Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Known

The Known


We love to contend that humans do know so much more today than other civilizations did during ancient or even biblical times.  While a certain amount of knowledge can follow this belief not every area of the known can acquire this feat, which defines wisdom and how it is considered in the human thought process.  It is easy for one to convey this knowledge to others trying to explain the physical when the spiritual is so out of line that the division present cannot be observed by either party involved.  God is viewed in this manner as well which is a type of human characteristic of trying to bring Him down to our level to reconcile the division that is present between us and Him.  Until we realize that our lives can be utterly destroyed into undefined particles through His Word’s truths and that the only way we can sustain eternal life is to give up this world’s ways and turn to Him, we are doomed to dig this division further and have no hope of peace, love or eternal life.

It is every parent’s desire to have their children follow their examples of knowledge as much as possible so that they do not have to experience some of the bad things that life has to deal them.  As a parent, we know that while this is a wonderful thought of ours, it will inevitably be overridden since each person, children included, have the wonderful gift of choice and they will at some point in time exercise that gift to its fullest.  I have gone through many things in my life that I wished I had heeded the voices of my parents but at the time in question, my actions I completed were of my own choosing.  I believed that I knew better and what was right for me at that time.  While some of those decisions turned out correct, many did not because I lacked the true ears and eyes that my parents had concerning my surroundings.

One of the more common threads of conversation these days has to do with the issue of homosexuality and the acceptance it has in the world and Church today.  This is a known fact and one that if challenged becomes an instant target of many different organizations and individuals around those who believe differently.  Rightly so, because when one looks at this proposal through earthly, worldly, and selfish eyes it is easy to side with the ruler of this kingdom instead of seeing the truth through the eyes of the Kingdom.  Humans have a tendency to try their best to justify their actions through reasoning that is flat flawed and fail to recognize the truth behind their actions when questioned by a higher authority.  This type of setting does not have to originate from God but as all of us know it originates in our own heads when we are deliberately disobeying that specific rule, code of conduct, or law at the time of its breakage.  This is part of the known that humans defy in order to accomplish their own bit of stability for completing an act that is considered to be in question.

Genesis Chapters 18-20 deal with such an issue and this passage of Scripture deals specifically of how God handles this setting and once He has dealt with a situation it is this part of the known that humans categorize and try to justify His actions today in order to level the playing field on their terms and not God’s.  God’s Word is just that God’s Word and what God says and does cannot change for if He did that would mean that He would not be God and Satan would have a spiritual legal right to have his place back in heaven, along with the name God originally gave him.  What makes a person believe that they can override God’s ways of order in the first place?  The angels who were present in Abraham’s tent were following orders and were not trying to get out of completing their mission.  Abraham was the only one who questioned the act after he found out what God’s plan was going to be, once again demonstrating a human’s justification over an act of God due to human disobedience.  Don’t get me wrong, Abraham knew what God’s abilities were and that He had every authorization to carry out such measure, but Abraham also understood the gravity of the sin and what had to occur in order for God to follow His Word; the known.

Study any portion of the Old Testament and one shall see that the children of Israel had countless problems throughout their history.  When we take a closer look at their crises we can identify with many of them for they are vastly similar to the issues that we face today, this is a given since the biblical accounts deal with humans and we are humans as well which means that if we do not change some figuring things out settings those same conditions and results shall ring true once again.  We cannot honestly say that we understand Jesus’ ministry, His life and His purpose for coming if we do not first understand why humans try and justify their actions through their own means.  It all started with Adam and Eve and this human justification has evolved on its flawed principles ever since.  God knew that this was going to be the case and is why He has set up truths for our hearts to figure out before it is too late; the known.

As we studied earlier in Genesis, the world had become so corrupt that every thought of the human was considered to be evil, but from what is known about that time the humans understood that their ways were dangerous but they did not repent to God for their actions.  The Bible does not give any specific details of how bad the thoughts of mankind were but it must have been pretty gruesome because our actions caused God to repent for creating mankind, but even then He provided a way out and through this process another chance to begin again, which humanity found diverse ways to mess things up over and over.  Skipping over to other events in the Old Testament we see that the children of Israel failed to get what God was actually trying to get through to their spirits.  Time and time again, God set into motion the importance of what humans were doing against His Word by offering relationship tools that would cover their lives with the only way that we could possibly be redeemed and as many times as god tried we had a worldly answer for not obeying His Word; the known.

Which when we move into the New Testament and the entire life of Christ is revealed, it is this ultimate sacrificial process that many people do not understand today.  Jesus’ life on earth offered up the entire Old Testament covering process to everyone, a final step for all humanity to live under one sacrifice for whoever chose to live for Him.  We must contend that there are two standards in place in order for us to accept this blood covering which means we must acknowledge that God knows and has known exactly what He was doing in the first place, in other words, to accept the known.  It is difficult for us to accept the fact that there are those that have been around longer (parents) who have experienced what occurs when things go bad or wrong and from a parents perspective it is our duty to our children to do our best to keep them away from such dangers in their lives.  Why do you think that the New Testament epistles dealt with crises in the Church?  The human factors of believing that they understood physical motives instead of God’s true eternal message created these issues, just as they have today. They may understand some of the things God had to say but they are not putting them into spiritual and eternal practice at all but leaving them to the physical and superficial which can only provide division from God and not the world.  The prime example of the known being turned into the unknown.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHY GOD WROTE HIS WORD FOR US!!!  God saw what occurred in the life of Lucifer and the fall that cost him everything.  God also understands that this created being can NEVER go back to what he was before his rebellion and disobedience and it is this eternal separation that God has made a way for us to escape this eternal death.  God loves His children more than we can ever imagine with a finite mind and heart but if we grasp the truth of the spiritual and the eternal we will begin to understand exactly what is at play in our lives and hopefully figure out just how important it is for us to understand the loving terms of separation that God has placed in our paths.  God has not made these settings unavailable to us, nor has He kept anything from us but while He has never hidden anything from us He has never forced us to choose Him either.  We are not His slaves that He demands servitude from we are His children who He wants total and eternal fellowship with through His Kingdom calling of life.  Life itself defines God’s Kingdom for life is the definition of God and our existence; the known.

It pains God in unimaginable ways for Him to watch His children wander around aimlessly in the world due to their acceptance of the world as their guide.  But as God has shown us through His Word, He shall never force anyone to accept his ways, it is, and it has been and shall always be our choice to separate ourselves from the world and not from Him.  It also grieves God’s heart to watch His Church prostitute herself out to the worldly love around it instead of staying faithful to the One who established her presence from the beginning.  The Church should have figured it out right from the beginning why Jesus came to this earth and what His ministry was about.  We should have no doubt as to why this selfless act of sacrifice was completed for even the origins of Christ’s life began from a holy bloodline and not one of physical lineage.  Why do you think the world wants to find a physical heir to Jesus?  It is not going to occur because Jesus knew no woman in that manner for His purpose here on earth was focused on His Father and the work that He needed to do in order for Him to keep God’s Order intact.  We can no longer be ambiguous in the content through which we speak, portray or write, we must be specific about the Word of God and loving in our presentation at the same time; the known.

The question that remains for us is how much of God’s Word do you really know?  Not how much you have read or studied, but how much do you know?  There is a reason that God’s Word says for us to hide His Word in our hearts and while this passage can be exampled in many ways, if we first do not understand why God says something or not to do something, it cannot be hidden well enough to provide a guide for our lives in the present and in our futures.  God knows we have hard heads and have hardened our hearts towards him and His ways, but He is still calling out to us for us to repent and to turn away from the death throes of the world.  His provision of eternal life are still intact at this moment and His heart is willing to restore our nation, the Church and our individual lives in such a way that only His Word can describe.  It is through the known of His Word that drives our eternity and the also provides the ONLY way to achieve the eternal life that we were originally created for.  We have a choice to leave the world in its tracks and follow the One who created us or we can continue to fall in our own watery muck and slop, the choice is strictly ours to make.

As a testimony of my life, I have to say that God knows me more than anyone else that has ever lived.  As I question my own direction sometimes He is quick to remind me that His plan for my life is just now beginning and while I have no idea what the entire and overall plan for my life is or will become I must trust him through what I know from His Word in order for me to understand what the world needs to hear.  It is through God’s words that these articles, messages, topics or whatever else you wish to define them as are written.  Someone in your life needs to hear them, it may be you, a friend, a relative or group but they need to hear it and I am just a servant of God who fears Him with all my being but trusts Him with my life through the knowledge of His Word; the known.  Church, repent and allow God to once again shine through you according to His Word.  You know what His Word says for it is our true definition; the known.


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