Thursday, August 20, 2015

Only Acceleration, No Changes

Only Acceleration, No Changes


A few election cycles ago we were treated to one of the most amusing campaign slogans that this country has witnessed in a long time.  The presence of one of the candidates overwhelmed this country and he was ushered into office without any major challenges.  It was the slogans used that propelled this person into office along with the will of God.  Over time, this slogan has proven to be a lie for the changes needed in this country have no occurred, only accelerated.  A true change comes like an overwhelming wave and is completely opposite of what is already present in our lives.  We have recognized what is in our hearts and have accelerated this process, not changed it.  Until we allow God to change our lives we shall only sink further into our mire, then God shall have to tend His authoritative conditioning into play so that true restoration can begin.

This year marks many circumstantial evidences that may be missed if one is focused primarily upon themselves or have not included themselves in the Word of God.  It has become clear that the previous sentence is in full stroke in our world today and it has no options but to continue this progressive status.  We do not have to look very hard for this status to be noticeable in our society and while some question its presence the signs have been around long enough that when the opportunity to accelerate these ideas and concepts, they jumped into motion without any hesitancy.

In 2007 it was a fervent political year for all sides of the political game.  Each platform was doing their best to promote their candidate and to secure further and more accurate voting projections in order to grasp and to maintain the upper hand.  Every aspect of political maneuvering was on the table and it was quite obvious that nothing was going to stand in the final candidate’s ways to obtain this political prize.  This campaign also set into motion with the usage of slogans, and while slogans and other types of phrases have been used before during past campaigns, the information age has generated so much more potential than ever thought of before.  From the outset of the campaigns, it was apparent that slogans were the idea to sue and oh, how so effective they were.

The slogan “hope and change” rang like a loud dinner bell after a long and trying day of work.  It was a phrase that caught the media’s attention and quickly spread into every cell phone message center, television add, newspaper advertisement, and even bumper stickers.  It was the beginning of a multi- million dollar campaign project that would gain popularity almost overnight and stay in focus up until this very day.  But how many of us understand that this popular phrase that was used is actually a lie? For nothing has changed at all and when one looks at the entire picture the truth comes out that we have only accelerated what was in our hearts, not change.

The past presidency did cause some major heartburn within the country and these issues continued to fester for eight full years. However, it was not this presidency that initiated the issues that we currently are witnessing; they stemmed from others before and were promoted, indirectly, by the Clinton presidency.  It was here that the younger generations were more adept to vote for someone popular and shared ideas that they wished to explore or already harbored within.  Take a look behind us and look closely to those generational voters and find them today and you will notice that their beliefs and attitudes have not faded but grown immensely and in intensity.  It is this generation of voters that have progressed far enough to now have instilled into their newer generational voters that certain practices away from God are safe and friendly to our society. 

In a recent interview, President Clinton stated that he understood what the voters wanted as the laws of the land and that he knew that those ideas and concepts were far beyond the limitations of governmental boundaries.  He also knew that the beliefs of these voters, especially the younger ones, that it would only be a matter of time until someone else came along that would grant these voters their wishes.  This statement by President Clinton proves that the ideas and concepts of the popular issues of today were already present and not the subject of a change.  When asked, President Clinton knew of these boundaries yet for the most part did not cross them for it was not time, so with every suggestion of crossing these boundaries they were met with an immediate backing down for a later public date.

In 2007, the concept that God is really not in control of this land was at a point where no one really took things seriously on this level.  We had experienced a nasty attack in 2001 and had now rebuilt our fortunes bigger and stronger than before, our way. We demonstrated our might to the world as our response, our way.  We paid our token respects to God for a while after the attack, our way.  Then came 2008 and another crash of our financial system and once again we were bailed out by our government, a true stepping stone against God’s ways because similarly to 2001 we did it our way and left God out of the picture.

The 2012 election cycle rapidly approached and further directives were on the verge of being manifested to the public.  The incumbent administration was basically in the command seat for the entire political process and had no slowing down provisions in their sights.  One huge projection of this acceleration actually came at the Democratic National Convention in a special voting session that was fully televised.  Some of the procedural articles had been taken care of and were not really mentioned too much, but one item on the agenda was a huge deal.

It had been decided by some of the delegates to remove all mention of God and Israel from the Democratic platform and since it was a formidable idea and had a large support base it was decided to have a delegation vote.  I did not watch too much of either national political conventions but I did watch this portion of the DNC and found it very intriguing.  The podium speaker read the amendment to remove God from the Democratic platform and then announced for a general vote by simple majority ruling.  As soon as the words were out of this gentleman’s mouth a huge noise of a congruent “no” echoed from every corner of the building.  The man was stunned that this was actually occurring.

It was very clear that the majority of the delegates had actually said “no” and that they wished for the name of God to be stricken from the Democratic platform.  The man was so shocked that he immediately called for a second vote on the amendment, feeling confident that the “no” voters, since being nationally identified, would change their minds.  The second vote occurred with a louder “no” echoing throughout the building.  The delegates had responded in the same order and it was clear that the Democrats had spoken their positions.  After a few minutes and a meeting on the stage, the speaker announced that President Obama had overridden the delegates’ voices and declared that God and Israel was to stay within the overall Democratic platform.  Even with this announcement, anyone watching understood what was eventually going to come from the public voices.

One of the major issues that we are facing today is that of gay marriage.  We all know that it was a huge subject this summer with the anticipation of the Supreme Court ruling.  This issue has also exposed a huge rift that continues to grow each day, not only here in this country but all over the world as well.  This issue is one of the ideas that has been festering in our minds and hearts for quite some time and when the word “sex” is brought up many cannot help but to include all realms of sex into this general category.  We all know that sex has been around since the dawn of the creation of mankind and since it is mentioned in the Bible, gay lifestyles have been around almost as long.  Once again it must be mentioned that this topic has not been isolated in this country because for as long as I can remember it has been conversed about through many channels.

This is not the only issue that stands out within our society that differs from God’s way of Creation, and it is the combination with these others that places us into the direct line of fire for destruction.  We received our first major warning on September 11, 2001 and then received our second warning in September 2008.  Both of these warnings came in the form that included mankind, land and finances.  A common denominator with these two events is a name called Schmitah which is a Jewish word that describes a specific time; both 2001 and 2008 were Schmitah years and both events marked to the day the end of a Schmitah year.  It is also feasible to understand that the 2001 attack was on a specific location whereas the 2008 event was circulated throughout the country, only in different means.  But it was a progression that is still felt today by many people.

This single aspect of our culture has placed us over a line that God had established many millennia ago, and we boldly stepped over it as we snidely smiled at God while finishing this crossing.  Combined with all of the other lifestyle issues that this country has deemed necessary and at the same time making these laws a catch phrase terminal society, I cannot foresee God allowing our present existence going on too much longer.  It does not matter what a human believes when it comes to the origins and definition of God’s laws, it is the fact that His laws are in place that sets the course and definition.

We set into motion and have “read the press” concerning our physical status on the earth and now demand that the world look at us for guidance, leadership and truth.  This belief is so wrong on countless levels and it is a testament to our pride and arrogance against God.  We have ignored two gigantic warnings from God and once again I state that we will not help but gaze onto our own destruction after this Shemitah year has come to an end.  In all of my studies of the Bible, I have never read where God has had to apologize for allowing things to occur and I absolutely know that He will not have to apologize for what He is about to allow upon the United States.

It is amazing to me that God does not wipe out the people of the land, for He has ample reason to do this, but it is His love that endures for us that reminds Him that we are in need of a Savior.  Our belief in mankind has allowed us to fall over ourselves numerous times throughout history and yet we continue to miss our true purpose in life.  Belief in a human, catch phrase slogan is another example of this ignorance of the truth and it has proven once again to show itself to all who listens and are willing to see.  One cannot deny that the slogan worked perfectly but many miss the point that it was a lie.

With all of the evidence around us, it is easy to see that the slogan sped up our sinful ways instead of changing them.  In fact, we have further covered our eyes to this sin and no longer wish to address it as sin, only acceptance and equality.  We have become comfortable enough with our selfish and worldly wants that we no longer consider God to be a relevant factor, thus creating our own independence from Him at the same time while we pave our own course.  Our enemy loves this portion of his job, because he does not have to do much work we are doing it for him. 

The “third time is a charm” concept should come into play here shortly, but I have no direct timetable or specificities of what shall occur.  However, I do know that God sees our arrogance and pride and He alone fully understands just how high and thick those walls are.  It is also clear that we have no intentions to tear down these barriers and are only looking to enhance them on every level possible.  We need to remember that God shall allow us to continue to perform this feat, but we also need to be aware that at some point god shall say “enough” and shall have to remind us that He alone is in control, not humanity.

It is my utmost desire that in the next few days we realize this fact and turn from our wicked ways, but I do not see this attitude forthcoming.  What I see is that we shall be destroyed as a nation and brought down to our knees well enough that we must rebuild from our foundations up again.  Here lies another problem, our arrogance and pride have created numerous problems and physical enemies around the world and once they realize that our condition can no longer withstand and support the weight of the allies in our world, further destruction worldwide shall occur, which annihilates our capacity as the remaining superpower in the world and further consolidates our presence among the smaller yet populous nations of the world.

Once also cannot argue that the slogan used and is continually being presented to us on a daily basis is one that has merit and could be honored as a wonderful opportunity for not only this country but for the world entirely.  But as history has demonstrated over and over if anything humanity does is not centered around God first, every idea falls apart yet at the same time not recognized by those who have implemented said ideas.  Such is true with this slogan and it has proven once again to enhance our own selfish desires instead of understanding our need to real and true change.  A more appropriate choice of campaign slogans would have been to place real meaning behind “In God We Trust” and to pursue this slogan instead of a fact less and lying slogan.  How important are our words?  By applying this phrase to our country it has proven to be life threatening and damning.

The question now must be asked to what extent must God act upon in order for us to get back to our basic mission in life?  I truly believe that this action must be one that brings us down far enough that we can no longer recognize ourselves as being a united people.  It looks like we need a dose of true reality in the existence game of life.  This is a painful and agonizing thought but if God has no apologized for any other action He has taken throughout history, then why should He not act according to the past acts He has stated in the Bible once again?  As I wrote a couple of years ago, there will be a shaking that occurs that has never been witnessed before.  I do not know exactly what this shaking will entail, but I do know it shall be big enough to reach our foundations and force us to again build from the bottom upwards, and I pray that we finally understand what is actually meant by the slogan “In God We Trust”.

True changes are coming and trough these changes I trust that we find the true and pure Hope that this country needs.  The time of arrogance and pride for this nation is over and God shall see to it that we fully comprehend and know the difference between His Ways and our ways.  We want to be known as “big and popular” throughout the world?  Then god has an answer for us. Church, you are in this boat as well for it is through your actions that this country is in the shape and position that it is in.  IF you had been worthy of accepting the truth about separation from the world, none of this would be in any question today.  Yet, you have chosen to align yourself with the world and place fuel on the fires of acceleration instead of godly change; that is why you shall be a part of this judgment as well.


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