Thursday, February 23, 2012




We have heard this word and the accompanying phrases used many times in our lives.  Most of us immediately think of the Biblical sense when we hear this word but I know that some of us have heard it coming from some type of relationship setting, and even if we have not directly heard it then we have become isolated within ourselves and refuse to recognize our ways.  This is the major issue that we as humans continue to ignore and fail to address, so God has placed this message in my heart to give to you and for you to understand exactly where our society is standing.

I remember the months following 9/11 and all of the media questions and interviews that were produced all over the world.  Everyone from a schoolboy to the most advanced academic was interviewed during this period of time.  Thousands of questions, diagrams, reasons, stories, tributes, remembrances, etc were broadcast over the airwaves.  No type of media was left out in airing these messages.  The eyewitness accounts were numerous and horrific in specificity but none greater than one single interview given on one of the major media channels.

At the same time I was hearing all of the questions of why God allowed this to occur, forgive us oh God, I cannot believe God would allow something like this to happen, and we need to get back on our knees, etc, etc being broadcast on most of the same media channels.  It seemed like the fear and groaning of the church people was beginning to sound and unite together to respond to this action.  The eyewitness accounts were numerous and horrific in specificity but none greater than one single interview given on one of the major media channels.  And if you are wondering yes, I meant to repeat that last sentence.

The interview I am referring to was from a representative of a large civil rights group.  Many questions were asked of this person, all of them having to do with the so called violations of liberties due to this attack on our country, but as the interview was drawing to a close the reporter asked one final question.  The question asked went something like this…how does your group respond to all of the cries from the public for God to help us out during this time of need?  The response of this person went something like this…We will allow these people to say what they wish for a certain period of time and then we deem that time is over we will once again pursue to remove God from all activity of the land.

Now, this message is not directed at the person that gave this interview, but it is directed to all of us who fall into the category of not doing anything to restore our relationship with God.  It does not matter if it is on a personal level or on a “national” level God’s message is still the same for all people.  First and foremost God wants you to know that He loves you and will do everything in His power to protect His children, but He cannot protect those who do not obey Him.  It is not that He does not want to help us and to protect us, but he cannot do these things because of the decisions that we continue to make regarding our ways.  So please keep that in mind while reading this remainder of this message.

Most of us human do not like to rock the boat, kind of stay in the crowd so to speak and try and go with the flow.  This action is a normal one and an easy one to accept in our lives.  However, a long term practice of this philosophy will produce a level of complacency in our motives that will soon find it governing our thinking and our ways.  When this occurs we begin to compromise more than we actually need to and then allow our internal security systems be breached to our enemies.  This is why the statement “you demand My absence from your daily lives but pray for My protection in time of need” defines God’s truth about the state of conditions that rule our means and ways.

The solution to this definition of our lives is very, very simple.  We must stop following ourselves and believing in the wants of man and turn back towards God.  That is all we must do to begin the restoration process that God so desperately wishes to bestow upon us.  This one step method will automatically get God’s attention and His ears will perk up when he notices this change because it tells Him that His children realize that they are on the wrong path.  It also tells Him that our hearts are not so hard that we still want His guidance in our lives and it also allows His Kingdom to be advance in our restoration.

God’s message is also simple in this statement “you are either for me or against me.”  This is clear and precise to what God desires from all of us.  I will be the first to say that I have not always been faithful to God as I should and I also will be the first one to stop and to examine my life so that I might know what impurities that needs to be removed from my life.  For all of you that are riding the fence, the lukewarm ones, God has a message for you.  He says that He will eventually destroy that fence that you are sitting on and then you will have to make that decision after the dust settles.

The next step proves difficult for some of us humans to complete and that is to give up our impurities to God.  When we realize that we have these hidden within our lives we become ashamed of them and that is not a bad thing to recognize.  What makes it hard is the fact that we want to cover them up and hide them from God so that he does not see them.  Only one slight and minor detail, He knows that they are there, since he is the one that allowed you to find them in the first place.  Giving them to God is a life changing experience and one that your spirit will enjoy its absence once they are gone. 

The above information is all that God has for you concerning this message.  Most of my messages are longer but God wants it just as short and easy as the way for us to get His attention. 


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