Friday, February 10, 2012

The Only Perfect Peace

The Only Perfect Peace


As we wake up every morning we are subjected to news of unrest within our world with every imaginable traumatic situation that a human mind can conceive flashes across our television screens before we eat breakfast.  Such constant bombardment into our lives eventually takes its toll on our emotions.  Now enter our personal bombardments that we receive on a more personal level; you know the ones, the ones that make your blood pressure rise, your stress level become unbearable and the ones that bring questions of life itself into your head.  Are we really prepared to tackle these issues on a daily basis or even sometimes minute by minute?  There is only one way that we can be sure that our preparedness is adequate to withstand these situations and the one way is God.

Before I dive into this message, I must tell you that this message is going to be a tad more pointed than my other messages.  This message deals with a very serious topic that ultimately has the highest form of lie that humans know, and its name is suicide.  I know that this is an area that has touched all of our lives and will continue to haunt us as time rolls along.  I also know that when I was about to receive this message there was a huge battle that occurred while it was being delivered to me.  I could not understand why I was angry or upset that day but when I saw the object that God intended for me to see, it all came into place.  The majority of my past messages have pretty much just rolled out and I have easily placed them on paper as planned, not this one.  I have struggled to maintain course with this topic and I suppose it will continue this way until the message is completed and God’s Kingdom is moved forward.

Everyone who takes a breath of air knows that sometimes life can deal you an uncomfortable hand.  Everyone also understands that each one of us deal with life in our own specific way, which when all is said and done the phrase “life is life” totally engulfs our realms.  All of us desire to live the quiet and serene lifestyle which includes all of the necessities life without any complications being presented.  However, all of us know that this type of Utopian belief system will not occur.  For some of us older folks, there is an old song called “Rose Garden” in which the lyrics state that one of the people in this relationship believed that everything was going to be easy along the path that they had chosen.  The other person in this relationship was trying to explain that they did not understand how the other could believe such a tale.  We as humans have clung onto this idea for our own personal surroundings and now have used this Utopian idea as a reality.

Let us take a bit closer look at why adverse conditions come our way.  When a human has to deal with another human, no matter on what level, complications have the ability to present to each side.  These dealings come in all shapes and sizes including the gross and bloody kind, even up to death.  All adverse reactions affect us in ways that leave lasting impressions on our lives.  These impressions can be included as a part of our lives or it can be a product of someone else’s pain that we encounter on some level of communication.

Life presents itself on our own personal levels and constantly appears to us every second of the day.  It is fascinating to me how life chooses to pick out certain people at random and then just tears them apart for a specific amount of time.  This battering of the spirit plays a huge role in how people respond to life itself.  We all know that we are going to face extreme conditions in our lives and that there is never a “good” time for it to rise.  It does not matter if you live in a third world country or are a multi billionaire you are not exempt from these circumstances.

Suicide is the most destructive result of a spiritual battle that exists within a person.  It has a final consequence that opens so many doors into other people’s lives in which its legacy could rule others for generations.  The moments leading up to suicide are the last act that humans have to defend themselves against the ultimate surrender.  Many people struggle with this situation for years without any relief and never accrue the information necessary to effectively combat the urge to take the final step.

The first step is to understand that you are fighting a battle, a very serious battle that encompasses your eternal life as its prize.  The way we conceive ourselves as a person usually reflects on our physical appearance and how we look in the mirror but we fail to recognize the inner spirit that our body houses.  It is the spirit that you are not noticing that is under attack.  It is your spirit that forms your defenses against these attacks and alerts you to the impending danger.  We fail to recognize our spirit warning us because we have placed it last in our line of succession, essentially rendering it as a useless instrument.  This is why many attacks upon our lives are allowed to proceed unchecked and be completed as successfully as the first wave of Japanese planes on Pearl Harbor.

As in the attack on Pearl Harbor many of the warning signs that a major concept like suicide is approaching as a rule of thumb, is ignored.  We have made adjustments to our life schedules that compensate for these uneasy feelings.  People facing this situation take up hobbies or change some pat of their life to combat these thoughts.  This is a great idea but if the adjustments do not have God within their center, it will only prolong the person’s torment and allow deeper infiltration of the spirit to occur.  It has been said at many funerals after a person’s suicide that the person usually had a hobby that that they loved to do.  Many psychologists would say that these hobbies were the person’s escape valve, which once again is a good thing, but still God is not the center.  These people do not even realize that what is being attacked is their spirit, not their bodies and in essence they are building up the wrong defenses.

And to all of the Christians out there in the world who believe they have an exemption to these types of attacks, WAKE UP and TAKE HEED, you are actually more susceptible than others.  Why?  I am glad you asked that question.  See, all of us have the potential of damaging Satan’s kingdom and he knows that.  What he also knows is that he does not care how he accomplishes it or how he “gets the job done” his mission is to destroy your life and to get you off the face of the earth.  It is your potential that he hates and wishes to manipulate enough for you to make rash decisions that will you to finish the job so to speak.  So what better target than those who have been shown the truth and are doing nothing to spread the gospel to others, in other words they become sitting ducks.

As the song above stated about not promising a rose garden God does not promise that either, but He does promise that He will be right there with you protecting you and guiding you when these trials arrive. He has so much confidence in you that He allows these situations to occur so that you can show Satan that you are stronger than anything that he throws your way.  God is the ONLY way that these trials can be soundly defeated when we encounter them.  God is the only one that can give us peace that passes all human understanding no matter what our circumstances are and only He can show us how to defeat this attack.  See, God is spirit and He has placed His spirit within us so that our communication lines with Him will always be connected; however, as in any communication device the right settings and frequency must be present in order for the access to occur.

But have we ever stopped to think about why a certain situation tends to come our way at a specific time, or why an event that occurs really gets under our skin?  These questions plague people constantly and no matter where you go, or who you experience everyone has these situations that they do not have answers for.  Is it possible that there is something out there that has us targeted, and if so why?  Why are we picked out?  What did we do to deserve this kind of treatment?  All of these questions do have answers to them and it is imperative that we know how to combat them.

Here is a concept that many of us would not think about on a routine level when the issue of suicide is brought into our thoughts.  Your life and potential of completing a kingdom purpose must be great.  What a place you must hold in God’s eyes for He has looked at your heart even before it began to beat and has understood you in a way that no one else will ever see you.  The talents that you have to offer others must be so immense that they hail to the heavens when you take your first breath.  Your talents, no matter if your talent is a simple smile, has the opportunity to extend towards others in a way that will be special to that person or those people at that moment.  No wonder Satan despises you so much for him to plant this type of horrid thoughts to cloud your spirit, but God believes in you enough to provide a way to overcome this situation.

Always keep in mind that everything and everyone that you encounter will at some time let you down.  No one is exempt from these conditions and do NOT let anyone or anything inform you of any other type of answer.  Anything that this world has to offer you will fail and it will cause pain in your life, this is a fact.  But we must not let these situations control our emotions to the extent where it becomes a mainstay in our everyday thinking.  Your mind and heart deserve better living conditions; and I am happy to say that there is a way for this to happen.

All areas of your life have been scoped out and the targets chosen.  It is sad to see the memorials of people that have chosen to leave this world by their own hands.  There is nothing comforting to know that they lost their greatest battle to an enemy that serves and deserves no purpose in your life.  As one of my previous messages stated, don’t believe the hype.  God is in control of everything that takes place in this world, we may not always understand the events but we can know that He is with us while we are passing through them.  Do not be fooled into believing that your life is worth nothing more than mere muck of the ground and that your existence here is meaningless.

Here is something for you to think about.  The human reacts in various ways when things are not going his way or when times get tough.  This is not new to our consciousnesses in fact it seems like a tension release when this occurs.  The one thing we need to remember is this….times are only going to get tougher and tensions in life are going to get tighter.  This means that we need to realize the source of true peace right now and begin to restore this relationship with the only true peace.  Isn’t it a comfort to know that God will not all things to happen in our lives that we cannot handle?  Isn’t it also a comfort to know that He knows us so well, so intimately that everything we experience He knows that we can handle?  How we handle things will vary but even if things are handled incorrectly, it means that we can learn from the trials and might be able to help others in the future that may be going through the same trial. 

Humans make adjustments in our lives from the time we were conceived till our natural lives end.  Inside the womb the baby moves towards warm areas.  During our day we adjust to the individual situations that our jobs present, schedules are always being changed.  Even at night when we are asleep our bodies still change while we are in our bed, including dreams.  So when our adjustments come our way and we get these ideas of “ending it all” we need to stop and think that there is a battle going on inside and that God has given us the ability to adjust ourselves in order to combat these thoughts.  These specific orders come from a carefully prepared line of communication that can be restored to use in an instant.  It is up to us to take that step of faith and to reconnect with the only one who can grant us perfect peace in times of struggle.  Nothing else that man can dream up will prevent such rash and harsh decisions from happening like turning the communication lines back on to God.


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