Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Service of Addictions Part I

The Service of Addictions Part I


Addictions are something that occurs in each of our lives and most of the time we do not even realize what they are doing to our lives.  It is important for us to understand the process of this state and to recognize when this process begins.  Many times we are already in “too deep” before we actually agree to believe that we have a problem.  It is at this time that the inner battle begins within our spirit and the fight for freedom rings in a new era in our dominion. 

This message on addictions is going to take me a while to compose.  God has shown me many aspects of this process and it will take time for me to write them down in sentence format.  Addictions have infiltrated our society in various shapes and forms and need to be addressed so that people understand that they are real and that they can be overcome by a Godly restoration process.  Our attitudes towards these addictions is one of mind over matter which almost in evidently proves this theory invalid.  Each step needs to be detailed according to what god has to say concerning this matter along with the importance of your life to Him and His Kingdom.  The first part of this message is going to deal with the enemy and his plan to begin an addiction in our lives.

Addictions can come in any form that we can imagine and if allowed they will consume our beings with full force and end up destroying us as time proceeds.  These are nasty habits that our bodies become accustomed to, and end up dependent upon the effects of the addiction.  Our minds take over this process in two ways.  The first being the thought in which our mind “talks” to us and says everything is ok and that we are not experiencing an addiction and that we are still in control of the situation.  The second method is when our mind ignores the production of certain chemicals in our bodies to make our minds believe that we actually need more of the addiction to function properly.  Another method that we fail to see is that this addiction has caused an infiltration into our spirit and we now have become dependent on something of a physical nature rather than God.

Our enemy cares for one thing and one thing only and that is to destroy our lives as thoroughly as possible on every level that he can think of, that is his job now and he will stop at nothing to complete it.  Satan does not care about you or anything that you have, need, want, or even might want to possess in life, his goal is to separate us from God as far as possible and to destroy your potential for God’s Kingdom.  That point is a major theme to my messages and it will not be in any less stressed in this message and the subsequent messages on this topic.  Always, always remember that concept about our enemy.

It is difficult for us to keep in our forefront thinking that our enemy can intertwine these potential events as we walk along our daily paths.  It is also difficult for us to routinely examine our lives close enough to recognize a potential target for our enemy and to close this weakness before the attack begins.  As stated in one of my earlier messages, this is part of the besieging process that takes place before the attack begins, reconnaissance if you prefer to use that term.  It is important for Satan to do his homework so to speak since he has a limited amount of time to accomplish his goals in our lives before the truth is recognized.  So he must strategically deepen his attack enough to penetrate that certain area of our inner core enough to have a long term and lasting consequence on our lives.  It may sound a little far fetched at what I am portraying here, and many people who do not completely understand the goals of our enemy might agree with that statement but the ones who do understand know perfectly well that what I am saying is correct and to what extent that it poses on our individual worlds.

Satan knows that our human lives are on a limited basis here on earth and that while we are alive on this earth our potential to accomplish God’s work could be detrimental to his kingdom.  Some time back in history Satan was thrown out of his position in heaven by his own choice.  He was not alone in this decision for he took one third of the angels with him when this occurred.  Lucifer as he was known then main job was head of the music department in heaven.  Ever wonder why music is so important in worship services?  Ever wonder why music is so important in our lives?  Ever wonder why many of the indifferences within churches stem from the music aspect of the service?  Our enemy knows his music and what it does to the spirit.

So, God gave the music department to Lucifer, ok we can accept that but we also have to remember that God did not take that talent away from Satan when he fell.  He still has that capability of the creation of music and he still uses it today.  However, let us think about something for a minute, how many times throughout history have we read about kings, priests, every day Joes who have fallen out of grace with their superiors and then take action against their superior’s heirs in acts of revenge.  This concept is the exact concept that Satan has towards us and God.  We are God’s ultimate creation and a direct insult to Satan himself, so why wouldn’t we be the natural target of his “revenge” towards God.

Since I am a medical person by trade my example that I am going to use is medications, I am not going to specify a certain medication but use them in a general sense.  Even though I am using one example in this message, please remember that addictions can form with anything that we can imagine.  I have seen over the years many people that come into the hospital setting that are addicted to drugs.  I have seen the all of the effects that an addiction to drugs has on a person’s life and I must include their families in this assessment.  It tears a person to pieces in every way imaginable but when they begin to appear in the Emergency Department their status as a functional human being has been totally wiped out.  What many people do not realize is that this process also wipes out their spiritual lives in the same manner and has a longer lasting effect on the person.

Sometime during our daily life there occurs an event that seems to be just a passing moment in which we do not pay much attention to or deem important enough to concern ourselves.  The transition of a passing moment into a habitual pattern is something that we seldom recognize in time to stop.  Some of these patterns we may never recognize but we must remember that others will and could change their course of their own personal history according to what you have portrayed.  This line of passage varies within each life and as the saying goes, once that line is crossed things will never be the same again in that person’s life.  Satan knows of this line of passage and focuses on this as one of his goals in our lives.

We now know our enemy and what his objectives are going to be for this series of messages.  Realize that I am only going to deal with one aspect of his objectives and that there are thousands more like this one that can be used against us.  Also know that God loves us and desires to protect us in every way possible but in order for Him to accomplish this feat we must have a heart of repentance and be willing to restore our lives back to its rightful place.


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