Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Knowledge of Whistling

The Knowledge of Whistling


What kind of message could God ever give that would concern a whistle or the sound that a whistle makes?  Yet, a whistle is a definitive sound that penetrates through walls and even hearts and proclaims the mood in which a person is presently demonstrating.  It gives a peaceful calm to those loved ones around that the setting is normal and everything is okay within.  So, why wouldn’t God sound out noises that would commemorate the same type of settings to His people?  We need to pay attention to God’s whistle more often and closely for the information that He gives could mean the spiritual life or death of our existence.

The definition of a whistle is one that is not hard to understand yet sometimes difficult to perform for some.  A clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips, or between one’s teeth is the formal definition of a whistle.  Now, I can whistle quite nicely on a normal level but have failed to learn how to alter a whistle sound like placing fingers on the lips and blow as such nor can I place my cupped hands over my lips and make a sound either.  It is kind of embarrassing when my wife can perform such duties and does so in front of me on occasion.  This sound is a well-known tone that catches many an ear when a crowd is gathered and for most, it is a sound recognized by those who are close to the person performing the sound.  A whistle and tone has its own specific qualification and can be performed even in times of distress.  But in reality, any sharp sound can be considered a whistle in our ears and usually, when our ears hear a sound that is sudden and loud it grabs our attention in a specific alerting way.

One of the more frequent settings that my ears have enjoyed over my 50 years of life is the sound that my father makes when he is in his office working.  It does not matter if he is at home or when he was a minister full time he would whistle a tune almost all day.  One could have assurance that he was there in charge and doing what God had called him to do and everyone who knows my dad knows this distinctive sound he makes.  While his whistle is not ear piercing it still has enough punch to follow clearly and sometimes one can recognize the tune he is whistling.  Most of the time the songs that protrude are just simple notes in his head that he is making up as he goes along but whatever the sounds maybe it is always a joy to hear such music being produced by his life.  I am lucky to still hear such music coming from his home office and as long as my ears hear those beautiful notes my heart shall be comforted to know he is still hearing and listening to God’s voice.  If you ask him my dad will tell you that it is a sound that comes from his heart and one that God gave him a long time ago and one that still rings loud and true, a testament that God still lives in him and that he believes God chose him to call others to Christ.

The question about sounds is if we are paying enough attention to what is going on around us to hear warning signs that are displayed.  Every Thursday evening at 7pm the local fire department tests the city warning siren which lasts about 15 seconds at the most.  It is a routine that has been ongoing ever since I moved to this community almost twenty-six years ago, and while I cannot be for certain I believe this ritual has occurred for much longer than my tenure here.  There are times that people need to know what is going on around them for not everyone has access to the current conditions all the time.  This is why it is so important that we do not purposefully distract ourselves or place our physical presence in jeopardy by clouding our abilities to hear or see what is transpiring.  Sounds and sirens do not always have to mean danger surrounds us or is on the horizon, but a regular test of such systems needs to be completed in order for our ears and hearts to be reminded of what to do if the sounds come at another time.

While the whistling sounds that came from my father’s office were of a minute concentration it served and still serves its purpose for everyone who is in the house to feel confident that everything is okay and all is well.  Sounds on a local level represent the same category or if changed can mean something is amiss or to look out for something is coming and preparation is needed.  But if our attention is drawn elsewhere it will be difficult to hear the warning sirens of an incoming projectile from the enemy.  God just as easily sees the individual household as He does a local community, a region or nation and it is of the most importance that we are in position to hear His warnings when needed.  Through modern technology I was able to watch live events in a town in Israel when it came under attack by missiles, the sirens were blaring and the defense systems had been activated.  If people did not hear such sounds then they could have easily been hit by an incoming projectile that the defenses did not reach in time.

Numbers 29:1 states as follows: “And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work: it is a day of blowing the trumpets unto you.”  This verse sets the stage for a practice that should bring to attention a certain method of which things occur.  Yes, this verse represents a feast and what better verse to represent a defensive tool that continues to protect the people as it stands.  Many people do not realize that when these types of feasts and fasts occurred that they were required by the people to participate and not an option, just think what would have occurred if the children of Israel had not placed blood over their door mantles during the 10th plague, for it was a time to remember and to reflect on the reasons why the events were recorded. 

In Numbers 29:1 God gives us a passage that details how one should be prepared to hear sounds at a specific time and when this specific time occurs also to understand the meaning of such procession.  Never, should the warning signs be ignored or become so routine that our ears and hearts ignore their tones?  Yet, all throughout history we have ignored such “sound” advice and chose to do things on our own level and terms providing our enemies the opportunity to make their mark in our history.  It has always intrigued me to watch horrific events transpire then have the media and other institutions baffle over what occurred, why someone would do such a thing, and then most importantly place blame on people, groups, or organizations that they believe could have prevented such a tragedy.  What is the saddest portion of these misgivings is that all informational tools stick to the human level and ignore the eternal and spiritual aspect of humanity which is the reality and truth as to why these events take place.  Numbers 29:1 gives us the purest example of how to prepare for such atrocities the correct way.

The other day I asked all three of the girls who had the opportunity to hear my dad’s (Tataw’s) whistling how they felt about those specific sounds.  All three of my girls did not hesitate in saying that when they heard him whistling that they felt secure, safe and knew that everything was okay and normal.  They mentioned that it did not matter what time of the day or night that they heard his sounds, for it brought them peace and comfort to know that they were in good hands and that they were being watched over while they were there.  I have no doubt that my father knew that when God gave him those sounds that he understood that what he produced was a gem of a notice to our enemy that he was on guard and watching out for his babies.  It is through this action of my father that informed the enemy that he knew very well his dominion and that he was continually dressing it for God’s Kingdom.

Many times people argue the fact that God does not exist or wonder and present angrily the question of why God would allow such atrocities to occur to numerous lives.  It is a logical question from those who had difficulties growing up or had no evidence of loving parents or one true father that was there all the time.  A father imagines his child’s voice when he is called away to work or after his child has grown and moved on with their life.  When I text my children or think about them I hear their voices and when I do I hear their individual voices as they reply to me.  So, with that intimate connection between my girls and I why wouldn’t I do my best to protect them and give them warning signs in order that they know what God has shown me concerning their protection?  It is this specific issue of warning that God finds so compelling for Him to give to us as well, for He wants our ears to be tuned into His call and warnings for He does not wish to see us struggle with the world and to fight endless and meaningless battles that occur on the wrong front.

God has always provided us with the only way possible for us to understand what is going on around us.  Satan gives us lies of opportunity and a rule of convenience as a countermeasure security for that is all he can hand out; it is his definition.  Our problem is that we become so focused on the daily activities that surround us that at some point we believe that these surroundings are normal and should be taken as such especially if these issues do not fit within already defined problematic standards.  It is through these worldly activities that Satan gets a hold of our ears and proceeds to blast his deathly propaganda directly into our lives and if we do not reject these lies as such we will then eventually take it as truth and consequently dull our physical recognition of safety and drag our spiritual hearing to the real Truth right along with the physical.  This type of recognition is like hearing or picking out the individual instruments in a full symphony so can we distinguish God’s warnings to our ears as well.  However, as we span over our societies, nations, and individual hearts today, we find that we ignore the sounds of warning and comfort from God and take into account the nastiness of what the world portrays instead.  Remember, as it was stated above, when God sends out His sounds of warning and protection He is only providing His duty to dress and keep His dominion which is you.

So here we have another definitive verse that probably has been taught and spoken about by others over the centuries but a verse that really has never been familiar to me per say.  I know that I have so much more to learn about God’s Word and as each day passes my hearing becomes sharper to His voice and sounds with my heart quickened further in order for me to receive the change that he desires.  At the same time, I see God’s land being utterly destroyed because they have become deaf to the truth because of the sheer noise that surrounds us.  We cannot stop the blatant noise of the world but we can focus on the sounds coming from God that give us instructions and help when times arrive.  One minor detail to keep in mind is that our bodies originated from the dirt which means if we tune our hearts and ears back to God He has promised to heal our land which means that if our hearts are in tune and line up with God then the land we walk upon will follow suit and vice versa.

The example of my father’s whistling gives us an indication that he knows the current conditions around him, and even if those conditions are becoming worse or subpar he will do his best in order to comfort his babies.  God has the same purpose when He gives us his whistles of warning and our ears should understand exactly what is going on through those sounds.  Church, it is our responsibility to first hear those sounds and then know what they mean so that we can portray them to the cities (hearts) of God’s people.  It is evident that we have allowed worldly wax build up inside our ears so that the true sounds of warning and protection are muted and muffled.  A part of God’s definition is Him sounding alarms before the strikes from the enemy occur, and if necessary God allows these providential strikes to come from His hand before permanent human self-annihilation occurs just to grab our attention and wake us up.  My father never told my girls why he was whistling but because they understood that the source of that whistle was their grandfather and the leader over them at that time, they knew fear was not around.

God entitled this article in the fashion that He did in order to remind us that our spiritual ears and our spiritual hearts were designed for one purpose and that is to hear His voice and sounds when He calls upon His people, not as a control measure but one out of pure and holy love in order for us to know about troubled times or conditions that come our way.  God gave us the ability to understand His signs no matter what issues are going on around us and He also gave us the ability to choose whether or not to listen to these sounds as well.  The sounds of my father whistling in his office with my children listening to them, knowing what that sound meant to them serve as a perfect illustration to how God wants our ears to be in tune with His sounds.  I wish that I could say that the majority of the people in the world understand this truth and hear what God is warning us, but since God is giving us this article to study His Word better and to know what His sounds of warning are then I cannot honestly state that the majority of the world hears such warning sounds.  Gaining knowledge of something requires complete study in that area and a study that is dedicated to knowing as much as possible for that subject, and how more important can it be than to understand understanding WHY our defenses are in place and WHAT those sounds and sights are?

I also have to admit that the Church has fallen down on explaining the job of hearing God’s warnings because she cannot even understand what God’s warning signs and sounds are either; in this case, she is equal with the world.  She hears them yet ignores their waves because she is more interested in popular customary issues instead of eternal truth.  Numbers 29:1 gives us a great opportunity to once again study the warning sounds that God has for His people and it also gives us an opportunity to teach our own to hear the sounds of warning from God.  It is important for our lives to be spiritually in tune with God and to recognize His love for us through these great sounds.  It does not matter if these sounds are presented as a whistle from a grandfather, a direct spoken word from God or some other type of sound in between, whatever it may be God wants to keep in contact with His children at all times.  God warns us about the sounds and movements that wolves in sheep’s clothing make, He does not invite them in to mingle with the flock.

This is why it concerns me so very much that God’s Church has failed to remember and to understand the reasons why God sends out such messages to His people.  God never hid anything from Adam and Eve while they were in the Garden of Eden and He shall never hide anything from us today.  If we are not prepared for adverse conditions then it is our own fault and should stand tall after the consequences are over.  We need to teach ourselves to hear the warning signals from God again Church, we are the light unto the world and not the hindrance.  Teach those who need to know what is going on and to give a stern warning if necessary to change their heart before supernatural events occur should be our focus.  God did not design His warnings and sounds to be of a judgmental nature but one that comforts and protects His people from the world.  Sadly, we have bought into the spiritually legalistic points of view that come from our enemy concerning such issues and due to the acceptance of this misinformation we have strayed far away from the protecting sounds of God, and those legal sounds that we ignore are the very source of protection we need to recognize both in good times and in bad times.


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