Friday, June 14, 2013

Hearing the War Drums

Hearing the War Drums


What is a reason for humans to go to war?  That is a question that is being asked almost everyday in many places on our globe, yet it is a relative question that needs to be answered in order to make a decision concerning the current state of world affairs.  Then we have found out that no matter what the answer is to that question there will be those that do not like the answer and refuse to accept it as reality.  Most people would agree that if someone declares war on you that it would be in your best interest to prepare yourself, but it is also known that many people to not know that a war has been declared upon them and blindly walk through life about what is occurring to them.

I guess it is my war-like mentality that God is using to get across His message of being prepared for attacks.  This article will be another topic that deals with knowing your enemy and knowing your place in the spiritual realm.  As I have stated in previous articles I do like war and yet it fascinates me to see what the human mind can do to another human but I do not condone war and wish never to witness it again, ever.  However, I know that this is a dream and that when the day ends another rumor or actual conflict will present itself to the world.  So if a person understands that another physical war is going to occur, why is it so hard for us to realize this in the spiritual realm as well?

As we watch all of these conflicts begin and escalate we hear about how things have been boiling for some period of time and that eventually one specific event broke the camel’s back and shooting began.  In most physical wars accusations will fly from both sides trying to manipulate the world for sympathy and to justify the actions that are being portrayed.  Once again people around the world will differ with their opinions and will either defend or accuse the participants for the ongoing acts.

In some countries the state of war can be initiated by one person or in some instances no approval needs to be present at all.  Many conflicts have been started centuries ago and are continuing without any forward progress of peace within their communities, states, or nations.  This is a common theme in the Middle East where the wars have been fought for millennia and not just for a years.  Still other types of long term engagements are coming to the forefront as well, even though it seems like on the surface there is no real reason why destruction to lives is needed. 

In other countries or regions a certain amount of pressure from elected officials has to be in place before any major decision can be made concerning war issues.  In this country congress actually has to approve and vote on the actual declaration of war yet in some cases only the President needs to say so in order to send troops over to fight.  It is not hard to imagine the complications that this issue presents since this policy has recently been tested throughout the world. 

It seems like that no matter if there is an actual declaration of war given to factions, groups, nation or nations the shooting will occur after some type of communication process has been granted by one of the participants of the soon to be conflict.  We are seeing this with a certain nation in our world today which places the world in an uncomfortable position even though the calls may be a bluff.  This tactic is a dangerous game but must be taken seriously in order to be prepared for the worst.

In every situation that I have used as an example there are hundreds more like them both in the past and future ones that can be used.  It does not matter how the intentions of war are presented to others what counts is that whoever declares their feelings and wishes in this manner against others has effectively issued a declaration of war and those that are on the receiving end of this declaration should be expecting some type of action soon.

However, there are those that will not believe the warnings and will continue to ignore these signals simply because they do not believe that there is any cause for alarm.  The ones who make the declaration understand this are well aware that this type of activity will abode well with their plans for the attacked place after they have won the battles and war.  Division is a perfect ploy that aggressors use to disturb and to gain access to the home front of other participants in the war and it is used with astounding success without having to produce one ounce of sweat for this accomplishment.

Turning now to the position of personal war and how this battle tactic is played out in our lives.  Let me start off by informing you that you are in a war.  Whether you wish to choose to accept it or not war has been declared upon your life and you need to understand that it really does not matter if you accept this fact or not, the war is being thrown at you and will infect and infiltrate every aspect of your life.  You are the hated enemy that our enemy sees each and every second of time.  He hates you so much that his only concern is for you to die and to rid you off the face of the earth and he does not care how he does it, and it helps his infiltration process tremendously when a person assists him in accomplishing his goals. 

A good example of not knowing you are at war happened during World War II.  Finland and Germany had been having skirmishes between each other from around October 1944.  In February of the next year it was “discovered” that no formal declaration of war had ever been made with Germany.  And on 1 March 1945 Finland officially declared war with Germany since 15 September 1944.  In other words these countries had been shooting at each other without knowing that a war was ongoing, is this really the case?

I heard a Catholic priest once say that terrorists should not be taken lightly and that there is nothing good about terrorism and it is our job to weed out all terrorist cells from doing any harm to humans.  Then he made another statement that goes like this, “Satan is a terrorist.”  Now, with all of the terrorist activities in the world today most of us can relate to what the priest is conveying to us but do we really believe that our enemy will harm “me” or someone in my family?  Guess what, he already has and he wants nothing less than to completely destroy your life.  We have read and watched about how serial killers, bombers, war results, etc have made claims to their victories and how grotesque that these thought can be but what we tend to forget, because of our dabbling with his ways, is that our enemy does not have mementos hanging from his walls stating his accomplishments.  His methods and ideas are so vile and heinous that after he has completely destroyed your life from the inside out and you are no longer present on this earth, he erases your memory from his radar and tosses you away as trash. 

It does not matter what you have done or will do while you are alive, but it is the potential that you have to affect his kingdom with the ability to realize the truth which he despises.  So even though our enemy has not physically sent you an email stating you and him are at war, understand that he declared war on humanity way back when and you are included in the humanity portion of that document.  There is no getting around this fact and it is our duty to understand that this war is ongoing and that it does not take too much effort to look around and see the artillery shells landing about your surroundings.

Another good example of knowing that a war has not ended is one that is currently presenting itself once again.  The Korean War cease fire took effect in 1953 but no peace treaty was ever signed.  So, technically the two countries and their allies are still fighting.  Even though you might not be facing attacks right at this moment please understand that your spiritual hostilities or physical ones for that matter can arise within a moment because even though there is a lull there is no peace treaty between us and our enemy and there never shall be either.

If you care to consider this as a call to arms then so be it.  But in order for you to combat against these attacks you must know how to defend yourself and the only way to do this is to turn to God and to understand that His words are the only measure by which we can survive.  We need to study the word of God and know that if we continue in our own selfish ways that destruction will be poured upon our existence.  Yet if we heed the words of God and turn back to Him we will find peace and happiness once again and the attacks of the enemy will be thwarted with little or no damage done.

The war for your spiritual life has begun and soon, if not already, the artillery shells will begin to fall in your neck of the woods; this includes everyone not just a specific group of people.  Be prepared or your society will vanish within a short period of time.  There is still an opportunity for things to be corrected and halted, do not hesitate for tough times are ahead if we do not heed this message.  The physical war drums are pounding louder because they are coming closer and the spiritual war drums are just as loud.  Do not ignore them your spiritual ears hear them for a reason.  God loves you so much and He has prepared a battle plan, it is up to you to accept it. 


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