Tuesday, April 3, 2018

One Way

One Way


How can one be saved?  This is a question that many people either really wish to understand and pursue the answer or mockingly ask in order to start an argument in order to delude those who believe in Christ.  It really should not be too unfamiliar or come as a surprise because this type of behavior, on either side, has occurred ever since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.  But for those who really wish to seek God and to know salvation need to have others who teach the truth and are willing to proclaim the truth about God.  It does not matter which “Testament” one wishes to use it all points to One way to God and that is through the process of sacrifice.  It is our responsibility to teach this eternal Truth to those who want to know and it is also our responsibility to shed light on the dark world that cares not to hear at the same time.

This is a sticky setting in which our enemy would draw attention to the fact that since there are many ways to obtain a life here on earth that the same amount of choices exist when it comes to believing and then following God.  The choices of how to live in this world vary to both extremes of the spectrum which include not believing in the best system that is available to mankind or making the most of each day and living a comfortable and happy life with everything in-between reasonably obtainable as well.  The paths to such fruits of your rewards vary in just as many ways and in order to accomplish such conditions one must find ways to complete such lifestyles and yes, even the homeless have to sacrifice a fair amount of amenities in order to keep their status, especially in this nation.  Whatever the means and ways a person or family choose to live certain procedures must be followed and then maintained which require further choices and ideas, a seemingly endless mind game and mindset that a required keeping up with appearances approach is essential.

But with all of the options available to those who seek it would seem “logical” if everyone could live on just one common level.  It is this type of thinking and placement that is growing within numerous countries today and since the youth of the world are fueling this campaign it would seem that this type of atmosphere will arrive sooner than we could have imagined.  The only problem with this ideology is that it would take countless amounts of money to level the playing field so to speak and to be honest even the richest people and governments of the world could not pool their earnings together and make such an event become reality.  What many who wish for this type of policy to take hold do not think about is that people are still individuals and have their own say in issues and how they wish to be and live which takes the very foundation of socialism and other equal living spaced communities out from under them, even before it becomes a logical process.  This explanation is enough to scare me to death and I would really not have too much to give up for the societal good but the idea alone of sharing everything I had earned with others just to make someone equal on the same economic plane as I – without them having to earn it – goes against everything that I have ever been taught.  Getting a gift for just showing up at a party is not a necessity but an unearned gratuity from the one who has earned that special day.

The convincing aspect that we all should take into consideration, think about and then come to the obvious conclusion is how this varied path of equality differs greatly from what the Bible states concerning the path to God.  The non-thinking ways of a commune of equality should explain enough to our finite brains that there is a huge difference between these two entities, a large enough difference that equals eternity to be certain.  The complexity of such a world equality project would require everyone to stop their real jobs and place their entire workday on the dedication of achieving such a fiasco.  All work processes would have to stop completely and adhere to the new way of production in order to achieve such a collective standard, have we thought about how that would affect our daily lives and our means of sustenance?  The thought of this even being considered is mindboggling at best and can only result in a disastrous outcome, yet there are a growing amount of people who firmly believe that this lifestyle can be achieved just by “expanding the mind” enough to make people believe total equality (utopia) is the feasible conclusion.

So, given this information and what is on the minds of the people coming up in age that will be our leaders in the future, there is no wonder that the same types of beliefs towards God exist.  As stated in a previous article I heard a while back that a minister in New York claimed that having only one way to God is absurd and that there was no way possible that this could be the case.  It is this type of teaching that has equaled God with the world and states that the world which God created He did in such a manner that would render His eternal authority null and void, plus give Lucifer his position back in Heaven due to the fact that there is no difference in the way to God and the various ways of worldly acceptance to God.  God cannot be placed on the same level as the world or even our lives for that matter, it is our responsibility to move towards God and rise up to His level which is why we capitalize the “H” when we refer to God as “He, Him, or His.  You do not see us capitalizing the “H” in humanity her or any other reference to mankind do you? 

Now, there are those who wish to cut out God altogether and those who fall into this category are also gaining ground, which we must accept as real because they are included in the entire spectrum that was described above.  But when the leaders of the Church begin to assume that God can be reached in this numerical order no longer believe the Word of God is accurate but believe their selfish and blind interpretation of the world compliments the Bible. What many have forgotten is that when ideas are tossed around that imply there is more than one way to God that this means that mankind is elevated to the same level as God.  Umm, isn’t there a story in the Bible about a certain angel believing in the same manner as what that last sentence stated?  Does anyone remember what happened to that angel?  Yes, he is now the eternal enemy of God and our eternal enemy who is constantly trying to figure out a way to end our eternal lives with God.  So, let me ask the question again, why is it that church leaders are aligning themselves up with the world and throwing God and His Ways to the curb?  The world should go against the truth about how to get to God because that is the philosophy of the world’s leader that he promotes and we can never forget that the world shall always go against God.  If any minister proclaims that there is another way to God other than Jesus alone that minister, leader, or teacher should be called out immediately for teaching a lie.

In Genesis Chapter 2:7 – Genesis 3:24 give us ample examples of the eternal authority of God and how mankind and all other created beings are under His existence.  This passage also demonstrates that even if mankind messes things up that God is the ONLY being with the ability to restore their perfect existence in His eyes and if God does not the center of such process it is a lie and therefore deemed sin.  In the New Testament, we have an identical process unfolding when Jesus arrives on the scene.  John 14:5-9 gives us the specific words of Jesus when Thomas asks Him about how one gets to God.  Jesus plainly states that no one gets through to the Father except through Him which ends all debate about whether or not Jesus is the only way to salvation and eternal life.  What Jesus states here is what God stated to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden that there is only one way to keep such perfect relationship with Him and that is to obey the one command that He gave them.  It is this type of activity that we can easily relate to because even today humans love to push boundaries and rules long enough to see what they can get by with, but in the case of Adam and Eve they pushed hard enough that they at some point forgot the truth and made up their own, ending up with an influx of a death that no comprehension before could imagine.

Then, after many centuries of trying to create countless ways to God, God sends His only Son to the world to once again explain AND provide the only way to His presence.  By the time Jesus graces us with His presence, the world is filled with a bunch of loons who believe they have the answers to all questions and it is through their own devices that the way to God is possible.  Jesus has to once again spend so much time reiterating what God had already proclaimed back centuries before because mankind did not understand this simple yet pure truth about God and His Ways.  It is easy for us to know that God is of a patient lot because over all the time after Adam and Eve messed things up in the Garden of Eden one would think that humanity would get it and just choose to listen and obey but no, we have to believe that we are better and can figure things out quicker and more reliable than God can.  So, once again God shows us His love and patience by sending us His Son to teach us and to show us just how to be separate from the world, live within its confines and see what the cost of such matters all at the same time.

Sadly, from the looks of the ways of the people and what examples the Church is providing to those who are lost, it seems like we have once again taken it upon ourselves to enjoy the luxuries of God by obtaining grace through humanistic ways and methods.  It crushes God’s heart for Him to sit back and to contemplate on how much more He has to do in order for His people to wake up and see the truth that lies in front of them.  There is so much truth around us that we trip over it or move around it while seeking worldly pleasures.  There is a song that I consider one of the all-time greats called “Scandalon” by Michael Card and in this song, he says that many will strip and stumble over Jesus and the reason why He was here on earth.  Adam and Eve did the exact same thing while playing around in the Garden and not taking God seriously enough.  God did not provide a second way or any other way when He sent His Son to earth but reinforced the eternal meaning of such separation from the world to be with God.

It is the job of our enemy to “open” other means and methods of obtaining peace, harmony, and eternity with God.  Each one of these ways is a lie and cannot represent God in any way, nor can they provide a way to God for forgiveness, peace, and eternal salvation.  Satan does not care which road you follow that he lays out in front of you for all look easy but that goes contrary to the lives of those who the Bible teaches about, for being separated from the grip of the world is hard and difficult.  What we do not understand is that this passage in the New Testament is actually a fulfillment of a prophecy for it describes our condition and ways of thinking even today.  Philip asks Jesus in verses 8-9: “Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.  Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?”

It is these short two verses that give us the status of the condition of our hearts today for we are still stuck in the Philip mode of asking to see God and all of the blessings that His presence gives us.  Church, we have blown it and cannot seem to get the fact that Jesus is the only way to God and to receive His forgiveness and restoration.  All throughout the Old Testament, the ceremony of sacrifice was the specific means of salvation for the children of Israel, it became a game and a ritual that meant absolutely nothing to their inner hearts and in turn their outward beliefs.  God has once again fallen into this category in our lives and while it will not be popular to say this but the Church has followed right along in this way and is now promoting such worldly and sinful behavior.  A question for you to compliment this setting: do you believe that God intended for His prized creations to have so many manmade binding and irrelevant laws to govern?  The answer to that is a resounding No!  So, who do you suppose would introduce such a blasted suggestion then?

It takes 100% commitment to God and to His Ways to fully achieve what He has chosen us to partake and if we give anything less our hearts will be subject to skewering by our enemy.  God understands that no one can ever live in the complete and total purity as Adam and Eve thrived in a long time ago but He does understand that our hearts can yearn for such separation from the death sentence that we face.  Our lives can be filled with rich blessings and true happiness even though we are continually assaulted by the world and its ruler.  But in order to live in these conditions, we must turn our lives over to God and to trust Him and live in His Ways at all times.  When we do things that go contrary to His Ways it is at that moment that we need to repent and to ask God to cleanse us with His Son’s blood.  We can no longer live in the Philip mode or the Thomas mode but act through faith, trust, and hope that God has given us.  It is easy for us to sit and criticize the disciples for not figuring out such simple ideas but they were human and so are we and that means we are in the same boat and category as they so we cannot honestly fault them for doing the same doubting processes today.

It is our responsibility Church to provide this truth to those who are lost and have fallen into the death trap that the world seduces to us each day.  When we study the Bible we are studying the Father, we are looking at the Father, we are learning about the Father, we are living and spending time with the Father.  His Word is a living entity and is a description of Him.  How many times do we just brush past the words of certain passages and do not seek the information that God has written for us about Him?  It has been stated many times in the articles that God gives us here that the Bible is life and is a lamp that provides the way, those words are the Father.  THAT is why it is so important to study the Bible with a pure heart because you are studying the Father and when we read over Scripture and use it according to our selfish ambitions then you are playing Lucifer and only trying to manipulate God into your box and control.  That process did not work at some point in time’s past and it shall not work today either. 

Repent, Church and allow God to enter into your hearts and fill you with His Spirit so that we may walk in His Ways and proclaim the eternal Truth about our existence.  We must never forget that God’s initial command to humanity is still intact, obey Me alone for I am the ONLY One who can guarantee your safety and eternal position next to Me.  Another question for you: do you believe that God can provide the perfect example of salvation in more than 1 way?  The answer to this question is positively and absolutely No!  God cannot change His ways in any way, for if He did it would be a self-defeating action that would prove Him to be a liar.  God may change His tactics on occasion to grab our attention in another manner but He shall always follow His eternal rules at all times.  Mankind established this worldly example of finding out other ways to reach God, and through the definition of God (the Bible) that is a flawed result and shall fail every time.  We all know what occurs when we go down the wrong way on a one-way street. so why would we fight and argue this direction from a true, known and proven way?

Why do we find it so difficult to follow a single path that provides us the perfect plan to obtain and achieve everyone’s goal of eternal life?  Why do we insist on doing things our own way and having to suffer great pain and loss before we figure out that the ways of humanity are flawed and can never produce such a desired result? How big is our pride that we spend so much energy pushing this pride of ours up the rugged hill and refusing the one who can help us make the trek so much easier? Why do we continue to fall and fall then fall again over the same rock that lies in the road?  God is here to help us find our way to the top of the hill and lead us into the valley, no matter what may come our way He has promised to be there with us and to take an active role in our lives if we just give Him our pride and worries and allow His hand to guide us.  Jesus is the ONLY way to God the Father and we have God’s definition as a resource of provision.  Let go of our issues and turn them over to God, then listen to His voice for the correct measures to take.  Restoration shall then proceed and healing shall come, He guarantees it.


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