentioned that this topic has not been isolated in this country because for as long as I can remember it has been conversed about through many channels.

This is not the only issue that stands out within our society that differs from God’s way of Creation, and it is the combination with these others that places us into the direct line of fire for destruction.  We received our first major warning on September 11, 2001 and then received our second warning in September 2008.  Both of these warnings came in the form that included mankind, land and finances.  A common denominator with these two events is a name called Schmitah which is a Jewish word that describes a specific time; both 2001 and 2008 were Schmitah years and both events marked to the day the end of a Schmitah year.  It is also feasible to understand that the 2001 attack was on a specific location whereas the 2008 event was circulated throughout the country, only in different means.  But it was a progression that is still felt today by many people.

This single aspect of our culture has placed us over a line that God had established many millennia ago, and we boldly stepped over it as we snidely smiled at God while finishing this crossing.  Combined with all of the other lifestyle issues that this country has deemed necessary and at the same time making these laws a catch phrase terminal society, I cannot foresee God allowing our present existence going on too much longer.  It does not matter what a human believes when it comes to the origins and definition of God’s laws, it is the fact that His laws are in place that sets the course and definition.

We set into motion and have “read the press” concerning our physical status on the earth and now demand that the world look at us for guidance, leadership and truth.  This belief is so wrong on countless levels and it is a testament to our pride and arrogance against God.  We have ignored two gigantic warnings from God and once again I state that we will not help but gaze onto our own destruction after this Shemitah year has come to an end.  In all of my studies of the Bible, I have never read where God has had to apologize for allowing things to occur and I absolutely know that He will not have to apologize for what He is about to allow upon the United States.

It is amazing to me that God does not wipe out the people of the land, for He has ample reason to do this, but it is His love that endures for us that reminds Him that we are in need of a Savior.  Our belief in mankind has allowed us to fall over ourselves numerous times throughout history and yet we continue to miss our true purpose in life.  Belief in a human, catch phrase slogan is another example of this ignorance of the truth and it has proven once again to show itself to all who listens and are willing to see.  One cannot deny that the slogan worked perfectly but many miss the point that it was a lie.

With all of the evidence around us, it is easy to see that the slogan sped up our sinful ways instead of changing them.  In fact, we have further covered our eyes to this sin and no longer wish to address it as sin, only acceptance and equality.  We have become comfortable enough with our selfish and worldly wants that we no longer consider God to be a relevant factor, thus creating our own independence from Him at the same time while we pave our own course.  Our enemy loves this portion of his job, because he does not have to do much work we are doing it for him. 

The “third time is a charm” concept should come into play here shortly, but I have no direct timetable or specificities of what shall occur.  However, I do know that God sees our arrogance and pride and He alone fully understands just how high and thick those walls are.  It is also clear that we have no intentions to tear down these barriers and are only looking to enhance them on every level possible.  We need to remember that God shall allow us to continue to perform this feat, but we also need to be aware that at some point god shall say “enough” and shall have to remind us that He alone is in control, not humanity.

It is my utmost desire that in the next few days we realize this fact and turn from our wicked ways, but I do not see this attitude forthcoming.  What I see is that we shall be destroyed as a nation and brought down to our knees well enough that we must rebuild from our foundations up again.  Here lies another problem, our arrogance and pride have created numerous problems and physical enemies around the world and once they realize that our condition can no longer withstand and support the weight of the allies in our world, further destruction worldwide shall occur, which annihilates our capacity as the remaining superpower in the world and further consolidates our presence among the smaller yet populous nations of the world.

Once also cannot argue that the slogan used and is continually being presented to us on a daily basis is one that has merit and could be honored as a wonderful opportunity for not only this country but for the world entirely.  But as history has demonstrated over and over if anything humanity does is not centered around God first, every idea falls apart yet at the same time not recognized by those who have implemented said ideas.  Such is true with this slogan and it has proven once again to enhance our own selfish desires instead of understanding our need to real and true change.  A more appropriate choice of campaign slogans would have been to place real meaning behind “In God We Trust” and to pursue this slogan instead of a fact less and lying slogan.  How important are our words?  By applying this phrase to our country it has proven to be life threatening and damning.

The question now must be asked to what extent must God act upon in order for us to get back to our basic mission in life?  I truly believe that this action must be one that brings us down far enough that we can no longer recognize ourselves as being a united people.  It looks like we need a dose of true reality in the existence game of life.  This is a painful and agonizing thought but if God has no apologized for any other action He has taken throughout history, then why should He not act according to the past acts He has stated in the Bible once again?  As I wrote a couple of years ago, there will be a shaking that occurs that has never been witnessed before.  I do not know exactly what this shaking will entail, but I do know it shall be big enough to reach our foundations and force us to again build from the bottom upwards, and I pray that we finally understand what is actually meant by the slogan “In God We Trust”.

True changes are coming and trough these changes I trust that we find the true and pure Hope that this country needs.  The time of arrogance and pride for this nation is over and God shall see to it that we fully comprehend and know the difference between His Ways and our ways.  We want to be known as “big and popular” throughout the world?  Then god has an answer for us. Church, you are in this boat as well for it is through your actions that this country is in the shape and position that it is in.  IF you had been worthy of accepting the truth about separation from the world, none of this would be in any question today.  Yet, you have chosen to align yourself with the world and place fuel on the fires of acceleration instead of godly change; that is why you shall be a part of this judgment as well.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Running the 400

Running the 400


Competitions can be challenging especially when you or a team has a specific prize in sight.  It is very common to have those on your team that do not share the same enthusiasm as others on the team, and therefore, the obtainable prize may collapse and disappear right before your eyes.  The same protocols apply for the Church as well and from the appearance of our society today, the ultimate prize is slipping from our grasp.  It is obvious that the Church has not stepped up to the plate in order to win the people from the world, instead she has joined the enemy and created a huge crutch our chances of winning the overall mark. God cannot allow this act of treason to go unnoticed and for this action we shall see us finish last.

Running has never been my future mark in life.  I will do it if I have to and for the most part only complete this task when I am asked to take a stress test in order to receive a picture of my heart function; both ironic and silly, I know.  I do not mind walking, in fact, I love to walk for it gives me the exercise that I need to ensure that my health stays within the reasonable levels it needs. But running just has not been my cup of tea and up until now, I have no need for it at all.  However, I must be careful in what I proclaim because God does have a sense of humor and He hears everything that I think and say which always puts running as a possibility in my path.

In junior high and in my early years of high school my track coach had me running the 800 meters.  While it is still considered to be a short distance race it can prove to be quite tiresome when it is over.  With my bodily build, I would not be able to withstand any long distance type running which is excellent in my book because I do not see the point in this extended running style.  I never really won any medals or other types of accolades and to be honest I did not wish to overextend myself for these types of awards; and shame on me for not applying myself further and helping out my teammates a little bit more when they needed all the help they could.

My 24-year-old daughter does not share the same attitudes about running as I do.  She is an avid runner and holds complete opposite views on distance running.  She was just out here for about 10 days and she ran most days while she was here.  None of this short distance runs, it was up to 8 miles a day after she got acclimated to the altitude.  She has always loved running and the longer the distance the better she says.  She has participated in some of the regional competitions that show off your determination to be the best and in this manner she has signed up for a full marathon come a short time in the future.  I say more power to her and I am so proud that she is giving it her all in accomplishing this goal of hers.

My junior high school track coach I have mentioned a couple of times before, Mr. Foote.  I have always loved that name, especially for a teacher and sports coach.  He is an excellent example of leadership and authority showing off his teaching skills when it was needed and allowing us boys and girls decide matters on our own when necessary as well.  Coach Foote had a great philosophy about the 400 meter run but while he had this view on the 400 meters he applied it to everything sporting event he coached us in, and he also incorporated this belief in all of our activities including our studies and walk with God.

His philosophy was a difficult one to achieve when trying to apply it to the race but in truth it had to be worked up to, conditioned for instead of an all out one time run.  Coach Foote believe that a person running the 400 meters should give everything that they have in order to complete that race, and have given so much that when the person crosses the finish line that they collapse onto the ground because of total exhaustion.  He believed that it took that much energy and strength to complete this distance run and that nothing short of exhaustion would be accepted as giving one’s best.  It was hard, tough and difficult to obtain, but it was worth every second of the race when it was over.  A person running this distance would know that he / she gave it their all after the race was over.  Funny, Coach Foote never placed coming in first place all the time, but just instilled into us to give it our all with every event in life we participated in.

On my side of the issue I guess I could say that my example of participation would be similar to Moses.  Moses was a great man of God that did some things that were not pleasing in God’s sight.  I am not talking about just before God called Moses to his position in Israel, but after his rise in the eyes of God and after he became the leader of Israel.  While God continued to allow Moses to lead his people his willingness to completely allow God to overtake his decisions at times could be construed as hesitant.  While I am completing the actions that God has called me to do, I can clearly see that when I was a young man I did not have such the enthusiasm or desire to complete this mission as I do today.

If we take a hard look at the example of Moses, we can clearly see that even though he was called by God, he fell short in many areas of his given leadership.  Yet, on the other hand, Moses proved himself to be a very worthy choice to lead God’s children through their times of need.  We can also see that through this example, the goals and leadership of the Church have basically taken a similar path as Moses’ leadership; by falling way short on our overall mission that Jesus gave to us.  It is further evident that the condition of the societies of the world are currently in is strictly due to this lack of truth and spiritual leadership from the Church and shall serve as the perfect compare and contrast setting for this article.

How many times have we had the opportunity to witness to someone and we have failed to complete our task.  How many times have our attitude been publicly sore and our display of such attitude has been called into question by others?  I am not saying that we are perfect and that our lives should be the epitome of existence, but we can be examples of purity when anger rules our current state.  By far, we have witnessed too many instances where the Church and her leaders have been called on the carpet for their actions, and it does not look like it shall stop anytime soon either.  It is through these known examples and countless more unknown accusations that we are providing the example of Moses and his bad times instead of the Moses leading his people out of bondage.

I do not know how much my lack of enthusiasm has cost me over my four decades of life but I do know that my actions stand out just as much as Moses’ did when he had trouble in fulfilling God’s commands for His people.  Moses’ hesitancy cost him from seeing the Promised Land that God had shown to him, and it cost many other lives as well.  But it was obvious that God had placed Moses into that role for a reason and Moses did fulfill this goal that God had for Israel, even though it was after his life was over.  I pray that through all of my experiences in life that I have learned my lesson way sooner than that of Moses and that my mission for God is completed as it should be, not as I see fit.  For if I do it my way then I am ignoring Coach Foote’s wishes for my life by not achieving my best at all events and succumbing to the temptation of distractions.

We as the Church have two fantastic examples of people following through with their utmost in their missions here on earth. The first one of course, is Jesus and mankind shall always have this perfect example to learn from and to guide ourselves.  While it is our desire to be like Jesus we know that as long as we have this simple, finite and flawed body we shall never obtain this immaculate example and while my personal Moses example bites us in the behind there is another example of how we are supposed to be when it comes to our mission that Jesus gave us.

The second and the one example that God wants us to understand is that of Saul / Paul.  Many of us know that Paul wrote most of the New Testament books and was a great advocate for Christ in his later years.  But what many may not know is that at one time Paul had another name and another profession, a vocation that was detrimental to Christians and those who wished to follow Jesus instead of their Jewish origins.  While this portion of Paul’s life he probably would like to forget it does serve as the perfect contrast to Moses’ and the current state of the Church.

Paul did not always have this exact name for himself.  It was changed when he had his encounter with God and before this encounter occurred he was called Saul.  Saul was a great man in the Jewish community and served the leadership of the Jewish community well.  He was an important man within this leadership who was on his way up the hierarchy and had obtained this status through the works that he completed for his bosses.

According to the Jewish leadership, Saul had one of the most important jobs that could be performed, locate, find and destroy as many people who professed themselves to be Christians.  The local and regional Jewish hate for Christ and what He had established infuriated the Jewish leaders and it was their sworn testimony to rid themselves of any further nonsense of Jesus and whoever decided to follow Him.  Saul was chosen to be the one who led this task and it was his charge to see that as many Christians possible were owed this due prosecution.  No one was better at completing this task given and Saul’s name was feared throughout the entire land since his territory was unlimited.  Saul served his bosses with perfection and was driven by a prideful fervor that was unmatched to others assigned with the same job.  Saul did his best every day and ran his race that he was given with all available energy.

Another important task was handed down to Saul and as usual he left his bosses with the killer instincts that he had developed over the years.  He was on the road to Damascus when God appeared to him and began asking him questions.  No doubt questions had at one time flooded Saul’s mind but in another context; coming from the people who he was killing instead from the One he was persecuting.  God changed Saul that day and permanently redirected his fervor of life and it would not have been too hard for one to understand if Saul’s desires would have changed as well, but as we read and understand the remaining portions of his life he did not lose one ounce of any vitality.

One of the first things God did for Saul was to change his name.  He would no longer be known by the name that many people in the land feared but would be changed to another name that would define fear to another kingdom instead.  I have heard of people changing their names in response to violent acts committed against them or those who are disgusted and blinded by the lies of the world and in both instances are futile reasons, but to have God change your name in order to redefine your purpose is a miraculous and extraordinary opportunity.  One cannot get any more “changed” than having your birth name changed by the Creator of all life.

Secondly and immediately God changed Saul’s heart to Paul’s heart which was another example of how God separates us from the world.  Many emotions had to have flowed through Paul’s life when this event occurred, both good ones and bad ones. These countless changes would have sent shockwaves through his life and totally wiped out his entire belief system, all on a holy level of course, further proof that a person’s directional fervor could have been changed as well.  But when God is in control of changes, His ways are pure and perfect and as Paul took control of these changes it becomes evident that he lost nothing but gained the true purpose of his life as a result.

As stated above Paul wrote most of the epistles contained within the New Testament.  The writings that God gave to him to share with the Church cannot be more accurate of what is also occurring in today’s Church.  Paul saw what the moods of the Church were and addressed it according to Kingdom values, not kingdom values.  He noticed that the concepts of the Church were crumbling from God’s Ways and thus accepting the ways of the world.  His writings should serve notice of the pitfalls that the Church is subject to and will adhere to if not fully aware of the realm of our enemy.

In this manner, Paul continues the demeanor that Saul had and gave it his all with the full intention of giving his life for God’s truth if necessary.  There is no question that Saul’s intentions were of the same caliber and this intensity God refined into Paul. Of course Paul was human and at some point had a few doubts in his life but there is no real indication that he wavered in his theological stance towards God.  Paul shook off the temptations of Moses and kept the strong forward projection of God’s Kingdom in focus.  This is the compare and contrast of these two great men in the Bible and while both are far greater than I, all of us fit into one of these categories when it comes to God and His will for our lives.

Today it is easy for us to imagine a Church that is perfect and spotless but the truth is that we have lost the real meaning of what Christ meant for His Bride.  His bride will be adorned in White, but it will be the color of white that He sees, not us.  To us His color of white will be a dirty color and the bride shall not have trimmed and proper nails, but those of scratches and calluses as a sign of being in the fields working.  It is this type of leadership and clawing against the world that Jesus is looking for in our lives, not ones sitting back conforming to every whim our enemy sets into motion.  While Moses was a great leader he allowed himself to listen to the multitudes instead of what God was showing him, and it cost him dearly.  The same shall happen to the Church if we do not stop and take a look at what we have allowed to occur, both in our own lives and in the world.

We must recognize that it takes a true change within our lives, from God, in order for our purpose to be known to the world. Even though Paul was shaken and tried, his attitude and fervor did not change when God transformed his life, it only grew in intensity.  This is how the Church should be acting by recognizing that she is separated from the world in ALL ways and that her mission in life is to claw her way into people’s lives and to share with them the gospel that her Groom has given.  If she is not completing this mission in this manner then she is prostituting herself out to the world instead of drawing people from the world.

My consequences for my lack of participation and desire in track not only affected my personal performance it also held back the others on my team.  There is no difference in our spiritual lives either and it is necessary that we grasp this truth now.  We have sat back and waited for God to return without trying to get our nails and fingers broken and dirty.  Our country has lost its way simply because the Church has failed in her mission and our consequences shall be grave. 

The just and the unjust God judges accordingly, at the same time.  Our country has fallen in a spiritual category and it is about to fall in all other categories as well.  Read this message, hide it within your heart and contemplate its message for it shall be needed one day real soon!  And when our day returns we must have the initiative to run our 400 meters with all of our energy and be willing to give to God what He deserves, a true runner and messenger for Him.