Monday, January 23, 2017

Definition of We

Definition of We


The word “we” is one of the most popularly used words in any vocabulary for it defines a family, group or even a nation.  “We” is an inclusive word that when used is a safety net that will include everyone that the speaker wishes, it can also be used as a divisive word that excludes many as well.  The Bible speaks about this word many times but in a manner to which we might overlook or not think about.  God is the author of the word “we” and He includes Himself in this definition and if we do not accept Him as a party of this word, “we” is automatically overcome by “me” and therefore are doomed to fail in all aspects of our existence.

We have always heard that to become a team everyone needs to be on the same page so that the goal that is desired can be achieved.  We have also heard the second part of this concept that there is no “I” in team because everyone works together in order to reach the desired goal.  No one sets out a mission to lose and while it becomes obvious to some that some teams do not have the best material for a dynamite team the potential is always there for a cohesive unit to be formed.  It is easy to understand what the concept of a team is when things are going well and the results of the team are favorable, but we must acknowledge that when things go wrong we begin to question the team and its positions going towards that goal.  It does not matter what kind of team one “plays” on this concept is true on every level including the big game, the game of life.

Most people who have read the articles that God has provided us will remember that when I was young a good portion of my life was spent growing up in the South, more specifically in Texas.  This meant that I was expected to play as many sports as possible, including the big one football.  My upper two years in high school were spent in a large 5A school in SE Texas.  Every year our football team would complete the season with a mediocre season and would not even be in the running for a playoff spot, a situation very frustrating for many of the people in the area.  Of course, there were moments when the players would squabble back and forth and everyone knew that this frustration level had to weigh heavy on everyone involved.  The cohesiveness was there but holes remained and as soon as the regular season ended we would all gather and watch other teams strive for the ultimate championship prize.  It was tough being “we” during those years, we as a school and community learned a lot but it seemed like whatever was tried overcoming this block could not be accomplished.

The common definition of the word “we” is as follows: the term used by a speaker to refer to herself / himself and one or more other people considered together.  It would seem that the word “we” would be pretty simple in recognizing and who is included when this word is used.  Have you ever asked yourself when the word “we” became an important word in our lives?  I must admit that I had never really thought about it before and in truth never had any reason to consider its origin in the first place.  Recently, I asked one of my coworkers where he believed that the word “we” originated and he immediately gave me a very logical and established answer.  His answer provided the correct definition according to our language presentations, and his answer was dead on when it came to how we used such a word in everyday communication.  But I shocked him when I said that the word “we” originated from God and was used way before English was developed or any other language known to mankind.  How many of you have really understood this truth? 

Have you ever considered the word “we” to be of a pure nature?  I can figure that most of us have indirectly considered this type of connotation, but how serious are we about it and what it means to our lives?  The purity of “we” can be readily demonstrated when one marries or commits themselves to a permanent relationship on any level.  How pure are we talking about?  Well, in all fairness and truth we must understand that the word “we” was really described when God’s Word mentions the time Lucifer spent in heaven and held his position with God.  The purest form of “we” was demonstrated here and after Lucifer fell, the concept of this purity of “we” was destroyed on his part, but not God’s.  It is this part of the word that then becomes our focus when God created us.

So, it should not be too exciting to realize that type of frustration is also typically found in the Church as well and when one study’s her history it is easily recognized that this frustration has always been present.  I guarantee that when Jesus walked this earth He had no intention of confusing His people or the Church that He established concerning exactly what His mission was on earth or why His Father sent Him to the earth.  Yet, over the millennia it has become evident that many of us are running around in every direction still trying to find some type of cohesiveness with God and His Word, a wonderful concept of discord that our enemy has successfully planted against God’s children.

In Genesis Chapters 1-3 we are witnessing God’s Holy Order unfolding and there is nothing more beautiful than reading the creation of our world and how it all came to be.  We also find it fascinating and intriguing how God created us from the dirt and then gave us His spirit inside our lives so that we could be complete and unique from all other creations that He ordained.  It is this relationship that we can understand and define our origins, and it is this setting that defines the word “we” and more importantly includes God’s Holy Order.  In Genesis 2:7 says: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”  Genesis 2:21-22 says: “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man.”

As of these passages of Scripture, mankind was in our purity before God our Creator.  No blemishes were present and in this form did God make us as long as we obeyed His one command.  Now, refer back up a few paragraphs and reread the definition of the word “we”.  When we read these passages we cannot deny that there are three beings that are involved in this setting.  God, Adam and Eve are all present and since there is more than one person or entity being mentioned, it can be classified as a “we” setting and thus we have the first definition and origin of the word “we” in the Bible and it has a direct mention to our existence.  This setting also clears up the fact that it was not just Adam and Eve present when the word “we” came into being, God was present on all aspects of this word and how it is defined. 

To protect the complete order of God, He had to be the one to create mankind and thus serve as the overall standard for the word “we” to be recognized in our lives.  Since mankind was created only once, there can be no other standard by which we can truly and honestly mark the word “we” in our lives as a basis or foundation of life.  If God is taken out of the equation, we can no longer be a true “we” because a singular “we” automatically becomes a “me”.  This is why it is vital that we place God first in our lives and to separate ourselves from the world because as we see in Genesis Chapter 3 Adam and Eve have already lost the truth about “we” and have taken it upon themselves to incorporate and to replace “me” as the head of holy temple.  In any form, if God is not first in our lives the complete and original definition of “we” has been usurped by our enemy and chosen to reign over our lives as “me”.

This past weekend, a number of events were witnessed with both sides of the agreement being represented.  While I was working for the majority of these events, modern technology allowed me to catch glimpses of most of these events as they occurred.  I found a common theme being used over these events and it was during the inauguration of our new president that God dropped this message into my heart to be shared.  More specifically, it was immediately after President Trump spoke this phrase that God gave me this message.  Trump’s words were as follows: “There should be no fear. We are protected, and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God.”  As soon as my ears heard the word “God”, it was at that instant that God gave me this article.  What President Trump said here was vital to our existence and it is a beacon of truth that we need to understand according to the origin of the word “we”.

If anyone has their eyes set on President Trump as the one person who will turn things around in this country and for this country, you are gravely mistaken.  If anyone believes that the words, positions, and policies of President Obama will turn this country around you too are gravely mistaken.  These men and ANY other person who claims to have answers that will protect our nation from all harm, discourse, fallacies, or even destruction without understanding and proclaim where the true heart of this nation lies, cannot project any truth as being considered unified as a team or therefore being “we”.  From the moment Adam and Eve lost who was the head of the original “we” status humanity has been struggling to find their way back to unity.  This truth is a great example as to why every form of human government in the world – the present and the past – has failed.  “Me” and “my” agenda have ruled families, groups, organizations, towns, cities, states and nations all in the name of “we” and every one of them on some level of their existence has failed to complete what they started out to be.

Also, in truth, all of the demonstrations and protests that were organized and fulfilled used the word “we” in order to draw attention to some or certain groups that shared like manners, but soon after these events were announced many other groups were not invited or refused into the event.  “We” was not truthfully represented for God includes all people when He is present in our lives and as long as He is the origin of “we” nothing can come between His children.  But we would rather isolate for power and recognition and utilize “me” in the “we” instead.  The origins of your life could not have occurred without God’s law of life first being put into motion.  No State or Nation could have ever been established unless God ordained its creation through His Holy Order being represented first.  This foundational truth should be at the forefront of our thinking and should be allowed to fully infiltrate our hearts so that we may once again live in the original state of “we”.

It has always intrigued me when new catch phrases, words, events, or any other life assaulting details rise to our eyes and ears.  But I have come to the realization that when these types of situations come about there is a purpose that is present and one so important that we understand exactly what is transpiring.  We have become so independently “right” within ourselves that we have lost all concept of truth that we continually seek.  When an issue concerning life appears, we must stop and take a look at the real reason why it has appeared.  Not a “me” reason but a “we” reason, the “we” that God ordained from the moment He created us.  The “me” we is what our enemy offers for it was through this selfish “me” syndrome that caused his eternal fall and that is exactly what he is invoking into our lives and we are skipping along the sidewalk in a daze and allowing his sick ways to procure our hearts, both on an individual and national level.

Our lives originated with the eternal Creator of everything life.  Our status within Him is defined in His Word right from the beginning and it has not changed one bit even with our fall.  It is, however, our choice to ignore Him or to accept Him as first in our lives and the reflections of either choice shall be witnessed.  It does not matter who you place in power over a nation, state, city, community or even personally because if they do not place God first and His Holy Order first in their lives, all will be lost for eternity. This message has mentioned many political activities that have occurred recently but in NO WAY is this message dealing with politics or who was elected whichever, whatever position and for whatever country, it is and always has been about eternity when it comes to God.  There is only One true way to God and Jesus followed the true and holy meaning of “we” when He obeyed His Father’s wish to fulfill His plan on earth.


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