Sunday, August 2, 2015

Feeling Comfortable

Feeling Comfortable


Luxury is just that, a luxury.  It is a condition that everyone wishes they could be in at all times of their life, yet the majority of us while we have everything that we need to survive we are still left out of the luxurious category.  This pattern can be witnessed throughout the world as well; it can even reach the point of the haves versus the have-nots.  This standard also applies to the Church as well but in a different confine, one that determines eternal life with God or eternal damnation with the god of this world.  The Church should never feel comfortable with what the world is selling and should be prepared at all times for those tricks have come and those that are forthcoming.

There is no question that our nation has been the most blessed nation that has ever graced the face of the earth.  These blessings are strictly due to God and through His generosity and not many of us living within this country have been without this true substance of life.  This country was not always in this good of shape, for many of the first decades of our existence we did not know if we would survive as a people much less as a nation.  It was our first fathers who dedicated this land for His usage, not men.  It was these same people who faced starvation and seemingly insurmountable circumstances, but even when the hope of their existence was torn to shreds, they continued the fight and won the day with prayer and fasting for their God and their new country.  It was not their ingenious ideas that kept them together; it was the rough edges of survival with God as their witness that propelled them to survival.

Over time their ideas and thoughts about God waned and they allowed certain habits to encircle their lives which clouded their vision that God had given them.  As any human would react, their steadfastness and success in their new land gave them a confidence that soon crept into a sense of accomplishment, slowly turning into a hedged mount of pride that grew until it swallowed them whole.  God’s laws were interpreted s strict guidelines that should be executed without hesitation, just as comfortability had grown into an everyday living condition.  God’s stability was mistaken for human pride and gloating of personal gain became the norm for the graceful few.  Was not this the exact reason why they left England to come to this land?  Was it not for religious freedom and for a place to prepare for the arrival of the many who wish to worship God in like manner?

The Church of the day had become comfortable in dealing out God’s law with a harsh hand and severing any ties of true servitude to God, all the while destroying the image of Christ to which they should have been setting for the native inhabitants and for their kin alike.  It is evident from the actions of the Church in those years after the first landings that their priorities had shifted due to the blessings that God had bestowed upon them.  Their comfortability had cost them the vision that their leaders once dreamt about and made possible through the courage given to them by God.

How many of us understand that the blessings of God are a Kingdom Principle that God loves to commit to His people?  Do we also know that it is through these blessings that we are obligated to give to others and to show them and to tell them about where those blessings came?  I do not believe that we do understand this principle and I also believe that God is about ready to take back over the nation that He established as a refuge for people and to hit the reset button.  We should have no problem identifying the same wicked spirit in our nation today, and I am sad to say that through the misgivings of the Church, she has fallen into this mire as well; all by her own choices, just as the early first fathers did.  In no circumstance should the Church feel comfortable with her surroundings, nor should she ever give into the ways of the world.

It is a known fact that when a person, group, state or nation becomes comfortable with a situation fear and guilt automatically leave.  All of us have experienced this feeling and I mean ALL of us.  There was one point in my life that I told a lie and then had to tell another in order to cover the first one up.  I found that the pattern of covering up became a large issue for me and it took time for me to remember everything that I said to those people because if I was ever questioned about the lie, I had to remember exactly what I said to each person.  I had always been told to tell the truth at all times and that if I did this and kept this principle that I would never have to fend off accusations when deliberately questioned.  My comfortability and cool continued to play the role that was necessary to maintain the lie and after a while I had come to the realization that this situation would take care of itself and the truth did not need to be told; however, the luxury of not telling the truth had run its course and I was taking a huge fall.

This setting in my life came to a head when I could no longer figure out what to say to those who continued to bring up the subject.  My comfortability of lying had come to an end and I had no other option but to tell the truth and break the vicious cycle that I had personally created.  What bugged me the most was the fact that a good portion of the people that I was acquainted with at the time asked me about that situation, even people who never talked to be was asking about it; I was over it and wanted it to stop.  It did stop but not until my fall had been complete.  I was embarrassed to step out of my house let alone my room.  It took me a while to figure out that my choices in that one specific situation were wrong and that I had only compounded the situation by not coming forward with the truth earlier, better yet I should have never told the lie in the first place.

Why am I giving this type of example for being comfortable?  Well, it is exactly what the Church is doing to herself by accepting the lies of the world.  In accepting these lies she has now begun to believe in these lies just as those people did at first when I told them a lie.  Lies tend to be exaggerations which only can grow over time.  See, lies can never be ordinary or average, they must contain certain items which make them attractive and it is through those actions that the deceit is laid out and it grows from that point onwards.  A lie becomes enthralling with its mystique and will invade the mind and heart with exact diligence.  It will fester until the right time for it to appear and then breed new lies as it exposes itself from within.  This process is the exact reason as to why the Church is in the shape that she is in today and the exact reason as to why God must judge this nation for rejecting the Word of god as His authoritative and infallible truth for our lives.

There are many issues that the leaders of the Church have disagreed with for centuries.  It is time that we forget our personal differences and hang-ups and begin to preach the Word of God once again.  It is evident that the lies that the Church has been fed have taken a hold within the heart of her existence.  It is also evident that these lies have festered and bred within her and are now being poured out as a symbolic gesture to the one who instilled those lies within her in the first place.  This country was founded in order to serve as a safe haven for those who wanted to seek God, it was also founded as a safe haven for God’s chosen people who were about to be slaughtered by many nations across this globe. 

We have taken this authority from God and have perverted it for our own indulgences, beginning with the throngs of the Medieval Church and all of the wickedness she spewed upon people.  The Church was in no greater a comfort zone during this time for she had complete control over the land and sea but somehow could not proclaim the message of God as she was commanded to do by her groom.  And it is at this point that the modern Church is being portrayed and it is this same type of message that she is sending out to the people.  Follow me and all will be ok, accept the world’s standards and everything will be good, run free with your ideas and keep your ambitions flowing freely all without any hindrance through personal interpretations of the Bible.

These actions of the Church are a prime example that she has totally forgotten what her status is and what type of example she is to be setting.  The lies that she had bought from the world have infiltrated her heart so much that her speech is filled with death and destruction.  Her eyes have become so blinded with worldly standards that she cannot see the impending doom of this country.  Her mind and hearts are so silent that she cannot hear the truth message of God to warn His people to change their ways before destruction comes like never witnessed before.  Her comfortability in the world has set the stage for her demise so that God’s Kingdom can once again be pushed forward.  She has lost the concept of Kingdom and that those two kingdoms shall never mix.  Her leadership of this nation has been completely marred by lustful gains through power and greed, which secludes the spiritual communication with God and promotes individualistic hedonism that enhances her indulgence with the world.

These lies have been generated through the belief that the Church can mix with the world.  This belief has been acted upon due to the doubting of God’s Word and not fully understanding as to why God’s Word says to do things and not to do things.  God’s Laws were designed to keep a person or nation from the world, to separate them from the world not to be included in the worldly governances.  The comfortability of the Church has been shown to the world through its own mistakes and choices.  She was never created to be a comfort zone with the world but to fight the world and the lies that its kingdom brings.  The Church is at war with the world, not at a sloppy sex convention session with it.

The lies that have infiltrated the Church are so vast that she now is beginning to fight within her own existence.  The humiliating part of this fact is that she does not even recognize that it is occurring even though it continues to grow every day.  She blindly combats this conflict with further acceptance of the world’s standards, thinking that if she complies with the world that her problems will go away.  The only “problem” with that logic is that she was created to show people how to be separated from the world not accepted by the world and until this fact is understood, her “problems” shall only increase until an implosion occurs.

Why is it so important for the Church to do her job correctly?  For it is her alone that stands in the way of a corrupt and evil ruler that has only one mission and that is to make sure that each and every person in existence dies in their sins and spends eternity away from God.  It is the Church that is to believe that the Word of God is incorruptible and full of wisdom and truth, not some book that can be interpreted any way that a human wishes to do it, yet she has accepted these interpretations as “the gospel” just as the kingdom ruler of the earth wishes.  If the Church is becoming so popular amongst the world then why are her attendance numbers not dramatically increasing?  Even 0-16 football teams have sold out crowds for many of their games, for they too are comfortable that their destination is safe.

It is time that the Church awakens from her slumber and realize that the lies that she has allowed into her spirit represents nothing but death, both to her and to the people that she is supposed to be witnessing to.  The examples that she is setting cannot be kosher with the world, for the world cannot coexist with God, ever!  The world has set into motion a series of destructive motives that are now in motion and unless we stop this motion now, further damage shall be allowed to occur.  There are prophecies out there that predict a grave destruction of this country, ones that are going to be fulfilled SOON.  Whoever reads this article needs to know that the Church is not doing her job and that many of her cells are promoting a lying agenda about how one can be comfortable with the world and with God at the same time.  THIS IS A LIE!!! 

God is once again tugging on our hearts to repent and to listen to His voice.  It is imperative that we stop and be still long enough to hear what He is saying.  He wants to guide our lives in such a manner that everything that we do represents His true spirit and love for His people.  It is not His will that anyone should die and face His judgment unprepared.  Enough judgment is about to come to this nation just as it did to Israel in 732 BC and it shall not be pretty.  Church it is time we shake off the lies from our hearts and WAKE UP, so that we may start truly completing the mission that our groom commanded us to do. 

We have given up enough ground and it is time to reclaim what this land was originally blessed to complete; what is pathetic is that we do not seem to care which ground we have given up on either.  God asks you to search your hearts and to ask Him to find the lies that we have hidden deep within and to take them from our lives so that we may see what His Word means to our lives.  The only way that this can be obtained is to forsake our own lying, selfish ways and turn back to God and place Him number 1 in our lives again.  Repent and allow God to restore your life as it was meant upon our creation and when this occurs, we can begin to rebuild this nation again.  And when we lose this self gratification status, I guarantee that God will light a holy fire within the hearts of the Church so bright and hot that there shall be no comfortability status for the world.


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