Saturday, February 11, 2012

Do Not Be Afraid To Use Your Gifts

Do Not Be Afraid To Use Your Gifts


I know all of us have wondered at some point in our life of why we were ever placed on this planet.  That question is a common theme among many of the people in the world and even though it may not seem like a very viable complaint, it is one that none of us should ever hold truth into the question.  Each of us has a purpose in life and it is our responsibility to enhance the talents that have been given to us to the world.  We as humans cannot totally understand this placement of talent within our lives but we do recognize it and if we do not enable its growth, then God will nudge it into our existence in His own timing and fashion, and once it is introduced into our spirit it must be developed or God will not rest until His gift is manifested as it should even if it changes our entire thinking patterns.

As I have mentioned in past messages, our lives are unique in a way that none of us is 100% alike.  Even identical twins have features about them that are different.  Now I know that there are many of us out there that enjoy sports, sewing, quilting, etc but each of us though we share similar likes, our depth and knowledge of these events differ on many levels.  The same goes with the talents that we share with other people.  This is evident in the way our individual talents are conveyed from within our spirit to the outside world and the way that we physically produce it is what makes things different from anyone else.

A talent is a gift that is given to us that is part of our definition in this world.  Our talents are not our exact defining point in our life but it is a part of us that proclaims to the world that I am alive and that I do have a reason for being here.  That is why it is imperative for all of us to know and to understand just how special we are and what our talents bring to the world.  Talents come in many varieties and are not limited to music, writing, dancing, or even speaking.  A talent of listening to a person tell about their day can be just as effective as a music composer penning an entire symphonic work.  These talents that we carry within our lives are given to us at our conception and will eventually manifest themselves at some point in time.

There are many examples of young kids performing songs with their voices sounding like an aged adult voice, or a high school boy who has composed six symphonies.  It is important for us to remember that God has His own timing for our talents to be developed and when they are to be recognized by you.  These can be known early in life or not until you are well into your adult years.  All of us have a tendency to push God to show us our place in this world and seeing others portray their talents at a young age can be frustrating sometimes.  As an example in my own life, my newly exposed talent came when I was almost 44 years old.

In the development of the statement above concerning my new talent, I have learned on an intimate level that God is in control of all things and that when He wants things known He allows them to be known.  I have always believed that the medical field was my talent and that this area would be fulfilled in a medical mission, the building of a medical facility somewhere, service in a foreign country teaching others about laboratory services and techniques and this may still be a part of my calling, but I now have another talent that God has placed upon my heart.

As you are reading this message you are figuring out what kind of talent God has given me.  Believe me, this was a shock to my system since I had never seriously considered writing anything, unless I had to for some major reason.  When I was in school, all school to be honest, I could not stand to write things.  I despised it and everything it stood for.  According to my philosophy, it was a waste of time and I could care less if my finished product was good or not.  I know the majority of us had those same feelings at one time but up until a few months ago, I held onto those concepts.  Yes, I spent enough time to complete my assignments and projects but I knew then that I could have spent more quality time on them and probably would have received better praise for my efforts.

Now, proof that God does has a sense of humor.  Little did I know that the area of work that I did chose to fall in love with many decades ago would prove to be a breaking ground for my new passion and how much it really would matter in my journey.  Even though I did not consider my profession would provide me with many spiritual concepts to write about I do have to say that the many experiences that I have witnessed over the years will keep me writing for decades alone about the experiences of life that I have encountered.  But God has not stopped there, He is even using birds, people, nature, books and songs to define my new talent and to allow me extend His Kingdom to others through these various topics.

As I have told my parents and a few other people, I would have never thought that God would have chose writing as a talent for my world.  Some of you reading this may say or think that I have a long way to go, and I do, but it is something that God has placed within me that I must get out to others.  I now realize that God allows us to participate in many things in life and through the background of past family stories, nature and other previous and present encounters around me have provided the perfect backdrop for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.  Even though I have began this quest with enthusiasm I am still scared to death about this process and what will be coming from me next.  I do not even know if my writing will be the only thing in my future, it might be, it might be tied to the medical field, all I know is that God is in control of things and He gives me these messages and I accept them and in turn share them with someone who needs them.

Our potential to accomplish great things through our talents is almost limitless.  This is one major reason why Satan does not want us to see our lives as they were created.  It is also a reason why he wishes that our lives never come out of the womb.  Some of the kids of today seem like they want to blend in with others and become one crowd, no individualistic qualities begin displayed.  What a robbery that is taking place in these kids’ lives and they are accepting it like it was their right.  That is why all of us are on the hit list to be destroyed and a major reason that his goal is to delay you from enabling your talents.  And if he can delay you long enough and spread his propaganda in your direction long enough then you probably will give up on your talents all together.  It does not matter who you are or what background you have come from, always believe in the talents that you have been given.  Do not get discouraged if everyone does not agree with you or support your talent, but others will.  A gift from God that goes unused will be subject to ridicule from Satan’s Kingdom; oh, and remember that he will laugh at you while you are sitting there doing nothing.

Now I understand that not everyone will complete this inner talent quest and perform for God.  This is a given and I realize this; however, for those of us with other talents that are using for God…it is our responsibility to make God known to them.  On the other hand, people listening to these groups of people play might just be the spark that is needed to revive or to ignite those who are wondering about their talents.  People are influenced by others in many ways and it must be remembered that God knows the heart better than any created being, so it cannot be rule out that secular settings might just produce the some of the greatest Kingdom movers of God.  What a testimony of restoration if this occurs in people’s lives!!

I believe that there are many changes coming to this world, changes that are going to tax our human abilities in ways not ever experienced before in human history.  What are these changes, I have no idea.  But what I have been reading about within the newspapers and watching current situations around the world, and then add the things that I have been studying in the Bible show that mankind has turned its back on God once again and it will soon be time for God to allow things to occur in our lands.  These messages that God has given me all pertain to restoration.  Some of the messages deal with personal issues, some with church issues and others on a large wider scale, which to me says that God is calling all people to restore ourselves to His Kingdom.  Therefore, I believe that everyone is going to be included in these future events, but definitely the church.

In closing, the message that God wants you to understand is that He is the one that places things into your inner core that defines you.  We may never completely understand why God places them in our lives, but know that there is a specific reason.  Talents are a part of His design and at His given time He will present them to you.  Don’t fight them, embrace them with humility and humbly accept them as a part of your life.  If you have inhibited your known talents, restore them to your fold and allow them to grow into your everyday existence.  If God sees fit to unlock new talents, be open to His guidance and look forward into your new adventure, but whatever the case trust God with all of your might that He has a divine purpose for them.  Develop them and use them to push forward God’s Kingdom because one never knows if the talents that are within you might be needed for some occasion down the road. 


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