Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Holy Order

Holy Order


No matter how humans try their best to be consistently on time we fail at this endeavor each day.  We can strive to achieve this goal and sometimes we may succeed but with our limited abilities and our slavery to time, I do not foresee this totally being accomplished.  God, on the other hand, is quite the opposite when it comes to being on time, for He is the one who has established time as we know it and since He defines it, He never falls from it.  Therefore, God encompasses time because He created it and through this “human” time, His Holy Order is manifested quite accurately.

There are many people in the world today that question this holy order that God has established.  God always has been an advocate for those who wish to ask Him questions, our only problem is that we usually ask those questions on a biased foundation and readily reject the answers that He gives through selfish interpretations.  It is this holy order that I am referring to when it comes to what God states in His Word.  One must never forget and to always remember that God shall never provide humans with an answer that goes contrary to what is written in the Bible.

It is through God’s holy order that defines His existence and in turn defines the existence of His arch enemy, and ours.  It was Lucifer who chose to interpret God’s authority and to challenge His Creative status.  It was Lucifer who was given ample time to prove to God that he could create and be like God, for which he failed miserably.  It was Lucifer who was created and not God.  It is Lucifer who puts the ideas and concepts of interpretations God’s Word into our thinking and then portraying them to satisfy our selfish rants.  It is Lucifer who seeks to weaken the lives of believers in order to gain total access into their lives.  A 50% spoken Word is a failure and will be deemed as true blasphemy in the heart and eyes of God.

God gave us a mind and a heart to seek the truth, well the truth cannot be sought or found in a whimsical and selfish manner, only lies.  God expects us to study His Word and not know all the answers.  God also expects us to ask Him questions about His Word with a pure and accepting heart so that we may further understand why He allowed, allows and does not allow certain conditions in our lives.  It is our responsibility to write these truths down and etch them into our hearts so that we may not offend God’s Ways.  It is true that we shall never know the full extent of God and His laws, but it is our duty to do our best to understand and to follow His Holy Order.

It is Lucifer who deviated from God’s lineage and laws, not God.  This is an important concept that we all need to get a hold of because it is the lifeline of our eternal salvation.  If for any reason we believe that God stoops to our level on any code or law of His then we have been blinded by our enemy’s lies, which means that we as individuals or as nations would rather believe lies than the truth.  God has established laws that can be complicated to understand if not studied in spirit and in truth.  When these two applications are placed first in our studies (not readings) we will first realize just how awful our overall lives are and that there is a holy order established that enables us to restore our lives back into correct standing with God.

God created man in the Garden of Eden.  God saw that man was lonely and that this status for man would not be good so God created woman from man.  This was the first demonstration of God’s Holy Order after the creation of the world; and, it has a huge significance still in our lives today.  First of all it determines who the reproductive bloodline comes from and then it establishes the relationship and order between man and woman.  God cannot change this order!  It is a Holy Order in which He established long before you and I were created, yet even as we see it in the Old Testament scriptures, mankind tries to change this Holy Order every chance we get.

It is mankind that has a limited and finite mind and heart, not God.  So what makes us think that God will lower Himself and His established laws in order to supplement our sinful lusts?  This is a logical question to those who seek God first and place Him first in all categories of their lives, but to those who seek inclusion to the world cannot comprehend this Holy Order and shall find it absurd in nature.  It is sad that even many people who call themselves Christians believe in this Divine bending down to our death filled level of existence.  In truth, all that this belief establishes is a continued brand of atheism, for if you do not believe that the Word of God is sovereign, holy and absolute you are an atheist.

God’s Holy Order is not believed to be as such and we must contend that this belief has been around for millennia as well.  Look at all of the examples in the Bible that prove this fact and include the Church in these figures as well for she is the great offender in this matter.  We have lowered God’s Holy Order to the level of a holy order and most of us do not even recognize this change.  We have downgraded this Holy Order so much that we cannot even see that our actions are about to bring upon us a certain destruction that has never been recorded in history before.  And what is worse about this truth is that first of all no one will ever believe that God shall allow any major destruction of this country to occur, Israel thought that as well; and secondly our heads are so full of our selfish lusts that when this country and society faces this godly destruction we will not even recognize it as such.

It is God that has not changed only we have.  It is God that cannot change and we have demonstrated, proudly I might add that we can change according to our whims.  It is God who wrote His Ways for us to use as a guide in this life, through the only tool that He has to use which is humans.  God could have not given us a choice and been like a slaveholder and commanded our lives in such a manner as that, yet He loves us so much that He has provided a way for us to be restored into His presence and we have tossed Him aside like an old toy.  Toy, that is a perfect description of how we view God in our lives, when we want Him we look for Him and when we are done with Him we throw Him aside and look for something or someone else.

A prime example that we have changed God’s Holy Order into a holy order is that we have missed or ignored all of God’s warnings.  God is a Father first and then a friend second.  THAT is His Holy Order, and if He would change that Order for any reason He would declassify Himself as the Almighty and all Authoritative Creator of everything!  It is through His established Holy Order that He must send out warnings through His messengers before He allows devastation to occur.  Job reaffirmed this when his calamity was ongoing when he proclaimed that God would never destroy him for any secret sin.  The same Holy Order that Job understood is in play today and God still follows this Order today.

God cannot and shall not EVER change, period!  We have to stop believing this lie now or our country will be no longer.  We have but just a few days more before our judgment begins and once that process starts God must act as a complete God, not a partial one.  God has blessed this nation and the world through this nation for centuries and we in turn have slapped Him in the face with our sinful ways.  Fine, that is our choice, but let it be known that God still loves this nation and He must correct her according to His ways and standards.  The sin of our lives He can no longer tolerate and His complete authority must be administered to sin.  He built this nation and He shall tear it down because it was established for His usage and we have played the thief of its land.  This nation was created as a safe haven for those who wanted to worship God and to feel at peace in His presence, but we have turned it into a child hating and murdering society that provides selfish services instead of holy options.

One cannot state that God has not sent out His warnings to you, this nation or to any other nations before.  First of all He has given us His Word and that alone should be enough warning and guidance that He should never have to send out another word accordingly again.  Second, God gives us warnings through the sky, earth and land.  Thirdly, God provides people with pure hearts to inform people that what they are living is a lie and that they are not in the will of their Creator.  God has established this Holy Order and until He deems it necessary for humanity to end His Holy Order shall be kept in tact.

God still loves His people, no matter how far they turn from Him.  The Church should be the one entity that informs those who do not know God about this truth.  The Church has her own set and selfish agendas which teach 50% of the Gospel and that is a failing grade in God’s eyes.  The Church must teach the entire truth about God, starting by telling them that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and that everything within its content is true and relevant for our lives today.  That there is only one Savior and that if anything else is portrayed that it is a lie; all of these need to be said in each church around the world.

Judgment, like never witnessed before, one that our minds can hardly imagine is coming and it is a very short time away.  This country along with the world is not prepared for such a catastrophe yet it shall invade us quickly, methodically and thoroughly.  Even after these events occur it must be known that God is still in the restoration business.  For those of us who are alive after God’s judgment is completed it will be our job to teach the Word of God and His Holy Order once again.  While it seems like the world will continue to reject His truths, there will be many who do accept Him as their Savior, which is the hope that God has for each life ever created.  The time seems ripe for God’s Holy Order to put into place mankind’s holy order and thus shall it be done.  Repent and turn your life over to God and He shall begin the restoration process in your life immediately and when He does you will begin to understand His Holy Order, personally.


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