Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Forced From Your Homeland

Forced From Your Homeland


Not many of us understand what the title of this article means, for this land has been stable for some time in which this call has not rung before.  However, there are those who not only have lost their homes but their lands as well and through this activity have contemplated the reasons why those events occurred.  A loss of this magnitude is horrific on all levels of humanity, but the examples of loss appear in the Bible as well and give service more dynamic than today.  Not only did the biblical examples lose their home but they lost their eternal status as well, but God is a merciful God and Creator that continued to provide an escape from this ending through the same mannerisms of choice that He provided in the beginning.  The gift of accepting of choice of God still lives today and God’s voice of repentance is louder than ever because He knows time is of the essence.

I have been reading a wonderful book that is called “American Tempest” that deals with the beginnings of the American Revolution.  The author has brilliantly written specific accounts of how the people of this nation acted and reacted to very tense times before the war and the shooting began.  This process did not take overnight but steadily grew over a period of events that lasted for a few years.  While some of these events are well known and recorded quite adequately, there are specific instances that have been ignored or brushed over in history class.  In order for us to completely understand and accept the American Revolution, we must accept that not everyone was so willing to part ways with the governing bodies of that era.

The people were basically divided into three categories and each of these categories had their leaders who directed the movements of each group.  Now, when one reads this historical time of our land not all of us will agree at the performances of each group and the lengths that were portrayed almost on a daily basis, but one can say that the hearts of each individual that demonstrated, protested, approved of, or argued against these methods had a sincere love for their country and were ready to die for the will to live in freedom.  This was not a light decision that these individuals made for they understood that the choices they made were representative of permanent markings that once convened could not be reversed in any manner.

One particular individual that had torn feelings was a man by the name of Peter Oliver who served as a British Government official in the colony of Massachusetts Bay.  Even though Mr. Oliver was a loyalist to the British, he was born in Boston which meant he was an American citizen by birth and had all of the benefits that one who was born in this land could obtain.  What a horrific predicament this man and his family must have witnessed as his boat out of Boston sailed from the harbor to safety.  This action and choice of his could not have been easy but the decision had been made and when the American Revolution was winding down the inevitable was unfolding and the results of such great action was experienced by all.

Mr. Oliver knew that things in his life and the beliefs that he had within in heart could not be changed and that the Americans had sealed their fate as a nation and were now on their own.  To witness such a revolution was bad in itself but to be cast from your home and land for your beliefs and actions must have been a torturous project to undertake.  However, as hard as it must have been for this man and his family they accepted the results of the revolution and carried on with their lives as best as they could. Their loyalties to the motherland were still intact but you know that they must have had countless talks and endless thoughts about what might have been if they had portrayed different opinions concerning the entire ordeal. 

Mr. Oliver hated the fact that both his personal home and birth home were literally in flames and that his life would never be the same, but never did he ever give up on the process of freedom of his country and the potential that it had.  In this order, he placed his country first and his personal feelings last which represents the proper way of living in any land.  The only problem with this order is that God was not directly involved in the new direction of the country – the winners or the losers – and to this day we still witness the fallout of this disastrous choice.  The voices of reason and unity once again could protrude from the mouths of the inhabitants even though their justifications were not won; a similar act was provided to us after the surrender of the Civil War Confederacy; still, the act of true forgiveness and divine placement eludes us today.

How many times do you think that Adam and Eve had those issues come up in their talks and thoughts with each other?  Adam and Eve had no idea of what was to become of their lives since the choices that they both made were now coming into play. Being thrown out of their home was bad enough, but before that occurred they came to understand that their protector had shielded them from so many obstacles that were now going to have to be dealt with personally.  Then, to have their homeland sealed off with an angel and his flaming sword that rotated in every direction finalized their exit and the mystery of this land began then and also continues to this day.  How come is it so hard for humans to place God first in their lives and then KEEP Him there!  Well, to be honest, I have to include myself in this statement because there have been numerous times in my life that I have placed my wishes over God’s and have reaped those “benefits” greatly, so I can ask myself this question as well and do on a regular basis.

Any type of division in living status has its disadvantages and issues with many that are expected and then those that unexpectedly arise.  It is no secret that when these instances arrive at our doorsteps we must take them as humans and act towards them accordingly; but, how many times do we really accomplish this tremendous feat?  No separation is easy and when one leaves their place of inhabitance there is always a part of the heart that remains behind.  It does not matter on what level one wishes to discuss this type of loss the pain is still present but we must do our best to pick up those pieces and carry on with our heads held high.  Solace in God helps tremendously for those of us who know His Ways understand that all of His children will face troubled times and if we know that He is with us at all times His presence serves as a comfort rather than a worldly abandonment.  It is easy to say that we know that God is present when things are going good in our lives but how quick are we to blame God when things go south?  This is the important question that we need to come to grips with for if we do not turn back to His Ways there is a really good chance – 100% chance – that He will have to intervene according to His authority in order for us to wake up to who really is in control again.

During this unusual timeframe in our country, we are faced with such a decision and choice making opportunity that could have high-end consequences if we do not handle things in the correct manner.  It does not matter how one voted in this previous election but it is the future of this country that is on the board of concerns.  Whether one likes it or not there are those who boarded the ships to be escorted out for their safety and then there are those who rejoiced at the outcome with a spattering of people who were indifferent in the results of such actions.  Whatever line a person, family, group or state drew the line is formed and we must carry on towards a better future for every individual and for the nation in general.  However, this forward progression shall never come to fruition unless we place God back in control of our lives and live under His Ways, but first, we must be willing to give up control so that He may work His wondrous ways in our lives and in our nation.  If we really want to be leaders, the true leaders that we were created to be, we will accomplish this truth in our lives and be the first nation to do so both on the individual and national scales.

If our selfish ways succeed and we end up following the same results as our past we shall not witness any further unity because when we choose the world and its laws the only result that one can expect is division.  It is of dire importance that we grasp this concept now because many of us do not recognize what we have unleashed in our societies due to the choices that we have made in recent times.  In this case, we are going to be tested as the leaders that we are and the representatives that we were created to be.  Whether we realize this truth or not this nation was established for a godly purpose for the advancement of God’s Kingdom not the world’s lies.  It is through this foundation and origin that our enemy has the legal groundwork to annihilate our existence because of the lack of understanding concerning the truth of our establishment.  First off, we have failed to recognize exactly what we have allowed to be born within our lives, secondly, then grow to what it has become today.  Many of us even fail to recognize that anything is wrong due to what they consider is right in their own eyes.  The basic foundation of being separate from others has been thrown out and replaced by a destructive mark that cares nothing but for our selfish gain and popularity.  It is evident that everyone shall not agree on every matter, but do we have to follow a divisive course of action that will further our guilt?  Is our directive to get our point across or to keep the union together so that we can be a light to the world?

The answer to the question immediately above is an obvious one, on either side of the motion because it all boils down to if we have God first in our lives or not.  It is sad to state this but the Church does not even have God first for her actions speak what is in her heart every day that she spits out worldly motives.  Adam and Eve were placed in a separate living facility and were created as separate entities to inhabit a perfect world, they chose differently.  Israel was created as a separate nation from those around it for a reason, they chose differently.  The Church was established by God’s only Son to be a light of separation from the world, she chose differently.  God established this nation to be separate from others but once again we find that it has chosen differently.  One thing that all of these examples have in common is that they placed their own wants, beliefs, and wishes in front of God. 

The evidence provided proves without a shadow of a doubt that if humans do not place God first in their lives their world shall come crashing down around them at some point in time.  It does not matter who you are or what you have done God shall forgive you of your wrongdoings and place you blameless if you completely turn your heart to Him and obey His Ways.  It almost seems like humans want to see their lives destroyed because we continually ignore the truth about our existence and who is ultimately in control.  The only way that we will ever see stability in our lives is if we have God #1 in our hearts.  That is all God wants from us is to give Him control of our lives and then He guarantees that you shall know and experience true and eternal freedom from this evil place that our enemy rules.  It is written in stone that if we do not allow God to get rid of the spirit of Jezebel that we have officially elected in our hearts, we are in for a heap of trouble very soon, a trouble that this nation and the world has never known before.

The witnesses of our recent past will be nothing in comparison to what we will experience if we do not change our methods of unification.  What is spectacular about such efforts by us is that as we scream and cry to be heard about our opinions against those who we do not agree with, we are making a covenant with the spirit that lives within our hearts.  No one can serve two masters and if God has offered the world an eternal covenant of redemption then that means whoever does not live under this covenant, must serve the other “covenant”.  We sing that God is glorious in all things, well we must remember those words when God has no other option to bring this country to its knees because we have failed to obey His Word as well.

God’s Covenant is strictly based on being separate from the world, while the world’s covenant is strictly based on being separated from God, plain and simple.  Church, God is calling for us to repent and to allow Him to fill our hearts with His Word which is eternal life.  This process is so easy, all we have to do is to turn and repent of our sins and acknowledge that God and His Son Jesus are #1 in your life and that you pledge the rest of your days to serve and to follow His Word.  When this is accomplished you will realize that this world is not your home and that your home has already been prepared for you according to your perfect state of existence through the blood of Jesus.


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