Monday, January 2, 2017

Being Complete

Being Complete


Is this topic a reality or is it a dream that only one wishes to achieve?  While our bodies can never physically achieve this perfection again, it is possible to do our best to try and obtain this state.  Mankind has tried to perfect this cause and from all of the options that are present, it would seem like we are no closer to arriving at this goal.  There is only One source that we can turn to in order to be restored enough to be complete and that one source is God.  It was never God’s intentions that we live in brokenness but it is His intentions that we return to the perfect state in His eyes through the blood of His Son.  This means that there is another aspect of our lives (reality) that is complete which means that it is immortal as well and it is this aspect that we need to focus on and not the one which is already received its projections.

The definition of complete is defined as the following: “having all the necessary or appropriate parts” “(often used for emphasis) to the greatest extent or degree; total”.  As my years of studying the human body, and reading many book chapters and journal articles about the makeup of the human body I tend to agree with the more intellectuals who scratch their head in amazement of why this perfect machine breaks down at some point in our existence.  When one looks at all of the cycles, systems, organs, cells, etc. of the body and watch them coordinate with each other on an immediate timeframe, one can only wonder why this well-organized creation stops or breaks down for there is no real scientific explanation as to why this stoppage occurs.  But as we all know, that stoppage point comes to our lives at some time and there is nothing that we can do to avoid this point.

What if all of the people in the medical profession decided to quit and give up on finding cures for every disease and condition that ails us?  What would the state of the world be in if something like that occurred?  Many people do not realize that ¼ of the national product of this nation revolves around, either directly or indirectly – in the medical field.  It is this type of balance that is needed in order to fulfill every order and need to provide new treatment and further development of medicines and concepts for the patient who is truly ill.  Even if one area of this gigantic industry quits the entire system shall fail on a disastrous scale and plunge world health issues into a real crisis state.  In other words, we cannot afford for the medical field to die off but we also need responsible parties to ensure all practices are maintained in an orderly fashion as well.

I remember when I was in junior high and high school my appearance I public was of great concern to me.  The majority of my younger years were spent in the south and anyone who has lived there knows that the summers can be brutally hot and with a humidity that one can literally see rising up back into the atmosphere.  As I think back to this time period, I have to admit that this appearance “thingy” I had with myself was pretty absurd.  I know that every teenager has these types of infatuations with their looks but when I had to take a shower and have my hair in a particular way before I mowed the yard, one can say that I had reached a bit too far.  It is this type of behavior that this society believes that makes them complete and we are now witnessing the results of this self-indulgent lie.  Which leads us to the concluding question: Where is the hope?  We must understand that while it is important to keep up the physical we must not lose the truth concerning our existence for it is our spirit that is eternal, not our physical. 

We have become so consumed with our own personal feelings that we now cannot recognize anything else but what agrees with our own existence.  This is evident when protestors show up at an opponent’s rally and protest the people who are going to vote different than they.  It does not matter if this example is a political rally or shopping at a department store, the self-completeness that we believe we have is sickening and it can only result in one thing, our death.  But what can one expect from a society that operates with worldly goals and operations?  We cannot deny that the world offers many opportunities of this sort and when the eyes engage these opportunities they at first seem like a good gift but in the end, they dry our spirits up like the desert sun.  This type of lifestyle only confuses people who buy into it because instead of completeness, chaos ensues.  We received a good glimpse of this in the message that God shared with us concerning cemeteries in a churchyard a bit ago.

The beginning chapters of the book of Genesis provide us with the prime example of why we are in the predicament we are in today.  It also gives us detailed information how to correct the issues that face us each day yet we throw this information to the wind and continue trying to live our lives according to Adam and Eve.  God provided us a perfect setting in which to live and having perfect bodies at that time, we chose to listen to our own wishes and choose differently than obeying God and His 1 law.  We deemed our choices of life more valuable than God’s 1 law.  Why do we continue to misrepresent God and His laws, simply because our desire to live in the flesh rules?  The answer to this question is quite obvious as well we are following after the same serpent that Adam and Eve succumbed to in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis shows us many concepts and truths about God and some of these truths are a bit difficult to understand if we do not first admit that God Himself is a complete God and then leave Him alone in His position and try not bring Him down to our level for recognition.  God gives us a beautiful explanation of how important it is to know that we need to be complete as possible in order to be protected by Him for if we do not there is no way possible that we can defend ourselves from the enemy.  This process stems from an ancient custom that was practiced that involved parties that made a covenant with each other in order to identify themselves as forever friends, protectors and defenders on all levels of life.  God has mentioned parts of this process in many of the messages that He has shared with us before, but He is now giving details about this eternal and holy process to us so that we may understand just how important it is that we live in completeness.

According to God’s Word we were created in His image which meant that when He formed us He did it in a complete form and fashion.  From the moment we chose to differentiate our lives from our established formation we have continuously struggled to return to that perfect state.  While we spend countless amounts of time and money on trying to keep our physical beauty we spend just the same amount of time and effort to ignore our spiritual beauty according to the one who created us in the first place.  There is no way possible that our physical lives can return to that state and yet the one aspect of our lives that we can strive to perfect we love to ignore.  This continuous cycle of physical adaptations to societal changes is like a hamster running around on a spinning wheel for this physical life is already fixed and while God agrees that the physical aspect of our lives are important He deems the eternal life more important.  From the first word of Genesis until the last word in Revelation God has done His best to make it known that it is through our eternal state that He is most interested, for every step of the physical represents nothing but death.

The only way that God can truly use our physical bodies is if we first give Him control of our spiritual aspects of our existence.  God shall never force us to complete this task, nor shall He force us to completely turn our lives over to Him.  It is strictly our choice to do this act of love and denial of our self-intuitions.  Adam and Eve demonstrated to us what occurs when we trust in God and then at some point lose that edge with Him and go on doing things our way.  Self follows nothing but the world for that is what the ruler of the world thrives on and operates through.  Our lives cannot be supplanted in the world and expect God to cover us with His eternal covering for God cannot have any chosen manners with the world.  That is why God asks us to grant Him total access to our lives through our voluntary choices.  There are not many things that I can state that are 100% guarantee but with this percentage in tow, one can know that if we give God access He will clean out every part of the world that we have chosen to be apart.  But through this willingness of us to loosen the world on our lives, it places us into a complete category in God’s eyes.

When we look at the current situation of the world we cannot help but first recognize the brutal conditions that people have allowed themselves to exist in.  Many times it is due to the leaders of those nations and other times it is due to the decisions that other humans have made for those conditions to arise and flourish.  Whatever the case may be, all of our problems are human originated and cannot be solved through human means.  One cannot be considered complete if all that is present is animosity and division, it is impossible to believe this unless lies are what you have as your foundation and source of life.  Then, in truth, you are not complete anyway.  The world has not been at peace since God’s prized creations chose to do their own way and permanently divide our lives from God.

Did God create us in a manner of incompleteness or with a state of impurity?  Why would an eternal and perfect being who has never been defeated or even have a rival create such a flawed personality?  It makes no sense at all to have this origin or beginning, so why would we believe any other source that tells us our origins are flawed from the beginning or that we were formed from goo in a swamp someplace countless ages ago?  That is because our enemy hates us so much and that he has control over the physical enough to infiltrate these lies of flawed statehood without being impeded one bit.  Of course, it is easy for our physical to believe what we see over what we must trust through faith, but isn’t trust through faith exactly what true relationships are all about?  And who do you think authored the first trust relationship?  It surely was not the father of lies.

God has provided us with a perfect plan to restore our completeness in Him and that is through the covering that He provides in His Word.  God’s Word will divide, it shall divide us from the world and unite us in Him if only we will listen and obey Him.  How complete is God and how complete are His Words for us?  Even the articles of Communion are a complete measure of definition and if they are subject to this condition, so are we.  Where does this completeness begin?  It begins with the measure of which we were created and how we were created and it is through this process that defines just how complete God is and just how much He loves us and whose fault it is for the predicaments that we are in today.  God wants us restored, completely.  He wants us to understand real life, the one that we were originally created in and He especially wishes for us to be with Him for eternity and unless we repent and turn our hearts cake to Him, we shall only realize the truth about the lies that we have fallen for.


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