Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Feeling Of Sin

The Feeling of Sin


This is a topic that most of us do not routinely think about since it is a common part of our lives, one that we live in motion.  But this state while cannot be taken from our existence can be lightened in such a manner that our spirits can sing even when the world is rocked by grave tragedies, a result of the feeling of sin.  God gave us a perfect protective cover to live under and mankind chose to try and subdue their own way instead, but when we truly understand that the Ways of God is the best of our eternal placement our lives can be in constant peace.  God has given us the perfect roadmap to follow and to live under, why don’t we heed His advice and come stay under His confines?  Humanity followed the world at one time and we continually pay for that choice even today, but God is still faithful to rid our lives of the feeling of sin if we only will choose Him.

Have you ever stumbled upon people who are always happy and go luck even when things seem to be falling apart all around?  I know that I have had some pretty bad days in my life where nothing seems to be going right and then all of a sudden I run into some happy person that immediately clashes with my mood and my frustration level increases significantly more.  By the time they leave or walk on by my attitude is even more furious about the encounter and I end up having to stop for a second and compose myself before something really ugly occurs in a future encounter.  I am not usually like this but all of us have these types of days where we want no contact with anyone else and being alone seems to be the “best” medicine.  However, how many of us recognize what really is going on around us and combat the issue with the appropriate weapons?  It is obvious we recognize the happiness from others but do we understand what we are really supposed to be fighting, I mean it is what is bothering us that needs to be fought not the happiness of others; the feeling of sin.

It is easy for us to take this example and run with our selfish emotions and motives and continue to flourish in the absurdity of worldly feelings instead of realizing the opportunity to really change and make a difference in someone else’s life.  Looking back at these types of moments in my life I must honestly admit that until my attitude changes and I once again bring a smile to my face and change my heart’s attitude I feel terrible, run down and not really wanting to do the daily tasks at hand, a condition that sees not only myself suffering but potentially others around me falling into the unknown category that I have voluntarily opened for all around.  Why should this type of scenario come as a surprise to anyone?  It is a setting in which all of us face every day and we should know how to issue true resistance to this type of mood yet, many of us have grown accustomed to this type of feeling and instead of ridding ourselves of such a feeling we have embraced it and carry its burden with us.  It is this turmoil that we need to know that is not how we are supposed to live in and that as long as we live in such condition our lives will be riddled enough with sickness that eventually our inner spirits will be eaten alive and drug into a bottomless pit.

On the tragic day that occurred in Genesis 3:6-7 we have the best example of what occurs when sin becomes the overall and abundant feeling that our lives embrace.  Before this passage arrives it is well known that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of sin or the effects and consequences of such conditions but on that grave day when they chose to allow sin into humanity’s existence things changed for everyone and the future for humanity.  The knowledge of living with no sin is a mystery to us and will not be solved until we face God for the judgment of our presence and even then there shall be numerous that will be subject to eternal grace and then those that will be subject to eternal displacement from perfection.  But God instituted this perfect in the beginning and ever since Adam and Eve chose otherwise we have been left to wander around searching for the truth once again.  This huge change in our status provides us with a glimpse of how we once were and what it means to be alive today for it is fitting that God allowed Adam and Eve to live out their days according to the world they chose even with an eternal grace provided for them after the fall.  If God had not provided such grace after the fall, then our existence would be completely lost and void, an existence that God cannot allow to continue for this emptiness is not in His plan.

The question remains about how one feels about sin hanging over their lives and not doing anything about changing such status.  God never intended for us to live in such muck and mire yet we continually find ways to make the muck and mire deeper, thus making it more difficult to grasp a hold of the safety line so that we can be pulled out.  We want to stay in this condition for our actions tell us so which means we have accepted this state of death as our goal instead of fighting for life in its original form.  When we look at Adam and Eve’s life before sin why don’t we focus on that time instead of placing all of our energy on the condition afterward?  God did not just hand out their judgment to all involved that day but gave His Providence of restoration to them as demonstrated in Genesis 3:21.  While the covering that God provided Adam and Eve conceived a foundation of restoration the separation from God both spiritually and physically still remained and did remain for a long time.  This is the way out from under these issues and agonies that infect our lives, so, why wouldn’t someone not take this opportunity?

As we watch any news station they portray not much good news and it is this pattern that we are continually reminded that we are a defeated lot if our hearts are centered on the world.  It is the world’s job to inflict as much trouble as it can onto our lives no matter how slight or penetrating that pain may be.  A few days ago we received news that the weather here in our area was going to drastically cool off, threatening the fruit trees and with this news came the ensuing pain in my joints that accompany such changes but one that I endure with a smile on my face for these aches I have now are strictly due to the efforts of my youth.  Can you imagine the first morning Adam and Eve woke up with an ache or a pain?  So many new items for them to figure out and name, an intriguing process with constant reminders yet we can only imagine how many prayers were sent to God after these effects took hold of their lives probably just as many as we have today.  It is easy for us to condemn Adam and Eve for the choices they made but to be honest we would have fallen for the same lies as well because look at our hearts today and we are in the exact same lax condition as theirs was back in the Garden of Eden.  They accepted the burden of the feeling of sin for they had no choice in the matter and so do we do not get an option of this physical death sentence.

It is at this point to where the content of Genesis 3:21 overrides the consequences of Genesis 3:7, for even though mankind blew it by choosing the selfishness of sin God continues to provide the eternal protection of His Covenant for everyone who chooses to accept His Ways.  The laws of sin and death may be a permanent fixture for our physical lives it is the spiritual origins from God that cannot be altered by anyone, it is strictly up to you to provide the method of life.  It is the actions of God in this verse that establishes the truth concerning grace and faith because with the physical now tainted the only entity left that was of a choice nature is the spiritual.  In other words, Adam and Eve were shown the way to God through His eternal act of Covenant which initiated grace and faith all wrapped up in His Creation of our lives and in the order that He so magnificently completed.  It is through grace and faith that we worship and live in God and it is through the act of covering that God demonstrated in this verse that began the process of the eternal sacrifice of His Son thousands of years later.

Faith is initiated in the spirit realm and in turn influences, the physical realm and the direct communication between God and mankind are demonstrated through such channel AND in such direction.  Choosing God is a choice by faith and one that is directed by the spirit, for faith by definition is things not seen.  Adam and Eve were the first ones to witness the issue of faith because they were no longer able to directly see God in the physical, so their communication level had to be in the spirit only which means their faith had to be initiated, grown and developed just as ours needs to be today.  If we do not live in complete faith in God we cannot consider ourselves to be on fire for God nor can we count ourselves as being all in for God.  God desires nothing more than to have a relationship with us and in order to do this, we must have faith in God in order to hear His voice.  It is through faith that we lose the feeling of sin because it is through faith that God covers us with Jesus’ blood that He shed for each one of us so long ago.

Where are we Church in this faith in God?  Have we lost our spiritual covering and replaced it with the world’s covering?  Why have we begun to endorse the ruler of the world instead of the Creator of everything?  We have accepted the feeling of sin by making our own coverings just as Adam and Eve did after they ate from the tree, but we do not have to do this we can have God rightly cover us by obeying His Ways.  Our physicality is over and is temporary but our eternal aspect and creation is just that, it knows no time because it shall never cease.  The feeling of sin should be the focus of what we want others to shed so that they can be free from the problems that plague our lives.  We should be excited to share with these hurting people that there is someone that loves them like no other and through this love can provide us an eternal covering that washes everything as new.

It is the fact that we have a Redeemer who loves us enough to provide an eternal covering for these feelings of sin that grip our lives and through this redeemer He can take away the sorrow and the pain from this life.  Not by taking our lives or controlling them but by setting us free from the feeling of sin by obeying His Ways just as it was in the beginning in the Garden of Eden.  Church, it is our mission to share with those who are hurting and who are feeling the sin that they do not have to live in such condition, how hard is it to tell such an important eternal truth to others?  Instead, we would rather portray the ruler of the world’s projections for some reason; this is not our mission at all.  God loves each and every one of us and He sees the burdens of our sins that we continually feel, we can drop these feelings and live under the eternal Covenant that God has provided for us.  While we cannot escape the issues of physical death we can resist those physical entities that bring the pains and agonies to our lives by strengthening our spiritual covering.

It is our choice to forgo the feeling of sin by accepting the eternal truth and covering that God provides, but in order for us to do this we must leave the fruit of the world alone and seek God’s treasures instead.  The fruit may seem good to the eyes but as Eve took from the tree it will bring nothing good to our lives.  Church, it is our responsibility to understand this separation from the world and to teach it very lovingly to the ones who do not know God.  We need to start within our own church buildings and denominations first for this feeling of sin is running rampant inside God’s temples.  Then we can open our hearts to those who are searching for relief and truth for the harvest is ready and they are waiting to be taken into the Kingdom.  The spiritual groaning and pain can be eased and taken away through having the assurance that God’s covering is over us and this begins with the understanding that faith and grace come together to serve as the foundation of Covenant, and it is through this eternal Covenant that we find the answer to the feeling of sin.


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