Saturday, January 14, 2017

State of Heart

State of Heart


All of us have a certain state of heart that we live under and it is a gift from God that allows us to have the freedom to use what we understand as a baseline for our lives.  If we do not become completely blind to this specific state we can adequately make corrections and adjustments to our ways in order to reestablish our true connections.  However, if we fail to recognize the true origins of our existence and thus focus our hearts on the finite objects around us, we will eventually become so disorganized that only chaos can ensue as a result.  God is the only true source of our existence and until we return our hearts to Him, our lives shall only be focused on the selfish ideologies of this world and the only result that we can expect is total destruction and devastation.

No one can really say with complete honesty that they were expecting the results of the elections to end as they did.  Many will say that they hoped for these results and it is evident that just as many hoped for different results.  As we continually witness both opposition and acceptance of these results we can fully understand exactly what is in our hearts if we take a real and close look through unbiased eyes.  But the question still remains if we really desire to see what is in our hearts or have we become so prideful in our own existence that we really do not care about what we are allowing to come into our individual borders?  It is obvious that we do not care about having borders around our national lands so in truth it should be a “normal” response to not wish for personal ones as well.  It is this state that God has already shared with us about and how important it is for us to realize exactly what we are allowing into our existence, for these allowances will define our patterns and what our hearts shall employ to those around us.

The lack of knowledge concerning our lives is very troubling for if we do not have any conscious about what we allow to pass through our heart walls, then how can we really have any type of definition when it comes time to defend our state; both individual and national?  How can focusing our eyes and hearts on ourselves be profitable to anyone but our singular status, and what purpose can we fulfill if we consider this state as an honor in society?  This type of living example also demonstrates how our heart is focused and where it lies in our reality.  When we place our focus on the finite the only reality that we can recognize is the chaos around us and the problems that one faces on a second by second basis. 

All of us have those situations or people in our lives who do not like us for some reason, but more importantly and sadly we have taken these few circumstances and have voluntarily blown them up to believe that when a small instance occurs that everyone involved around the situation hates us or does not like us, thus inflaming a small and easily solved issue into a grave international incident that is inviting a world war to begin inside our hearts.  What kind of life is this?  It is one that resembles a person who has their heart’s eyes focused on the problems around them instead on the Creator who gave them life abundantly in the first place.  In other words, they have their eyes and heart focused on the state of the world.

When one’s eyes are focused in this manner, nothing can be resolved besides your current problem.  You cannot see what is around you for your eyes are looking only at the problem that you are carrying in your hand.  You cannot see the problem that is about to hit you because your eyes are focused on the one problem that you are holding, so when the new problem arrives you have no option but to say “ouch” when it hits you and then take it into your hands along with the other problem; congratulations, you now have two problems that you have to deal with.  But guess what!  You have not changed your focus and you are failing to see the next problem arriving and the next and then the next.  Soon, you have so many problems weighing your hands down that you need a wheelbarrow to carry them all.  The wheelbarrow is cumbersome and medium in size but the problems are fitting in it nicely.  However, now you do not want to tip over the wheelbarrow so your eyes are still focused on keeping the problems in well a balanced state and the pattern continues instead of understanding the simple solution.  It is now evident that one’s eyes cannot change because of the choice to keep our eyes on the problems and not the source of the answers, we no longer have any control over what comes our way.

Once again I turn to the election results and how many of the people are reacting to them.  I find it so sad that many people not only in this nation but around the world are reacting to these results in a nasty and violent manner with their actions and their words and if we do not stop and take a hard look around at what we are doing we will shortly begin a new pattern or inner and outer violence that has not been witnessed in a long time.  But what is more damning and more important is that we have voluntarily taken our eyes off the Creator of this nation and have placed our heart’s eyes on our problems and the world which when combined together cannot produce ANY life at all.  It is this step that we have taken that disturbs God greatly and one that God will have to eventually have to cease, for He cannot allow His children to blatantly destroy themselves through their own disobedience.  This reversal of evidence shall not change unless we change the focus of our hearts and return it back to God for it is He alone who can change our circumstances and place us back on the path of righteousness and NOT self-righteousness.

There is a single key about the condition of our nation and what governs our hearts and it is through this key that the majority of the people are missing.  This week, one of my great Christian friends reminded me of 1 Samuel 3 where Eli’s sons had chosen to leave the ways of God and to seek after their own lusts instead and how through this action it would eventually fulfill a deadly prophecy against their entire house.  This event of the priests of Israel led to the belief of the children of Israel to change their own beliefs and to accept the world as their ruler instead of God.  This pattern continued until the children of Israel desired to have nothing to do with God and wanted a worldly status instead of a separated and godly nation.  Look at this pattern!!  This is exactly what this nation has done and we are about to witness an event that will devastate us so great that we shall be stricken from the ranks as a leader of the world, just as Israel was a long time ago.

It is well known that back when the Bible was written they had no internet, no cell phones, or any instant messenger capability.  It took some time for information to be spread around the communities, but through the word of mouth communication and other acts of physical contacts the message of the world eventually reached the entire known world.  Opinions changed and feelings turned against God and it came to pass where the problems of the people became more important in their eyes than having them dodge their problems through the Word of God.  God mentions this fact when Samuel is pleading with God concerning the condition of Israel when God states that it is not with Samuel that the people have rejected, but Him who they have rejected.  Clearly, the children of Israel chose to focus their hearts on the wheelbarrow of issues instead of the One who could show them how to dodge each problem as it approached.  Through this acknowledgment from God, He fully understood what was going on and what had changed in the hearts of His people.  He also fully understands what has occurred in our lives as well today and He is prepared to allow such destructive policies advance if we do not return back to His ways and leave the wheelbarrow alone.  Why voluntarily choose a requiem over a song of jubilee?

This presidential election has exposed many aspects of our societies that are not of a wise caliber.  While the majority of the world focuses on the physical issues that dominate the news, media, social networks and other sinister devices, we are not even recognizing the real issue at hand which is the state of our heart and where it lies with God.  It does not take long for one’s eyes to catch a dig here or a dig there at the newly elected president of this country.  Then, a response for or against arrives shortly and then the battles of hurtful words begin between groups of people who have a common thread but know nothing about each other.  Ever since the election was over, I have witnessed so many evils against fellow countrymen than ever before.  We have arrived at the point where we can no longer have a difference of opinion from others and maintain a civil course of conduct.  What is sad is that why we are conducting this act of discourse, we are screaming at each other and then pointing the finger at those who differ from our beliefs.  What is hilariously sad is that when we point the finger at another, we have to take our hands off the wheelbarrow to perform such action and therefore spill our gathered problems onto the ground for everyone else to see or to run over as they pass.  We are failing to recognize that we have placed our focus on our own problems through this action of ours and it is pathetic on all levels of accord.

We also fail to recognize that when we complete this type of action that we are making a mess of society and further deepening the divisions that are present around us, not to mention making a filthy concourse to step into for those around us.  The ultimate insult to God and to His people is the ultimate failure to recognize that as we point our fingers at each other is that it is not one party or individual that is directly at fault, it is all of us who are at fault here.  All the rage now is to bash the newly elected president and everything that he does.  With the technological breakthroughs that are in place today, it is easy for one single video made or a single comment posted to be shared around the world in seconds.  Potentially, within minutes the entire world regions can have access to such destructive manners and have the necessary fuel in order to inflame another inciting setting that could ignite another cause for division.  It also does not take long for the “bandwagoners” to jump on board and to follow such incitement either, and when given the opportunity usually do.

It is easy for us to pass off that the people who are conducting this type of activity are sore losers or have no life but their own, and while this statement and assessment may be correct the single key of this issue is being missed.  What is even worse is that through these types of actions of we have not figured out that these patterns have existed ever since humans were created by God and we have not done anything to change our behavior, the results of our actions or adequately taught our children to act in any different manner.  The Bible was written about HUMANS; therefore, since we are HUMANS today we need to understand what our ancestors did wrong in order to NOT pick up the same wheelbarrow of problems today.  I can guarantee you that not all of the children of Israel wanted to have an earthly king but the issues and voices who did turned the overall heart of Israel against God and eventually won the day.  It does not stop here folks, look at all of the democracies in human history and one will see that this action came to pass in each and every one of them.  Look at all of the other societies in our past and what is occurring in today’s world and the problems are the exact same, nothing has changed on any level of the issue.  That is why it is so important for us to recognize that this issue did not start with this election, but it is a process that the world’s leader is using to divide us further so that he can manipulate a destructive process that results in our physical and eternal deaths.  It is this truth that I say that those who are inciting this type of activity today are no better than the ones who did it in years past.  And it shall only continue and deepen our lies that divide us, no matter how we try to calm the situation down with worldly ways.

In this election, it is easy to blame the “losers” for their words and to condemn them for things not getting completed.  But we must, we must remember that the other side of the political aisle was saying and doing the exact same thing years ago when their side was defeated.  WHAT??!!??  Oh yes, think about it people, who coined the popular phrase of today “he is not my president”?  It was this activity that set the tone for the cycles of elections in this nation which have led to nothing but anger and division not only on the political side but the personal side as well.  Look at the results of such unabated hate and discontent for fellow mankind and what it is now become and more importantly look at the road that we are on and what our results are going to be if we do not drop our wheelbarrow.  It is this type of ignorance that we now can proudly state that we can pick up more problems, set our wheelbarrows down to the ground – not to leave them but to grab more problems instead – without even having to take our eyes off the ones we are arguing with.  What an accomplishment we have, eh.

With this failure of recognition that all of us have created the only result we can accomplish and the only expectation we can see is chaos.  Until we first understand that we are all in this together, and change our ways completely the only course for this nation is devastation and when it comes the sad moment of truth shall be is this: we will still be holding our wheelbarrows and yelling blame at others for our downfall.  We shall continue to not recognize our overall failure and never understand why our nation shall become a third world nation in affairs, nor will be able to hear what God is saying to our situation because even though we will be on our knees, we will be blind enough not to see God standing right in front of us holding our His hand to pick us up, but allow the world to take the final swing that will place our heart on the ground that we chose over God.

The entire Bible, the written Word of God warns us of this type of life if we fail to recognize Him as Lord and Savior of the world.  In 1 Kings Chapter 6 where King Solomon was building the temple to God, God spoke to him and said the following: Concerning that house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spoke to David thy father: And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.”  It is this promise, command, prophecy, and truth that God continues His Word to us today and it is the message that He wants us to understand today’s issues and concerns.

God wants us to permanently drop the wheelbarrow of problems and to take our eyes off of the load that lies in it.  Our problems are not our focus and it is evident through the words of our mouths today that our hearts are 100% focused on the problems that we have accumulated by our own efforts to clean things up around us, instead of being able to dodge what is not ours and to walk in peace and stability.  The Church has taken up this wheelbarrow collecting status as well and thus lost her focus on God as the light of the world.  Instead, she throws problems that she has accumulated at others who do not agree with her worldly stance, which displays a content of the world and not the separation that she is required to have.  It must be known and spoken that the world shall never give up what it has been allowed to have so it is imperative that we separate ourselves from the world through the blood of Jesus and the redemption that God has provided.

The Bible is not relevant you say?  Study it and if you have a pure heart for truth it will not be hard to find that the attitudes of those situations and “stories” in the Bible are playing out exactly in today’s societies.  Until we understand that God created us we shall have no future but division and destruction.  Until we understand that our lives are totally dependent on His blessings of life itself, we have not future except death.  Until we realize that we are all responsible for the complications in our lives we shall continue to pick up more issues as we progress through life.  And above all else, until we understand that the only way to have complete peace and truth in our lives is to have God first in our hearts, our complications and problems shall only continue to increase and our demise is certainly just a short time away.  Let us take the time now to bow before God and ask Him to show us the sinful state of our hearts and to repent so that He can restore our hearts back to Him forever.


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