Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is Your Foundation Flawed?

Is Your Foundation Flawed


Anything that has ever been built has had a base that defines the object that sits on top of it.  It is a guarantee that the object on the foundation will be subjected to many trials over its existence and will need to have a firm base that provides stability during these perilous times of trouble. This concept of having a solid foundation applies in the human as well and as you take a closer look at the life of the human the foundation really does serve as the beginning point as we know it.  The building of the human foundation determines many aspects of the human and can honestly make or break that human down the road.  It is important to understand that a foundation built on God is the only true security that we have in knowing that when things go awry that the ground that we are standing on will support us.

The simple definition of a foundation is the lowest load-bearing part of a building.  To many people a foundation is just a carved out wood frame dug into the ground and then concrete poured into it and after it dries it is called a foundation.  For many years I too found myself believing in this concept, until I began to watch how some foundations of buildings and houses were being constructed.  The foundation constructing process caught my attention somewhat and I soon realized that a foundation is more complicated than what it would seem.  I had a great opportunity to learn how a foundation was constructed when I was in Cleveland, Texas but with me being a teenager and more interested in other things, I blew that chance and thought nothing more about the subject.

I am not going into the technical details of the construction of a foundation but I am going to give you a bit of background on the process.  A foundation must be constructed one step at a time beginning with the soil.  Some foundations need to be dug into the soil and others, depending upon the type of soil can basically rest on top of the ground.  The outline of the foundation is then measured and built, reinforcement steel and other wires are placed into the foundation in strategic spots so that expansion of the concrete, when it is poured, does not occur.  Other inner support columns are dug and constructed at other points to spread the strength of the foundation to its outer points to make sure the weight of the building is located there instead of another area.  I know that this is a gross explanation to what actually occurs when building a foundation, but it gives you an idea of just how much detailed work is done to make sure the foundation of a building can withstand all stresses in the future.

Since my knowledge of building foundations is vast J  I asked my dad about some of the materials that are used in foundations.  He quickly gave me a list of “ingredients” for a foundations and I quickly scribbled them down.  He stressed to me that the person in charge of the project could have all the correct “ingredients” but not use them in the appropriate manner and the entire foundation be useless before it even began to take its shape.  So, it sounded like to me that a person who is charge of the foundation, better know what they are doing or major problems will occur soon after the project begins.

The foundation requires a confirmed amount of space which requires a very thought out planning process.  The foundation cannot just be a flat square that has no direct measurements, in other words a foundation cannot be wider than the intended building; it serves as a waste and will not provide the adequate amount of stability when nature throws its obstacles its way.  We all know what will happen if the foundation is smaller than the size of the building, so that leaves the foundation being the same size of the building which means no shoot from the hip tactics are allowed in this area of construction.  In my conversation with my dad he stated that the foundation may look ok in the beginning but will eventually crumble when weight is applied or in other words, when it is tested.

I know all of us like to heed advice from our friends or from the local expert but is that a safe thing to engage ourselves in when something so important to us is being constructed.  Friends always have the “best ideas” and other professional contractors have their opinions as well, but it is the one person who is in charge of our project that bears the responsibility of completing our house to its perfection.  That one person who is charge of the house is you. 

Let me bring this foundation message into a bit more of a personal level.  I know that everyone does not grow up in the best of situations and that our foundations that we construct can be done sloppily, hurriedly, or even haphazardly.  Then there are those of us who have had a foundation structured on Biblical principles or in a solid home that prepared us for a proper future.  However, all of us have one thing in common, we are human and eventually we are going to do things our way and then take over the foundation project ourselves.  We have stood by and watched the foundation process and believe that we know how to complete the job.  So we fire the professional and continue on with the project alone. 

A few questions quickly arise and we apply some fixatives to the area and it seems to work, so we continue on until we look at our finished product.  We notice the flaws but say to ourselves it looks pretty good and no one will notice the minor flawed details and when the house goes up then all will be forgotten.  We look towards the sky and comment under our breath about how lovely the weather is today.  The house we live have built is completed now and it looks great!!  The last coat of paint is drying and the last screw is tightened on the shutters around the window.  We step back for a minute and gaze at the “finished” product.  We are proud that we finished the house that can be called “mine” now.  How correct this person is by calling it “mine” for it is a representation of his life.

But what if your house is flawed and the storms arrive, the house begins to leak or it creaks, windows bust out and the ceiling cracks, what happens then?  We get angry at the structure and ignore the fact that it could be the foundation that has caused this catastrophe.  Next we think that the structure has failed somehow, so we call out a person to assess the damage.  That person realizes that the structural damage is due to the foundation and the condition it is in and that major repairs need to be completed soon or the entire house will be rendered non-salvageable. 

Here is where the most important decision is going to be made.  Do we repair our foundation on our own or do we call in a professional to get the job done correctly.  We make the decision to do it alone, for whatever the reason, and proceed to complete the task.  We make the “necessary” repairs and when it is finished we hope that all will stand firm when nature takes its course.  So, the time comes and once again the same conditions occur in our house, but this time more flaws are noticed and the desperation has increased.

Throughout history the house has been represented by a family.  The House of Borgia, The House of Windsor and even the House of David are a few examples.  The house defines your existence in the world and provides a safe haven when times are tough.  A house also is a place where people find refuge when times are tough and we all know that there is no comparison with being in our own house.  All of these houses represent family traditions that have been built on foundations that have ruled nations, had currency based upon their names and even led men and women into battle to rescue loved ones.  All of these families had a foundation that stood the test of time, but in some way their foundational flaws became noticeable and were used against them.  It was those who allowed God to reinforce their foundations with His divine ingredients that provided the adequate strength for you to overcome the forces of nature.

In many ways houses can be compared with our lives.  Both entities need a foundation and a formed structure to make it complete.  Both entities also need to have confidence in their builders so that when the project is complete or even near completion and the tide turns, that both can withstand nature and everything that comes against them.  In the example given above it is clear that if we chose to build or to repair our personal foundations we set ourselves up for some pretty serious conditions when trouble arises.  We see the devastating effects faulty foundations have on our lives every day in our world and these devastations will only continue to increase in their intensity until all flaws will be made public.

The other choice we have is to allow God to be our professional expert in foundation building and repair.  I know it is not a popular decision to allow God to take over our lives but there is no one more qualified to complete this task; since He is the one who made us in the first place with His own ingredients and He knows just which ones to use where.  His work will be meticulous in its nature and He will tell us every step that He will make while completing His work.

God knows exactly what areas to being in, and that is usually at the base of the foundation of our lives.  The work is a bit painful sometimes but He has to make sure that every detail is repaired and set accordingly before He can proceed to the next step.  See, God does not make mistakes when it comes to our lives, we are His pride and joy and it is His desire for us to withstand everything that is thrown our way.  God then interjects His Words of steel and ties them into place so that our new foundation does not move or expand when His concrete is poured into our lives.  He injects his stabilizing concrete into the cracks and spaces left open by the previous methods, filling in every inch of space that could pose complications in the future; and then He waits a while so that the completed layer of foundation can cure and after an appropriate time, the next step begins.

See, God takes His time in building or repairing your foundation.  He is the master carpenter who knows your plans inside and out and knows exactly what you will need to have in your foundation to prepare you for your journey.  He recognizes all of the storms that you will face and all of the trials your structure will have to endure; no one is better suited to complete your foundation.  God will allow us to build our foundation to His satisfaction and He will show us everything that is flawed and show us each finished area that He has completed.  He does not leave us when the tough or hard to reach areas are being repaired, this is where He takes over and fills in the area with His ingredients to strengthen the area.  His process of building our foundation and our house is never complete it is a constant process in which takes our entire lifetime to achieve.

Whether you realize this or not, but you have just been through a restoration process. It is all about turning your live over to God and let Him direct you in all your days.  He does not wish to control you, He wishes to have a relationship with you, to restore you to your rightly place in the world and to set you up on a high plain as an example to others.  What you might not also realize is that while God is repairing your foundation He is also preparing you to withstand an unusual enemy.  This enemy is not of the physical realm, which we are instructed not to fight, but it is of a spiritual manner, a force that opposes your completed Godly foundation.  Remember we fight against a spiritual battle and a spiritual kingdom, not one that reasons with the flesh.  God will prepare your foundation for this spiritual storm and other forces of nature, for it is these forces which press against your house.

Remember that we are human and all of our building ideas for our lives are flawed.  When we construct things by our own knowledge we automatically look at things that only matter to us and not what God wants for our lives.  That is why it is important that He be included in our foundation project so that He can guide its construction since He knows what we need for protection.  Restore yourself by allowing God to reconstruct your foundation.  I know that when I began to let God change and repair my foundation, I began to see things in a different light and I also realized how vulnerable I was to the spiritual storms that were prevailing against my inner man.


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