Friday, June 21, 2013

Babes Do Not Know

Babes Do Not Know


When adults become ill we have the capability to comprehend what is actually transpiring within our bodies.  This comprehension is due in course because of what the physician tells us and from the learned experiences from our past that remind us of the conditions that we have been through already.  However, babies and young children do not understand this concept and when they become sick all they know is that they do not feel good.  The same thinking goes along with the spiritual aspects of our lives as well when we have not exposed ourselves to the world enough to know the enemy’s attacks and what happens when he does attack.

The flu bug has been in the news lately and according to the medical community there is another strain out there that is affecting people in a deadly way.  With all of the technology and research that has been conducted over the past decades against the flu, it still provides a formidable foe against our immune systems.  Humans have the knowledge of the flu virus that infects our bodies whereas in the middle ages the medicinal community had not a clue of how or what to do to keep the spread of the virus in check; however, the same can be said of today especially with the easy modes of transportation that are now available to us.

Even back in the olden days of medieval medicine these bugs and viruses attacked our bodies because even though we did not really understand what was going on inside our bodies these invading creatures did understand what was happening and their knowledge of our lives were far advanced than ours.  Our defense system was overwhelmed with conditions that we had no idea about yet our bodies responded to these attacks in the best way possible without the aid of specific medicinal helpers.

When children get sick today we have the capability of giving them antibiotics and other soothing medications to help their symptoms as their bodies fight off the bugs that have attacked them.  Babies and children really do not comprehend their conditions too much because all that they know is that they do not feel good enough to go outside and play with their friends.  I believe that this mode of thinking combined with the aches and pains of the illness adds to the child’s worries since their immediate world has come crashing down around them.  It is not their fault that they are sick but their condition still requires attention, yet it still has an effect on their lives in such a manner in which they cannot function as they should, in other words their bodily systems have had to shift gears in order to focus on what is currently happening within their bodies even though it is a normal response to what is occurring in them.

If one reads all of the health reports today they would quickly realize that the children of today are generally sicker than what us old geezers were when we were the same age.  There is an explanation to this and it is well documented but parents continue to deliberately ignore all of the warnings that the medical field has given concerning these issues.  The amount of general exercise and activities that the children of today are exposed to has dwindled tremendously and we are beginning to see the results of this inactivity in their physical lives. 

Medication usage in children is off the charts along with numerous autoimmune diseases becoming prevalent and the overall health of the western child in combination with genetics has decreased significantly over the past few decades.  All of these issues combined have placed our children in a huge risk category for their lives to be shortened mainly because we have not taught them that they need to expose their bodies to the world’s environment in order to strengthen their own defenses.  I am not saying to allow them to expose them to the ideas and concepts of the world, which we are allowing anyway, but what I am referring to is concerning their physical bodies and not what they would deem as being social.

There is a comparison here that we need to understand and that is when the spiritual conditions of the body slide the next step in the pathway is for the physical condition to follow suit.  It does not matter if you go to church or if you believe in God or not, the same is current for all mankind because of the potential we all have to do what God wants throughout the world.  It is this concept that we need to constantly examine within our lives and to ask God to show us the areas that are damaging to our spiritual lives so that He can heal and that we can function as a whole entity once again.

Do you believe that our spirit can get the “spiritual flu bug?”  Hopefully your answer is “yes” to that question.  And do you know what it means to your spiritual system?  If your answer is “no” then you need to know that you are infected and that your spiritual condition has been weakened enough to confine you to your spiritual home, which is the pews of the church.  A person can have both spiritual pews and physical pews and from what a person who is looking can tell we have done a pretty good job of sitting down and not being actively engaging the world in order to strengthen our spiritual immunity.

Look at the churches of today and notice what is transpiring within them.  Are the ministers of most churches attacking the world with their sermons and challenging their congregations to go out and to do what Christ commanded us to do?  Here is an example that I find common today but yet it is a dangerous method that has no place within the church.

I hear a lot of churches and church groups saying that they are helping the poor within their community.  Most of us have read about all of the scandals that are occurring within the Catholic Church.  One of the more specific problems is within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to which it has resulted in many changes, firings, re-structuring and it has even caused the pope to transfer the Archbishop of Denver to Philadelphia in order to stop the proverbial bleeding. 

However in all of this mess I was reading an article about all of the charities, food banks, soup kitchens, and medical clinics that the Archdiocese was providing for the inner city people of Philadelphia.  Upon completion of reading the article my mind thought of a few specific areas that troubled me so I reread the article just to make sure I had not overlooked those details.  Sure enough I had not missed any details and even though it seemed like the Archdiocese was doing a good deed, which they were in many eyes, my heart sank because the article had either deliberately left out this detail or that the Archdiocese representatives at these functions did not perform this vital part.  This vital part that was left out is the message of Christ to those people.  Was there opportunities taken with these people to tell them that God loves them and that He sent His son so that we may have true freedom through Him?

We hear many times that church organizations do many works throughout their local communities and even faraway places but hardly do we ever hear about the message of Christ being given to the people that they are doing good deeds for.  The good deeds of these groups do come from the heart but it is necessary as we are providing the instructions of how to be healthy but we are refusing to give them the inoculation that will provide these people with the ability to live abundantly, both in spiritual terms and in physical conditioning.

The church has sat back and spiritually horded the inoculation that the world needs in order for them to heal their land.  We go out to them and pacify their needs with worldly goods and then call it a day.  While these actions are noble and most likely come from the heart of those who participate, they are acting in reality as actors for Christ and doers of what He instructed us to do.  By hording the true inoculation church members have become immune to what the inoculation actually gives due to the fact that we have injected ourselves so much instead of sharing the inoculation with others our systems have become ineffective.  For an antibiotic to work correctly the patient must take the right amount, take it for the correct amount of time and follow the directions of the physician completely.  The church has received its dosage but has failed to follow the physician’s directions completely.

See when we are continually fed the words that are necessary for us to live by and we do not do anything with these words, then we are spiritually immature and act accordingly towards the world.  We are not any more than babies ourselves since we are voluntarily sitting around and not giving these life giving words to the world.  When we are fed we must use up the energy that we have been given so that it does not eventually cause harm within our lives.  The same concept is true spiritually in that the spiritual words that we have been given need to be injected into those who do not understand so that they may grow and that we may grow as well.

God’s commands for His church are clear and we have sat and ignored His directions for centuries.  Look around us, read the newspapers, watch the news, go on any social network and what do you see?  A world that has been given a worldly handout yet is spiritually sick and close to death, all because we have not followed the physician’s orders completely.  Yes, we need to help as many people as we can, build churches, schools, houses, water facilities.  But we do not need to stop there; we need to provide these spiritually dying people with the one inoculation that will provide them with spiritual life and vitality once again.  We cannot afford to leave this part, the important part, out of our provisions.  The world offers these same provisions to people and look what conditions the people continue to live in. 

God calls us to be different and unusual and this is one of the reasons why.  The Church is struggling because we are sitting around and not doing what Jesus told us to do.  A half deed or project is just that, half done.  We need to completely follow what God has commanded us to do so that others may truly understand what is going on around them and what is at stake.  Restore that commitment with God and He will allow you to take all of the spiritual steps necessary in order to once again inoculate those with the knowledge of spiritual healing. 

God’s words represent action to the fullest and that means sharing what is the truth and not sit back and watch the world die because they are yet babes that do not understand why you are handing out these gifts to them.  Do not fall into the same category spiritually as they are by denying the true message of Christ.  It is not the job of the minister or a certain amount of people in the church to complete this mission, it is all of ours and we must grow up enough and expose our spirits to the world for us to realize that we have the authority to inoculate these people with the spiritual antibiotics that will allow them to survive the attacks that come their way.  I will go so far to say that deeds without God are useless and even heretical in nature.  There is a reason God needs us to spread His message to the world, and it is not just through food or deeds but by the spoken word that Jesus saves.

Please think about this and then apply it to our lives on a daily basis.  God loves each one of us and there is only one way for people to know this and that is through our words to them about Christ.


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