Monday, February 27, 2012

So, What is Your Core?

So, What Is Your Core?


The human body has a center piece that contains vital organs that allow for the complete function and sustainability of the body.  This core as it is known controls all major functions of the body that is necessary for the human to survive.  Blood flow, blood pressure, oxygen concentration and the continual flow of nutrients throughout the body are all centralized into this continuous pumping mechanism which then brings life to the entire body.  Your core is also the control center of your spiritual being and the major target of spiritual attacks by our enemy.  It is important to know both your inner physical core and your spiritual core.

If you stop and think about the formation of the human body, one will realize that if this core did not exist, all functional life would cease within a few short hours.  Consider the positioning of this core.  Its placement within the body is a nook-like compartment that actually creates its own sustainable pressure by its own movements. It is fascinating to watch this compartment actually working; I have heard stories of surgeons just standing over the open heart watching it beat on its own, with no outside help whatsoever and many of these same surgeons after they have completed a major surgery actually wait to see the heart begin its beat on its own before giving the heart a boost with an electrical shock.

If this core were located in any other place within the body, the body as we know it could not sustain life.  For instance, if the core were located in the thigh muscle all of our blood would be located in our legs and pool there due to gravitational forces.  If our core were located in the human head, then the pressure would literally explode our brains and death would be immediate.  Instead it is located in a sort of, kind of rectangle shaped pouch located in the upper center of our bodies…the perfect creation.  So, if our core is perfectly constructed and correctly located within our bodies then no other place will do for our creator.  Why would Jesus wish to enter a portion that is on the outside, or located on the extremity, or to a position that would be easily compromised?  Those parts could be easily cut off in hard times or sacrificed, when major threats occur to the vital organs.  Being in the center of the body gives Jesus complete access to all functioning areas of the body and can restore broken down areas when in need.

When an enemy attacks something, their goal is always towards the center of the object that they are attacking.  We saw the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and they began in the extremities of the country, but their main goal ended up the center or heartbeat of the nation.  When diseases strike the body, the extremities are usually the first to feel the effects, with the fingers, ears, and toes begin the first casualties.  But in the end, the vital organs are ultimately the targets for the attackers. So, then why would our enemy choose any other spot to attack than our core and since our enemy is spirit then he must strike at our spiritual core.

There are only two spiritual kingdoms that exist, as my uncle would say one is ruled by my Lord God and the other kingdom is ruled by His arch enemy Lucifer.  It is God’s desire that you fully understand the concepts of spiritual warfare and the consequences that it can have on your life, both physically and spiritually.  God gives a great explanation of this war all throughout His word through which He allows our minds to then gather and formulate this information so that a constructive defense can be prepared; then after the defense plans are constructed to form a concise response to these attacks so that God’s kingdom can move forward.

The spiritual core of our life serves as the communication line with God.  Even though there are many ways that God can communicate with us, the spiritual communication is a holy one that we cannot fully explain.  It is a direct line that God speaks to our spirits to relay or convey messages to our lives.  The information that passes from God to man is so sensitive that it is designed for direct one on one sequences only.  In other words, what God says spiritually to me will be totally different to someone else via the same channels.  So you can see the importance of this communication line to our enemy and if he can knock out this line or even hinder the communication process enough, then we are in a vulnerable state and easily targeted for an attack.

Many of us today have forgotten this concept concerning our spiritual cores.  Our lives have become engrained with technology, life in general and the everyday drama that we have “no time” to keep up with everything that is required.  So, we make the cuts that we believe are necessary to maintain our physical lives, which when we choose the physical first the spiritual automatically gets the short end of the deal.  Our physical defenses allow for the physical aspect of our lives only, the physical which by the way is doomed to die one day, is a constant reminder that our efforts to protect the physical is a futile method in the necessary “cuts.”

“Cuts” to our spiritual defenses proves to be more valuable than we can imagine.  Our spirit and its function is the only way that we can effectively communicate with god when times of attack are ongoing.  Yes, we can verbally communicate to Him but it is through the spirit connection that we receive our orders of response.  It is through our spirit that He regenerates our defenses and it is also through our spirit that God feeds us our spiritual daily bread.  If we deliberately cut spiritual spending within our lives our capabilities of a sound defense could suffer to the point of spiritual death.

Once the spiritual cuts have been made in our lives our enemy immediately seizes the moment and provides a vicious attack that is sure to hit its mark.  We recognize this by certain events that occur in our lives that penetrate our spirit with the comparable devastation of a four star commander being killed in action.  When this type of attack occurs it wounds our spirit and also causes our physical defenses to be compromised in a way that our entire motive for functioning as a human being is now being questioned by our own minds and mouths.

God understands that when the spirit is wounded the entire human being is wounded and there is not much that He can do to help in this situation.  It is not until we allow Him to return into our lives in a way that He only can and to restore that spiritual line of communication within us so that we may receive the needed supplies to return to the battle front.  Only when we follow His instructions will be once again know victory in our lives and also realize what is at stake.  There is no use in us fighting a spiritual war if our spiritual hands are purposefully tied by our own doings.  God will not force Himself upon our lives we must choose to accept Him as our commander and the One who is in control of our spiritual core.

What a comfort to have when we know that our spiritual core is protected by the warmth that God gives to us.  What a comfort to know that our spirit is constantly fed by the one person who created us and knows us like no other.  What a comfort to know that this same person is in control of everything that occurs in the universe and that He desires to have a personal relationship with us.  This only happens if we allow Him to guide our efforts on a daily basis and that we continually seek His ways for our lives.

It is also comforting to know and to understand that when we go on our own way God is quick to forgive us and to take us back into His fold.  Yes the restoration plan is a tough one and it will be painful at times but it is reassuring to know that through this process God will protect us until we are able to stand on our own once again.  Let us focus on our spiritual beings instead of placing all our concerns on our physical realm.  Let us restore our spirits instead of our physical cores; don’t get me wrong here it is important to keep our physical aspects in order but we do not need for them to become #1 in our maintenance department.  All He asks is that you turn your life and everything about you over to Him so that He can shape you back into His image.  When God is allowed into the core…He consumes the core and then consumes the remaining parts of the body by way of the flowing system…Let Him be the one to consume you!!


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