Saturday, April 21, 2018

Resume The Rule Of Me

Resume The Rule Of Me


I know that the people of God should have this phrase as their battle cry, but sadly, I can almost guarantee that many do not understand the necessity of such a statement being at the forefront of our lives.  This phrase is the exact words that God uses in every sentence in the Bible and yet this phrase is the one most played around with by humans and even worse, it is done so by the ones that call themselves Christians.  It is this phrase that defines restoration, Covenant, and eternal salvation and it is stated right from the beginning of God’s Word.  If we continue to ignore this covering truth then our lives and the world shall keep on the current path of destruction all the while watching the true narrow path passing by through our peripheral vision and our ears ignore the gentle calling of our Creator at the same time to return to His path.  But what a glorious presence our lives would have on others if we only heed this phrase and what eternal happiness will we know when our lives have finished the course.

First off we must understand a principle here concerning the word “resume” and what it means.  The definition of resume is as follows: to begin to do or pursue (something) again after a pause or interruption.  It is this word that God wants to paint His eternal picture to us again through what occurred in the Garden of Eden.  We cannot forget, but so often do, that God is an eternal and holy being which operates in one direction only and that operation is in the exact manner in which He lives.  Even though He is of this pure and holy nature He has never once forced Himself onto another being, for it is the creation of free will that He placed into our lives that gives us to follow God and His Ways.  This word “resume” comes into play in our lives as well for it is our choice to allow God the capability to reign in our lives completely, just as His eternal life commands and it is through this article that God will show us just what occurred in the Garden of Eden and how His Ways are totally present in our lives in order for us to resume His rule over us again.  It this truth that we must refer back to the Garden of Eden when we try to understand why utopian conditions for until we understand our position in God, we shall never see this life again. 

We have discussed many times over the past few years about how beautiful and peaceful the Garden of Eden was before sin entered into humanity’s picture.  There was absolutely nothing wrong with the separated lives of Adam and Eve nor were there any issues with the animals, plants, trees, and any other living thing God created in the first portion of Genesis.  There was no mention of any type of uninformed articles present nor was there any pain what-so-ever in this perfect setting.  Regular meetings were present between Adam, Eve, and God and much information were given to Adam and Eve during these meetings, not trivial useless bits of information but a wealth of information and truth about what surrounded them and who was to soon be calling upon them for their time.  The perfect utopian setting handed to us already in place with no work required to obtain it, only to maintain it.  It is this place of our origin, by God alone, that dwells within our hearts as the burning and yearning commitment to peace and a return to perfect living, but at the same time, we shall never return to such perfection until we give our hearts over to God 100%.  While God understands this truth completely, amazingly He still allows us to continue to blindly through our countless flaws try to obtain this life without Him being first, always calling towards us for the return by His hands instead.

The title of this article comes from an old 1980s Christian song called “Holiness” which was written by Wayne Watson.  It was a song that I listened to many times over when I was in Hobbs, New Mexico and in Nederland, Texas when it was a popular item on the Christian music scene.  It is difficult for me to think back at those times in my life where I was so self-centered and egocentric that I totally missed what these words were saying, very much like the world continues to present today, and the heartfelt cry of Mr. Watson when he wrote this song concerning the Church and her status within the truth concerning God.  This song includes all of us even though it should strike arrows directly into the center of Christians’ hearts because of the lack of understanding of what God’s Word says.  Even the people who have sat in pews all of their lives fail to understand that when we cry for perfect conditions or for Jesus to return we are calling for our return to the Garden of Eden like conditions but in order for that to occur (the return of Jesus) we must be adequately preparing His Garden as God the Father instructed so long ago and as well as Jesus did when He was here on earth.

In a paragraph above, God has mentioned how important it is to remember that He is eternal and that He is Creator over everything and most importantly that when He is challenged by the free will of other beings that He has not only never been defeated but not slowed down one bit before, during or after said challenge.  God does not say this in order to rub our noses it His perfection or authority but to remind us that it is this type of holy and pure Creative love that He wants to provide covering over us and protection for us all under His Covenant.  He also mentions this truth about Him because it seems that humanity has forgotten this truth about Him and has grown apart from His protective ways yet cry out for help when times become tough, this seems silly for the answer is right in front of us yet we trip over it due to our stubborn pride and selfishness that we have inherited.  God reminds us that He cannot operate in this up and down belief system and that He operates on a consistent and steady level at all times on all occasion and for all conditions.  This means that God is still in the advance mode of His Kingdom and all we have to do is proclaim Him King of our hearts and return to His Ways to understand this desired protection.

We have in Genesis Chapter 2 a picture taken of a place that humanity, nature, and the entire environment around them have come into a perfect harmony with each other and most importantly we see that mankind and God have the same type of communication and unity.  It is this picture that our enemy did not want to see for if successful would further prove that God was correct about everything and that Satan was in the eternal wrong as he still is today.  But the old gift of free will that was given to Lucifer was also given to humans for God is an equal God on all levels and it was going to be the same tactic of lies that Lucifer had in heaven that he would use on Adam and Eve as well, hoping for the same outcome of course.  It is Satan’s goal to steal from us what God has given us and there can be no higher example than this topic and subject of article.  The naturalistic policies of nature fall into line with the human having complete dominion over the animals and plants serving out the true order of how perfect life was created to exist and Satan knows that if he can disrupt the truth about God in our hearts that all other sections of our Created dominion will fall right along with.

It is this perfect setting that God created the Garden of Eden and appropriately placed mankind into this setting, not under His thumb for control purposes but under His protection such as any father should provide for his child.  It is also under these provisions that God laid down the single and only command to mankind and at the same time God made it clear to mankind that as long as their hearts remained pure and followed these instructions nothing would ever come to harm them, but these conditions while God made them were strictly up to mankind to obey.  It is this perfect state or utopian conditions that mankind continually strives to achieve but it seems like that when we try to obtain this status again that the wheels continue to turn but no true progress is made towards this goal.  In fact, it seems like the more we try to make this goal happen the further back we end up after those efforts fade.  Just as the remaining portions of God’s Word shares with us this single command from God was for our protection and willingness to live under this protection, yes, it was work but a work of perfection in order to receive the exact same reward.

Then along comes Genesis chapter 3 and the entire setting of the Garden of Eden and the lives of Adam and Eve change due to a simple disobedience principle God had warned them about so point in their past.  The plan of the Serpent went according to his wishes and the insight of lies entered into humanity thus providing us with the first picture of God’s Kingdom being altered.  Mind you His Kingdom did not quit or die but it was halted in humanity’s abilities due to the entrance of sin into their existence.  God’s uninhibited and direct access to humanity was forever altered because of what humanity did and NOT what God did.  It was the choice of Adam and Eve to believe that Satan’s word was more acute and powerful than the One who created them, a pattern that we as parents see many times over in our children today, thus pushing our existence into a supernatural war that many of us do not know how to fight either.  If our struggles, heartaches and all other pains in life begin at this point then there can be no question at all that since God represented a perfect setting our enemy cannot provide such conditions.  It is this truth that defines our battle cry that God resume His rule over us.

So, now we see another picture that is being painted as Adam and Eve have been driven from the perfection state and no longer allowed to return to that precious setting again.  But God did something so amazing BEFORE He told them to leave and that was once again He showed them the ONLY way to have this protection again in His eyes and that is, by the way, He covered their bodies.  This shoots down every argument that mankind can have that we have the answers necessary to get to God and to understand God and reach His perfection again.  It also exposes the one who placed this belief into our lives and exposes his lies that he uses in order for us to fail.  HOWEVER, it does NOT stop God’s Kingdom of life in any way only deters it from our lives for as long as we allow it to thrive inside but all of this pain and worldly influence can be driven out with a return to God’s Ways which means that we allow God to resume His rule in our lives again. 

The rule that the world portrays as the answer can only provide heartache, confusion, lies, pain, and death, not a utopian order that is presented by Satan, it is this rule that we must shed and give back to God so that He can re-establish his truth in our lives again.  We have lived for so long in this life of slavery and bondage that we believe that we can make new ways of happiness while in this condition.  I suggest you read or study the era of slavery that gripped our world for centuries and find out if any of those people who lived in such dire conditions were ever happy.  Utopia does exist and we shall never understand that condition or life unless we allow God to resume His rule over us.  As He has stated many times, His rule is not a life of slavery for if it was it would promote the world and all of its ways but instead, God promotes His eternal freedom from the world.  God’s rule over me was halted in the Garden of Eden but it is strictly my choice whether or not to allow God to resume such rule over me, not the government of any society, not the Church and the “rules” she made, and especially not by the world but by God alone.

While we do not forget that God created all of the things we know about today and we forget that God did such creations in a manner in which they are alive just as we are and more importantly just as God is alive.  The vastness of God we have no clue just how big His Life is and we have no clue about how much His Life continues to grow either, we do know that there is no way that in our current finite lives comprehend such ever increasing and continual infinity but it is sure exciting to grasp a taste of it when God explains it to us.  We were created with no interruption of life yet we chose sin instead which provides a pause yet God still provides a way to resume this original process of life for us.  Does this grasping of His Life bring back a command that God gave to Adam?   Establishing and then living in a state of avid ugliness and filth is not an establishment of God but one that the ruler of the world can only produce.  Look at what is being exposed in our leadership today, not much good is being handed down by anyone even the purpose of such organizations are downright horrid and corrupt.  Sadly, this exposure also gives us a true picture of what lies within our hearts and it continues to show the complete vulnerabilities that our enemy is taking potshots at, yet we do nothing but blame others.

God is a continual God and His Kingdom and eternity never cease to exist or to grow, which means it is our place, as His child to find out as much as we can about God for if a child does not understand his parents then they cannot understand the ways in which they are to follow or to reject.  God wants us to understand that the ruler of the world is continual as well and that if you want peace you must turn your heart totally and 100% back to God without any twinges of returning to the world.  The spiritual fight for your life is an eternal one and it is one that represents nothing higher.  A return to God must be complete just as He is because if there is any foothold in the world in our lives our enemy will use it to manipulate once again.  A complete return to God is the prime and only example that we have that enforces God’s rule over us and a resumption of this eternal Way.

I can guarantee you that once Adam and Eve found out what had occurred in their lives with the inclusion of sin, they began to pray for this type of return to God and God was faithful to show them once again about how things needed to be in their hearts.  It is this 100% commitment that people who choose to follow Christ must strive towards to if they are truly wanting Him in their lives.  I have witnessed many times people quoting Christ’s words or using Him as an example to prove their point yet their actions go totally against what Jesus stood for, they forget that everything Jesus said, did and taught represented the fulfillment of Old Testament Scripture and He approached the leaders of the world and the Synagogues with these holy words from Scripture.  It is this understanding of the truth that we should be doing our best to put into place in our lives and not filling our hearts with the ways of the world.  It is time we stop the life of the world from growing in our hearts and allow God to resume the rule over us.  The only way we can achieve this success is to have constant and direct communication with God on a daily basis.  When God gives me the articles to write they do not represent all of the conversations I have with God, for I talk with Him many other times for I could not live and function with just a minute portion of communication with Him.  I want to have Him resume His rule over me and the question remains is this: do you want His rule to resume in your life?


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