Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The True State of America

The True State of America


Over the past few decades, the debate of what this country stands for has grown rapidly and violently.  The lines have been firmly drawn and it has become clear that sides matter and if you do not support a certain side one can be labeled.  This is in no way in the manner to which our Founding Father intended for this country to operate, nor was it in the interests of our founding fathers either.  The true state of this country is not measured by humanly means but by the covenant standards that it was founded upon long before you and I were around and it is through this standard alone that we will be judged.  It is evident that the prize within our eyes has drastically changed and it is time that our Creator has to keep His Word.

I am taken back to the biblical times of Joseph and what his legacy did for the nation of Egypt.  It was a great time in Egyptian history with the divine salvation of that country due to the trials of one certain innocent person.  It was through the lies and torments from his most trusted family members that this eternal event was secured.  The Bible has so many parallels with life today and while they are easily obtainable they are just as easily ignored and recognized.  Yet, through the actions and wisdom of God through Joseph both Egypt and Israel were saved through one of the dire times in Egyptian history.

It is a fact that Egypt was the superpower at the time of Moses and that country had complete control over all lands and peoples.  It is also a fact that the true nation of Israel had not been formally established through this gratuitous fact of God but only referred to as “My people”.  And so the events occurred and the Egyptian Pharaoh allowed the people of Israel to leave the country after a series of devastating non-compliant conditions were given to the land and people.  If one wishes to be honest one must consider the actions of Pharaoh and link him to our world today, in such a way that even though he allowed the children of Israel to leave the country he had a change of heart about the situation which cost him his men and his life on earth, and actually defines how this country shall respond after the devastation that God shall allow on our own country.

For many of those who have studied the Bible, it is common knowledge that this story rings loud in the history of both Egypt and Israel.  It is an important story to both countries and it applies so much truth to our nation’s history as well, but it has become evident that we are ignoring the truth and history and projecting our own path once again through our own choices.  This country originated through a powerful act of humanity, but it was not a wonderful act of humanity.  The origins of this country began with the events across the Atlantic Ocean and the voyage of Columbus finding a refuge for those that wanted to be free from the governments of the physical world; at that time it was created for the Jews and Christians thus initiating the hate for this man today.

It continued with the seekers of God in the form of Captain John Smith and the people of Jamestown in which they too came seeking freedom from the physical governments of this world so that they could freely worship God.  While their interactions with each other and the ones already living here were not always sound, their dedication of this land to God, as their first step, was and still is the key that God remembers today.  It is through this key that God has set His time clock by and will continue to follow this clock throughout His concepts of time; God cannot change no matter what mankind tries to say against this covenant fact.

It is a combination of God’s planting the desire for refuge and the actual dedication that His will for this country can be called His and no one else’s.  It is through this covenant form that from day one God has blessed this nation and everything that it has had her hand in.  As stated above, not everything that we have procured in our existence has been perfect for we must remember that we are humans and we make mistakes but through these mistakes we have failed to recognize them and to correct them through godly means, which has led us to our current standings of today.  It is also through this portal that humanity has made the choices that it has and with our nation being recognized as the leader of the world, given by God of course, we are the ones who all worldly nations have been modeled.

Up until a few decades ago, our nation had no intentions of doing things on our own.  It was maintained that God was the center of our universe and that our actions were guided by His authority.  While not everyone living within these borders believed in God, they did have respect for those people who did and through this choice God honored this country accordingly.  That mutual respect is no longer present within our country and it is easy to ascertain why this has occurred.  It is through our choice of snubbing God and His ways that this separation has occurred and it has been born, developed and now accepted as such and has no plan to turn back.  Our leaders and our country is making it perfectly clear to God and to the world about how we feel about our freedoms and “our rights”; however, we need to remember something again and that is whatever Go establishes it is done so according to His Covenant standards and He cannot waiver or vary at all from this standard.

I refer back to the actions of Pharaoh and what occurred in his life.  It is well known that it would take a miracle for Pharaoh to give up the one source of finance that built his own kingdom.  Yet, God saw it necessary to change this man’s perception of things by allowing nasty events to occur throughout his world.  The order of Egyptian sources was fully intact and could not be altered by any will other than Pharaoh, but Pharaoh did not count on God’s authority over His children.  When challenged, pharaoh’s earthly and worldly magicians could not compete with God, nor could the environmental changes that came to the area be dealt with by those sources.  God kept intact His promise to the nation of Israel and its origins through the same plans that were established through His Covenant with Abraham.

God allowed the Israelites to be born, to grow and for many to die in a foreign land all in the name of His perfect plan of salvation and through His Covenant standards.  As in accordance with human progression and time it is easy to see how Pharaoh came to ignore God and who he had within his custody, especially since given the time frame, he had truly forgotten the fact of Joseph’s deeds and thus God’s, it all makes perfect sense especially when you line it up with the attitudes of today’s people.

I particularly find it intimidating that God follows a certain timeframe, and within this timeframe He is mindboggling accurate.  We have been so caught up in our own affairs that we have purposefully blinded ourselves into seeing what we have done to our existence and to what is about to occur through our own actions and choices.  I cannot say that everyone has not noticed this truth but overall we have ignored this truth and future of this truth as well because some have been spending time preparing their own houses in preparation for God’s timeline to unfold; however, that is all that they have been doing and not getting others prepared, just their own.  Getting prepared is the thing that God wants us to act upon, but we cannot afford to stop there, we must prepare the dying for God in total, not on partiality and on selfish terms.

It is evident that even the Church is hiding behind our pride and arrogance and refuse to understand the entirety of what God requires of our lives.  We have become reliant on intelligence instead of wisdom and it is through this logic that we castrated ourselves both physically and spiritually all in the name of choices.  When God is not first in line of our lives this mechanism of lifestyle is a given and should not surprise anyone when things occur.  It is this state that we need to understand and then remember that God’s ways differ from ours and if we do not follow His ways then we are subject to different realities than what humanity projects.

It is through this worldly progression that we have voluntarily chosen to step into the violation status of the eternal covenant that God has for this land.  This Covenant is a holy one that was established through our Founding Father and then re-iterated by the actions of our founding fathers centuries ago.  Through this type of progression it has squarely been stated that we have no reason for God and therefore have no wanting to return to His ways and covenant.  Therefore, though our choices and words, we have complied with the ways of our king and have placed us into insubordination to the King’s Covenant established so long ago, which means that we are now subject to the consequences of our direct violation of this holy and eternal Covenant.

God has been very specific in what the consequences would be if humanity violated this covenant.  His Covenant was established in the book of Genesis and gives specific details of how it is established what it means to live within His Covenant and what will occur when it is violated.  We as a nation are totally in compliance with consequences of our violation of God’s Covenant with this land.  Our country has been at war with ourselves for quite some time now and we have divided ourselves so deeply that our enemy has seen fit to expand his boundaries in further contentions.  God’s Covenant is a holy one and serves a higher plane that we have forgotten and with death and total destruction of our country in play we must understand from where and why our consequences are forthcoming.

We had our chances to change the world for God’s Kingdom and we have purposefully and selfishly blown it.  Our land and every blessing that has come with it was dedicated to God many centuries afore our time.  Ironically, we have changed the world strictly through our own lusts and these lusts have filtered throughout the world according to human standards and not the one that was designed for our existence.  We have progressed in human terms enough to ensure that, by golly, we are about to truly change the world, permanently!!

This is the true state of America and where we sit today.  It has nothing to do with being a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or any other human created political party; it has to do with the overall accumulated condition of our national heart, directly subordinated to the spiritual condition of the same heart.  There are two fires that represent God, one is where His presence is witnessed which does not destroy any living being or creation and the other type of fire that is a holy consumption of everything that mankind deems more important that God.  We are not going to see the first type of fire but the holy cleansing fire that needs to come because of our voluntary actions that have placed us into a violation class of existence. 

It is not through the actions of our own personal feelings and wants that make this country’s origins.  It has been clearly understood and demonstrated through our history that this land was first dedicated to God’s purpose, not humanity’s.  Our nation’s actions towards God and His eternal people have dictated His response to our choices.  We continue to fail at this mission of ours and through this action it can only reflect our own demise as time unfolds. 

It is through God’s hands that we shall see the difference between mankind’s division and His division.  His Word clearly states that we need to be totally separated from the world and there is a reason for this truth.  We should not have anything to do with the standards of the world for it shall surly bring total destruction as we know it, but when God moves His hand against an individual, a group, nation or society there is clearly a difference.  It is in no way God’s desire to inflict His hand against anyone but through the total concept of choice, He has sometimes no choice or other option but to invoke His Covenant standards.  God loves us and will bless His children accordingly unless they fall into the world’s traps.  Just as the children of Israel did after their release from captivity, so have we.  This, my fellow people is the true state of America.


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