Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Heed His Advice

Heed His Advice


We humans love to make sure that things progress according to our plans and ways of thinking.  This process that we formulate and then execute from our minds and hearts give us our daily functions that society needs to thrive.  These activities are what make us humanity, both the good things and the bad things.  Each day we have a choice to what extent we are going to live our life, yet we read in the news that someone has acted foolishly once again which makes the world turn even angrier.

Our choice to believe in God or not to believe in Him is probably the greatest gift that we have ever been given.  This option was seduced and then manipulated and ripped apart in the garden when we made the choice to choose self over God.  Then God had to execute the master stroke of all plans to bring us the ultimate choice in our lives and it all completes the cycle of choosing either God or our own ways when He sent His son to die for us.

Given this information along with all of the human stories within the Bible, it becomes clear that no matter what is occurring in our world or our surroundings we always have a choice to choose God or to believe in our finite ways.  It is also very clear to us that God will always provide a means of escape for the things that we choose to do our own way all the while providing us enough time to change our ways and turn back towards Him.

These examples of grace have been in the form of minor tragedies or they have come by way of messengers that God has chosen to get His message out to the people.  Humans have responded to these warnings with scoffing and ridicule instead of heeding the advice that God has for His people.  We see this pattern all throughout the Bible and human history and today the messages from God are coming at a steady pace and yet the human race continues its ridicule and ignorance towards these messages.

A few times in my life I have faced some circumstances that I have ended up making some ridiculous statements, all of us have done this.  But I remember one time when I was discussing an issue with my parents and I made this statement; If God wanted me to do this then He must physically come down and tell me.  Plus, He would have to show me some type of identification first in order to prove His identity.  Sounds quite silly doesn’t it?  But in all honesty how many times a day do we say something like this to Him, it may not be in a verbal manner but in some method of our daily life we must say this without even thinking about it.

Choosing our way of things means just that.  The choice is black and white and this line cannot be moved or blended in together to form another marginal color.  God has chosen our lives as the beacon upon which all creation exists and it is our responsibility to fulfill this calling each time we inhale and exhale.  The only way to which we can accomplish this task is to understand and to recognize God as our creator and that His ways are the only ones that can ever bring us to a full and holy life.  Our humanly choices are wicked and they cannot be changed from this stance unless God is in complete control of our lives.  Does this mean that if we turn our lives over to God that we will become error free?  No way!!  But by choosing God over our own indulgences we will live life to its fullest and will reap the glorious rewards according to God’s promises.

It is evident that humanity is turning its back towards God and snubbing their noses at Him without any remorse.  This is a dangerous course for it creates an atmosphere of self reliance which brings a limited scope of possibilities when things occur.  This action is accepted by God and is allowed to continue because He has given us that choice within our lives.  God also understands that He can allow this action to continue for a certain amount of time and then because of His Holy nature and justice is obligated to respond to our decisions that go against Him and His ways.  Not as a way of punishment but an act out of love just as a parent disciplines their child when they do wrong.  It is a way of getting their attention so that they might look at their paths and turn before things become worse.  These worse paths are not due to God but due to the decisions that man has made without God being the center of those decisions.

God is once again telling us to heed His advice and to listen to those who are saying to watch out.  God wants us to see the paths that we have embraced and have chosen in order to try and make things better for the world.  These paths might seem intelligent enough to believe and to follow, but in the end only discourse and destruction will occur within these walls.  It is time that we turn back to the Bible and study its words once again with an open heart so that we may hear what God is telling society.  It is VERY important that we do this action now and then return to our knees and repent for our misguided efforts. 

God wants to restore our status as a Godly nation once again, and it is His desire for the entire world to be known as such.  I find it fascinating that God never refers to the physical when He is trying to get our attentions about our choices.  He will use physical examples in order for us to “see” the results but His warnings are solely directed towards our spirits and the spiritual capacity that is present within our lives.  There is a reason for this for He knows that it is our spirit that He gave us that will live eternally and not our physical bodies as we know it today. 

It has been made very clear to all of humanity that God is trying His best to get us to wake up.  Unusual events are happening throughout our world and if one watches enough they will understand that something big is about to occur.  How many more small instances are we going to have?  I have no idea but I do know that God will continue His course of trying to get our attention in this present manner until He deems it necessary to step up the warnings.  These warnings will come in many ways and no way left unabated. 

Let us listen to our spirits when these things occur and then allow God to open our eyes to what is really transpiring in our world.  Do not blow them off as nature or freak accidents even though they may look like it at first glance, but seek the inner meaning within our lives so that we may understand what God is trying to warn us about.  It is not that He desires to strike fear into our lives but it is out of hope and love for His children that He must warn us before our own destruction becomes a reality.  Remember God has to warn us according to our attention standards and if we are not paying attention at all, those warnings can be devastating at times. 

God loves you and He wants you to be restored back unto Him.  Turn from our ways and He will heal our land means that He sees that our land is bad while we yet claim its barrenness.  Look deep into your heart and see what angers God and then ask Him to take it away and to change us for His glory.  You want answers to the world’s problems?  Heed God’s advice now and He will show us everything that we need to do in order to survive this crazy world.  Heed not His advice and we will succumb to the ways of our own liking and to the wilds of the world and its governor.


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