Friday, April 13, 2018

Not Mundane At All

Not Mundane At All


Almost every day we hear testimony one way or another that God is mundane and does not deserve our time.  This is a common trait that the world portrays the Creator of the said world yet it is the influenced that make these ridiculous claims against God, finds this ironically funny.  But if one looks around they cannot honestly say that God is not creative for each person is different, there are countless species of animals and the atmospheric conditions alone continue to baffle our eyes each passing season.  Humanity tends to place the Creator in a box thus limiting His ability to what we can understand but God is an enormous being that has never made a mistake in His existence but we call Him mundane.  Maybe it is time that we see the truth in what He has done for our lives instead of labeling an eternal Being that we cannot truly define.  It is called repentance and it is a process that we need to incorporate into our lives soon before this “mundane” Creator shows us His effectiveness as a Creator.

I have mentioned the mountains that surround this valley many times before and how beautiful they are as the time passes on them each day.  Today there are some clouds in the area which blocked most of the sunrise; however, at one point there was a small break in the clouds and the sun was allowed to shine through and it projected on the base of the Grand Mesa.  It was a sight that comes every so often but it still stopped me in my tracks as my eyes focused on the light in the valley and the contrast of how the light penetrated the valley flood yet after the base of the mountain it was gray and a tad dull.  But the combination of the two sources made for a beautiful picture that my eyes enjoyed and I could not help but thank God for the beautiful sight that He allowed my eyes to see and my mind to comprehend.  This setting goes along with what the topic of the article represents for this was not a mundane picture I witnessed and it graced my heart so much that I anticipate another wonderful picture tomorrow morning.

It is springtime here in Colorado and that means varying temperatures, flowers are popping up and the grass is beginning to turn green.  Many people in the area are starting to till their garden beds and getting ready for the last frost of the year to occur.  I have to include myself in this exciting period of time for my garden keeps me occupied during this time of the year and I love to watch the progress that each plant makes.  I would love to say that my eyes can detect the slightest growth of the plants but this would not be a truth, however, the growth results can be noticed on a weekly basis.  I know from this growth pattern that soon the individual plant will start producing its fruit and that my family will be able to enjoy the works that have been done.  I also know from this time that weeds will appear, the plants will need water and overall tender care but when I look over the plants at the end of the season I am so thankful for the variety of food that will be put on the table due to the creativeness of God.  There is no need for me to mention the differences that are present in each person and how these differences keep us balanced and true to creation itself.

I know that my little spot in the world, western Colorado, does not classify much but it does give us a perfect example of how different my area is said from my brother who lives in Tucson, Arizona or my other brother who lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  All three areas of this country represent a huge difference in climate and environment and when one realizes this fact they cannot say that God is mundane or simple in conduct.  We have so many varieties of life at our fingertips and to know that there are countless species of bacteria in the ground alone that we have not yet identified is hard to fathom.  God has not left us in the dark when it comes to this original status of His creativity either, He has given us the ability to study such organisms so that we can appreciate life more abundantly and while doing so understand this eternal Father of ours and the love He has for His Creations.  The abundance of opportunity to study the fauna of these three environments alone would give a person a lifetime of knowledge, so since this is the case in three isolated areas of this nation alone it is impossible for us to say that God is mundane on any level; and this knowledge is just of one area within an area and areas that we can only comprehend.

I hope you have not lost all hope, faith, or even become bored in these articles because of our constant turning or returning to Genesis but God has shown us so much about these first few chapters of this wonderful masterpiece I am beginning to realize another level of excitement concerning this book.  At the same time, I am not going to seek any other direction from God because for someone’s benefit – including my own – these articles about Genesis have opened my eyes to the specificity and generosity of God, so enjoy them and learn.  God originally gave me the passage of Genesis 2:16 for the reference point but the other day He added a couple of other verses for those of you who might not want to focus on just one item.  The human mind likes to have more than one example and since God created our minds He understands that more than one example might need apply.  So, we will be looking at Genesis 2:16 first and it states as follows: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:”

“Of every tree of the garden” is a nice wide range of trees wouldn’t you think?  The immediate thought one would have is a bunch of identical looking trees scattered in some type of organized pattern all throughout the Garden of Eden.  Lush, vibrant and healthy trees also come to our mind with the perfect type growing grounds present as well.  All of the items necessary for perfect growth and production run through our minds.  But when we stop and think about things concerning this perfect picture of the trees we must contend that there were all sorts of varieties of trees located within the confines of the Garden of Eden.  God would not make just one type of tree and leave it alone to cultivate only one type of fruit or herb.  In fact, with the variety of tree forms in the Garden of Eden, this truth proclaims that God is the provider of not only the substance of our nourishment but also the creator of the desire of free choice and will.  God states this when He commands Adam that he can eat from every tree in the Garden of Eden without cause to be alarmed.  This means that Adam could choose on a daily basis, hourly basis, or whatever schedule he desired freely and correctly.  This example does not represent a mundane God or Creator at all but one who loves His creations on all levels.

God could have stopped here with this example and all would be wonderful but He wants us to go to another level here and add other options that fit into the choices category about God.  If we back up and read Genesis Chapter 1 we will find that God made all of the animals both in the sea and on dry land.  While these creatures were present God gave Adam the authority to name each one of them according to what he wished which means not only did God create so many species of living animals but He, in turn, allowed humanity to name each one of them.  This means that God understood the individuality of mankind’s thought process and how it worked when it came time to be an example of God’s creative process inside mankind and through the other creations He accomplished. 

Look at all of the differences between each animal and even the specifics between species themselves; it is amazing to see the different characteristics and demeanors that are attributed to these beauties.  The same goes for the plants and trees, look at the numerous varietals among these organisms their beauty and majesty soar beyond our imaginations.  Even the different times of the day give us an opportunity to witness another sight of creativity and the four beautiful seasons that God has given us change with each moment, and our eyes and ears cannot comprehend all of the magnificent sounds the atmosphere and its contents present.  All of these issues of nature we cannot tame completely, and this truth in no way can represent a mundane Creator or presentation around us.

If God had made only one type of bird, plant, cow, and fish it would be easy for us to claim an issue with Him on this level.  But because of the way God made each creature and plant it gives them a chance to thrive and to reproduce according to how God made them individually.  That is not mundane at all and when we look at the human body and all of its manufactured entities living within our skin we cannot deny that God is a creative Creator who has given us the ability not only to scratch the surface of knowing His heart but we can learn about Him while we study the natural realm that surrounds us every day.  Our minds and hearts give rise to numerous accounts of knowledge about how things work yet scientists still confirm that we actually know little about the things we have studied so far; again, not mundane at all.  The glorious part about this type of creativity from God is that all of us can have a part in the understanding and then sharing of the knowledge that we learn.  God did not hide things from us, sin limited our abilities to readily understand what is around us but just as we are still standing God has given us the ability to continue to search Him through what He has already created.

There is one more part to this Genesis 2:16 verse that we need to understand and live by at the same time.  Over the past few decades or so the attendance in churches and the commitment of people who claim to be Christians have fallen dramatically.  Not much is said about this falling away unless a priest or minister is mentioning the financial situation of the congregation. Anyway, there is a reason that people that have been following Christ for a long time who now doubt their beliefs not only in Christ but God as well and that is because their eyes have been focused on the wrong tree, or should I say the wrong trees.  Read Genesis 2:15 once again and let us proceed.  This part of the article might be a tad upsetting for some but that is okay, because wants to rattle your chain because times are about to change and you need to be equipped with the truth about His Word so that when times become rough we will know how to witness to those that are hurting and struggling, and believe me there shall be millions of them.  I understand that Genesis 2:16 is the main topic verse here but be patient with me for a bit, there is an important and vital detail here.

Okay, in Genesis 3:1-6 we see the gathering around the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and as we read along we eventually come across the point where Eve and Adam eat the fruit of the tree which God told them not to do.  The conversation leading up to this act of disobedience gives us a stark revelation about what God sees as important and what will fall into line if followed correctly.  We also see that our enemy will use this specific order against us if we are not careful about what God is all about and what He wants to have with us.  From the outset of our creation, the only thing that God has wanted from us is for us to voluntarily obey His simple law and to have a relationship with Him, AND NOT IN THAT ORDER!  God understands that if we have a relationship with Him first, then the obedience to His Ways will come naturally and grudgingly.  We see this turning of God’s Order occurring in Genesis Chapter 3 when everyone is gathered at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The conversation quickly turns to the law that God gave to Adam and Eve and it is the law that Satan focuses on while he is executing his plan of accomplishment.

You will notice that Satan mentions NOTHING about all of the time God spent with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, nor did he mention anything about what all other time spent with them and how much it meant to God to be able to share His Life and glory with those two, establishing a bond and relationship.  Satan did not mention anything about how important this relationship status was to God and how much life and vibrancy it brought to Adam and Eve.  Not ONE mention at all, only the law was mentioned here.  There is a reason for this and it sets the stage for a religious revolution that still stinks in God’s nostrils because Adam and Eve fell for it when they walked the earth and many millions more today continue to fall into this deadly trap.

Let’s go back to Genesis 2:15 again and see what the important detail is that should be placed first in our lives.  This verse defines our mission and the job we have to do in order for people to understand that God loves them and that Jesus is the only way to the Father.  When God gave Adam the command to dress and keep the Garden of Eden it served as his job and when we place this command to our lives today it means that we need to dress and keep our own dominions intact so that we can provide the information to those who need God.  The trees of the Garden of Eden and everything else that Adam had to keep represents those who need God and it is our duty and mission that Christ gave us to do, it is dressing and keeping His Garden.  If we are in relationship with God we will easily and without complaint complete this job fully.  This verse also represents what is most important to God and it us obeying His command to be witnesses to others, NOT placing the law first.  Remember, God is an orderly eternal being and the words that He uses have a specific order, one that suits His characteristics.  Therefore, God recognizes our relationship status with Him through our obedience to what He has commanded us to do and if we do what He commands us to do then we automatically follow the law without even knowing that we are doing so.

Yet, Satan does not address this fact and only refers to the law that God gave to Adam.  This picture of Genesis Chapter 3 allows us to see that even though Satan mentioned nothing about the relationship status of Adam, Eve, and God he understood fully what that status was and knew that there was a weakness present, enough that he could twist the law of God enough to establish doubt in Adam and Eve.  Satan knew that they were more focused on the law instead of their relationship with God which was the incorrect order in which God established in the beginning.  This setting is not a “which came first the chicken or the egg?” contest, the order of importance was set and Adam and Eve should have known this vital detail.  A tales tell sign of a person who believes that God is mundane is a person who has placed the law of God before their relationship status with God.  I know this because it is given to us in Genesis and it is still in use by our enemy today.  Furthermore, it is sad to say this but many people who have been in the pews of the church buildings for decades still do not grasp this truth and it is driving them away faster than anything else because they do not understand what they are witnessing in the church leadership for they are missing how to combat the enemy.

God loves individuality for it promotes His Kingdom into a dark and dying world.  Our enemy has the job of stealing this Light and keeping those who are born into sin, in sin.  Now, I am not saying to completely go against God’s Laws, in fact, God has taught us a bunch about His Laws through the messages that He has shared with us over these past five years or so, but He wants us to understand that if we do not have a relationship with Him first we will not be able to keep His Laws at all.  God knows that laws can become mundane and tiresome and it is for this reason that if Adam and Eve had kept their relationship with God the top priority our lives today could have been totally different from what they are now.

What does this truth say to us today?  Well, it says the same truth as it did back when God established it in Genesis Chapter 2.  When we are in relationship with God we cannot help not recognize that God and His presence is stimulating and exciting.  For everything that God created He has made in such a specific and unique manner that we have the ability to spend time knowing and understanding what we desire to know.  If we refuse to study God (His Word) we will not be able to understand the creations around us because the best part about looking at two different trees that are different in size should be an exciting experience to find out why they are formed in such a manner just as it is when we come into contact with another person that looks different than we personally do.  It should be fascinating to us to be able to witness to those around us and to share the Gospel with them and that is not an example of being mundane but an individualistic dressing and keeping through the relationship of God.

So, what is your response Church?  Are you bored with God and throwing Him out of your life?  Where is your focus centered?  Is it on the law (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) or on the dressing of the Garden of Eden (the lost)?  As of this moment in human history, our nation is still intact and the Church still has the capability of completing her mission.  However, we must come to the realization that if we do not turn back to God soon and once again come back into relationship with God and then dressing the Garden of Eden our lives will not be as such for very much longer.  It is in our hands Church, in our hands alone.  God is not a mundane Creator or a mundane eternal Father but one that wants to show us exactly how exciting life is but as long as we put ourselves first (laws) we will miss out on this benefit from God and consequently not informing others about them having an eternal life with God.

It is no secret that if one wants to be in a relationship with another person, on any level, then that person shall take the opportunity to get to know the other person as much as possible, and vice versa.  All God wants is for us to ask Him questions about His Ways and about who He is and He says that He will give us those answers.  However, if we ask Him things and then do not receive the answers according to His answers we have defeated the relationship status.  It is in this questioned status that allows our enemy to go through the open door of relationship and therefore begin to taint the truth.  It is not hard to recognize this fact in our lives today and it has worked its way through to the heart of the Church.  The Church and what she says is now questioned on every level and renders no authority as a separate entity of God.  We can change this status if we only return to God and bring into connecting the relationship with Him once again.  Now, does this process of turning around and returning to a relationship status with the Creator of everything sound mundane to you?


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